How to choose the best cream for bruises and dark circles under the eyes?

Male look: products for the skin around the eyes February 23, 2016, 00:00 | Ksenia Konstantinova

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Paying attention to your appearance - this ritual has long ceased to be an exclusively female prerogative. In the modern world, men take care of themselves no less than women, and this is not something shameful, because, if you remember the words of A.S. Pushkin: “You can be a sensible person and think about the beauty of your nails.” Today, every self-respecting man wants to look well-groomed and fresh, and the condition of his eyes plays an important role in achieving this goal. That is why we are in a hurry to introduce you to skin care products around the eyes.

Eye serum Dior Homme Dermo System, Dior

The formula of the firming serum for the eye contour against signs of fatigue is based on the Retensium™ complex and enriched with the Cafexyl™ complex. Thanks to this combination, the skin around the eye contour is strengthened, the look becomes more expressive, bags under the eyes are reduced, and as a result, signs of fatigue disappear. Texture of the product: comfortable light cream is instantly absorbed without leaving a greasy sheen.

Homme Age Fight Eye Cream, Lancôme

This product is intended for men 30-40 years old and is a protection against oxidative stress, designed to combat the first signs of age on the skin of the eye contour. To reduce dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. The cream has a light, non-greasy and non-sticky texture that is quickly absorbed. Feeling of freshness upon application.

Intensive Anti-Fatique Eye Lift Gel-lifting, Givenchy

Intensive lifting gel for the eye area for targeted care: smoothes wrinkles, eliminates puffiness, reduces dark circles, relaxes the eye area, moisturizes and protects. The product has a double action - dark circles/puffiness and fights wrinkles. Eliminates Dark Circles/Puffiness: A combination of peptides and caffeine that stimulate microcirculation to eliminate excess fluid. Peptides stimulate lymphatic drainage to remove waste and toxins, while caffeine enhances the removal of excess fat and water, which results in swelling. Anti-wrinkle: marine collagen. Collagen is an excellent material for filling wrinkles. Covers wrinkles like a veil for an instant smoothing effect. Result: instant refreshing effect, comfort and lightness; covers the skin with an invisible veil; wrinkles are instantly smoothed out; swelling and dark circles disappear; the skin acquires tone and vitality; the protective function of the skin is enhanced.

Men Anti-wrinkle balm for the skin around the eyes, Clarins

Do you have wrinkles around your eyes? This balm with a delicate texture strengthens the skin around the eyes, smooths out wrinkles, reduces dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. Recommended to apply every evening. The non-greasy texture refreshes the skin and gives it a matte finish. Akmella: renews the structure of the dermis to improve skin elasticity. Strengthens the dermis, preventing swelling. Maritime pine: strengthens capillaries and improves microcirculation, reduces dark circles and puffiness.

MEN Revitalizing Eye Contour Cream, Shiseido

Eye care works similar to hyaluronic acid injections for effective, long-lasting results. This cream combats problems typical of the skin around the eyes: wrinkles, dryness, loss of elasticity, bags, dark circles. For a more youthful look and self-confidence. The formula contains an exclusive Bio-Complex with hyaluronic acid for the eye contour (Eye Bio-ComplexHA), which is aimed at strengthening the skin around the eyes. The product moisturizes the dermis immediately after its use and maintains the required level of hydration for 24 hours. The cream also contains a Damage Defense Complex.

Anti-stress gel for the skin around the eyes, Clinique

An eye serum that helps instantly reduce puffiness, cools and refreshes the skin, giving tired eyes a rested look. The stainless steel roll-on applicator provides a cooling effect and distributes antioxidant-rich serum across the skin. Contains caffeine and skin-soothing botanicals to help reduce puffiness and dark circles. Moisture-retaining agents, including sodium hyaluronate, attract moisture and retain it in the skin.

