9 mandatory steps in morning skin care (medaboutme.ru)

In the age of accelerated progress, active informatization and graceful emancipation, a woman is good in any profession. Despite all the workload, a woman knows how to devote herself to her beloved.

Daily facial care

  1. Lying gymnastics
  2. Exercises for the face and neck
  3. Moisturizing masks
  4. Morning masks prepared at home
  5. Face tonic
  6. Vitamins and microelements in morning breakfast
  7. VTB Online loan application

In secret from the whole world, she finds time to indulge in the sacrament, those magical manipulations that help her look 100%. A modern woman is not afraid to talk about her age, because she has become more educated in the field of cosmetology and personal care products and methods.

It is quite natural that when a woman is faced with the question of care, first of all she pays attention to her face. The face is a woman’s calling card and therefore we will pay special attention to morning facial care, because... We remember that even a working morning for a business woman should begin with excellent procedures that will bring her closer to her ideal image every day.

She looks younger, she is energetic and active. Self-care includes caring for the face and body, and a more attentive attitude to one’s hair, as well as legs; in a word, a modern woman is in no hurry to solve the issue of the beauty of her body using drastic methods, resorting to the help of a plastic surgeon.

Morning is the very time when our skin is especially predisposed to taking care of it, which means we can give our skin a caring procedure.

Morning procedure to awaken facial skin

The first thing to remember when performing morning facial treatments is that the facial muscles are fundamentally different from the body muscles. The facial muscles are thinner, they are flatter, with rare exceptions they are attached at one end to the bone, and at the other they are woven into the skin or into other muscles.

The facial muscles have a certain connection with each other, and therefore if some muscles of the face and neck are out of balance, then other muscles become weak and begin to, as is called, “sag.” Many people begin to pay attention to these weakened, sagging muscles, and this is a grave mistake.

You should start working with those facial muscles that are overstrained. By relieving tension from these muscles, we will restore tone to sagging muscles. However, before you start training your facial muscles, you should do gymnastics as soon as you wake up and are still lying in bed.

The relevance of daily skin care

The skin is a complex organ in its structure that performs many functions: respiratory, thermoregulatory, receptor, metabolic, immune, etc. Every second it is exposed to colossal loads, it protects our body from the harmful effects of environmental factors.

Exposed areas - the skin of the face - are especially affected. Every day, a large amount of pollution, metabolic products, harmful substances and bacteria accumulate on its surface, which can cause the development of acne, allergic reactions, dermatological diseases and cause premature external aging. Daily facial skin care helps counteract negative processes. Cosmetics and procedures for its implementation are selected individually - adequate to the skin type and its needs.

General recommendations

The first thing you need to know is your skin type, so it will be easier to choose a care complex. A healthy lifestyle is beneficial for the whole body, and for the epidermis and hair in particular. At any age, proper care is necessary, but it is also important to understand what to do at different times of the year: how to care for your face in winter, in hot weather, in rainy weather, and so on.

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Facial skin types and their features

Skin type is its feature. It is formed under the influence of a number of internal and external factors: heredity, age, lifestyle, diet, bad habits, etc. The productivity of the sebaceous glands, which produce sebum (sebum), plays a major role in the formation of skin type. Its components demonstrate antimicrobial properties, lubricate, moisturize and protect the surface of the skin.

The productivity of the sebaceous glands depends on changes in ambient temperature, hormone levels, the composition of the skin microflora and other factors. Therefore, at different periods of life, a normal, increased or decreased amount of sebum can be observed on the face of the same person. Despite this, there is a certain trend in the production of its volume and distribution, which allows us to make a conclusion about the skin type - normal, dry, oily or combination.

  • Normal is the most physiological condition in which the skin of the face is devoid of dryness and oily shine. It does not have enlarged pores and is not prone to inflammation or redness. With proper care, normal facial skin ages gradually—appropriately for a person’s age.
  • Dry – skin suffering from sebum deficiency. It looks thin, reacts painfully to external influences, is subject to peeling, and has increased sensitivity. Its owners often complain of a feeling of tightness, redness and a visible network of blood vessels. Without proper care, dry facial skin rapidly loses its elasticity and ages prematurely.
  • Oily – skin that suffers from excess sebum, which results in a characteristic oily sheen. Enlarged pores are visible on its surface, comedones (blackheads) and milia (grass) may appear. It looks denser and, thanks to excess sebum, retains its elasticity longer than other skin types, which manifests itself in slower aging.
  • Combination – mixed skin type, in which there is a T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) with excess sebum, as well as dry and/or normal areas. Proper care of combination skin guarantees slow aging.

