Plasma facial rejuvenation using cosmetology devices - how to choose the best one

Many women begin to think about cosmetic procedures when the first wrinkles or age spots appear on the face, and the skin becomes flaccid. To maintain beauty, it is not necessary to undergo injections. For professional and home use there is Plasma Liner - a cosmetology device, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness. However, there are other devices with a similar effect. Find out what their features and differences are, as well as who is suitable for plasma facial skin rejuvenation.

Description of the procedure

Non-surgical plasma lifting technology is a new step in the development of cosmetology. You don't have to donate blood or overcome your fear of injections. Special devices painlessly affect the skin using plasma current, which starts the process of renewal of the dermis.

Externally, the devices resemble compact pens. Argon plasma is formed at their tips (as a result of a gas flash). Under the influence of high temperature, ionization of gaseous substances begins. Compounds that are safe for humans appear and penetrate deep into the dermis. In this case, the skin is not damaged, and the plasma works in several directions:

  • acts with light waves that contain a minimal amount of destructive ultraviolet radiation;
  • has a thermal effect, stimulating collagen production. Where plasma acts, the dermis instantly warms up to 40 °C. Its outer layer is not damaged, and the patient feels warm within a few seconds;
  • has a laser peeling effect.

Thus, plasma promotes the regeneration of the deep layers of the skin and smoothes the epidermis. Thanks to the versatile effects, the result is noticeable even after the first procedure. The skin looks more youthful and well-groomed.

Plasma capabilities

In reviews, clients confirm that plasma facial rejuvenation using the Plasma device solves a wide range of problems:

  • evens out tone;
  • smoothes expression lines;
  • tightens the oval of the face;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

A course of plasma lifting removes signs of existing age-related changes and slows down the aging process. The epidermis is leveled, the relief is smoothed, the cells are saturated with oxygen. During treatment, the inflammatory process is stopped, infections are destroyed, and damage is regenerated.

The procedure has many advantages compared to other cosmetic methods of rejuvenation. Its application:

  • does not cause pain;
  • maintains the integrity of the integument;
  • increases the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis;
  • returns a healthy matte tone and natural blush.

An important advantage of plasmolifting is the increase in the rejuvenating effect. Due to increased collagen production, skin condition improves every day. Positive dynamics are observed within 12 months.

Indications for use

Typically, plasma rejuvenation is required for women who have reached the “Balzac age” - have crossed the 30-year mark. It is in the 4th decade that the first skin changes usually become visible. However, everything is individual, so you can use a plasma liner at an earlier age. After all, it is effective not only for rejuvenation. There are no contraindications from device manufacturers in this regard.

Plasmajet will help cope with the following problems:

  • drooping skin of the upper eyelids, bruises and bags under the eyes (non-contact blepharoplasty);
  • wrinkles between the eyebrows, around the mouth, in the corners of the eyes;
  • freckles and age spots;
  • scars;
  • eczema, rosacea;
  • blackheads, acne;
  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • keratosis.

Attention! The plasma rejuvenation method is not universal. It will not help get rid of too deep wrinkles, very sagging skin, or age spots that appear with age.

Customers' opinions with before and after photos

It’s easy to find reviews about plasma facial rejuvenation online, in which girls post photos before and after the procedure. Having studied them, you can understand what amazing achievements the innovative methodology provides.

Clients of beauty salons appreciated the work of the Plasma device. Maria from Yekaterinburg shared her impressions at a local forum:

“Girls! I decided to undergo plasma rejuvenation to remove nasolabial folds and was right. After one procedure, the wrinkles smoothed out, the face became fresher, softer and more beautiful.”

Victoria from the Rostov region recommended the plasma therapy method to her friends on Facebook:

“After acne treatment, I was left with unsightly spots and scars on my cheekbones. To get rid of them, I underwent 4 plasma rejuvenation sessions. I can say that the method works, but the effectiveness appears gradually. With each new procedure, the spots became smaller, brightened and, in the end, the tone completely evened out. This is a great way to improve your appearance, be sure to try it!

Can I do it at home?

The device should only be used by a person with specialized education who knows the anatomy of the face and the features of the plasma rejuvenation technique.

For this reason, companies that sell plasma liners offer preliminary training in how to operate the device. Some distributors do not even sell devices to customers who have not completed a special course.

If you invite a qualified cosmetologist who performs procedures at home, he will be able to carry out the necessary manipulations. But remember: mistakes during plasma lifting are fraught with health problems. Therefore, take the time to go to the clinic, where an experienced professional will supervise all stages of the process.

