Facial skin care after 50: how to maintain beauty for many years

From this article you will learn:

  • Main causes of skin aging
  • Proper skin care after 50
  • The main stages of facial skin care after 50 years
  • How to choose the right face cream after 50 years
  • Traditional recipes for facial care after 50
  • Massage and gymnastics for the care of aging skin after 50
  • Professional methods of facial rejuvenation after 50

Facial skin care after 50 years involves not only the use of creams and visits to a cosmetologist. Beauty at this age depends on many factors, such as nutrition, sleep, physical activity, drinking regimen, etc. In addition, hormonal levels play an important role, since it is at this moment that the first signs of menopause appear.

In this article we will look at what measures need to be taken to delay skin aging and sagging. If you regularly follow these recommendations, you will notice that your face looks well-groomed and beautiful.

Main causes of skin aging

Undoubtedly, female representatives are charming and attractive at any age. But after 50 years, hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body, and a crisis begins, which is called “menopause.” All this negatively affects the condition of the skin.

During menopause, the following changes are observed:

  • The concentration of the main female hormone, estrogen, in the blood decreases.
  • The skin becomes irritated and dry, wrinkles appear.
  • Tissue regeneration processes slow down.
  • The amount of hyaluronic acid and collagen produced by the body decreases.
  • The pH level of the epidermis changes.

The menopausal period is very insidious and unpleasant, both physically and mentally. Appearing wrinkles, swelling, dark circles under the eyes, an unpleasant feeling of facial tightness and sagging – all this brings psychological discomfort to a woman. We know how you can survive menopause while continuing to enjoy your reflection in the mirror. And we are not talking about expensive cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. Let's look at the main methods and methods of skin care, based on the advice of modern cosmetologists.

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Proper skin care after 50

Simple but effective rules will help you slow down aging and look amazing even after 50 years.

  1. Eat properly and balanced.
    In modern society, proper nutrition is fashionable. Advertising on the Internet and popular social networks encourages everyone to reconsider their diet. But by approaching this issue wisely and following the principles of proper nutrition, you will not only be on trend, but also improve your overall well-being. Eliminate flour, sweets and fatty foods from your diet. Reduce the amount of salt you consume. Replace sweet, unhealthy baked goods with fruits and seasonal berries. Don't forget to eat vegetables, and also increase the amount of dairy products in your diet.
  2. Drink the required amount of water per day.
    Water is the source of life, and during menopause it is your indispensable assistant in the fight for a beautiful face. It has been proven that clean water prevents dry skin by nourishing it from the inside. Drink clean, still water regularly. You can calculate the required amount of water per day using the formula - 30 ml multiplied by 1 kg of weight. Experts also recommend drinking 1 glass of water at room temperature every morning on an empty stomach in order to start the body’s metabolic processes.
  3. Play sports.
    Don't neglect physical activity! Even light physical exercises that you can do at home will have an effect. Lead an active lifestyle, walk more. Experts recommend taking at least 10,000 steps a day. Physical education has a positive effect not only on your figure, but also on your emotional state.

  4. Say goodbye to your bad habits.
    Yes, it’s not easy to give up your bad habits, but there is no way out. If you smoke or drink, no modern and expensive facial skin care will help you maintain youth. Smoking and alcohol are the main enemies of your health and beauty. We also strongly recommend that lovers of solariums and sunbathing in the warm season give up these habits. Stress and nervous experiences, excess consumption of coffee and tea, lack of sleep, improper facial care - all these factors accelerate the aging process.
  5. Complex facial skin care.
    This rule works effectively only if the previous points are observed. Comprehensive care includes cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis. It can be done using salon products or prepared at home yourself.

When choosing facial skin care products after 50 years, advice from a cosmetologist is necessary, because only a specialist can choose an individual program for you depending on the current condition of the skin and external influencing factors.

The main stages of facial skin care after 50 years

Even if you don’t use decorative cosmetics, your skin needs care, because dust and environmental dirt negatively affect its condition. When caring for facial skin after 50 years at home, a woman needs to adhere to a certain sequence of actions. Let's take a closer look at them.

Stage 1. Cleansing.