Force Supreme Eye Architect Eye Serum, Biotherm

The new Force Supreme Eye Architect serum instantly smoothes wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness around the eyes. The skin becomes elastic and smooth, and the look is fresher than ever. The formula of Force Supreme Eye Architect serum is based on natural active ingredients that have a powerful effect on the skin due to similar biological characteristics. Thanks to its texture, the serum penetrates deep into the skin, is well absorbed, improves the overall condition of the skin and eliminates microdamage. The convenient metal applicator with a cooling effect, created from ZAMAC alloy, allows you to easily and accurately apply the required amount of Force Supreme Eye Architect serum to the eye area. By cooling the skin, it instantly removes puffiness under the eyes.

For Men Protective eye cream, Clinique

A moisturizing cream for the eye area, which makes fine lines and wrinkles less noticeable, helps even out skin tone under the eyes (dark circles), eliminate puffiness and dryness. The combination of peptides, whey protein and white birch extract strengthens the skin, making it firmer and more elastic, increasing the production of collagen and elastin necessary to restore the skin's supporting structure. Sodium hyaluronate and a complex of lipids (squalene, barley extract and wheat germ extract) instantly help restore the skin's moisture barrier, allowing the skin to retain moisture in the inner layers and feel comfortable. Green tea extract soothes the skin and relieves irritation. Vitamins C and E protect the skin from external aggressors.

For men Eye gel, Matis

Fresh and light gel moisturizes, softens, relieves tension around the eye contour. Helps hide signs of fatigue - swelling and dark circles under the eyes. Unscented. As for the composition of the gel, it includes hemp oil, biopolymers of sweet almond oil, shea butter, wax, vitamin E and Centella Asiatica.

Comprehensive care for the skin around the eyes with a cellular complex, La Colline

Gel-cream with a light velvety texture quickly moisturizes and smoothes the area around the eyes. Strengthens microcirculation, reduces swelling. Stimulates collagen synthesis, tightens the skin and reduces the depth of wrinkles.

What skin care products does your man use in the eye area?

Ksenia Konstantinova ,

Causes and symptoms of bruises and dark circles

Important! Bruises and dark circles under the eyes most often occur under stressful conditions, emotional stress, problems with blood vessels located in the eye area, as well as a lack of vitamins and due to the development of the following pathological processes:

  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • metabolic disorders, in which the outflow of fluid and its removal from the body slows down;
  • allergic reactions;
  • accumulation of toxins in the body;
  • pathological or age-related thinning of the skin.

In most cases, bruises and circles can be removed or made less noticeable using special cosmetic and medicinal creams .
But if the problem lies in diseases of the internal organs, such disorders can only be eliminated by curing the disease, the symptom of which is such external manifestations.

Botox injection

Creams and serums eliminate only mild external defects. When the face becomes covered with deep wrinkles, cosmetic products are powerless. In such cases, Botox injections will help cope with the problem. The cosmetologist injects botulinum toxin type A subcutaneously, which temporarily paralyzes the muscles. As a result, wrinkles disappear and the skin becomes smooth and elastic. The effect lasts for 8 months.

Only doctors who have completed special courses and received the appropriate license are allowed to give Botox injections. Therefore, important attention should be paid to choosing a specialist. He must be able to accurately calculate the site for administering the drug and give the injection correctly. Otherwise, side effects and complications are possible - migraines, facial expression disorders, weakened visual acuity. But even in such cases the situation can be corrected. The fact is that botulinum toxin is gradually eliminated from the body, and after a year not even a trace remains of it, thanks to which all the consequences of a medical error disappear.

The effectiveness of creams against dark circles under the eyes

Keep in mind! There are many different types of remedies for bruises and dark circles under the eyes, and despite the general mechanism of action, they can vary greatly in composition.

The effectiveness of the drug used primarily depends on this. For example, there are such drugs for bruises: troxevasin, badyaga, heparin ointment. And sometimes they even use hemorrhoid creams, which show effectiveness in some cases.

All creams contain vitamin complexes and active substances that activate blood circulation and lymph flow, as a result of which dark circles under the eyes resolve and decrease, and dark circles begin to lighten.

This is also facilitated by the normalization of metabolic processes, as a result of which the vascular tone in the area around the eyes increases and normalizes.

Research results show that the most
effective products are those that contain the largest number of natural and herbal ingredients.
Moreover, such drugs have fewer contraindications and side effects compared to those that contain synthetic additives.

