Why wrinkles under the eyes appear at 30 and how to remove them

About skin problems at 30 years old

There can be many options for problems at the age of 30. If there are no chronic diseases or pathologies in the acute stage, problems may include hypersensitive skin, rosacea, pigmentation, early wrinkles, and post-acne.

It is important to take into account all the factors that provoke the listed conditions:

  • seasonality;
  • Lifestyle;
  • heredity;
  • general somatic conditions and diseases of the dermis that require special treatment;
  • hormone failure, lack of vitamin D and beneficial elements.

All people are individual. Therefore, not only a consultation is important, but also an examination and a detailed medical history of the patient. You must understand that there are no unified treatment regimens; the work of a cosmetologist can safely be called a creative process. Women at 30 and beyond want to “stop time” and always look young and healthy. This applies not only to the fairer sex; in the 21st century, many men also take care of themselves.

World history of rejuvenation

The history of the fight against expression wrinkles around the eyes at home covers not only a huge period of time, but all countries and even continents. After all, women lived everywhere, and they all wanted to stay young.

How ancient Egyptians removed expression wrinkles around the eyes

The ancient Egyptians believed that the best way to get rid of wrinkles was an oil called “Old Woman to Girl.”

The main ingredient of this ointment was the annual plant “Fenugreek” (another name is “Shambola”). Preparation of the oil was divided into three stages:

The first stage is collection
  • Flower inflorescences were collected;
  • The harvested “harvest” was dried in the open sun;
  • Threshed;
  • Seeds were separated from pods by hand;
  • Each part was pounded in a mortar until smooth;
  • The resulting “flour” was poured into canvas bags and hidden in a dry place.
Second stage - preparation
  • Equal parts of seed flour and pod flour were combined with water, kneaded well to the consistency of a stiff dough and shaped into a ball;
  • The “ball” was placed in pans and filled with cold water;
  • The pans were placed on medium heat and left until the water had completely evaporated;
  • As soon as the water evaporated, the pan was removed from the heat and waited for the dough to cool;
  • The cold dough was washed with river water, constantly tasting it;
  • The washing procedure ended when the water became bitter;
The third stage is the final one
  • The ball of dough was taken out into the sun and waited until it was completely dry;
  • The dried mass was ground on millstones, constantly immersed in water until it was completely softened;
  • The resulting substance was placed in a clay pot, filled with water and boiled again;
  • During the boiling process, oil drops began to collect on the surface of the water, which ancient cosmetologists poured into a masonry jar.

It was this oil that was called “Old Woman into a Girl.” Every self-respecting Egyptian woman had at least a small amount of this oil, and rubbed it into her face every day in order to prevent or quickly remove expression lines around the eyes at home.

Noble Egyptian women, despite the high cost, purchased the “elixir” in large quantities, rubbed it all over their bodies, hoping to have smooth skin in their old age, without facial wrinkles around the eyes.

How did the ancient Romans and Greeks fight wrinkles around the eyes?

The ancient Romans and Greeks attached no less importance to their beauty. To quickly remove expression lines around the eyes at home, they even had a secret ingredient that they mixed with earth and applied as a cosmetic mask against wrinkles around the eyes on the face. The beauty of ancient Roman and Greek women is known to everyone, and therefore, for many centuries, cosmetology scientists tried to guess what the notorious “secret ingredient” consisted of. Archaeologists received the answer by unearthing the “boudoir” of a noble patrician woman, on whose dressing table there was a beautiful vessel with an unknown substance reminiscent of modern cosmetic masks against expression lines around the eyes at home.

Molecular analysis showed that the composition of the miracle cure is simple - earth and crocodile dung. Yes, yes, noble patrician women even went so far as to put crocodile dung on their faces just so as not to grow old. After the first discovery, there was a second one, indicating that the mask for expression wrinkles was used not only for the face, but also for the body.

One can only guess how fragrant the famous beauties were.

Medieval beauty recipes

The Middle Ages were distinguished by their cruelty in all spheres of life; it is not surprising that morals were also reflected in beauty recipes. So, in order to quickly remove expression wrinkles around the eyes at home, beauties of that era smeared their faces with veal or chicken blood. Unfortunately, there were people with mental disorders who believed that the best way to quickly remove facial wrinkles around the eyes at home is to use human blood. Therefore, some beauties performed bloodletting on themselves and washed themselves with their own blood. But the Hungarian Countess Elizabeth (Erzhebet) Bathory de Ecid, who lived in the 15th century, went the furthest. This was a real serial killer, ordering her servants to kill and maim young girls, collecting their blood in huge fonts into which she plunged headlong.

