Coconut oil: a tropical helper in facial care

Natural products in their pure form are gaining increasing popularity in the field of cosmetology, a special place among which is occupied by various oils: apricot, burdock, coriander, olive or, for example, coconut oil, recognized as an excellent remedy for wrinkles. Let's take a closer look at the value and relevance of coconut oil in the fight for nature's precious gift - youth and freshness of our skin.

Benefits and harms

Coconut oil can rightfully be called a universal remedy, since it is excellent for those with both dry and oily skin. The scope of use of the product is also wide: the oil can be used to nourish and soften, eliminate pigment and freckle spots, moisturize and generally improve the health of the dermis. However, its most important property is its ability to regenerate and smooth out wrinkles, making the skin look elastic, fresh and renewed.

Such a list of healing properties makes you wonder: what exactly makes the oil an almost magical remedy? The answer is simple - all the power is in its rich composition, containing many acids and vitamins.

  • palmic, pantothenic, hyaluronic and ascorbic acids are designed to renew cells and give the skin elasticity;
  • folic and lauric acids actively fight various skin defects:
  • pimples, acne, and acne;
  • stearic acid helps lighten pigmentation;
  • caprylic acid normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, thereby eliminating oily shine on the face;
  • linoleic, oleic and linolenic fatty acids nourish the skin, relieve it from dryness and flaking, and protect it from adverse factors;
  • myristic acid helps improve immunity;
  • organic substances stop the aging process; minerals and antioxidants are reliable helpers in maintaining freshness, well-groomed and healthy complexion;
  • B vitamins protect the epidermis from ultraviolet radiation and have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • vitamins A, E and PP help the skin stay young and firm;
  • Vitamin C acts as an excellent antioxidant.

The wide range of these substances leaves no doubt that coconut oil is indeed very beneficial for the skin. Moreover, it can be used both externally and internally - both options of use will provide the same benefits for the human body. However, people with individual intolerance to this product need to be careful, since in this case the oil can only cause harm. Another important tip for using the substance is to choose exclusively refined oil, otherwise the product will clog the pores without having the expected effect.

Composition of the product

Coconut oil contains a rich complex of acids important for the body:

  • Lauric (about 50%) - heals damage, protects from bad weather, improves immunity and disinfects skin and hair.
  • Oleic (about 10%) - maintains a healthy water and fat balance, helping to burn excess subcutaneous tissue.
  • Palmitic and myristic acids (10% each) - maintain skin elasticity and promote the removal of excess proteins, which allows you to maintain freshness.
  • Caprylic (8%) - saturates the epithelium and hair follicles with oxygen, supports metabolism.
  • Capric acid (5%) provides an antifungal effect.
  • Stearic (up to 3%) restores skin protection.
  • Pantothenic – perfectly moisturizes the skin.

In addition, coconut contains vitamins B, PP and C, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, relieve swelling, protect from sun rays, and also eliminate signs of fatigue.

How to choose coconut oil

Buy coconut oil in trusted natural cosmetics stores or in a pharmacy, where all drugs are labeled.

For normal to dry skin, choose unrefined, cold-pressed oil. It is as useful as possible. First, study the sample. A high-quality product smells like coconut, the aroma is subtle but persistent. The color of the oil can vary from pale yellow to clear when liquid and milky white when solid. Dark shades are a bad sign for coconut oil; most likely, there are chemical impurities.

For problematic and oily skin, it is better to take refined oil that has gone through several stages of purification. It has no smell.

The texture of unrefined and refined oil can be either liquid (if the room temperature is above 25 degrees) or solid (if the temperature is less than 25 degrees). The beneficial properties of the oil are not lost due to temperature changes.

Storage conditions: After opening, keep coconut oil in the refrigerator, preferably in a glass container.

Product production methods

Many people confuse coconut oil with milk, which is the liquid found inside the fruit. But that's not true. The product in question is obtained by processing chips using hot processing or cold pressing.

Hot processing is a rather labor-intensive process. First, the original fruit is pressed and then boiling water is poured over it. The result is coconut milk, from which the oil is extracted. Then it is filtered, purified from impurities and packaged.

This manufacturing method is good because in the end the oil can be extracted in maximum quantities. That is, almost all the contents of the coconut end up on the shelves or in the cosmetic production workshop.

The disadvantages of this method are the loss of some beneficial substances. Which is justified by exposure to high temperature. For budget funds and making homemade formulations, hot-processed coconut oil is quite suitable. But professional, expensive brands prefer to add cold-pressed coconut oil to their products.

