Facial cleansing for men - types, features of the procedure in the salon and at home

Self-care is an important part of the life of a modern man. Clean, smooth skin is an integral part of a good image; today everyone already understands this. In-office men's peeling and cleansing are basic methods that will always help you look good: your complexion is evened out, minor imperfections are corrected, pores become narrower, and the first age-related changes become less noticeable.

Cosmetologists at the BL clinic will select the optimal method of cleansing and rejuvenation based on the characteristics of a particular patient.

The difference between men's cleansing and women's cleansing

The male dermis has a slightly different structure, which distinguishes it from the female one. This is due to the action of male hormones, which are responsible for the occurrence of excess fat, strength and facial hair. Daily shaving irritates the skin, vascular nodules, inflammation, enlarged pores, acne, etc. appear on the face.

Men's cleansing, for example, uses cosmetics with stronger acids that can penetrate under the thickened epidermis. Lotions, creams and sprays are fragrance-free. Also, certain procedures take into account the fact that the male face is more exposed to external environmental influences.

In addition to differences in skin structure, men have significantly higher concentrations of the hormone testosterone.
It is responsible for the production of sebum, so it is more intense in men. Cosmetics containing hormones are also contraindicated for them, as they are designed for female hormonal levels.

Cosmetologist, dermatologist, trichologist

Kalinina Olga Alexandrovna

4 years of experience

In addition to daily shaving, men are more likely to encounter road dust. Therefore, their skin accumulates more toxins and requires more thorough cleaning during cleansing.

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Types of male facial cleansing

Cosmetology offers several types of cleansing and restoration of the male dermis, which include:

  • steaming;
  • removal of the stratum corneum of the epidermis;
  • mechanical removal of acne and other defects;
  • cleansing skin pores using chemicals;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes that provoke natural restoration of the skin.

Steaming occurs by applying a special mask to the face. It helps open pores, after which toxins, dust and dead particles are cleansed using lotions and other cosmetics.

Mechanical cleaning and removal of blackheads are performed using vacuum units, laser or ultrasound. This is a kind of polishing of the top layer. Sometimes the process can be accompanied by painful sensations. As a result, the face becomes smooth, matte, shine and oiliness disappear.

The outer layer is also cleaned using peeling. But for men, the acids used to cover the face are more concentrated, capable of dealing with a thick layer of rough skin. After peeling, mild inflammation and increased sensitivity of the skin are possible. These symptoms subside within a day and the skin's natural renewal process begins.

How often should you cleanse your face?

Homemade facial cleansing with a scrub cannot be an alternative to salon procedures.

Mature men who experience the first signs of skin aging experience bags under the eyes, fine lines and dryness. This is the result of a decrease in the activity of collagen, elastin and other proteins that promote cell regeneration.

In this case, the man may be advised to undergo biorevitalization, in which the subcutaneous layer is enriched with hyaluronic acid. It is not necessary to use injections. This method of skin healing can be done using a laser or special masks.

How is the procedure done in the salon?

The popular procedure is performed in many clinics, aesthetic medicine centers and salons. It is important to entrust the procedure to an experienced dermatocosmetologist who can select the optimal program, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, skin condition, and any history of contraindications. Cleaning is carried out in courses, usually from 4 to 10 sessions.

Important! It is not recommended to undergo it in the spring and summer, there are risks of hyperpigmentation.

Often, cosmetologists use combined cleansing, which includes the use of peelings, masks, the stage of mechanical removal of comedones, and hardware treatment.

The cost depends on the chosen method, the professional cosmetic lines used, the price of a session is from 1500 to 5000 rubles, the number of procedures is assigned individually.


  1. The face is cleansed using gel or foam to remove dust and sebaceous secretions.
  2. Using a compress or vaporizer, the skin is steamed. Afterwards they are treated with an alcohol-free toner selected according to your skin type. In the presence of rosacea, only peeling compounds are used.
  3. An exfoliator is applied, the formula and concentration of acids depends on the objectives of the procedure, and the product is washed off with warm water.
  4. Cleaning is carried out manually, ultrasonic or vacuum; it is also possible to use brushing brushes.
  5. After removing impurities, the skin is treated with lotion or tonic that has antiseptic and disinfectant properties. Helps prevent tissue infection and removes remaining dirt and epithelial particles.
  6. To narrow the pores and restore the skin, a mask is used; the active ingredients soothe and stimulate the healing process. What type of treatment it will be - tissue, hydrogel, alginate, cream - depends on the skin type and the objectives of the procedure. The formulas contain plant extracts, oils, clay, corals, aloe, hyaluron, and a vitamin and mineral complex.
  7. Then a moisturizer with a high SPF factor is applied, it softens the skin, prevents irritation, and restores the protective barrier.