Less famous and rich ladies, lacking blood, drank arsenic in small doses. Due to constant poisoning, their skin had a pale tint and was absolutely smooth.

Recipe for getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes of Victorian women

Victorian women were not so bloodthirsty and used ordinary mercury, applying it to their faces. This method of quickly removing expression wrinkles around the eyes at home was very popular for a long time because it really helped to quickly remove not only expression wrinkles around the eyes, but also acne and scars, as it corroded the top layer of skin. They stopped using mercury only when they learned how toxic it was.

Fighting expression lines around the eyes in 18th-century Spain

Eighteenth-century Spanish women believed that the best way to combat skin aging was to eat clay. This method smoothed the skin of the face, giving it a porcelain tint, but at the same time caused chlorosis and anemia, which, in many cases, led to the death of beauties.

Modern technologies to combat wrinkles around the eyes

Nowadays, not only women, but also men are fighting expression lines around the eyes at home, which means there is a demand for various technologies that allow one to maintain youthful skin longer. And when there is demand, offers do not take long to arrive. It is surprising that, despite the large selection of rejuvenation methods, not limited to various diets, cosmetics and procedures, beauties and handsome men, in order to quickly remove expression wrinkles around the eyes at home, no, no, and even resort to ancient, very dubious recipes – some people take out a human placenta somewhere, make masks from it for wrinkles, and some even dry it and eat it, others put leeches on their faces, others drink their own blood.

Of course, adherents of unconventional methods to quickly remove facial wrinkles around the eyes at home, in most cases hide their addiction, but ubiquitous journalists have found out some piquant details of the procedures for maintaining youth and freshness that some celebrities resort to, for example:

  • Demi Moore is crazy about leeches on her own face, she is sure that they help her maintain her youth;
  • Kim Kardashian maintains youthful skin by rubbing it with blood (journalists are silent about whose blood it is);
  • Madonna is injected with snake venom under her skin... and dozens of such examples can be cited.

Scientific approach

Science has seriously begun to study the mechanism of formation of facial wrinkles around the eyes at home and ways to combat them. Today, doctors say that it is impossible to quickly completely remove wrinkles around the eyes (especially deep ones), but it is always possible to reduce their manifestations using modern developments, such as:

  • Antioxidants;
  • Toner;
  • Moisturizers;
  • Laser procedures and other inventions of cosmetology science.

General recommendations

It is a priori known that the skin is a mirror of the state of the body. Therefore, in order for her not to age, to be alive and radiant, first of all, you should take care of your health in general, and start doing this with proper nutrition. It has long been noticed that adherents of Mediterranean cuisine develop expression lines around the eyes much later. This fact laid the foundation for the science of healthy eating, the main postulate of which is that the human diet should consist of:

  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • legumes;
  • spices;
  • olive oil.
How certain foods affect your skin

Those who care about their appearance should know that:

  • Eating meat (in particular turkey) tones the skin, prevents it from sagging, and therefore protects against the appearance of facial wrinkles around the eyes. However, there is a moderation for everything, and an excessive meat diet causes the opposite effect - a person begins to look older than his age.
  • Fish (especially salmon) is an excellent source of omega-3 fats. Like meat, it helps improve skin condition, even if a person suffers from psoriasis or dermatitis.
  • Seasonal fruits and vegetables provide the antioxidant effect needed to eliminate expression lines around the eyes at home. You should especially remember red grapes and apples - they, like no other fruit, prevent skin aging.
  • Legumes help reduce the absorption of sugars and introduce plant proteins into the body, which, unlike animal proteins, are never in abundance.
  • Spices such as ginger, horseradish, turmeric and chili pepper should not be underestimated, as they can replace salt, perfectly flavor foods and, thanks to their antioxidant properties, delay skin aging.
  • Spinach, cabbage, leeks, broccoli, soy - maintain vitamin balance in the body.

A prerequisite is to consume all of the listed foods, as well as dried fruits, tomatoes, leafy vegetables, carrots, eggs and citrus fruits in small quantities, constantly diversifying the diet.