Cold production allows you to extract only 10% of the useful product. During production, raw materials are not heated above 40 degrees, which ensures the preservation of valuable acids and other substances in full. The cold-pressed product is quite expensive, and you can rarely find it in stores.

On a note!
Did you know that coconut milk is close in composition to human blood plasma? History knows of cases when it was used as a saline solution. Coconut oil is also well accepted by the body, almost never causing allergic reactions.

Types of oils

There are 3 main ones: refined, unrefined, liquid. The latter is most often produced for food purposes. And cosmetic products are produced in the form of refined or unrefined solid products. Depending on the manufacturer and the quality of processing, the finished products differ markedly. Lower quality oils can be quite harsh. And also deprived of most of the nutrients due to rough processing.

Unrefined product - most suitable for skin care. It is made from the edible part of the pulp without the addition of chemical preservatives and other harmful substances. In 2011, the quality of different types of oils was even analyzed. The process took into account the way the products were produced. The conclusions obtained after the study were as follows: the unrefined product contains a larger amount of useful compounds and acids.

On a note! Cosmetics are most often produced in solid form. To obtain a liquid consistency, the product should be heated.

Masks, creams and scrubs made from coconut oil

There are many different recipes for masks based on coconut oil, and each of them has its own purpose, be it healing, nutrition or rejuvenation of the epidermis. Let's look at the most popular formulations.

Face masks with coconut oil

  1. Mix 5 ml of melted refined oil with 1 tablespoon of honey and sour cream, then apply to the skin of the face for half an hour. By performing the procedure several times a week, you can maintain a normal level of moisture in the skin and acquire a healthy complexion;
  2. A mixture of 5 ml of oil and the same amount of blue clay with the addition of 3-5 drops of essential orange oil will provide a rejuvenating effect and eliminate unwanted pigmentation;
  3. A paste made with 5 ml of coconut oil, 2 tablespoons of rice flour and a small amount of strong green tea will also tighten the skin well;
  4. A bread mask will help soften your facial skin; its preparation requires a minimum of ingredients: a small piece of soaked bread and 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. After 15-20 minutes of exposure, it is recommended to rinse off the mixture, completing the procedure by washing your face with an ice cube of green tea;
  5. To moisturize, you can use a recipe of 5 ml of coconut oil, 5 ml of honey and a tablespoon of warm milk.

Coconut oil creams

A cream containing the following ingredients will help prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles:

  1. 30 g coconut oil, 60 g jojoba oil, 10 g beeswax, 80 ml distilled water and vitamins A, C and E. Oils and wax need to be heated in a water bath and then mixed with the rest of the ingredients;
  2. A cream made from 70 g of coconut oil, 10 g of camphor alcohol and a few drops of orange essential oil will help rejuvenate skin of any type;
  3. A cream made from 5 ml of coconut oil, 0.5 teaspoons of grape and almond oils, 200 g of cream and a few drops of vitamins A and E will perfectly cope with the problems of dry skin. As a result of mixing these ingredients, the cream will turn out watery, so before each when using it, it must be shaken;
  4. In combination with some components, coconut oil can have a calming effect on the skin of the face. An example of this is the following recipe: 30-40 g of coconut oil, 10 ml of macadamia oil, 0.5 teaspoon of borax and 10 g of beeswax. At the end of cooking, you can add a little ether.

Any of these creams is prepared according to the same scheme:

First, the heated oils are mixed, and then other components are added. It is recommended to apply the paste to the skin when cooled and store it in the refrigerator between each use.

Coconut based scrubs

  1. In order to cleanse the skin of dead cells, you can resort to a peeling procedure performed with 5 ml of coconut oil and a tablespoon of coffee grounds. This scrub must be rubbed in with massaging movements, and then left for 7-10 minutes, then rinsed with water and completed the process by moisturizing with any cream;
  2. By mixing a teaspoon of coconut oil and the same amount of honey and cane sugar, you can get an excellent scrub that will give the skin tenderness, softness and elasticity;
  3. A scrubbing mixture of 10 ml of coconut oil and two tablespoons of sea salt will help get rid of acne and old skin cells. After applying this paste and massaging your face, it is recommended to use yogurt, which will help soothe the skin.

All massaging movements must be performed carefully, without pressing on the skin, and also avoiding the delicate and sensitive area around the eyes.

Homemade coconut oil skincare recipes

If you can’t afford such products or you just decide to experiment, then the scope for imagination is extensive.