Mesotherapy for hair

Men are much more likely than women to experience hair loss, which can lead to alopecia (baldness). A trichologist will help stop the pathological process and prevent unwanted consequences. The specialist will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, after which, based on the examination results, he will find out the cause of the problem and select an effective treatment.

A timely visit to a specialist is important for a successful solution to an aesthetic problem. Therefore, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

Mesotherapy is often used as express help. The trichologist injects a solution of vitamin complexes into the scalp, which nourish the hair follicles and accelerate their growth. The specialist selects the composition of the solution for each client separately, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

A course of mesotherapy includes 10 procedures, between which there is a one-week break.

Rules for selecting creams for men and women

Know! Regardless of age and gender, drugs to eliminate bruises and circles under the eyes are selected according to certain criteria:

  1. Composition of the cream . If the packaging indicates that the product contains retinol, vitamin supplements and additional components in the form of extracts of natural herbs, you can count on the high effectiveness of the drug. It is also worth paying attention to the presence of citric acid in the composition: this substance helps lighten dark circles.
  2. The presence of substances that protect against exposure to ultraviolet radiation . Most often, dark circles under the eyes occur as a result of constant exposure to direct sunlight. And their harmful effects can be avoided by periodically applying such preparations to the skin.
  3. Creams are divided into night and day . The nighttime product has a thicker texture and lasts longer, while the daytime product is more gel-like and absorbs faster. For severe bruises and circles, for both women and men, it is advisable to use both of these products in combination, applying each of them at the appropriate time.
  4. Recently, universal drugs , which, although they cope with a number of cosmetic problems, may not be effective enough due to the low level of beneficial substances. For noticeable dark circles and bruises, it is recommended to use specialized products whose action is aimed specifically at eliminating such problems.

It is worth noting! Today, not only women, but also men use such products, so when choosing, it is important to look not only at the mark on the age for which the cream is intended.

On such drugs for whom the drug is intended also

In general, “men’s” and “women’s” creams differ only in the presence of the composition of the second increased amount of nutrients, since men’s skin is less susceptible to external influences and age-related changes, and therefore does not need such strong protection.

Elemis Men Pro-Collagen Marine Cream

Face cream for men Elemis Men Pro-Collagen Marine Cream The men's version of Pro-Collagen Marine Cream contains a super-healthy cocktail of ingredients that help skin stay healthy and youthful for as long as possible. The unique extract of Mediterranean algae padina pavonica well moisturizes and improves skin elasticity, ginkgo biloba extract tones and strengthens, the natural active component of abyssinium has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect (ideal after shaving).

Popular and effective means

Different drugs for circles and bruises differ in effectiveness, cost and composition. The most common and good products that can be found in pharmacies on the cosmetic market today are the following:

  1. Lumene Time Freeze . Lifting cream based on natural ingredients (mainly proteins of plant origin and heather extract). The product helps smooth out the upper layer of the epidermis and lighten dark circles under the eyes. The drug is applied twice a day - in the morning and before bed, rubbing a thin layer of the product into problem areas.
  2. Wish Night Eye Cream . A nighttime product that promotes skin cell renewal. The drug contains citrus fruit acid and retinol, which lighten dark circles by the morning. But to consolidate the effect, it is recommended to use the cream for several days in a row . Before applying it, be sure to cleanse your face of makeup.
  3. Visible Results L'Oreal . Day cream that relieves swelling and bruises. The product is quickly absorbed into the skin, so after using it, makeup can be applied within 10-15 minutes. To evenly eliminate skin defects, the drug is applied in a thin layer to problem areas once a day .
  4. Clinique All About Eyes . An effective drug that eliminates any skin defects, including fighting the signs of skin aging. It is recommended to use the drug over a course of two weeks ; apply the product morning and evening in an even, thin layer.
  5. Vichy Thermal Fix . Hypoallergenic cream-gel for sensitive skin. The drug gives the skin elasticity and smoothes out unevenness, eliminates bruises and lightens dark spots in the under-eye area. Used for two weeks , it is enough to apply the product once - in the morning or evening at your discretion.
  6. Mavala . Another lightweight preparation for hypersensitive skin, which helps get rid of dark circles under the eyes and helps eliminate age and expression wrinkles. Apply once a day at any convenient time. most effective under the age of 30 , when degenerative processes in the superficial and deep layers of the epidermis are not so pronounced.
  7. Korres . Night preparation for circles and bruises, which contains an increased amount of components that protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation throughout the next day.