"Enemies" of the skin

Apart from dermal diseases and mechanical damage, the skin has two main enemies - lack of sleep and stress:

  • When a person does not get enough sleep, his body begins to produce cortisol, which destroys the skin at the cellular level. During rest, the facial muscles relax and the skin becomes smooth. Sleeping on your back smoothes out wrinkles on the cheeks and chin, sleeping on your stomach helps get rid of wrinkles on the forehead.
  • Stress is the second enemy of beauty, and all because, as with lack of sleep, at the moment of stress, cortisol is produced in the body. In addition, on a purely physical level, when worried, every person wrinkles, which also leads to the appearance of facial wrinkles. Therefore, the longer the stressful situation, the more the facial skin suffers - expression lines and deep wrinkles appear around the lips, on the forehead and between the eyebrows. To reduce stress and “calm your skin,” you can try meditation.

Meditation for stress relief
  • Sit on a chair with your hands on your knees (you can sit on the floor with your legs crossed “Turkish style”). Close your eyes and focus your attention on reciting the mantra “Inhale love, exhale fear.” When your consciousness calms down, place one hand on your stomach and begin to breathe deeply.
  • Practice deep breathing - hand on stomach, eyes closed. Inhale slowly through your nose, imagining that a huge balloon is growing in your stomach, then slowly exhale through your mouth, feeling as if your whole body is deflating.

Note. And a few minutes a day will be enough, the main thing is to meditate regularly.

Important! A slow walk, a hot bath with a few drops of lavender and candles around are the best things a person can do for their skin. Do not neglect such inexpensive, but very pleasant gifts for yourself.

Actions to Prevent Wrinkles

Several main components that slow down the appearance of age-related wrinkles:

  1. Sun protection. It has been proven that the main cause of wrinkles on the face is sun rays, so when leaving home, apply sunscreen to your face and exposed skin. It is better to use a broad-spectrum cream (UVA and UVB) of at least 30 SPF, but there is no need to use SPF above 50. Always apply cream to your face, even on a cloudy day. Constantly protecting your skin not only prevents wrinkles, but also reduces the risk of cancer. On the beach, you can apply sunscreen every 2 hours.

Important! Some people think that tanning is a natural protection against ultraviolet radiation - this is not true, and tanned skin needs protection from the sun's rays.

  1. Cleansing the skin - wash your face two to three times a day. If you do this less often, the skin becomes oily, if more often, it becomes dry. In both cases, existing wrinkles become deeper, and new ones will quickly appear. People over 40 years old should wash their face twice a day - in the evening using detergent, and in the morning rinse their face with cool water.
  2. Limiting sugar intake - it has been proven that sugar, when entering the body, causes a process called “glycation”, the end product of which (AGE) causes skin aging, destroying the collagen contained in it. This is why sweet tooth lovers, by the age of forty, have a wrinkled and flabby face.
  3. Refusal from frying and grilling - despite the fact that, for example, grilled chicken does not contain sugars, its consumption is also accompanied by glycation, so for those who care about their skin, it is better to replace frying and grilling with boiling and baking.
  4. Stopping smoking is no secret - smoking is bad for your health, in general. But many smokers do not suspect that addiction to tobacco sooner or later affects the skin of the face. A study was conducted in Italy - they took 79 pairs of twins, in which one of the twins smoked and the other did not. The study was conducted twice, five years apart (not such a long period). The changes in the appearance of the smokers were amazing - they all aged, their faces were dotted with fine wrinkles, while the non-smoking “halves” did not change at all.
  5. Use coconut oil - this natural emollient fills the gaps in the epidermis, due to which wrinkles are smoothed out. In addition, coconut oil retains moisture well, which means it “holds” the contour of the face, which is also important.
  6. Increase the content of beta-carotene in the skin - this substance blocks the penetration of ultraviolet radiation, protecting the skin from drying out and the appearance of deep wrinkles. Conveniently, you don’t have to look for creams that contain beta-carotene. This product can be purchased at a pharmacy and taken orally, up to 30 mg. in a day. Within a week, your facial skin will become smooth – fine wrinkles will disappear completely, and deep wrinkles will be smoothed out by 40%.
  7. Drinking tea with lemon balm is a new word in the fight against wrinkles, especially popular among politicians and people working at night. It was the work schedule that inspired the “writing brethren” to drink tea at night, which can not only dispel sleep, but also smooth out wrinkles. At first it was barley leaf tea, and it was believed that a better remedy could not be invented. But then tea with lemon balm came onto the “scene”, and it turned out that it smooths out wrinkles many times better than barley tea, since it not only makes the skin elastic, but improves the condition of damaged tissues.

