Radiesse - facial rejuvenation and modeling

Radiesse is a modern cosmetic product that serves to rejuvenate the skin and stimulate the production of its own collagen. It is based on calcium hydroxyapatite, the unique composition of which allows you to maintain the effect longer than when using fillers based on hyaluronic acid (more than 12-15 months). The drug has been well studied by specialists and there is no doubt about its safety: it does not cause inflammatory reactions, does not migrate and is completely eliminated from the human body. Another advantage of using radise is its hydrophobicity: unlike hyaluronic acid, this drug does not attract water, which means it can be used in patients prone to swelling.

Radiesse consists of an aqueous gel carrier and microparticles of synthetic calcium hydroxyapatite suspended in it, in the form of so-called microspheres. Immediately after the procedure we see the filling effect. Once in the human body, the gel is gradually absorbed by macrophages and excreted from the body, and the microspheres are enveloped in collagen and connective tissue, thanks to the active work of fibroblasts. 2-3 months after administration of the drug, the carrier gel is finally removed from the body and the filling effect goes away. But being inside, the active substance of the drug stimulated the skin's production of its own collagen. Thus, we achieve the effect of not simply filling the necessary areas with gel, but the appearance of a dense frame consisting of our own tissues, which determines a longer duration of the result obtained. Therefore, Radiesse fillers are used to bioreinforce the skin, creating a framework that prevents the action of gravitational ptosis.

Drug administration techniques

There are three main techniques for administering the drug. Depending on the indications, the doctor selects the necessary technique or combination of techniques.


It consists of filling certain areas, replenishing the lack of tissue. In this way, the filler is injected deep into the hypodermis, in some cases it can reach the periosteum. When administering the drug, the doctor lightly massages nearby areas to avoid contouring of the drug. This technique is used to fill nasolabial, labiomental folds, medium and deep wrinkles, cheekbones, chin, etc. The result from the injection of filler is noticeable immediately, but the maximum effect reaches 1-2 months after the procedure. At this time, if necessary, the drug can be adjusted/adjusted. The final effect can last from 12 to 24 months, which depends on the individual characteristics of the body, after which repeated filler injections can be performed. In addition to injection into the face and neck, Radiesse is used in body correction. Filling tissue deficiencies caused by atrophic scars, scars or other reasons can be perfectly eliminated with the help of this filler.

Vector lifting

Otherwise, this technique is called bioreinforcement. Another method of non-surgical skin rejuvenation, in which the drug is injected into the middle layers of the skin in a certain direction. The lines of drug administration are vectors opposite to the action of gravitational ptosis. With this administration of the drug, microwounds are created through which the gel is injected. It, in turn, does not allow the created channels to close and the process of microfibrosis begins. Overgrown with connective tissue, a natural framework network is created in the skin, which has pronounced mechanical support and lifting effects. This technique is used for facial skin rejuvenation, lifting, and correction of the oval shape of the face, neck, and décolleté. The effect after the procedure is noticeable immediately, but has a cumulative effect. It is recommended to carry out a course of 2-3 procedures at intervals of 1.5-3 months to achieve the most pronounced effect.


The newest method of administering the drug, also aimed at counteracting gravitational ptosis and obtaining a lifting effect by creating a frame from one’s own collagen. What is the difference from the previous administration method? Mesoradies is aimed at working with thin skin, this determines the subtleties of its administration: a cannula is used, and the drug itself is diluted with a 0.9% NaCl solution (saline solution). With the help of such an injection, we will not see contouring of the drug on thin skin and, in addition to lifting and creating a frame, we will achieve its compaction. This technique is indicated for administering Radiesse to patients with thin skin or to areas where the skin is less dense (such as the neck, hands) or flabby, atonic. At the same time, a lasting rejuvenating effect is maintained due to the production of its own collagen and elastin. The frequency and number of necessary procedures are discussed with the doctor after a face-to-face consultation; the duration of the effect obtained reaches more than 12 months.

Photos before and after

Correction of facial oval Radiesse, before and after photos (doctor N.A. Solovykh)

Correction of facial oval Radiesse, before and after photos (doctor N.A. Solovykh)

Correction of facial oval Radiesse, before and after photos (doctor N.A. Solovykh)

Correction of facial oval Radiesse, before and after photos (doctor N.A. Solovykh)

Vector lifting Radiesse (doctor Ratnikova S.V.)

Vector lifting Radiesse (doctor Ratnikova S.V.)

Vector lifting Radiesse (doctor Ratnikova S.V.)

Combination with hardware procedures

Unlike most fillers, Radiesse goes well with hardware cosmetology techniques. 3-4 weeks after administration, procedures such as microcurrent therapy, radiofrequency lifting and even hardware massage can be used. However, in most cases, hardware techniques are recommended to be used before injection procedures.