Table 2. Recipes for homemade facial skin care formulations.

Type of productMain Ingredients (other than coconut oil)PreparationResult of application
Universal maskHoney, kefir (or cream)A tablespoon of kefir (cream) is mixed with honey and the same amount of coconut oil. If the bee product is too thick, it must be heated. The finished mixture should be applied to the skin and left for 25-30 minutes. Finally, you need to wipe your face with a napkin and wash with warm water. Moisturizing, nourishing, softening.
Intensely moisturizing maskBlue clayMix coconut oil and clay in a 1:1 ratio. Apply to face and leave for about half an hour. After time, you should wash off the mask. Skin hydration
Express maskYou don't need anything other than oilWarm up the main product, apply to the skin and leave for 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before bedtime. An alternative option is to apply a care cream over a thin layer of oil. This way the coconut component will penetrate deeper into the layers of the dermis. Nourishment, moisturizing, softening, eliminating dryness and flaking.
Balm for eyelid skin careVitamin E or Aevit capsuleMix half a teaspoon of the main product with the AEVit capsule (its contents). An alternative to AEVit is a capsule with vitamin E. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin around the eyes. There is no need to rinse off the product. The duration of the course of such a procedure is up to two months. Elimination of dark circles, rejuvenation, skin tightening.
PeelingSea salt (fine), coffee grounds, cane sugar or activated charcoal.The main scrubbing component is chosen depending on the problem that needs to be solved with peeling. Sea salt is suitable for problematic dermis. Sugar is good for aging skin. Charcoal saves you from blackheads and any type of pimples, and coffee grounds are a universal remedy. After choosing an abrasive, it should be mixed with oil in a 2:1 ratio. Cleansing, toning, relieving inflammation, rejuvenation.

Coconut oil is an ideal choice for almost any skin type. This ingredient can relieve a number of problems, such as: peeling, inflammation, excessive dryness, lack of moisture and proper nutrition. But you shouldn’t overuse oil. After all, it is beneficial only when used correctly. And if you have any doubts, you should consult a dermatologist.

Composition of the miracle remedy

Coconut oil can give the skin irreplaceable and unique care, and at the same time it is effective against wrinkles. The thing is that the benefits of coconut are due to the presence of a rich, unique composition of the product.

Let's consider the main components of the herbal remedy:

  • Folic acid - eliminates skin blemishes, inflammation, acne.
  • Pantothenic acid - can smooth out facial wrinkles.
  • Stearic acid - brightens the dermis, reduces age spots and freckles.
  • Oleic acid - perfectly nourishes and restores mature skin.
  • Vitamins B1 and B6 - exhibit regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties, heal and protect.

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Video: beneficial properties of a natural remedy.

Possible harm

Most studies conducted on volunteers confirm that the oil is safe for internal and external use, although in rare cases an allergic reaction may occur. To rule it out, you need to do a standard allergy test: apply a little product to the inside of your wrist or behind your ear. If no discomfort occurs after a day, you can safely use the oil.

The second potential danger is comedogenicity. Practice shows that this is a subjective reaction: some people can tolerate even unrefined coconut oil, while for others even cosmetic oil can clog their pores from the first use. The truth can only be found out experimentally, and if the skin says “No!”, then it is better not to contradict it and stop using the product.

The third caution relates to excessive use. Excess fat disrupts the secretion of the sebaceous glands and interferes with the normal functioning of epidermal cells, so abuse of even such a beneficial substance as coconut oil can cause harm instead of benefit. To avoid this, it is necessary to follow recommendations on the frequency of use of the oil and various mixtures in which it is included, and also monitor the skin reaction.

Methods of application

Coconut oil can be used either separately or with the addition of this product to ready-made cosmetic creams purchased in the store. Before use, the oil must be heated in a water bath, and then added to the desired substance.

The ratio of the components should be as follows: one part oil to two or three parts of a special care product.

If we are talking about applying coconut oil to the skin without adding any other ingredients to it, then you should follow these simple rules: using massaging movements, you need to cover your facial skin with an even layer, then leave the product in this form for half an hour, and then rinse with water or ice from a decoction of herbs or green tea.

The versatility of coconut oil lies in the ways it is used:

  • as a day cream in the morning;
  • instead of night cream just before bedtime;
  • as a softener for lips or areas of skin prone to freezing during the cold season;
  • as a substance that helps remove makeup.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to perform cosmetic procedures using coconut oil several times a week - only in this case your facial skin will delight you with its youth and healthy glow.