There are relatively inexpensive devices for home use - for example, the Beauco Plasma Pen (costing about 10 thousand rubles). However, their use, as in the case of a plasma liner, also requires special knowledge.

Plasma current devices. Comparison. Questions and answers.

What is the difference between plasma current devices? Which device is better? We are asked this and other similar questions dozens of times a day. And we decided not only to answer them, but also to conduct a comparative analysis of the most popular devices on the market. To ensure that the answers to these questions are not unfounded, we purchased and compared most of the similar devices found in online stores in different price categories, from the cheapest to almost the most expensive, and thoroughly tested each of them. A detailed video report on the operation of these devices will soon appear on this page.

In the meantime, we answer questions.


Dear Colleagues. We do not consider it ethical to comment on the business and pricing policies of other companies. They probably have reasons to sell their goods at the prices indicated, tens of times higher than our value. Probably the purchase price of their device is too high. It is quite possible. After all, European and American manufacturers set the price for their goods based not only on the cost of production and the quality of the product, but also guided by such a policy, if a product is used to provide services and make a profit, it should be quite expensive. An elementary example: a cavitation apparatus that our company produces costs 50,000 rubles. A similar device made in Europe with the same technical characteristics is purchased at a dealer price of 50,000 euros. This is such a global difference. We manufacture our devices in Russia and do not believe that in this case the too high cost will be justified. We want our devices to be available to any cosmetologist, not just expensive and elite clinics.

As for our plasma lifting devices Plasma Pencil V1 and V2, they have all the same characteristics as similar devices. The only difference is in the design, manufacturer and sometimes in the power of the plasma itself. There are industrial devices for plasma cutting of metal. The power of the plasma flow in them is very high. They cut through several centimeters of metal like a stick of butter. Of course, such power is not needed in cosmetic devices.

A short comparative video about how the Plasma Pencil and Plasma Liner devices work.

Video comparison of plasma current devices.

Look at the comparison table for the most popular plasma current devices on the Russian market: Plasma Pencil, Plasma Liner, Beauty Monster , Plasma Zan, Plasma Pen, Pelsar, Maglev, Medi Plasm, PLASMATIC, MBT-Plasma, PlasM. Planoplas. We have all these devices in our office. You can test their work and compare them yourself.


Chinese plasma machine from Aliexpress


Plasma Penсil _


in Russia. Chinese and Russian components


Plasma Penсil _


in Russia. Russian components


Beauty Monster.

Made in Korea .

(a plant in China was also discovered)


Plasma Zan.

Made in the Czech Republic?

(the plant in the Czech Republic could not be found, but was found in China)


Plasma Pen. Pelsar. Maglev. Medi Plasm. PLASMATIC. MBT-Plasma.

Made in Germany?

Identical devices under different brands.

(the plant in Germany could not be found)


Plasma Liner. PlasM. Planoplas.

Made in Germany?

Identical devices under different brands.

This device was not found on the website of the company declared in the certificate as a manufacturer.

Price, rub1 50018 00025 00060 000147 000from 80000 to 180000250 000
Ergonomics No

Inconvenient shape of the device. Difficulty pressing the START button


Compact. Convenient to hold in your hand during the procedure.


Compact. Convenient to hold in your hand during the procedure.


Compact. Comfortable to hold in your hand during the procedure


Compact. Comfortable to hold in your hand during the procedure


Too bulky and heavy. Doesn't fit in your hand. Not convenient to use.


Compact. Convenient to hold in your hand during the procedure.

Plasma power adjustment2 levels5 levels6 levels4x4 levels4 levels2 levelsNo plasma power adjustment
BatteryThere isThere isThere isNoNoThere isNo
NutritionNetwork adapterNetwork adapterWireless chargerNetwork adapterNetwork adapterNetwork adapterNetwork adapter
Fast battery charging modeNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Plasma stability Not stable

Discharges of different powers are delivered. Risk of burns.


Plasma power drops by no more than 10% when the battery is discharged to 80-90%


Plasma power is maintained until the battery is completely discharged

Stable Stable Stable

Plasma power drops by 20-30% when the battery is discharged to 70-80%

Plasma power on a 10-point scale78108788
BacklightThere isNoThere isNoNoThere isNo
overheat protectionNoNo Eat

Automatically switches off in case of overheating

Automatic shutdownNoNo Eat

Automatically turns off if the device is not operated for 10 minutes

Nozzles and needles included.10 pieces. non-standard disposable needles without markings. Can only be purchased in China. Presumably medical steel. 5 pieces. disposable needles made of copper steel.