For men, to maintain normal skin condition, it is enough to cleanse 1-2 times a month. If you have dermatological diseases or acne, cosmetologists recommend taking a course of procedures.


Symptoms that make you think about facial cleansing manifest themselves in the form of pigmentation on the face, acne, pimples, and areas of inflammation. If after shaving the skin becomes very sensitive, painful sensations, irritation and itching appear, then this is also a reason to undergo a wellness course.

For men over 50 years old, facial cleansing can be a solution to problems such as the appearance of deep and fine wrinkles, grayness around the eyes, bags in the periorbital area and on the cheeks. Men's facial cleansing can also eliminate dryness or oiliness, excessive sweating and shine.

Facial washes - 3 best brands

Fitseven has already mentioned that ordinary soap is not suitable for washing a man’s face - it dries out the skin and provokes the secretion of sebum. In the evening, it is recommended to wash your face with a special cleansing gel; in the morning, it is permissible to wipe your face with toner on a cotton pad.

  1. Clinique For Men products combine innovative formulas of luxury cosmetics at very affordable prices for such quality. The brand's men's skin care line includes a special facial soap, a scrub for dull skin and a range of moisturizing products.
  2. Kiehl's vitamin-enriched cleansing gel thoroughly removes impurities without drying or leaving skin feeling tight. The caffeine included in the wash helps reduce facial swelling, and chestnut extract strengthens the skin's protective barrier.
  3. L'Oréal Men Expert line is the cleansing gel with absorbent black charcoal. The product cleanses problematic skin, helping to fight acne and oily shine. The advantage of the brand is that it is available in most regular supermarkets.


Due to its thicker structure, men's skin ages more slowly than women's, but produces more sebum. To combat shine, redness, oily and problematic skin, it is necessary to both wash your face properly and use a suitable facial moisturizer and sunscreen with SPF.


A cosmetologist has the right to refuse to clean a client’s face if he has one or more points where the procedure is contraindicated. According to the rules, a cosmetology clinic is obliged to independently conduct testing for the presence of certain contraindications, since it is fully responsible for the further state of health of the patient.

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Correction is prohibited if a man suffers from:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • epilepsy;
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis).

If the client is undergoing treatment that involves blood thinning medications (anticoagulants) or antibiotics, these medications should be completed first before proceeding with facial cleansing. It is also necessary to consult with your doctor about the period of recovery of the body after treatment, which should be waited before cosmetic procedures.

How to choose a doctor and clinic

Men most often listen to experts and accurate data when choosing services and specialists. They draw conclusions based on solid business indicators and brand reputation: reviews of partners, doctor’s credentials, equipment fleet, level of legal support and service. And as a rule, their choice is stable - they choose one doctor for life.

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Most Russian male clients want to get a clear result from the first procedure, and for this they should choose specialists who have competence in other areas of medicine. And it is doctors of aesthetic medicine who can help with this: answer all the client’s questions, ensure a better quality of life and conduct a comprehensive examination. The skin is the largest human organ, which is connected to all other body systems. A routine examination and palpation can tell a lot to a doctor with experience and the proper level of education.

Material on the topic

For example, we at Estelab have been adding check-ups, appointments with an endocrinologist, trichologist, nutritionist and many others to our list of services for more than 10 years. The cosmetology clinic today is a medical cluster and umbrella brand that can satisfy all the needs of a metropolitan resident - from silhouette modeling programs to laser microsurgery and tumor removal.

Preparing for facial cleansing

Preparations should be made a week before the scheduled cleaning date. The client must refrain from visiting the solarium and the beach. If the last point cannot be accomplished, you should protect your skin from ultraviolet rays using sunscreen. It is also contraindicated to undergo any surgical operations on the face before undergoing cleansing.

The day before the prescribed procedures, a man should refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages that thin the blood and coffee, which increases blood pressure. Before going to a cosmetologist, you do not need to cleanse your face with alcohol-containing lotions yourself, so as not to further irritate the skin. It is better to shave the day before the procedure to prevent the appearance of small cracks and cuts on the skin.

Carrying out at home

In stores you can purchase daily cleansing and skin care products designed specifically for men. The line of cosmetic products includes lotions and tonics. For a comfortable shave without irritation, there are special foams.

At home, you can make scrubs yourself using some ingredients:

  • coffee: ground coffee, calendula, orange essential oil;
  • aspirin: acetylsalicylic acid tablets, kelp, white clay;
  • yeast: yeast, oatmeal, lemon juice.

If you have severe skin problems, it is still better to contact an experienced cosmetologist to adjust your treatment and care regimen.


The first thing a cosmetologist should do before cleansing is to prepare the skin. For this purpose, steaming is used, cleansing the upper layer of the epidermis from dust, fat and sweat using alcohol-containing and other means.

