Benzyl benzoate 20% 200ml emulsion for external use

Mode of application

Apply externally, locally. The drug must be shaken before use. For use in children aged 3 to 5 years, dilute the drug with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio.


To prevent secondary invasion, simultaneous treatment of all family members living together, as well as contact persons, is necessary. Before using the emulsion, you must take a shower. Apply the emulsion (can be with a brush) to the entire body, with the exception of the face and scalp. Apply especially carefully to the wrist, hands, armpits, buttocks, groin area, under the nails, areas between the fingers and toes, and the soles of the feet. Allow the emulsion to dry (usually 10 minutes in a warm room). After the emulsion has dried, put on clean underwear and change the bed linen. After treatment, do not wash your hands for 3 hours.

With careful application of the emulsion, one application of the skin is usually sufficient. However, repeated treatment over the next 5 days reduces the likelihood of residual infestation.

An alternative treatment method is to apply the emulsion to the entire body, except the face and scalp, 3 times with an interval of 12 hours. 12 hours after the last application of the drug, you must take a hot shower, change your underwear and bed linen.


Use the drug in the evening. Wash your face with warm water and soap, then apply a thin layer of the drug to the skin of the face, avoiding getting the drug into your eyes, nose and mouth. In the morning, wash your face with warm water and soap. The duration of treatment is determined by the dynamics of skin cleansing, relief of the inflammatory process, cessation of itching and usually lasts 2-3 weeks.


Apply the drug to the affected area, lightly rubbing into the skin and hair; tie your head with a scarf. After 30 minutes, wash off with soap and water. In serious cases, repeat the procedure 2-3 times. The effectiveness of treatment is determined one week after the last treatment.

special instructions

Consumers choose Benzyl benzoate for its affordability, ease of use, and few restrictions on use. The disadvantages of the drug include: the need for repeated treatment, the inability to get rid of nits.

Among the contraindications of any form of the drug (emulsion and ointment) are:

  • children under 3 years of age (with caution up to 5 years);
  • the presence of skin damage, large-scale inflammatory diseases in the intended area of ​​application (wounds, pustules);
  • period of pregnancy, lactation. You will find how to get rid of lice during pregnancy on our website;
  • high sensitivity to the active substance.

The product is used with caution, avoiding contact with mucous membranes and the digestive tract. If benzyl benzoate gets into your mouth, eyes, or other sensitive areas, you should immediately rinse with a warm solution of baking soda. The eyes can be calmed by cleansing with a solution of novocaine or instilling a solution of albucid. If the product gets into the stomach, it is recommended to drink activated charcoal.

The use of benzyl benzoate is fraught with various negative manifestations: some side effects may develop: slight redness of the treatment sites, burning, itching. Allergic reactions and contact dermatitis are possible. Similar consequences most often occur in children and people with sensitive skin.

We recommend reading: a review of the best remedies for lice in children.

All symptoms are temporary. If atypical manifestations persist after repeated use, you should stop using the drug and seek medical help.


In case of accidental ingestion or application of a very large amount, the following are possible: increased side effects of the drug, difficulty urinating, contact dermatitis, sudden loss of consciousness, and in children - convulsions.

Treatment: symptomatic therapy.

The skin must be cleansed of the emulsion. If any undesirable reaction occurs at the site of application of the drug, it must be washed off with soap and water.

If swallowed, it is necessary to rinse the stomach; treatment is symptomatic. If necessary, use anticonvulsants.


You can buy benzyl benzoate to get rid of lice at the pharmacy. The price for a standard 25 g package of ointment varies from 20 to 50 rubles. For 200 ml of emulsion you will have to pay approximately 120–150 rubles. The cost depends on the volume of the bottle, manufacturer, and region of purchase.

The amount of drug required to completely get rid of parasites varies. The required volume depends on the length, thickness of the hair, the effectiveness of a single procedure, and the thoroughness of the mechanical treatment. For 1 rubbing, on average, from 25 to 50 g of product are spent. In this case, the emulsion is consumed more economically.

It is known that the fight against pediculosis must be started as quickly as possible, covering everyone who is in close contact. Benzyl benzoate in the form of an ointment or essence for treatment, among a wide range of medicines, is affordable, convenient, effective, and therefore invariably becomes the choice of consumers.