1 PC. tip adapter for needles made of copper steel.
1 PC. reusable cone-shaped tip made of copper steel.

10 pieces. disposable needles made of copper steel.

3 pcs. reusable cone-shaped tips made of copper steel.

1 PC . adapter for needles made of copper steel.

1 PC. cone nozzle,

1 PC . yellow metal needle. The composition of the metal for the needles is unknown.

Round fractional nozzle

1 PC.

Round thermal nozzle
1 pc.

1 PC. cone nozzle,
1 pc. yellow metal needle. The composition of the metal for the needles is unknown
3 pcs. disposable needles, presumably made of copper steel.

1 PC.

conical nozzle made of yellow metal. The composition of the metal for the needles is unknown

10 pieces.

white metal needles. There is no marking of what metal they are made of.

Additional attachmentsNo Additionally you can purchase:

1.Factional (“plasma shower”). 2.Thermal flat nozzles. 3. Ball-shaped nozzle for spot treatment of acne and work on the eyelids. 4. Roller for working on large surfaces to enhance collanesis.

Additionally you can purchase:

1.Factional (“plasma shower”). 2.Thermal flat nozzles. 3. Ball-shaped nozzle for spot treatment of acne and work on the eyelids. 4. Roller for working on large surfaces to enhance collanesis.


2. Is our plasma in the Plasma Pencil V1 and V2 devices different from the plasma of other devices?

Dear colleagues, the concept of plasma is clearly described in physics. A plasma discharge occurs due to a difference in potential, in the form of a discharged gas and a priori cannot be different. Electric plasma, as they say, and in Africa, electric plasma. It's like comparing, for example, incandescent light bulbs. No matter what country in the world they are produced, they will work on the same principle, only their power will differ, depending on the technical parameters. Their cost may also differ, but this will depend on the pricing policy of the company and the country of production. However, they will emit the same light. Plasma is the same everywhere, in industrial devices and in cosmetology and medicine. As mentioned above, it can differ only in power. Open a physics textbook or at least Wikipedia and read the description of plasma. You can easily see that plasma cannot be different. Link to Wikipedia article

3. Certificates for plasma current devices in cosmetology. Do we have a certificate for Plasma Pencil?

One of the companies that sells a device similar to the Plasma Pencil (we will not list its name here for ethical reasons) is very proud that it was able to provide a certificate for its product. This is a certificate for domestic use of the device. The same company claims that since the certificate is for household use, it means that it is not necessary to have a medical education. Dear colleagues, to put it mildly, you are being misled. If the device is a household device, then by law you can only use it at home. It is prohibited by law to provide services using such devices. That's why it's a household appliance. Providing such services in a salon or clinic always requires compliance with certain laws and regulations. Providing services on any equipment, be it serious laser devices or a fairly harmless darsonval, always presupposes that the employee has qualifications and education confirmed by a medical diploma, advanced training courses and knowledge of hardware techniques. Moreover, like the plasma exposure procedure. This process is considered semi-invasive, as it involves damage to the skin. Even an esthetician cosmetologist does not have the right to provide such services. Moreover, an employee without medical education and using a household appliance has no right to provide them.

From 2022, all cosmetology equipment that is intended to provide services is equal to medical equipment. This means that each device must have a registration certificate (RU) from RosZdravNadzor. Without this document, operation of any equipment is prohibited. This is a serious problem faced by all suppliers and manufacturers of cosmetology equipment in Russia. At the moment, in Russia there are literally single devices that have this document. For plasma current devices, today, according to our data, not a single company in Russia has them. All other voluntary certificates, and especially certificates for household use, do not give the right to provide services. When checking and detecting cosmetic devices without RU, a fine is imposed on the organization. The size of the fine depends on the legal form of the company providing the service. For an individual entrepreneur, such a fine is several times less than for an LLC.

Our company also has a certificate. But this certificate was issued for professional, and not for household, cosmetology equipment.

We also have a customs union declaration certifying that this device is safe for use throughout its entire territory of the Customs Union.

But even these documents do not guarantee that when checked by the relevant authorities, you will not be fined. According to the new legislation, only equipment with RU is allowed to provide services. We honestly and openly tell our customers about this. So that you can be aware of all the responsibilities and all the risks that you bear. Other companies deliberately mislead you. Assuring that the device is completely legal, they hide from you that during any inspection, it is better not to show this device to the inspection authorities. You, thinking that everything is in order with your documents, show them to the employees of the inspection authorities, thereby dooming yourself to inevitable penalties.