Methods of use

There are many ways to use coconut oil for beauty purposes. It is added to regular day or night creams, added to face masks, scrubbing and wraps, and massage.

For massage

Massaging your face with coconut oil is healthy and enjoyable. The procedure is guaranteed to bring results in the form of an even complexion, elastic and smooth skin.

The massage technique is simple and does not require special skills. The main thing is to properly prepare the skin for the procedure - thoroughly clean it and warm it up with a steam bath or hot compress.

All movements are performed with fingers dipped in melted warm oil, exclusively along massage lines. Make sure that the skin does not stretch; movements should be careful, smooth, and not cause discomfort.

It is better to carry out a massage in the evening, 1-1.5 before bedtime. The remaining oil can be left overnight; just pat your face with a napkin.


All masks with coconut liquid are made on well-prepared, well-cleaned skin. Masks containing essential oils and other ingredients are prepared in portions, at a time.

It is better to use glassware for cooking, and a plastic spatula or orange stick for mixing. Before using each product for the first time, test for individual tolerance to a particular product to rule out an allergic reaction.

The mask is applied to the face in a thick layer for a certain time, during which it is better to take a horizontal position, relax and enjoy the wonderful aromas of natural ingredients.

For the mask, you can use unrefined, refined or prepared cosmetic coconut oil, such as Parachute.

How to use the product correctly

Rules and secrets of using coconut oil for the face against wrinkles:

  • At room temperature, the consistency of the product is thick, so before use, the container with oil can be immersed in warm water for 10 minutes. This way, the product will become liquid and ready for use.
  • The product can be used for cosmetic purposes no more than twice a week.
  • It is recommended to keep this natural product on the face or body for about 20-25 minutes.
  • If you want to apply a mask, then you need to prepare the mixture with oil only before direct use. It is highly not recommended to store the mixture and use it in subsequent days - the beneficial properties will still be lost, and perhaps the composition will simply deteriorate.

Please note: when purchasing a product, you must carefully examine the packaging and its contents to make sure that what you are looking at is not a counterfeit.

Signs of high-quality, safe oil:

  • The natural product has a delicate aroma without harsh notes.
  • The color should range from milky to pale yellow. A dark yellow color may indicate that the product is spoiled or of poor quality. To evaluate the color, it is better to choose a product in transparent packaging.
  • There should be no dark sediment at the bottom.

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User reviews

I have a combination skin type, so I don’t suffer from dryness. But in the winter, I use coconut milk, because as a result of temperature changes, the skin on my face begins to peel off. Using this product two to three times a week completely got rid of dryness. I recommend to everyone.

Irina, 25 years old.

Due to my duty, I constantly have problems with burns, especially burns to the face - I am a welder. A friend brought coconut oil from a business trip. He suggested trying it. Now I constantly lubricate minor burns on my face with coconut oil. The result is not long in coming, within a week everything goes away.

Alexey, 35 years old.

My friend and I really love to get together and have beauty evenings. Based on numerous recommendations, we tried several coconut oil masks. The effect is remarkable - the skin has become soft and elastic, the number of fine wrinkles has decreased. We are pleased with the result.

Maria, 51 years old.

Basic properties of coconut oil

Coconut oil, like any other oil, has a number of positive properties that have a beneficial effect on both facial skin and the human body as a whole. This is due to the huge amount of fatty acids, as well as antioxidants included in the product.

The undoubted advantages of coconut oil include the following:

  • versatility and possibility of use for any skin type;
  • regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin;
  • prevention of the appearance of the first wrinkles;
  • moisturizing and nourishing the dermis;
  • skin lightening;
  • protection from cold, ultraviolet radiation and pollution;
  • fight against skin inflammation: pimples, blackheads and acne;
  • the ability to have a calming effect on the skin.

This product also has many other advantages that allow it to be used not only in cosmetology for facial skin and hair care, but also in the field of cooking and medicine.

Preparation and composition

How coconut oil is obtained is written on Wikipedia - from the oily pulp of the nut of the same name. This is done by hot pressing, and less often by cold pressing. The latter method is gentle, but gives a small yield of product with a high cost.

Coconut oil is sold refined or unrefined, it all depends on how it is processed. Hot pressing and further filtration produces a refined product, cold pressing produces an unrefined product. With the cold method of production, the maximum amount of nutrients is preserved.