Creams must be selected in accordance with the recommendations of cosmetologists and ophthalmologists, since the cost of the drug does not always indicate that this drug is the best.

Face cleaning

Skin care always starts with ultrasonic cleaning. The procedure tightens pores, removes dead cells and excess fat deposits, eliminates blackheads, and eliminates signs of fatigue on the face.

Before visiting a beauty salon, men need to shave. At the beginning of the session, the cosmetologist cleanses the skin with a scrub or gel. He then steams the dermis using a vaporizer. This is the name of a special device that synthesizes steam that helps open pores.

The next stage is facial treatment with a device that produces ultrasonic waves. During exposure, an almost imperceptible vibration is felt. After cleansing the face, the specialist evaluates the result. If it is not possible to get rid of blackheads using hardware, then he resorts to manual removal.

At the end of the procedure, a mask and cream are applied, which have a calming effect. But even after such treatment, redness of the skin is often observed. Therefore, you should not cleanse your face before an important meeting or other significant event. It is best to postpone the procedure until the weekend.

Reviews about the use of creams

As I’ve , dark circles have begun to appear under my eyes bruises appear under my lower eyelids (especially during periods when my sleep patterns are disrupted).

In such cases, I use special creams to eliminate the problem.

When such defects first appeared, I spent some time selecting an effective product, since I was not satisfied with all creams due to their low effectiveness.
gradually, and with the help of cosmetologists, I managed to find good day and night products , thanks to which I was able to get my skin in order.” Natalya Pronina, 39 years old.

“My job involves personal communication with the company’s clients, and I have to look perfect five days a week, and this applies not only to clothes, but also to appearance, in particular - my face should always be cheerful and fresh.

But sometimes , due to illness or poor sleep, dark circles appear , which immediately catch the eye of others.

Previously, I was not a supporter of masking such defects, and certainly did not think about using creams for circles, considering it a woman’s prerogative.

However, from an advertisement I learned that there are men’s products of this kind, and I thought: “Why not try it?”


A similar procedure is recommended for men who have grown a beer belly. It is carried out using a vacuum applicator. The device draws in the top layer of skin, cools it and breaks down fatty tissue.

When heading for cryolipolysis, you should be patient, as the procedure will take a lot of time (1-3 hours). Sometimes, after exposure to a vacuum, the skin may turn red and become covered with bruises. But the unpleasant symptoms do not last long and disappear within a month.

You should not expect instant results in transforming your figure. In order for the effect of cryolipolysis to become clearly visible, you should complete a full course of therapy, consisting of three sessions. There is a one-month break between procedures.

At the end of the therapeutic course, the stomach will become flat and elastic. To maintain the results obtained, you need to give up beer and lead a healthy lifestyle.

A well-groomed appearance is evidence of health, self-confidence and a successful career. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly visit a cosmetologist to maintain your appearance in perfect order.

Anti-aging emulsion Nuxe Men Nuxellence

Anti-aging emulsion Nuxe Men Nuxellence Firstly, Nuxellence consists of almost 92% natural ingredients, including oak and passionflower extract, and hyaluronic acid. Secondly, the product is non-comedogenic, which means that even men with sensitive skin can use it. Thirdly, this emulsion is easily distributed, quickly absorbed and immediately begins to work in the deep layers of the skin, moisturizing, toning, improving complexion and smoothing out wrinkles. After each use, the effect will become more obvious.

Erborian Ginseng Nourishing Milk

Erborian Nourishing Milk “Ginseng” Milk is a non-standard care product for men, but the most difficult thing is to persuade them to try it, after which they will not want to part with it. And all because Erborian milk with ginseng root extract moisturizes, nourishes, evens out texture, increases elasticity and firmness, and also gives an instant lifting effect day after day. The product has a prolonged and cumulative effect - this is also captivating.

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