The plasma current device Plasma Pencil is now assembled in Russia from Chinese and Russian components. We have the appropriate certificate for all production and assembly. We bear full warranty and service responsibility to our customers.

But this, unfortunately, is not a guarantee that you will not be fined during the inspection. is actively engaged in obtaining a registration certificate. And in the next few months we hope to receive this document for all the devices we produce, including Plasma Pensil. Information about the availability of this document will immediately appear on our website.

All customers who purchased our equipment earlier will be able to later receive RU by contacting our company and presenting payment and warranty documents certifying that the device was purchased from us. We are open and honest with our customers. And we hope that cooperation with our company will bring you not only profit and new loyal patients, but also help you avoid any risks associated with the operation of our cosmetology equipment, be it the quality of the services provided or the documented legal framework.

There is one more point that should alert you.

Recently, companies have appeared on the market that sell only one device. Not always, of course, but quite often, these are fly-by-night companies. Having entered the market with just one product, such companies often invest serious sums in advertising their product, quickly sell large quantities of their product at inflated prices, and just as quickly and disappear without a trace. There are as many examples on the Internet as you like. Remember the useless dietary supplements that promise quick weight loss, berries that work wonders, potency-increasing drugs of questionable action, production and composition, face masks without a cleansing effect, but with the effect of allergies and damage to the skin when removing it from the face, all kinds of devices for dubious skin rejuvenation production and efficiency. There are many similar examples. Tomorrow these companies will leave the market and start selling another product. And you may be left alone with a faulty device or other problems. Equip your salon from trusted organizations with history and reputation. This way you will avoid risk and disappointment.

Our company has been on the market since 2008. We have long established ourselves as a reliable supplier, and more recently, as a manufacturer of Russian, high-quality, modern cosmetology equipment that meets all Russian and EU standards. Already hundreds of salons throughout the country, as well as in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Israel and even Europe, are working on devices produced by our company under the PMG-Technology brand. We cannot afford to sell low-quality goods and damage our reputation with a ten-year history. Our company will not disappear from the market within 24 hours by blocking the website and turning off the phones. Over the last decade, we have invested too much effort, time and money into our reputation, and now into the production of equipment. Every month we are increasingly expanding our production base and producing an ever larger range of cosmetology devices.

But still the choice is yours.



Types of devices

The most popular models of devices for plasma manipulations:

  • Plasmajet Derma . A device produced by the English company Plasma Surgical heats the lower layers of the dermis to 50 °C. The patient does not feel pain, but a pleasant breeze of a light breeze. No anesthesia is required. Plasmajet m103 improves skin tone, improves its color and stimulates collagen production - this process actively continues for a year after the procedure. Ions destroy pathogens and have a beneficial effect on blood microcirculation. In addition to cosmetology, the device is used in surgery, dermatology, and gynecology.

  • PlasM . The German device makes the skin fresher and younger, removes the consequences of unsuccessful tattooing, tightens the lips, chin, cheeks, performs a mini-lift, and eliminates wrinkles. The buyer receives free training. The company provides service during the warranty period and after it.

  • JETT PLASMA LIFT or Jet plasma lift medical . The Czech device enhances the skin's immunity and strengthens it. Effective against expression lines and age wrinkles. Helps reduce stretch marks, scars, age spots, rosacea, acne. JET medical is used on the face, chest, hands. The effect of application is noticeable already on the 2nd day and increases over the course of six months. About a week should pass between procedures (between the 1st and 2nd - 3 days).

  • PLAXPOT . It has increased electrical safety and a color display that expands the viewing angle. Does not damage tissue and triggers skin renewal mechanism. Provides long-term results and fights wrinkles, freckles, acne, seborrheic warts and other blemishes. Removes tattoos and tightens eyelid skin. The device is assembled in Korea. It is considered multifunctional because it is also used in dentistry.

  • Plasma liner . One of the most popular devices for contactless rejuvenation using plasma. Manufactured in Germany and has certificates of conformity relevant for Europe and Russia. Unlike inexpensive devices, Plasma Liner does not burn the skin, but synthesizes collagen production. The result lasts about 2 years. When using, an anesthetic cream must be applied. The patient feels an instant surge of warmth in the place where the cosmetologist works with the plasma liner. The dermis is immediately cooled, so the device does not harm its deeper layers. The range of applications of the plasma liner is wide: from smoothing wrinkles and tightening the skin on the face, chest, and abdomen to eliminating papillomas and safe blepharoplasty.