It is not recommended to administer this drug in combination with thread lifting or any type of filler, be it hyaluronic acid filler or a history of non-absorbable filler. In case of a long-term multi-component rejuvenating program, it is better to leave the introduction of Radiesse for the final stage, 2 weeks after active cosmetic interventions.


  • Our clinic employs dermatologists and cosmetologists who have undergone additional training in using Radiesse and are constantly improving their skills.
  • We pay great attention to consultation before the procedure, selecting rejuvenating procedures individually for each patient.
  • The Beauty Medicine clinic has a cumulative discount system, so by contacting us now, you will save on subsequent procedures!

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* There are contraindications. A doctor's consultation is required.


Any procedure performed by an inexperienced specialist or on a patient who conceals medical history can lead to complications.

One of the most common complications after Radiesse injection is contouring of the drug. A large volume of the drug or insufficient depth of injection, or an incorrectly selected injection technique can lead to its noticeable occurrence in the correction zone. Instead of skin rejuvenation, the effect will be lumpy and excess. A similar complication can be encountered when injecting any filler, however, in the case of calcium hydroxyapatite, it is not so easy to correct. There is no enzyme or “antidote” to remove excess drug. In such cases, the manufacturer recommends the administration of saline solution and active kneading of the desired area, however, in most cases this method does not achieve the desired result and you have to wait about 6 months until the drug is independently eliminated from the body.

Another common complication is the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Its occurrence is possible with the introduction of any fillers. If you have a significant allergic history, you should start administering the drug with small doses. If an allergic reaction occurs, you should immediately consult your doctor.

Due to the unpredictable reaction of interaction with other substances, the use of radice is possible in the absence of other injected fillers. Their combined action can lead to an inflammatory reaction, fibrosis and other complications, the cosmetic correction of which will be, at a minimum, difficult and may require surgical intervention.

Improper administration of the drug can contribute to the occurrence of such a serious complication as necrosis. Treatment of such a complication is possible only through surgery, which is why it is extremely important to prevent the likelihood of its occurrence.

Violation of the injection technique also leads to neurological complications: compression of tissue in the area where the nerve branches pass can cause various types of parasthesia (numbness, sensation of “pins and needles”, etc.), which go away on their own within a few days.


Remove the luer lock from the distal end of the syringe before attaching the needle. The syringe can then be screwed onto the luer lock of the needle. The needle must be securely attached to the syringe and filled with the injectable implant Radiesse™ (Radiesse)

. Excess implant on the surface of the Luer lock connectors should be wiped off with a sterile cloth. Slowly press the plunger of the syringe to release the implant material from the tip of the needle. If the luer lock is leaking, it may be necessary to remove the needle and clean the luer lock surfaces or, as a last resort, replace the syringe and needle.

3) Determine the implant insertion site. Injections may be difficult or impossible to perform in scar tissue and cartilage. When inserting the needle, be careful not to pierce these types of tissue if necessary.


4) The depth of injection and the amount of material injected depend on the location and size of the restoration or augmentation. The Radiesse™ injectable implant should be inserted deep enough to prevent the formation of nodules on the skin surface or ischemia of the overlying tissue.

5) DO NOT OVER-CORRECTION THE INJECTION SITE. Apply a correction factor of 1:1. Smooth or massage the inserted implant periodically throughout the injection process to achieve a smooth contour.

6) If there is significant resistance when pressing the plunger, you can move the needle slightly to make it easier to insert the material. If you still feel significant resistance, you may need to remove the needle completely from the injection site and try again in a different location. If significant resistance continues to be felt, a different injection needle may need to be used. If the material cannot be injected, change the syringe and needle.

7) Insert the needle into the deep layer of the dermis until the desired position is achieved. (For information on augmenting specific areas of the face, see additional instructions below.) Gently depress the plunger of the syringe to begin inserting the implant and slowly inject the material, withdrawing the needle to place the strip of material in the desired location. Continue placing additional strips of material until the desired level of augmentation is achieved.

Augmentation of the cheeks, chin or corners of the mouth

  1. Insert the needle into the skin, bevel down, at an angle of approximately 30°. The needle should slide into the deep layer of the dermis to the point where you want to begin the injection. It should be easily palpable with your free hand.
  2. Apply slow, steady pressure to the plunger to insert the implant, while pulling the needle out to leave a thin, single strand of material. The implant material thread must be completely surrounded by soft tissue, without globular deposits.
  3. Individual strands of implant material should be placed parallel and close to each other, and also in layers if deep folds are being corrected. It is possible to cross-layer the threads in a deeper plane for structural support.
  4. After injection, use your index finger and thumb to smooth out these areas to better distribute the implant if any minor nodules of material form.
  5. It is possible to perform injections into the subcutaneous tissue or under the muscle, but not into the bone or epidermis.