Quite often, to determine your skin type at home, it is recommended to use a regular napkin. 2 - 3 hours after cleansing, it is applied tightly to the face, and after 60 seconds, the location of the greasy spots that appear on its surface is examined.

However, due to natural fluctuations in the amount of sebum, this method may be unreliable. Therefore, it is better to entrust the determination of skin type to a cosmetologist, who has special tests and devices for visual and quantitative diagnosis of the condition of the skin. After analyzing their results, the specialist will be able to immediately create an individual program of home and (or) professional care.

Stages of facial skin care

Skin of any type needs daily comprehensive care, which involves 4 mandatory stages - cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing.

  • Cleansing – to remove surface impurities, pathogenic microflora, excess sebum, sweat and makeup.
  • Toning – to remove residual cleanser, normalize the acid-base balance and prepare for applying a moisturizer or nourishing cream.
  • Moisturizing – to normalize hydrobalance, reduce moisture loss and restore the protective functions of the skin.
  • Nutrition - to eliminate the deficiency of biologically active substances, normalize metabolic processes, cellular renewal and skin functions.
  • Taking into account the natural and seasonal needs of the skin, it is recommended to include additional procedures in comprehensive facial care: peelings to exfoliate dead skin cells of the epidermis (top layer of skin), protective products (sunscreen, winter cream) and cosmetic masks.

General skin care rules

Human skin is a vast receptive field. It immediately responds to all types of external influences: dry air, temperature changes, mechanical friction, shock, sunlight, chemicals, etc. Painfully perceiving negative factors, she is very responsive to care. Therefore, proper skin care significantly improves its overall condition, helping to maintain health, beauty and youth. To achieve the desired result, you must follow simple rules.

  • Comprehensive care 2 times a day - morning and evening.
  • The procedures are carried out at least 1 hour before applying makeup (leaving the house) and before going to bed.
  • Before treating your face, you must wash your hands thoroughly!
  • Cleansers, toners, moisturizers, nourishing, protective creams and peelings must match your skin type.
  • For cleansing, use clean water at room temperature and a cosmetic product.
  • After cleansing, dry your face with a clean, dry towel.
  • Tonics are used for toning - they are applied to a cotton pad, which is used to wipe the entire face, neck and décolleté.
  • Moisturizing cream (in the morning) is evenly distributed over the face, neck and décolleté with light patting movements with your fingertips.
  • Nourishing cream (in the evening) is applied similarly to moisturizing cream.
  • The protectant is applied after moisturizer or instead of it (depending on the composition and needs of the skin).
  • Peels are used no more than 1 – 2 times a week.
  • Cosmetic masks are used 2 – 3 times a week.

Makeup is applied to cleansed, toned and moisturized skin. In the evening, it is removed using special products before washing. All tools for applying makeup and care (brushes, brushes, sponges) are regularly washed and disinfected.

How to choose the right cosmetic product for your skin type

Skin care at home is simple and complex at the same time. The main difficulty lies in choosing the right cosmetic product according to your skin type. To do this, you need to study the manufacturer's recommendations for its use.

It is important to know! Often, manufacturers of non-professional cosmetic care products greatly exaggerate the merits of their products in order to increase their sales. Therefore, you should not count on the “miraculous” properties of day or night creams. Instead, it is better to carefully study their composition. For example,

  • for the care of normal skin, products based on aloe, algae, green tea, vitamins A, E, C, group B, etc. are suitable;
  • To care for dry skin, you should not use products based on alcohol, surfactants, acids and other aggressive components. Preference should be given to products that contain vitamin E, hyaluronic acid, urea, shea butter, etc.;
  • for the care of oily skin, light water-based products are suitable, which contain silver, healing mud, clay, oatmeal, lemon juice, etc.;
  • to care for combination skin, you have to combine two types of products (for oily/dry or normal skin) or choose cosmetics based on chamomile, essential oils, ginger, eucalyptus, fruits and other ingredients.

