Proper facial skin care - advice from a cosmetologist

From this article you will learn:

  • Benefits of systemic facial care
  • Facial skin care depending on skin type
  • Age labels for cosmetics
  • 6 stages of systemic facial skin care
  • The importance of using cosmetics from the same company

The face is a woman’s calling card. Everyone strives for perfect skin. Even, smooth, beautiful and well-groomed - this is the dream of many. You can make your dream come true if you know the secrets of proper care.

A balanced diet, adequate sleep and, of course, systemic cosmetic care are the best options for the face to achieve perfect skin. Only complex procedures will achieve the expected effect. Read on for the secrets of perfect skin.

Stages of daily facial skin care at home

An important rule that every girl must follow is: you cannot skip facial care procedures; you must carry out a set of activities every day.

Remember that you should select cosmetics, both decorative and skincare, that are suitable specifically for your type. You should not chase fashion brands and popular brands. First of all, pay attention to the composition of the product. The presence of only natural ingredients without artificial ingredients indicates the high quality of the products, regardless of their cost.

The basic facial skin care system includes several stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. This integrated approach allows:

  • Remove dirt.
  • Reduce inflammation and acne.
  • Tighten pores and reduce the number of blackheads.
  • Tone the epithelium and prevent the first signs of aging.
  • Replenish lost micronutrients.

A basic set of products may consist of:

  • Cleansers – gel, foam, milk.
  • Toning product – lotions, tonics, thermal and micellar waters.
  • Products for moisturizing and nutrition - creams, gels, serums, fluids.

Try to avoid using soap when washing your face. It dries out quite a lot, which leads to contraction and loss of beneficial microelements.

Facial zones

The division into zones is important for those with combination skin, for whom different areas of the face require different care.

Conventionally, the face can be divided into two zones:

The T-zone is the area of ​​the forehead, nose and chin. Increased sebum secretion may be observed in this area of ​​the skin. As a result, enlarged pores and blackheads form, rashes and an oily sheen appear.

U-zone - lower part of the chin, cheeks, cheekbones, temples. This area of ​​the face may be prone to dryness, causing a feeling of tightness and flaking. Skin in the U-zone often lacks a healthy glow.

Eye and lip contour care

The delicate skin around the eyes is different in structure from the skin on the face. It is thinner and has virtually no subcutaneous fat, so it is less elastic and prone to early wrinkles.

The skin around the lips is also particularly sensitive. This area is devoid of sebaceous glands, so lips often become dry and chapped, and peeling and folds appear.

Proper regular care will help make the skin in the eye and lip area more hydrated, nourished, and smooth. It is advisable to use special products to care for these areas of the face. Thus, cream care for the eye and lip contours moisturizes, nourishes, smoothes out fine wrinkles and protects the skin in both areas.

Even the most expensive cream will not give results if you use it from time to time and apply it to unprepared skin


  • For those with a dry skin type, cleansing products such as milk or foam are perfect. The products have a gentle cleansing effect while maintaining the necessary moisture balance.
  • For girls with a normal type, most cosmetic products presented in the beauty industry can be used. The main thing is to choose a product without fragrances and parabens.
  • Girls with combination and oily skin types can choose gels for cleansing. The texture of these products not only removes impurities, but also regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

To achieve maximum effect, I advise you to use narrowly targeted products. Universal products for makeup removal and cleansing also perform their functions, but often have less positive impact. You should choose separate products for makeup removal and cleansing. Makeup remover products are aimed at removing decorative cosmetics, regardless of type. While care products effectively cleanse the skin of impurities and are aimed at solving specific types of cosmetic imperfections.

Skin types

There are four types of skin:

  • Dry skin is thin and matte. It lacks hydration and natural fatty lubrication, which protects against the aggressive influence of the external environment. In the absence of proper care, redness, peeling, and early wrinkles may occur.
  • Oily skin is dense, textured, with pronounced pores. The sebaceous glands work very actively, which provokes a characteristic shine within a few hours after washing. Blackheads, pimples, blackheads often appear, and the complexion looks dull.
  • Combination skin is the most common type. With this skin type, signs of oily skin are most often observed in the area of ​​the forehead, nose and chin. The periphery of the face is prone to dryness.
  • Normal skin is the dream of all women. This skin looks hydrated, elastic, with a natural blush and radiance. Normal skin doesn't require much care, but regular care will help it stay glowing and beautiful.

We receive our skin type from birth and it does not change with age. But the condition of the skin can be different - under the influence of certain factors it becomes problematic, dehydrated, sensitive, wrinkles and age spots appear. Skin type remains the same throughout life, while the condition can be corrected with special care.


It is a mandatory step in home skin care. To perform this function, you can choose a tonic or lotion. The products have a similar consistency and care, and also have the same effect - they remove residual cleanser, soothe and restore moisture balance, and also prepare the surface for the application of a nourishing product.

What procedures should be performed daily?

Caring for combination skin requires careful selection of cosmetics. Incorrect use of cosmetics stimulates additional fat production.

There are summer and winter care.

The summer option is similar to caring for oily types:

  • gel cleansing - daily;
  • use of scrub - 1 time per week;
  • moisturizing with a light cream or relieving inflammation with a specialized gel - daily.

Winter care:

  • cleansing with cosmetic cream or milk - daily;
  • scrub application - once every 2 weeks;
  • protect the skin with a thick cream - daily 30 minutes before leaving the house;
  • moisturizing with night cream - before bed if necessary.

Hydration and nutrition

Many girls believe that moisturizing is only necessary for dry skin types. I hasten to refute this opinion. Every type needs hydration. Products for saturating the epithelium with moisture have different designs - creams, serums, fluids.