Why do wrinkles appear under the eyes?

As you age, your body stops taking in some nutrients. Therefore, calcium begins to be washed out, and the amount of protein and collagen produced decreases. The skin loses firmness and elasticity. Its cells begin to renew more slowly, which is why wrinkles appear.

A person often expresses emotions through facial expressions; many facial muscles are involved. There are few of them near the eyes, so the dermis has little support in this part. This contributes to the early formation of wrinkles. During this period, many processes occur:

  • decreased elasticity;
  • deepening of facial wrinkles, formation of folds or creases;
  • the appearance of a “smile line” near the eyes in a calm state;
  • increased skin dryness;
  • pores expand and become more noticeable.

Skin aging begins after 20 years. If you carry out procedures during this period, you can cause harm. You need to know how to care for your skin after 30 years. At this age, it is formed and ready to receive nutrients. It's never too late to start caring, the procedures do not require effort, anyone can do them.

Care depending on skin type

The choice of products depends on many factors - not only on age, but also on the characteristics of the skin. Dry dermis requires very delicate handling and additional nourishment; in the case of oily and combination dermis, special attention must be paid to cleansing.

There is a simple tissue test. After cleansing with a gentle cleanser, wait 2 hours. Then apply the paper to your face.

If you are prone to dryness

If the sheet remains clean, it is better to clean it with milk or hydrophilic oil; it is recommended to abandon the mechanical scrub.

Normal type

There are minor marks of fat - this is the result of the test. All stages of facial skin care after 30 are necessary: ​​foam, tonic, emulsion, cream. Both specialized and universal products are suitable.

Oily skin

Test results: traces are clearly visible throughout the entire area of ​​the napkin. Particular attention must be paid to cleansing and scrubbing - this prevents the pores from becoming clogged and inflamed. It is better to give preference to formulations without oil.


Spots only on the nose, chin and forehead. Dry cheeks, enlarged pores on the forehead, nose and chin. It is recommended to avoid cosmetics containing oil and use mattifying wipes for problem areas.

The role of proper nutrition in skin care

Proper nutrition will help fight old age. Some types of foods contain a large amount of useful substances that are well absorbed in the body. They provide the necessary energy. The body does not experience overeating, so it will not:

  • pressure changes;
  • irritation;
  • headaches.

The muscles are relaxed, the face is not tense. Therefore, folds do not appear on it and wrinkles do not form.

Vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of fiber, which normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. It will help remove toxins from the body. In addition, vitamins and nutrients promote protein and collagen production and help maintain skin structure. Therefore, proper nutrition will slow down the aging process and help maintain beauty and attractiveness longer.

Which cosmetics to choose

To avoid mistakes, disappointments and waste, follow these principles:

  • listen to the advice of your cosmetologist;
  • purchase products that match your data;
  • It is better to take products in combination (tonic, cleansing gel and moisturizer from the same series perfectly complement each other and provide the best effect).

If you still have questions about which products from the store’s assortment are best suited for facial skin after 30, ask a consultant.

Use the best products, love yourself and remain beautiful for many years to come.

Prevention of early skin aging

To prevent early skin aging, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. For example, morning jogging, exercises and hardening. You need to exercise several times a day. After physical activity:

  • the blood will be distributed in the body, with it the organs and muscles will receive more oxygen;
  • metabolism will occur faster;
  • cells will be renewed.

Therefore, the aging of the body slows down.

You need to exercise and massage your face every day. There are many exercises, they do not require effort. They need to be done for a few minutes every day.

Scrubs and peelings

Getting rid of the upper stratum corneum is very useful both at a young age and after the age of thirty. But the older we get, the more careful we should be with our dermis. Therefore, it is better to prefer chemical effects to mechanical effects. Instead of coffee, almond crumbs and other rough particles that exfoliate dead cells, it is better to use acids. The essence is the same - peeling removes what is dead, but more delicately, without injuring, scratching or requiring intense friction. Fortunately, there is a huge selection of cleansers with a peeling effect.