You can purchase any plasma lifting device via the Internet on the official website of the distributor, as well as on online platforms that sell laboratory and medical equipment. The cost is clarified after submitting an application or calling the manager, often after registering for training. Not every person will be able to find out the amount of the plasma liner, but only a professional who has confirmed his qualifications.

What cold plasma devices do cosmetologists use?

There are four cold plasma devices that are used in cosmetology:

  1. Mediselor BeautyMonster WHITE This is a high-frequency device with a comfortable handle, made in South Korea. The model provides 8 frequency and power levels, combining which you can use 36 programs.
  2. Plasma Pen Maglev This device is battery-powered and has a low power, which is enough to lift eyelids, eliminate age spots, smooth out wrinkles, and tighten thin skin. The device is manufactured in China.
  3. Helios A domestic cold plasma device, which is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine (dentistry, surgery, dermatology). This is a powerful professional device.
  4. EHHF-35-MEDSI This is also a domestic device, which includes cold plasma, contact monopolar electrocoagulation and microcoagulation. This device is also used to smooth out wrinkles, remove moles, papillomas, tattoos, treat acne, and correct scars. The device operates at low, medium and high intensity levels.

Stages of the procedure

The device is used in the following sequence:

  1. The specialist carefully cleanses the skin and determines where to use the device.
  2. Apply anesthetic ointment to the selected area.
  3. The cosmetologist brings the device to the face and applies it precisely to the skin. The duration of influence of the Plasma liner pulse is less than one second. At the site of use of the device, the dermis instantly contracts.
  4. The patient feels warm. There is no pain due to the anesthetic drug.
  5. The specialist sequentially treats the targeted area with a plasma liner.
  6. The process lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. Depends on the complexity of the problem and the area of ​​the treated area.

Attention! The cost of one plasma lifting procedure ranges from 4,000 rubles for smoothing wrinkles to 15–20 thousand rubles for blepharoplasty. Moreover, in Voronezh or another regional city the price will be lower than in a Moscow clinic.

Healing period

Immediately after the procedure, redness may appear on the face, which usually disappears within an hour. Sometimes swelling occurs. You'll have to wait a couple of days until it disappears. In the area where the cosmetologist worked with a plasma liner, small dots appear - in those places where the specialist applied an impulse to the skin. They become covered with thin crusts, which fall off on their own after 5–10 days. The redness also goes away after a few days.

The first 3–5 days after plasma lifting you need to properly care for your skin:

  • do not wet the treated area with water or special wound healing products;
  • temporarily abandon decorative cosmetics;
  • avoid visiting a solarium, bathhouse, beach, swimming pool - anything associated with high humidity and elevated temperature;
  • after the crusts fall off, use sunscreen with filter 50+ for 3 months;
  • wear sunglasses if you have undergone plasma blepharoplasty or smooth out wrinkles around the eyes.

Important! Mesotherapy, fillers, Botox - all this is possible, but only 1.5 months after rejuvenation with a plasma liner.

Depending on the complexity of the situation, 5–6 procedures may be required to eliminate defects. The break between them is usually 3 weeks. The first positive changes become noticeable after the first plasma lifting. A couple of weeks after the start of the procedures, the effect intensifies. The maximum result is observed after 3–4 months and lasts for 1–2 years.

Possible negative consequences of plasma exposure

Despite the non-invasiveness of the rejuvenation procedure, the effect of the plasmaliner somehow affects the structure of the cells. Immediately after the manipulation, swelling and slight redness are observed. At the site of treatment with the device, the skin becomes covered with small light brown crusts, which disappear after 3-5 days. All symptoms go away without special treatment. Complications are indicated by the persistence of swelling and hyperemia for more than 3 days, increased discomfort, the addition of itching, and general malaise. If such signs appear, you should consult a cosmetologist to prescribe therapy.

Sometimes side effects are a consequence of the cosmetologist’s unprofessionalism, lack of experience and skills. Serious complications include bruises, severe hematomas, pigmentation and even burns. These consequences require mandatory treatment by a dermatologist, as they affect the final result and can cause scars.

To speed up the process of cell restoration, it is important to carefully care for your face throughout the entire rehabilitation period. Complete washing with care products is possible after complete healing of the epidermis. To moisturize, it is enough to irrigate the skin with micellar water from a spray bottle.