The patient should be advised of proper post-procedure care, which may include the following recommendations to promote normal healing and avoid complications.

  • Ice or cold compresses should be applied to the injection areas for approximately 24 hours.
  • After the operation, it is necessary to avoid the sun, not to visit the solarium, sauna or intensive cosmetic procedures.
  • It is necessary to massage the injection areas if nodules are detected during palpation.
  • The patient should be advised of the common effects of swelling and numbness. The swelling usually disappears within 7-10 days, but can last up to several weeks. The numbness will go away in 4-6 weeks.

Provide the patient with oral analgesics and advise rinsing with saline 4 to 6 times daily for 1 week after surgery.

Thread lifting

Thread lifting gives an excellent effect - a simple, painless and non-invasive way to rejuvenate the skin.

PDO lifting threads are made of polydioxonan, consist of two twisted solid fibers (polyfilament) or one (monofilament), which dissolve over time and stimulate collagen synthesis, making the skin lighter, smoother, and fine wrinkles and sagging disappear.

The effect of treatment lasts up to 3 years. The first result is within a month, excellent visible results occur in the 3rd month, when new collagen begins to be induced.

Insertion of threads is a quick and minimally traumatic procedure, performed under local anesthesia. They are inserted using a special cannula needle to a depth of 3-5 mm.

Thanks to PDO threads, we can also limit the strength of the facial muscles and achieve an aesthetic effect similar to the injection of botulinum toxin - relaxation and smoothing of facial muscles. The aesthetic effect is more natural than after the injection of botulinum toxin, since the facial muscles, although they relax, still remain active.

Facial contouring with hyaluronic acid at “Family Doctor”

The cosmetologists at the “Family Doctor” are professionals of the highest class, masters of beauty, capable of providing truly high-quality results. Check out the benefits of facial contouring at Family Doctor clinics:

  • The entire procedure takes on average 30-40 minutes. Of these, 20-30 minutes are occupied by anesthesia of the injection zone with an anesthetic cream, which includes one or more anesthetics (lidocaine, ultracaine, procaine).
  • Microneedles are used for injections, leaving no traces.
  • The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately.
  • After the procedure, slight bruising and swelling may appear, which will disappear in a few days, and then the effect will become even more obvious.

Surgical lifting

Rydectomy (circular lift) is a traumatic lifting operation, correction of the neck area, middle facial area, forehead, temples, cheeks and corners of the mouth.

The surgeon cuts a section of skin near the temple and under the lower jaw, and then removes excess skin and fat. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts several hours. The patient remains in the hospital for 3-5 days. Stitches are applied for a week, the patient wears a special elastic bandage. The effect lasts up to 10 years.

Radiesse full face

As a rule, facial rejuvenation is done in a comprehensive manner or differently Radiesse full face is a procedure that eliminates wrinkles, improves the overall geometry of the face and the quality of the skin. Using the drug allows you to do modeling and significantly improve the condition of the skin in 1 procedure.

With Radiesse you can:

  • Remove wrinkles on the forehead, bridge of the nose and around the eyes;
  • Fill and smooth out skin creases in the lip and chin area;
  • Correct the oval of the face;
  • Carry out bio-reinforcement of cheekbones and cheeks;
  • Replenish lost volume;
  • Rejuvenate and moisturize the skin.

If you compare the effect of Radiesse from the photo, the effect is noticeable almost immediately after the procedure. After a month, it increases significantly due to the production of its own collagen.

The most famous types of lifting

Non-surgical lifting is hardware and injection methods of rejuvenation without surgical intervention.

Non-surgical lifting gives visible results in a short time. The effect lasts for 2-5 years, after which the lifting is repeated. As a rule, methods are recommended when the first age-related changes appear.

For the visible effect and safety of lifting, preparation is required:

  • give up bad habits at least 3-5 days;
  • do not take medications that thin the blood: acetylsalicylic acid, tocopherol;
  • get some sleep and wash your hair.

Procedures are not performed in the presence of benign or malignant formations, bleeding disorders, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, open wounds, dermatitis, allergies to components, individual intolerance.

Radiesse line of drugs

The Radiesse Merz Aesthetics cosmetology line includes products that allow for face lifting and non-surgical wrinkle correction. The basis is calcium hydroxyapatite. The active substance Radiesse stimulates the production of your own collagen.

The special feature of the Radiesse volumizer is its long-lasting action. If fillers with hyaluronic acid are effective for 4-12 months, then a drug based on hydroxyapatite is effective for a year or more. It does not cause inflammatory reactions and is gradually eliminated from the body.

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