Daily skin care

There are many ways you can maintain your health. The complex should consist of cosmetics that contain active substances. Procedures must be carried out every day. Basically, you need to wash your face, tone, nourish and moisturize your skin:

  1. Cleansing should be done in the morning and evening. You can use any cosmetic products, but they must be selected according to your skin type without aggressive sulfates to avoid an allergic reaction. The dermis should be massaged slowly, without stretching. After this, dry with a towel, do not rub, press lightly.
  2. Toning should be done 2 times a day immediately after washing. This soothes possible skin irritations and restores normal acid levels. For this procedure, you can use a simple tonic or thermal water. You need to soak a napkin or cotton pad with the product and apply it to your face.
  3. Hydration should be carried out for several minutes. You can use any serum. You should slowly stroke your face from top to bottom and from the center to the sides. After the massage, apply the serum, making the same movements. This will improve skin tone and improve complexion. You can wear masks that contain hyaluronic acid several times a week.
  4. Meals should be provided at least once a day. You can use nourishing creams that contain substances that restore the hydrolipid layer after many environmental influences.
  5. Peeling should be done once a week to cleanse the skin of the dry layer, because its particles can clog pores. The epidermal tissue is renewed and breathes freely.
  6. Makeup removal should be done correctly. After removing makeup, particles remain in the pores and folds of the skin. They are invisible, but due to them, inflammatory processes may appear. These particles can clog pores, preventing the absorption of nutrients. You need to use gels, micellar water or milk to remove makeup.

It is necessary to take care of your body skin every day after 30.

You need to know how to care for the skin of your neck after 30, because it is often exposed to many influences. Therefore, the first wrinkles appear on the skin of the neck. Recommended:

  • do massages;
  • use cream with collagen and hyaluronic acid.

This will help give firmness and elasticity. It is necessary to pay attention to products that contain a concentration of fruit acids (malic, lactic, citric, glycolic) and vitamin C. They:

  • gently cleanse;
  • give a healthy complexion;
  • remove age spots.

Girls and women with sensitive skin should consult a dermatologist. Because products containing strong acids or harsh abrasive particles can be harmful.

Features of the structure of the skin around the eyes

The appearance of wrinkles around the eyes is due to the anatomical features of the area, a number of age-related changes in normal structures, as well as negative influences from the environment.

Due to its structural features, the skin of the periorbital area is more susceptible to aging and this is where we see the first signs of age-related changes.

  • Thin epidermis , consists of only 2-3 rows of spinous cells (in other areas 8-15), the granular layer is absent, and the stratum corneum is very thin.
  • There is also an advantage: the thin epidermis ensures rapid and deep penetration of active ingredients.
  • The skin of the eyelids is quite reactive and prone to allergic reactions, and contains a large number of mast cells. Products for the area around the eyes should be chosen only from proven brands and hypoallergenic.
  • A small number of sebaceous glands , they are monocotyledonous and concentrated along the edge of the eyelids and in the corners of the eyes - the skin around the eyes is more prone to dryness and dehydration.
  • The pH of the skin in the periorbital zone is higher and leans towards the alkaline side - less protection against inflammatory processes.
  • The dermis of the periorbital zone is thin , the papillary layer is poorly defined. There is little collagen, elastin fibers are poorly developed, there is no subcutaneous fatty tissue, which provokes earlier aging

Fighting deep wrinkles

With age, the skin loses firmness and elasticity. Therefore, wrinkles become deep. In order to fight them, you need to follow several rules:

  1. To prevent swelling on your face in the morning, you need to drink a small amount of liquid at night. For example, a glass of water or a cup of tea 2 hours before bedtime. There will be no excess fluid in the body, so swelling will not appear.
  2. You need to use a protective cream that stimulates collagen production. It will give a healthy complexion, smooth skin texture and get rid of fine wrinkles.
  3. To protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation, you must use decorative cosmetics that contain an SPF filter. This is also important if a person spends a long period of time at the computer.
  4. For greater effect, you should purchase facial serums. You can use them together with creams. These products contain a high concentration of biologically active substances, so they are quickly absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin.
  5. You need to wear masks with vitamins at least 2 times a week.
  6. Carry out procedures with professional cosmetologists several times a month. In addition to skin care, they can develop a program to effectively maintain skin health.
  7. Perform lymphatic drainage facial massage several times a year. It improves blood circulation in the vessels of the skin, giving it tone and removing small wrinkles.

These procedures are simple and anyone can do them. They will help you maintain youth and attractiveness longer.