The natural product consists of 90% polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are important for health. Since the body cannot take these substances from its own resources, it needs a source of external supply - coconut oil. The natural product also contains mineral salts Fe, Ca, P and microelements, vitamins, essential substances that help maintain beauty and youth.

Refined coconut oil for face ↑

During the process of thermal or chemical refining, the product loses most of its beneficial properties. When processed, the oil is completely odorless, which makes it suitable for the manufacture of cosmetics and food products.

It has a long shelf life and is one of the cheapest oils in the world.

For the face it can be used in its pure form, but it is devoid of most active components and will not bring significant benefits. Although it can give the skin smoothness, this is only a superficial effect.

Application in cosmetology ↑

This oil is used in industry as an ingredient in creams, masks, shampoos, balms, soaps, gels and other personal care products.

Frying with coconut oil: pros and cons

Coconut oil is considered one of the best for frying and baking. The thing is that it is resistant to the destructive effects of oxygen and high temperatures.

There is such a thing as the “smoke point”. This is a temperature threshold, crossing which the oil begins to release toxic compounds - carcinogens (this can be detected by bluish smoke and an unpleasant odor).

Unrefined coconut oil has a smoke point of 177ºC. And it is higher than the frying temperature (140-160 ºС). For comparison, unrefined sunflower and olive oils have a smoke point significantly lower than the permissible threshold, so frying with them is harmful (however, their refined versions can be used for these purposes).

With baking, everything is a little more complicated. If you heat the oven to 170-180 ºС, then you can use unrefined coconut oil (add to the dish, grease the baking sheet). And if the temperature is higher, it is recommended to use refined coconut oil - its smoke point allows this.

Baking is perhaps the only area where it is better to use refined coconut oil (less healthy) instead of unrefined (more healthy).

Coconut oil for wrinkles around the eyes

Coconut oil is so useful and at the same time harmless that it can even be used to improve the skin around the eyes, without any fear of having a negative effect on it. Many years of use of the product as a cosmetic product have proven its healing qualities, which manifest themselves when applied to this sensitive area, as well as to the neck and décolleté.

  • Elimination of the first wrinkles;
  • lightening and getting rid of pigmentation on sensitive areas of the face;
  • fight against the first wrinkles and sagging of the dermis;
  • giving the skin a healthy color and glow;
  • Can be used as a base for makeup and can be removed.

Recipes based on coconut oil will help maintain the beauty and youth of the skin around the eyes, and regular implementation of the procedures will have a beneficial effect on its appearance.

  1. To perform such a healing and rejuvenating procedure, you will need only half a teaspoon of warm coconut oil and 1 ampoule of vitamin E, which can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. The mixture must be applied not only to the lower area of ​​the eyes, but also to the eyelid area. 15 minutes of exposure and regular use of these components (1-2 times a week) will slow down the appearance of the first wrinkles and partially smooth out existing ones;
  2. An excellent alternative in the fight against wrinkles is a coconut mask with frankincense and lemon essential oils, 2 drops of each. The resulting paste should be applied to the skin around the eyes once a week in the evening. A mask made from coconut oil, as well as 4 drops of rosemary essential oil, has a similar effect;
  3. 50 ml of coconut oil, 5 g of honey and half an egg yolk will give the skin moisture and firmness.

For those who save their time, the option of using oil added to a regular face cream is perfect. The effect of such a mixture will be no less positive.


The product maintains the moisture balance in skin cells, preventing it from being disturbed by weather conditions or improper handling. That is why the oil is best suited for dry skin that requires constant care and protection, as well as for aging skin. The product acts at the cellular level, allowing you to balance the production of subcutaneous fat and have a mild moisturizing, rejuvenating and smoothing effect. Thus, oil is an excellent method of comprehensive fight against wrinkles. Of course, you shouldn’t hope that wrinkles will completely go away from the oil, but it can help in the fight against them.

The product is also suitable for oily skin: it has antiseptic properties, which means it disinfects the skin well and prevents the appearance of acne. Vitamins promote skin regeneration and eliminate severe inflammation. This applies not only to acne, but also to other skin problems: scratches from oil heal faster, and scars dissolve. If this is the effect you most expect, then do not forget that the product will only help if it is constantly used together with other substances.

Castor oil for the face is considered no less useful. Read about the application and its beneficial properties here.

The product can also be applied to the lips to heal wounds and cracks, the only requirement is that you should not eat immediately after this to prevent the product from getting inside. Apply it to your lips and wait half an hour, or best of all, use it at night, this will ensure that the oil does not get into your mouth and you will not spit from its rather unpleasant bitter taste.