This is the very first and completely uncomplicated stage, but many women already make many mistakes here. The procedures must be repeated twice a day. Before going to bed, you need to remove makeup and get rid of dirt. In the morning, this stage should also not be skipped, because at night our skin starts regeneration processes, sweat and sebaceous secretions are formed. After awakening, you need to cleanse yourself of this. Do everything very carefully; you should absolutely not rub your face with a towel after washing. Lightly blot off excess water and the remaining residue will be absorbed into the epidermis.

The cleansing stage, in turn, can be divided into two procedures, which are performed alternately one after another.

  • Removing cosmetics.

Don't forget to wash off your makeup. Do this with special makeup remover products and under no circumstances resort to the help of improvised means: soap and water.

  • Washing.

Once you've gotten rid of your makeup, it's time to move on to washing your face. Choose products for this procedure together with a cosmetologist or dermatologist, based on the current condition of the skin and its type.

Stage 2. Toning.

A very important stage that should not be underestimated or skipped. Its main functions are restoration and normalization of the pH of the epidermis, neutralization of residual traces of products that were used in the washing process. Tonic is most often a liquid and transparent product. It is applied to the skin of the face with cotton pads. You may come across a type of tonic - a spray that needs to be sprayed and rubbed with light patting movements. As a result of using the tonic, you will get a fresh face prepared for the procedure of applying the cream.

Stage 3. Moisturizing.

Do you want to look younger than your age? Don't forget to regularly moisturize your skin. Special products nourish the epidermis, making your face look fresh and attractive. By ignoring this care item, you risk facing dehydration of the skin and, as a result, the early appearance of wrinkles.

There are a huge number of facial skin care products available on the market after 50 years. But you need to make a choice based, first of all, on the type of skin.

Those with normal facial skin have the easiest choice. They do not need to pay attention to additional components of the product; the most ordinary cream-gel will do.

If you have combination dermis, give preference to care products that contain mineral oils, cyclomethicone, and dimethicone.

Women with oily skin may feel like they don't need the moisturizing step. But this is not true at all! Choose moisturizing care products based on natural silicone that do not clog pores. Use formulations with the lightest possible texture, such as gels or fluids.

For those with dry dermis, we recommend paying attention to the following components of care products - amino acids, unsaturated fats, sugars and ceramides.

Stage 4. Applying cream.

Facial skin care after 50 years of age in winter especially requires the application of cream, because it can restore the lipid layer of the epidermis and protect it from dryness and chapping. The choice of product should also be based on your dermis type. There are several types of nourishing creams depending on the time of application - day and night.

Day cream serves as an excellent base for makeup and is applied an hour before going outside. Experts recommend using night cream at approximately 10-11 pm during the active production of the hormone melatonin. But keep in mind that applying the cream immediately before bed may result in swelling in the morning.

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Let's consider the process of caring for facial skin after 50 years at home step by step in accordance with the recommendations of cosmetologists.

Apply nourishing cream to your hand. This way you can use the amount you need. Rub the care product with your fingertips, warming it to a comfortable body temperature. Apply the cream to your face, avoiding the eye area. Don't forget about your neck and décolleté. When applying, use massaging movements. If you feel discomfort and heaviness on your face, blot off any remaining cream with a clean paper towel approximately 20 minutes after the procedure.

Hardware cosmetology

In cosmetology, a whole range of rejuvenating procedures has been developed, which are carried out using special devices. During such treatment, low voltage current, laser, ultrasound and light waves can be used.

To enhance the effect, serums, masks and bioactive substances can be used. Hardware procedures are most often painless, and the effect is noticeable immediately after the first session.

The procedures help not only remove acne and excess sebum, but also speed up tissue regeneration.

Laser tightening

The use of laser for rejuvenation began relatively recently. This treatment method is effective for eliminating age-related skin defects. For tightening, a laser beam is used, divided into fractions. The laser precisely removes damaged cells, helping to smooth out the skin. Thanks to the laser's effect on the cells, the production of collagen, which is responsible for the strength and elasticity of the tissue, is activated.

The laser cell removal procedure can cause painful reactions, so it is recommended to use a cooling gel for local anesthesia. After the procedure, slight redness is observed, which will subside within 2-3 hours.


Photorejuvenation is a treatment method aimed at restoring the elasticity and firmness of the skin without damaging its structure. Rejuvenation occurs through the use of a high energy pulsed light (IPL) system. Unlike a laser, IPL produces a flash of light over a wide range of wavelengths, allowing for a wide range of effects on the skin.