Find out more about head lice thanks to our articles:

  • what lice look like;
  • types of lice, their differences;
  • where do lice come from;
  • how to understand that you have lice or symptoms of the disease;
  • can lice appear from nerves;
  • what do lice bites on a person’s head look like?
  • Why lice are dangerous, what diseases they can carry.


Description of the drug Benzyl benzoate emulsion 20% fl. 50ml on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.


Benzyl benzoate has been known for a long time as a remedy for lice. Over the years of its existence, the drug has proven itself to be highly effective. The medicinal unit is used in the fight against various parasites (lice, skin mites). Thanks to its use, it is possible to get rid of “uninvited guests” in just a few hours (2–5 is enough).

The action of benzyl benzoate is based on toxic poisoning of parasites. The product freely penetrates through the dense chitinous layer that protects the insect. Ingested benzoate accumulates in the body of the louse in extreme concentrations. The result of a strong toxic effect that paralyzes the nervous system is the inevitable death of adult individuals. At the same time, the use of medicinal forms locally has absolutely no effect on human health. Benzene almost does not enter the blood.

The medication is produced in 2 versions: emulsion, ointment. The base of any of them consists of benzoic acid phenylmethyl ester. Additional ingredients of the emulsion are:

  • laundry soap (72% concentration);
  • cetostearyl alcohol;
  • purified water base;
  • emulsion wax;
  • citric and stearic acids.

The ointment is produced from benzyl benzoate on a water-emulsion basis. The additional inclusion of antimicrobial preservatives (in particular, cetylpyridinium chloride) makes it possible to achieve a bacteriostatic effect.

Pros and cons of benzyl benzoate

Benzyl benzoate has a number of obvious advantages over other agents:

  • A proven formula, known to specialists at the beginning of the last century.
  • Low price.
  • Ability to penetrate deep layers of skin.

However, there are disadvantages. The drug has not been improved for a long time, so it acts more slowly than many new medications. It also has a sharp, specific odor and in some cases provokes adverse reactions. But, given the effectiveness and low cost of the drug, it still remains popular.

Benzyl benzoate for lice - what is it, its composition and does it help against lice?

The active substance in the antiparasitic drug is benzyl benzoate. There are also additional components that differ depending on the release form. The product has a destructive effect on parasites. Its active component penetrates the chitinous layer of lice and accumulates in their body in concentrations incompatible with life.

Benzyl benzoate helps in the treatment of head lice, helping to destroy all types of parasites. It is capable of destroying both adults and larvae, but does not affect insect eggs.

The composition quickly penetrates the skin and begins to act, destroying parasites. When used topically, it is completely safe as it is not absorbed by the skin and does not penetrate the bloodstream.

REFERENCE. In addition to lice, the drug is effective against almost all mites, including those that cause scabies.

Larvae and adult lice die 2-5 hours after using the drug.

Alternative remedies for head lice

In addition to benzyl benzoate, there are other means aimed at combating head lice.


Lice sprays, such as Full Marks, Bars, Nyuda, Pediculen and others, have a number of advantages. They act quickly and are easy to use. They are applied along the entire length of the hair from roots to ends and gently rubbed into the scalp, wait for the time specified in the instructions and rinse with warm water. After washing, you need to comb out the insects using a special comb.


Anti-lice tablets, such as Butadione, Albendazole, Levamisole and others, are usually prescribed if there are contraindications to topical agents (for skin diseases, wounds, scratches). To destroy parasites, you need to take them in a course of about 15 days . Medicines have a number of contraindications, so they should only be prescribed by a doctor.


At the pharmacy you can buy special shampoos such as Nyx, Hygia, Paranit and others. They can be used for both treatment and prevention of head lice. The products are applied to the hair and left under polyethylene for the period specified in the instructions, then washed thoroughly . After this, the hair is combed and washed using regular shampoo.

Will you trust Benzyl benzoate?

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Folk remedies

Many people prefer to use time-tested folk remedies for head lice. A vinegar solution is often used to help kill parasites. Another popular option is lathering with tar soap, which remains on the hair for half an hour. Kerosene is also used - in this case, caution is needed, since it is an aggressive product that, if the rules of use are not followed, can cause scalp burns and hair loss.

Despite the appearance in pharmacies of numerous new drugs for head lice, benzyl benzoate remains a popular remedy . This is due to its effectiveness and very low price. To get the maximum result from using the medication and prevent side effects, you need to follow the instructions and take precautions.

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