If you have scars or scratches on your body, they can also be treated with oil. But we must remember that the delicate skin of the face is much more susceptible to all products of this kind than the rougher skin of the body, so it will take much longer for scratches, for example, on the hand to heal.

Where to buy real coconut oil? ↑

When making homemade coconut oil masks and wraps, I recommend using only 100% unrefined oil. Remember that coconut oil hardens at temperatures of 24 degrees and below, so when sold it is in a solid state because it is not very warm in the sales area or warehouse.

I recommend ordering only natural oil on the famous website The most inexpensive and high-quality oils are available to choose from. Follow the link to place an order. You can use discount coupon WWN114 if you are making a purchase for the first time. It is entered at the very end when placing an order and entitles you to a discount.

How is coconut oil different from other types of oils?

What makes coconut oil stand out from most other vegetable oils:

  1. Eating coconut oil helps you lose weight.
    Coconut fat burns fat. This property seems at first incredible and paradoxical. But it has been scientifically proven through several experiments.

    This strange feature of the product was first discovered back in the 1940s. Back then, farmers tried to fatten their cows with a cheap version of coconut oil. But the cattle, instead of getting better, on the contrary, became exhausted.

    The secret is that two-thirds coconut oil consists of medium chain triglycerides (fats). In most oils, long-chain fats predominate. The advantage of medium chains is that they are not deposited in the body, but, on the contrary, speed up metabolism and fight fat deposits. This is a unique source of energy that burns calories.

  2. No other vegetable oil contains as much lauric acid as coconut oil. It consists of 55% of it.
    Lauric acid is a valuable compound known for its powerful antibacterial effects. It is found in breast milk and provides immunity to the baby.

    Once in the body with food, lauric acid is converted into a substance that fights all kinds of viruses, bacteria, parasites, from the influenza virus to HIV.

    And when used externally, it acts as a kind of skin “antibiotic”, a bacteria destroyer.

  3. Coconut oil contains a record amount of saturated fatty acids – about 90%.
    For comparison, there are 10% of them in sunflower oil, and 15% in olive oil.

    Is it good or bad? We are accustomed to thinking that saturated acids (there are more of them in animal fats) are harmful, and unsaturated acids (there are more of them in vegetable fats) are beneficial. But it is not so. Our body also needs saturated fats in moderation, including for the health and beauty of the skin.

    And coconut oil is a godsend in this sense. Its saturated fatty acids differ from animals, work differently, and are represented mainly by easily digestible lauric acid (see point 2). Therefore, it is better to get EFAs from coconut oil than from butter or lard.

  4. It is one of the best oils for frying and baking as it is resistant to high temperatures.
    Coconut oil is hard and brittle at room temperature. It becomes liquid when it heats above 25˚C.
  5. The product has a persistent and pleasant sweet smell
    , while most cosmetic oils either do not smell of anything or emit a subtle aroma of nuts, seeds, and cereals.

Coconut oil for forehead wrinkles

Unfortunately, there are many factors that contribute to the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead: stress, exposure to ultraviolet rays, active facial expressions, and poor nutrition.

You can combat these consequences with the help of various cosmetics and masks made from natural products, including coconut oil.

You can perform procedures for smoothing the skin on the forehead either using the oil in its pure form or by adding it to other components. Any of the above masks can easily cope with this task, provided that they are used regularly. The product must be applied before special facial gymnastics in combination with massaging movements and according to the massage lines.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Cosmetologists around the world today are using coconut oil. It is often used in spas for life-giving wraps, relaxing massages and masks for the face, body and hair. In beauty salons, gentle scrubs and restorative balms are prepared using coconut extract.

The product is safe and can be used in almost any product:

  • For hair, eyelashes, eyebrows and men's beard.
  • For the whole body.
  • For the care of delicate areas and rough skin on the heels and elbows.
  • For the skin of the face and neck, including in lip balms and eye creams.
  • To strengthen nails.

Now, not only Thai spas are saturated with coconut aromas - the healing oil has spread all over the world. Women increasingly prefer to prepare homemade cosmetics based on organic oils and extracts on their own - without preservatives, dyes and other harmful impurities, taking into account the individual needs of their skin.

Coconut oil for the face: properties and use in cosmetology ↑

Coconut oil is extracted directly from the meat of the nut. It is first separated from the shell, dried, and then the oil is squeezed out using hot or cold pressing.