Any procedures after plasma rejuvenation are carried out 3-5 weeks later to prevent increased trauma to the skin. It is unacceptable to treat the skin with scrubs and other abrasive compounds to reduce peeling, as this can damage the dermis and cause the appearance of deep cosmetic defects.


Hardware plasma lifting is considered a safe procedure that does not harm the eyes and skin if everything is done by an experienced professional and the rules of rehabilitation are not neglected. However, the use of Plasma Liner has some health restrictions:

  • purulent wounds;
  • allergic rashes;
  • oncology;
  • acute inflammation of the skin at the site of the procedure;
  • the presence of a pacemaker or other built-in devices, metal implants in the plasma rejuvenation area;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, endocrine and respiratory systems;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation - hormonal changes can reduce the effectiveness of the Plasma Liner.

If you have been injected with Botox or fillers, wait until at least 3 weeks have passed and only then sign up for the procedure.

Cold plasma – science fiction or a new word in cosmetology?

Cold plasma is an ionized gas consisting of charged and completely neutral particles that are formed under the influence of electric current. In cold plasma, the percentage of charged particles is no more than 1%, and the gas temperature is only 30-40 degrees. The active factors are neutral gas, active molecules, charged particles, heat and low-level ultraviolet radiation.

The force of cold plasma is enough to get an excellent anti-aging effect, but not enough to harm the skin.

Cold plasma is a completely safe procedure; it has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and bactericidal effects.

Cold plasma rejuvenation is a procedure that is performed using a device that operates on the basis of plasma current. The device is a special pen with a replaceable tip.

The essence of the procedure is that when the skin is heated to 40°C, collagen and elastin naturally begin to be produced, which promote the regeneration of skin cells.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of plasma liner rejuvenation:

  • safety;
  • efficiency;
  • noticeable effect after the first procedure;
  • lasting results;
  • painless use of the plasma liner;
  • wide range of uses;
  • prolonged effect.

The disadvantages include:

  • an impressive list of contraindications;
  • risk of complications;
  • the high cost of using a plasma liner, especially if you need to perform several procedures;
  • special care that a person needs after lifting.

Patient reviews

While the plasma liner is considered a new product, some users are skeptical about the information that the effect will be noticeable after the first use. The patient relies on the doctor's opinion.

There are doubts regarding the need for repeated procedures. The user believes that the plasma liner may not be very effective for blepharoplasty or wrinkle removal.

However, those who managed to evaluate the results on themselves or on loved ones speak enthusiastically about plasma rejuvenation.

At the same time, there are also negative opinions. The patient underwent non-surgical blepharoplasty at home. And although it was performed by a professional cosmetologist, it was not without pain during and after the process, as well as serious complications even after a repeat procedure.

To ensure that using the plasma liner leaves only positive impressions, do not experiment with the device at home. Trust the youth and beauty of your face to professionals. In this case, risks are minimized, since an experienced specialist controls the entire process. Do not forget about the importance of the rehabilitation period - here everything depends on how carefully you follow the recommendations of cosmetologists to consolidate a good result.

Advantages of working with plasma

As we see, almost all procedures that can be done today using plasma are performed using other types of cosmetology equipment or without it at all. What advantageous differences does this technique have?

When compared with laser ablation (correction of wrinkles, removal of scars and stretch marks, neoplasms), the advantage here is:

  • skin rehabilitation time after the procedure (about half as long as, for example, with ablative laser technologies);
  • guaranteed safe tightening of the eyelid skin (plasma blepharoplasty does not have such high risks when working with thin eyelid skin as, for example, some ablative lasers);
  • uniform heating of tissues by plasma without an “explosion” in chromophores, since it does not require chromophores;
  • plasma (high-energy) transforms the treated tissue microzones immediately into a gaseous state, bypassing the liquid state, and thus prevents the formation of weeping wounds and prevents the development of infections (in fact, this process is called sublimation);
  • completely tolerable sensations during the procedures (as a rule, only local anesthesia is used);
  • the cost of plasma procedures (as a rule, it is lower than similar laser procedures due to the lower cost of plasma devices).

So, with the help of plasma, it is possible to carry out many already known rejuvenating and corrective procedures with high efficiency, minimal damage to the skin, fairly short rehabilitation and at an affordable price. And plasma technologies today are the undoubted leader in non-surgical blepharoplasty.

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