The main advantage of photorejuvenation is a wide range of applications to reduce the manifestation of age-related changes. This treatment is gentle on tissue, suitable for different skin types and has no side effects.

Ultrasound cleaning

Occurs due to the effect of ultrasonic vibrations on tissue, which are applied to a nozzle in the form of a scraper.

The procedure refreshes the face, making it soft and moisturized. Increased blood circulation helps reduce swelling. By reducing the thickness of the stratum corneum, the active components of serums and masks can penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis.

Galvanic cleaning

It requires applying a special alkaline solution to the face, after which the surface of the skin is exposed to electric current. The current promotes deep penetration of the solution into the pores and dissolution of sebum.

Fatty acids that make up the secretion of the sebaceous glands appear on the surface of the skin in the form of foam, which is removed with a napkin.

Vacuum cleaning

Includes steaming the face and cleansing the pores with a special vacuum tube. The procedure has a massage effect, which improves blood circulation and oxygen saturation. Thanks to this, you can refresh and restore the skin.

To enhance the effect, skin cleansing is often combined with other types of hardware procedures for skin rejuvenation.


Thermolifting affects the deep layers of the skin using infrared waves or laser radiation. This method of hardware rejuvenation triggers the natural processes of restoration and rejuvenation of the dermis.

Due to its mild effect, thermolifting is suitable for solving most manifestations of age-related changes. The procedure is painless and does not require anesthesia. In addition, thermolifting has no side effects.

How to choose the right face cream after 50 years

We remind you that it is better to discuss the choice of a suitable care cream with a cosmetologist, since only those cosmetics that suit your skin will be effective. But there are general points that you need to pay attention to when choosing any product.

  • Compound.
    The components and active substances of the cream are very important. Age-related skin care after 50 years requires the use of special anti-aging products designed to slow down aging. Their composition can be compared to “heavy artillery” and should include antioxidants and coenzyme Q10. The presence of hyaluronic acid will be an advantage, because it retains moisture and synthesizes elastin and collagen. L-carnosine promotes rapid lifting. Peptides in the cream improve blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The function of skin regeneration is performed by oils, which are also present in many creams.
  • Contraindications.
    Be sure to pay attention to the restrictions on the use of the cream you are planning to buy. In fact, there are only two contraindications for age-related skin care products after 50 years of age - individual intolerance to components that can cause allergies, and the absence of signs of aging. If you are over 50, but there are no age-related changes on your face, anti-age creams will not help you, but on the contrary will worsen the situation. Therefore, in this case, the use of anti-aging creams is strictly not recommended.

Injection treatment

Where home remedies fail, a cosmetologist will come to the rescue.


The method involves introducing drugs into the deep layers of the dermis that promote rejuvenation from the inside and solve a specific problem. The procedure is performed using a certain number of injections with syringes of the smallest diameter.

After it there are no traces of injections, the duration of action is determined by the chosen drug and the characteristics of the skin, on average it is 6-9 months.


Similar to mesotherapy, drugs are injected into the dermis, but based on hyaluronic acid. Moisturizing occurs at a deep level.

Hyaluronic acid is hypoallergenic, the course must be repeated 2-3 times a year. Unlike mesotherapy, the unsuccessful consequences of biorevialization can be quickly neutralized with the special enzyme hyaluronidase.

Regular and deep bioreinforcement

In the process of bioreinforcement, special gel-like substances with high bioactivity are injected into the dermis. They stimulate the synthesis of protein molecules, collagen and elastin fibers, as a result of which wrinkles are smoothed out and the natural oval of the face is restored.

Traditional recipes for facial care after 50

Don't have time for salon treatments, but at the same time want to look young? There is an exit! Homemade masks, which are very popular among women, will help you. Proper skin care after 50 years of age using folk remedies is possible. Let's look at a few simple but very effective recipes.