Chemical composition of coconut oil ↑

  • Pantothenic acid – saturates skin cells with moisture, promotes elasticity of the dermis, smoothes out fine wrinkles, and prevents the appearance of new ones.
  • Thiamine – protects our skin from negative factors, protects from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Pyridoxine – relieves irritation, inflammation, swelling, heals wounds.
  • Ascorbic acid – makes blood vessels strong, prevents viruses and bacteria from entering the blood, and promotes tissue regeneration.
  • Folic acid – removes toxins, protects cells from infections, promotes their renewal.
  • Niacin – helps the skin get rid of dead cells, evens out tone, rejuvenates.
  • Lauric acid – has antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Oleic acid – stimulates lipid metabolism, promotes the retention of moisture and nutrients in the layers of the epidermis.
  • Myristic acid - helps beneficial substances penetrate deep into tissues.
  • Stearic acid – participates in tissue metabolic processes, strengthens subcutaneous fibers.
  • Caprylic acid – saturates the skin with oxygen and normalizes pH levels.
  • Capric acid is an antiseptic and strengthens local immunity.

Coconut oil: properties and applications ↑

Coconut oil has been used in cosmetology for a long time. It can be used both in pure form and as part of masks, creams, and other cosmetic products. A few hundred years ago, women knew about its miraculous properties and actively used it to maintain their beauty and youth.

  • The oil makes the skin moisturized and velvety.
  • Smoothes out fine wrinkles
  • Relieves puffiness and swelling.
  • Promotes rapid rejection of dead cells.
  • Protects against photoaging (exposure to UV radiation).
  • Protects against the negative effects of cold.
  • Balances skin oiliness.
  • Reduces inflammation, reduces acne.
  • Slows down the processes of aging and skin withering.
  • Saturates the dermis with nutrients.
  • Allows the skin to remain elastic and taut for a long time.

Reviews from cosmetologists about this product are the most positive. Many professional products contain this useful and effective ingredient.

Coconut oil can be of two types: refined and unrefined. The effects of these products vary; let’s look at each of them in more detail.

Use during pregnancy

You can use coconut oil to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy from the first weeks, before the belly and mammary glands begin to enlarge. With regular moisturizing, as the skin stretches, it will not be injured or crack.

During pregnancy, commercial body creams can be replaced with coconut oil

It would be a good idea to use coconut oil after childbirth. During lactation, the mammary glands also need hydration, and after breastfeeding ends, coconut oil will help them quickly return to their previous shape.

Application for dry and oily skin

Since coconut oil copes with the problems of any skin type, it is wise to use it both to eliminate dry skin areas and to remove oily shine from the face. Here are some popular masks that have proven themselves well among the fair sex.

  1. An egg-honey mask that makes the skin velvety and moisturized. To prepare, you will need 5 ml of coconut oil and honey, as well as one yolk. Add additional ingredients to the melted butter and wait until the resulting mixture cools slightly. During this time, you can prepare your face for applying the paste: remove makeup and steam the skin with a decoction of any herbs, which will allow the pores to open as much as possible for deeper penetration of the treatment. The duration of this mask is 30-40 minutes;
  2. A mask prepared according to the following recipe will help you forget about unpleasant oily shine and acne: half a teaspoon of heated coconut oil, a tablespoon of ground oatmeal, 5 ml of aloe juice and one protein. Having obtained the consistency of thick sour cream as a result of mixing, the pulp can be safely applied to the skin of the face and left in this form for 40 minutes. Protein and oatmeal will dry out the skin somewhat, and the oil will eliminate redness, pimples and acne.

Regular implementation is the key to a decent effect of healthy and radiant skin.

Nourish and moisturize the skin

To moisturize the skin after a shower, just pour 1 tablespoon of oil into your palm and apply to damp skin immediately after a shower or right while taking it with massaging movements. Then pat the skin dry with a towel.

Coconut oil is well absorbed and quickly absorbed by human skin

You can add a tablespoon of coconut oil to your bath water. If the skin is very dry, the amount of oil can be increased.

Massage mixture:

  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 1 tsp. apricot kernel oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil.

Mix the oils and rub in in a circular motion with light pinching. The duration of the procedure is 10–15 minutes, 5–7 times a week. Blot the remaining oil with a towel.

Oil cream for décolleté:

  • 1/2 tsp. cacao butter;
  • 1 tsp. coconut oil;
  • 1/2 tsp. olive oil.


Melt the butter in a water bath, stir, then pour into a small glass jar. Apply with fingertips to décolleté, neck and shoulders. This product perfectly tones and moisturizes the skin, removes excessive peeling and roughness.