Rules for choosing decorative cosmetics for makeup

Decorative cosmetics can have both positive and negative effects on the health and condition of changing skin. Some important tips:

  • Give preference to mineral cosmetics. They contain no artificial components. Minerals have soothing properties;
  • Avoid using silver eyeshadow. Recommended use: matte shadows and mascara;
  • Use a moisturizing and light product as a makeup base;
  • Choose decorative cosmetics that suit your skin type (oily, dry, etc.).

Your makeup should be aimed at highlighting your natural beauty and hiding age-related changes. The less decorative cosmetics are used for this, the better.

Why regular skin care is important

In a person over 30 years of age:

  • the body stops accumulating certain nutrients;
  • the amount of elastin and collagen produced decreases.

Therefore, cell restoration processes slow down. As a result:

  • the skin becomes flabby and loses tone;
  • swelling appears;
  • The first wrinkles form.

If you rarely take care of the skin, the blood will not be distributed in the body. The dermis will receive less oxygen, the metabolism will slow down. The skin loses its firmness and elasticity. Therefore, you need to take care of your skin both after 30 years and at an older age, every day. She needs help constantly, not only to protect, but to moisturize and restore.

Aging is a natural process that exists in nature. It can be slowed down; for this you need to know how to care for your skin and what procedures to carry out. For example, lead a healthy lifestyle, wash your face, tone, nourish and moisturize.

How to remove wrinkles without injections effectively and permanently

In reality, three factors can be influenced to correct wrinkles around the eyes:

  1. Reduce the impact of aggressive external factors on the skin.

These include the use of sunscreens to protect against UV rays and the use of antioxidants to eliminate free radical stress.

  1. Slow down degradation and stimulate metabolic and synthetic processes in the skin.

For example, the use of signaling molecules and complexes that trigger the synthesis of dermal matrix components by fibroblasts. Examples of this kind of molecules are Peptides, Plant Stem Cells and other patented complexes.

  1. Reducing facial activity due to relaxation of facial muscles.

To solve this problem in cosmetology the following are used:

  • Botulism toxin (botulinum toxin) is a powerful paralytic poison
  • Synthetic peptides with botulinum toxin-like effects.

Synthetic peptides with botulinum-like action. The most famous founder of the group is Argireline; several botulinum-like peptides have now been synthesized, working on the same principle - temporary blockade of acetylcholine receptors and impulse prevention, as a result of which muscle contraction also becomes impossible.

The advantage of synthetic peptides is the complete absence of side effects. When applied to the skin, the muscle relaxant effect does not occur immediately, but after about 3-5 days and reaches a maximum by the 28th day of use.

The optimal choice for the appearance of wrinkles between the ages of 25 and 35.


In this case, “cocktails” of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, antioxidants, oligoelements and other substances beneficial to the skin are injected subcutaneously. This course procedure: 4-5 sessions with an interval of 7-10 days. Mesotherapy maintains the hydration of the skin at the required level, and also performs a healing function - with its help, acne is treated and age spots are eliminated.


Causes of fine wrinkles

With age, a number of changes occur in the body, which cannot but affect the skin. First of all, a gradual slowdown in metabolism leads to a decrease in the synthesis of new cells and a significant reduction in the natural regeneration of the skin. In addition, hormonal changes and decreased estrogen production reduce the number of fibroblasts, cells involved in the synthesis of essential substances such as collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. The latter ensures a normal level of skin hydration from the inside, attracting and retaining fluid in the intercellular space, and collagen and elastin are protein compounds that form the natural framework of the skin and are responsible for the level of elasticity of the epidermis. Thus, the reduction in the production of these elements becomes the first reason for the formation of a network of fine wrinkles.

One of the common causes of skin folds, furrows and creases is facial activity - contraction of the facial muscles. Helping us demonstrate emotions, the facial muscles contract every time we smile, frown, or squint our eyes. These actions are almost impossible to control, and over time, wrinkles appear on the skin, which are commonly called expression lines.

Other common causes of the formation of a network of fine wrinkles are:

  • excessive insolation
  • insufficient skin hydration
  • sudden change in body weight
  • impact of negative external factors
  • unfavorable ecology
  • smoking and drinking alcohol

It is worth noting that insufficient sleep, frequent stress and unhealthy diet, which are constant companions in the lives of most modern people, also have a negative impact on the condition of the skin, provoking the early manifestation of age-related changes, including wrinkles of various localizations.

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