  1. Dill + chamomile + sage + mint + linden + plantain.
    Mix all the above herbs in equal proportions - approximately 10-15 g of each. Pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for about half an hour and cool the resulting broth. Soak gauze, bandage or textile napkin in the solution and apply the compress to your face for about 20 minutes, avoiding the area around the eyes. Afterwards, wash your face with clean warm water.
  2. Yogurt + buckwheat flour.
    Mix 50 g of washed and calcined flour in a frying pan with 90 g of natural yogurt without additives. Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for several hours. Use as a nourishing face cream.
  3. Cucumber + aloe leaf juice + gelatin.
    Dissolve 15 g of gelatin in 50 ml of warm water. After the resulting mixture has cooled, add the juice of aloe leaves and fresh cucumber. The proportion of each type of juice is 1:1 to water. Apply the resulting mixture to your face, avoiding the area around the eyes, for about a quarter of an hour. Wash off the mask with a contrast shower, alternating cold and hot water.
  4. Fruit/berry optional + cream.
    You can use banana, strawberry or apricot for this recipe. Mash the fruit with a fork and mix with heavy cream (about 20 ml). Before applying the resulting composition, steam your skin in the usual way. Next, spread the mask in a thick layer on your face, avoiding the area around the eyes, and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off the composition with a contrast shower, alternating cold and hot water.

As you noticed, all the above recipes are not suitable for the area around the eyes. After all, the epidermis there is very sensitive, which means that the care product should be as soft and light as possible. Below we have compiled a selection of just such recipes, which are recommended to be applied specifically to the area around the eyes.

  1. Banana + olive oil + vitamin E.
    Mash the banana with a fork, mix with 10 g of beauty vitamin and add 15 ml of olive oil. Mix thoroughly and the product is ready for use. Apply it to the eye area for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Rosehip/rose petals + egg yolk + butter.
    Mix 20 g of rose or rose petal flour, add a little more butter - about 25 g and one egg yolk. Apply the mixture to the area around the eyes for about half an hour.
  3. Beeswax + vitamins A and E + honey + glycerin + solid oil + natural oils.
    By mixing all the above ingredients, you will get an anti-aging cream that can be applied to the area around the eyes. The shelf life of the product is one month.

For greater effectiveness, facial skin care after 50 years at home for a woman should be considered in combination with massage and facial gymnastics. In this case, you will get a result that will please you.

Massage and gymnastics for the care of aging skin after 50

Various types of massages are very popular among female representatives, for example, restorative, anti-cellulite, Thai, relaxing. But few people know that there is also a cosmetic facial massage, and its effectiveness is no less.

There are three types of cosmetic massage:

  • Classical. Its main purpose is to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, giving a healthy appearance.
  • Medicinal. For serious diseases of the epidermis, massage is not recommended, otherwise the procedure may be beneficial.
  • Plastic. Ideal for skin that is already losing its attractive, healthy appearance. This massage is designed to improve skin tone, reduce the number of wrinkles, change the contours and oval of the face.

You can do cosmetic facial massage at home yourself, the most important thing is to familiarize yourself with the rules for its implementation and strictly follow them:

  • Before starting the massage, be sure to wash off your decorative cosmetics.
  • Apply a small amount of cream to your face.
  • During the massage, your movements should be neat and smooth, use tapping and stroking with your fingertips. Follow the direction of the facial massage lines.

  • Massage the forehead area from the center to the sides, from between the eyebrows to the hairline.
  • Massage your nose from the tip to the forehead.
  • Massage your cheeks in the direction from the nasolabial folds to the ears. First one half of the face, then the other.
  • Massage your chin from the center to the ears.

In addition to cosmetic massage, pay attention to gymnastics, but to achieve the effect it must be performed regularly. If your skin itself is moist, tightening and toning exercises are suitable for you. The procedure is largely concentrated in the area of ​​the lips, cheeks, chin and eyes. For training, you should contact a cosmetologist. Also, do not forget about the neck and décolleté; these are the ones that give away the age of many women.

Surgical intervention

A facelift through surgery is the most radical solution to the problem of age-related changes. Often, a facelift is performed together with other operations to prolong youth (blepharoplasty, chin liposuction and lipofilling).

Depending on the nature of the problem, skin tightening surgery is performed in different areas of the face:

  • Removing sagging tissue in the cheeks, chin and neck areas provides a firmer look to the lower part of the face.
  • Elimination of sagging skin in the cheeks and lower eyelids gives a clearer contour of the cheekbones. Because of this, visible thinness of the face is created.
  • Manipulations in the forehead area help get rid of horizontal wrinkles and tighten drooping corners of the eyes and eyebrows.

This method of treatment is much more expensive than hardware technologies. However, the operation has a longer lasting effect.

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