Fighting stretch marks

It is important to understand that stretch marks will never disappear completely, but there is a good chance of making them less noticeable with regular use of coconut oil.

Algorithm for using oil for stretch marks:

  1. First, wash the surface of the skin with mild soap and water. Do not dry with a towel, but air dry.
  2. Make sure skin is completely dry before applying oil.
  3. Pour some oil into your palm. Apply to problem areas and massage.
  4. Let the oil absorb into the skin. No need to wash it off.

The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. The cosmetic course is long - from 3 months.

Judging by user reviews on the Internet, coconut oil can make stretch marks less noticeable

Coconut oil significantly improves the condition of existing stretch marks. They acquire a less intense color and become smooth.


Even the healthiest product can cause a severe allergic reaction in some people, and coconut oil is no exception. Therefore, before the first use, it is necessary to conduct a fairly simple test for sensitivity and individual intolerance to the substance: apply the oil to the wrist or area near the ear. It is recommended to evaluate the result within 24 hours. A contraindication to the use of coconut oil is the occurrence of an adverse reaction, expressed in the form of a rash on the skin.

To maintain youth and firmness of your skin, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on purchasing expensive cosmetics; sometimes, to achieve a stunning effect, it is enough just to use natural products. Coconut oil is such an inexpensive healing alternative.

Positive properties

Coconut oil has many beneficial properties. They are especially valuable for the face:

  • Soothes inflammation on the skin and has an antibacterial effect;
  • Eliminates dryness and flaking;
  • Restores the skin's water balance;
  • Enriches with nutrients;
  • Cleanses the skin surface from impurities and bacteria;
  • The soft and high-quality composition can be used in any cosmetics;

In general, coconut oil can replace many products: toothpaste, cream, lotion, lip gloss, face mask. At least, if coconut oil does not replace cosmetic products, then it may definitely be present there.

Reviews about the product

Overall, I will continue to use coconut oil in my regular beauty routine as a makeup remover, cuticle oil, and shaving cream. For many other purposes, I think retail products that are easier to use are better. So I'll stick to them. The only thing I can promise for sure is that coconut oil will never touch my hair again.

Emily Rekstis

Emily Rextis used coconut oil on her hair, face, cuticles, teeth and body for a week

My acne scars are still very red... The skin texture on my forehead looks smoother and the spots on my cheek are more pink than dark red. Less severe spots on the cheekbones have faded noticeably, as has the upper lip. So does coconut oil work for acne scars? Yes it is, but I don't think I will continue to use it. I don't like the feeling of oil on my skin... every day. Coconut oil for acne works great. Acne matures and clears up much faster than usual. I totally agree that coconut oil works best for people with dry to normal skin types, so if you're looking for a good all-in-one skin product, [coconut oil] might be the way to go.

Sandi Hee used coconut oil to treat acne for a week.

Sundy He

On the last day, I woke up in the morning to find that I had been rewarded for my struggle in improving my skin. The threatening pimples on my temple miraculously disappeared! All that's left is a little redness with a slightly lumpy texture. Overall, my skin is noticeably different than it was at the beginning of the week. Besides the obvious disappearance of my acne, I found that my skin felt smoother to the touch. This is a huge step forward, and enough to convince me that coconut oil is the fairy godmother in beauty products that I didn't know about.

Rebecca Endicott on Day 6 of Using Coconut Oil Daily

Rebecca Endicott

Coconut oil has become very popular and works well for most people, but there is no one-size-fits-all skin care product. Just because something works for one person doesn't mean it will work for another. Being willing to see what feedback the skin gives allows you to understand whether coconut oil is suitable for it or not.

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Combination with essential oils

Coconut oil can be used alone or in combination with other plant or essential oils. These oils enhance the benefits of coconut oil.

Table: oil options with which coconut oil can be combined and their benefits

What can you combine coconut oil with?How it works
Lavender essential oilheals irritated and damaged skin and has a pleasant aroma
Tea tree essential oilhas antiviral and antifungal properties
Rose essential oilHelps in absorbing nutrients from coconut oil
Lime essential oilcontains antioxidants for the skin and also exfoliates dead skin cells
Olive oilfull of antioxidants and moisturizing properties
Jojoba oilstrengthens natural bodies with oils to hydrate skin for a healthy look
Shea Butterhas healing and moisturizing properties
Aloe Vera Gelstimulates the growth of new cells, acting as an anti-inflammatory agent
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