The consequences of using an incorrectly selected cream or other product can be varied - from the complete absence of the desired effect to the exacerbation of skin problems (rashes, itching, increased oiliness, dryness, sensitivity, the appearance of wrinkles, etc.). Therefore, experts recommend not to rely on your own choice, but to seek help from a cosmetologist. An experienced specialist will accurately determine your skin type, study the complexity of aesthetic/age-related problems and select effective home care products.

What is important at age 40+

A period when it is necessary to take all changes in the condition of the dermis very seriously. There are already more wrinkles, signs of sagging and decreased elasticity appear. The oval and terrain may change for the worse. Pimples and acne at this age are extremely rare, most likely due to the use of certain medications and poor diet. Therefore, maximum attention should be directed to reducing age-related changes.

How to take care of the face of 40-year-old people:

  1. All measures preceding this period must be activated. This includes cleansing, moisturizing and protecting. You need to stay in the sun as little as possible.
  2. The epidermis is not able to retain enough moisture, so it requires help - hydration from the inside and outside.
  3. The same goes for nutrition. These are not just healthy products, but also products rich in substances necessary to preserve youth - Omega-3, amino acids and fatty acids.
  4. It is very important to ensure proper rest - get enough sleep, and feel energetic and cheerful in the morning.

At this age, the help of a professional cosmetologist is invaluable. There are many methods - a specialist will help you choose the optimal rejuvenation complex and give recommendations for care. Treatments for youthful skin may include mesotherapy, hyaluronic acid injections, and the use of laser techniques.

Cosmetic procedures to maintain facial skin

Modern realities dictate new principles of facial and body skin care. Outdated folk recipes and advice have been replaced by hardware procedures. Their implementation takes a minimum of time and guarantees a long-lasting effect. Therefore, many women and men of different ages prefer to use the professional services of a cosmetologist several times a month, so that they can then maintain the achieved result at home without much difficulty.

The most popular methods in specialized beauty salons and cosmetology clinics are the following:

  • for normal skin - ultrasonic cleansing, microcurrent therapy, non-invasive (non-injection) carboxytherapy, fractional mesotherapy, etc.;
  • for dry skin - gas-liquid peeling, oxygen mesotherapy, electroporation, etc.;
  • for oily skin – ultrasonic cleansing, cryotherapy, microdermabrasion, darsonvalization, non-invasive mesotherapy, etc.;
  • for combination skin - ultrasonic cleansing, gas-liquid peeling, non-invasive carboxytherapy, galvanotherapy, electroporation, etc.

In each specific case of treatment, the program of cosmetic care procedures is selected individually, taking into account the type of skin and its needs. In this case, supporting procedures are carried out on the face, neck and décolleté, which allows you to obtain the most harmonious aesthetic effect.

At the client’s request, along with supportive care procedures, professional cosmetologists help solve the problem of skin defects - eliminate benign tumors, scars, moles, etc.

And for clients aged 30+, there are intensive facial skin rejuvenation programs that involve the use of innovative hardware techniques - fractional photothermolysis, RF lifting, SMAS lifting, etc.
An integrated approach allows you to achieve a transformation in appearance without plastic surgery or special effort. The main thing is to choose the right clinic to provide assistance. Author: Khazova Alla Sergeevna

What is important at 50+

The age of menopause in women, which is accompanied by changes in hormonal levels. Insufficient estrogen production leads to rapid aging of the dermis. Cells recover much more slowly, and the pH level changes. At this age, a woman should have at her disposal a whole arsenal of skincare products marked 50+ and with the following properties:

  • hydration;
  • cleansing;
  • nutrition;
  • tightening – lifting effect;
  • protection;
  • regeneration.

The help of a professional cosmetologist plays a huge role. At 50+, it is almost impossible to restore the contours and elasticity of the skin on your own. In this case, rejuvenation is carried out using contour plastic surgery, thread lifting, laser and injection cosmetology.

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