Next, the specialist, depending on the chosen procedure, begins cleaning. First, all raised defects (blackheads, pimples) are removed. Then the upper keratinized layer of skin is removed using peeling, ultrasound or laser correction. A cosmetologist can do a facial massage.

At the end of the procedure, the doctor applies soothing lotions based on herbs and essential oils to the face. Sensitive skin may experience mild redness, swelling, or itching. This is a normal reaction of the body to mechanical or chemical stress. The entire procedure takes on average 1 hour.

The essence of the procedure

Each mask, scrub, peeling, cream contains a certain complex of compounds that have a special effect on the epithelium. The components are capable of:

  • moisten;
  • remove irregularities;
  • eliminate inflammation;
  • restore normal microflora;
  • remove greasy shine;
  • whiten the skin.

Under the influence of a certain factor (abrasives, acids, tools, physical phenomena), the upper layer of the epidermis is removed and at the same time the speed of metabolic processes increases.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

After removing dead skin cells, a fresh layer of skin is exposed. Cosmetic procedures involve protecting new cells from damage and accelerating the growth of a fresh layer of epithelium. That is why each product contains a whole set of substances with a different mechanism of action.


Experts say that regular such manipulations increase the elasticity and firmness of the epidermis.

The cosmetic effect is explained by the stimulation of the synthesis and production of elastin and collagen, which are the “skeleton” of the skin. Due to this, the double chin is removed, small and deeper expression wrinkles are eliminated.

The procedure allows you to get rid of age spots, even out the tone and surface of the face. Thanks to all the results obtained, the man looks rested, well-groomed and younger.

Indications for use

The list of conditions for which facial cleansing is performed in men is not much different from in women. The list looks like this:

  • hyperpigmentation;
  • acne;
  • post-acne;
  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • the presence of facial wrinkles.

The procedure is necessary for men in order to avoid skin inflammation when shaving, additionally remove metabolic products and soften the surface of the face.

Skin care after cleansing

During the first hours after cleaning, the client should avoid touching sensitive skin if possible. In the evening, a man can soothe the skin by lubricating it with chamomile decoction, which reduces inflammation. A baby cream that does not contain alcohol additives or other aggressive ingredients will also help. If the redness does not subside in the evening, you can lubricate the skin with an ice cube.

In the next 2-3 days, it is advised to refrain from shaving so as not to injure or irritate your face. Also, during the recovery period, you should not spend time in the sun or visit a bathhouse or sauna. The skin must be protected from heat exposure. Heat and heat promote a rush of blood to the face, which prolongs inflammation.

Gel recipes

Gel is a product for the first stage of facial cleansing. The following products are as effective as store-bought products:

  1. In a liter of purified water, dilute 3 tablespoons of milk and half a teaspoon of soda.
  2. Take 2 tablespoons of a mixture of herbs (mint, chamomile, nettle, sage) and pour 2 cups of boiling water. The product is infused for an hour and filtered. The infusion is used not only for washing: if you freeze it, the resulting ice is an excellent way to improve skin tone.
  3. A tablespoon of coltsfoot is poured into a glass of boiling water and placed in a steam bath for 2 minutes. Wipe the face with the decoction twice a day.


Experts recommend cleaning at least once every 1.5 or 4 months, depending on the age of the man. During this time, the skin retains its well-groomed appearance. But the epidermis is destroyed quite quickly, and if the skin is not cleansed regularly, the pores will begin to clog again and the effect of cleansing will not last long.

Facial cleansing for men improves skin elasticity and firmness. During this period, collagen and other regenerating substances are still being produced under the skin. The pores narrow and the work of the sebaceous glands slows down for a while.

If excess pigmentation has been combated, it will not return soon. On average, it will take a year or more before the top layer of skin needs to be renewed again. After biorevitalization aimed at eliminating deep wrinkles, the effect will last from 6 to 12 months.

Experts recommend that men pay as much attention to their face as possible and carry out regular cleansing at home. For this purpose, there are special film masks designed for thicker skin. In addition to cosmetics, it is also recommended to get enough sleep and eat right. In combination with this, facial cleansing will become a more effective way to preserve youth.

Features of men's skin

The dermis of men is fundamentally different from the dermis of women. Its main characteristics are:

  • More resistant to the appearance of early wrinkles. The aging process appears later than in representatives of the fair half of the Earth.
  • Due to more intense blood circulation, the epidermis is darker.
  • A larger number of sebaceous glands, which is a common cause of oily face. Combination skin is a rare occurrence.
  • Durability or, to be more precise, roughness. Men's skin is 20-25% rougher than women's. The stratum corneum is noticeably thicker and the epidermis contains much more collagen.

Important: the strength of a man’s dermis allows him to maintain youth longer. However, this quality serves as an obstacle to eliminating epidermal problems. Getting men's skin in order is much more difficult than women's.

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