When choosing the right product, you should also consider the time of use. You should choose different products for morning and evening care. They contain different components that are needed at certain times of the day.

Also consider the time of year. In winter, gusts of cold wind and severe frosts have a negative impact. As a result, dryness, chapping and flaking appear. For winter, choose nutritional products containing vitamins A and E, which are important for regeneration.

In the summer, you can give preference to lighter textures - fluids. The weightless product is quickly absorbed without leaving any excess, so when sweating on a hot day you will not feel an unpleasant “soapy” sensation on your face. Don't forget about sun protection. Use creams with an SPF filter above 10 to preserve youth and protect it from photoaging.

Exercises for the face and neck

  1. To tighten the cheeks , we stretch the lips as we do for a kiss - with a “tube” and move them as far as possible to the right side. Then, keeping the lips in this position, we turn the neck to the right. After 5 seconds, we return to the starting position. We do the same lip movements and turn the neck to the left side. We repeat the exercise 10 times on each side.
  2. To lift the lower part of the face , we move the lips inward, behind the lower line of the teeth, while also straining the chin and pulling it up so that the lower jaw protrudes. After 5 sec. we return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise 10 times.
  3. For the muscles of the neck and chin , against the double chin and sagging cheeks - pull the chin forward, while placing the tongue behind the upper teeth, the mouth is closed. At the same time, we press the chin from below with two thumbs and stretch out the lower lip. You need to feel the tension in your lower face and chin. We hold the muscles in this tension for 10 seconds. and relax the muscles. The exercise is performed 10 times.
  4. Against wrinkles between the eyebrows - extending the middle and index fingers parallel, connect them and press them along the eyebrow growth line. Gently pull the skin of the face under your fingers up and to the side, as if stretching the area between the eyebrows. At the same time we try to close our eyebrows, which fails because... We don't let you do it with our fingers. You need to feel the muscle tension. Keep the muscles in this tension for up to 10 seconds. and relax. We repeat the exercise 10 times.
  5. For the neck muscles - place your hand on the chest and lightly pull the skin down, while stretching your neck up and smiling broadly with your lips closed. This is the basic pose. Next, slowly turn your head to the left, while nodding your head. We do the same to the right. We repeat the exercise 5 times in each direction.
  6. For elastic cheeks - open your mouth the way we open to pronounce the letter “O”, while slowly lowering the lower jaw to the limit. Using your index fingers, lightly press the apples of your cheeks. Without closing your mouth, you need to tense your muscles as if you want to smile. We tense our muscles in a “smile” for 30 seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  7. For clear cheekbones , we stretch our lips as if we are going to pronounce the letter “I”. Holding the apples of the cheeks from “I” with your middle fingers, we try to say: “U”, while stretching our lips forward as much as possible. We hold our lips in this position for 10 seconds and return to the “I” position. Repeat 10 times.
  8. For a clear contour of the lips , we tighten the lips in a “ducky” manner, leaving them in this position for 10 seconds, then we move on to the widest grin possible. Hold your lips in this position for 10 seconds. We repeat the cycle 10 times.
  9. For a clear oval face , open your jaws and purse your lips. In this position, we push the lower jaw forward as far as possible. We linger at the point of maximum tension for 10 seconds, and then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  10. To tone the chin , clasp the front of the neck with your palms, as if trying to strangle yourself. Slowly tilt your head back, linger at the maximum point for 10 seconds, and slowly return back. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Now you can start washing. Remember that an excellent finishing step for washing is a contrast rinse: alternately rinse your face with warm and cold water. This procedure activates blood flow. The procedure should begin and end with warm water. You can use ice cubes. Pre-freeze pure mineral water without gas, or a decoction of herbs in ice trays and wipe the face and area around the eyes every morning. *see publication: masks and creams around the eyes

Attention! If your skin is prone to rosacea, contrast rinsing is canceled.

Deep cleansing

Depending on the severity of the contamination, the amount of inflammation and the presence of other imperfections, experts offer various peeling methods. Mechanical, chemical, laser, ultrasound - you can visit all these procedures in a beauty salon. When making an appointment, be sure to consult with a specialist. A cosmetologist will help you choose the optimal course and type of formulations to use.

Scrubbing and peeling can be done at home. To clean the surface of keratinized particles of the epidermis, you can use gentle products containing small abrasive particles - ground fruit seeds, nut shells or coffee beans.

Use scrubs with caution.

Scrubs are a well-known tool for perfect skin. However, a scrub with large particles of irregular, pointed shape can significantly damage delicate skin. You should be especially careful when choosing a scrub not only for sensitive, but also for problematic facial skin, which also needs gentle cleansing. Give preference to delicate scrubs and peels, such as the 5-in-1 Perfect Skin Product. Small scrubbing particles, charcoal in its composition and the versatility of this product make it simply an indispensable assistant!

What else you should know about how to maintain healthy skin

  • Don't forget that the foods you consume affect not only your body, but also your skin. Try to consume as little high-calorie and fatty foods as possible. Give up bad foods and habits - soda, fast food, chips, alcohol, smoking. Try to eat small meals and eat foods containing vitamins and other useful microelements.
  • Play sports or simply add physical activity into your life. If you have a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, try to diversify it. Choose the stairs instead of the elevator, walk instead of driving. Such activities have a positive effect on your body.
    • Do facial exercises and massage. Performing exercises helps accelerate microcirculation, and also makes the facial muscles more elastic and strong, which prevents the first signs of aging. Just a few simple exercises in the morning and evening, and you will notice how your skin tightens, its tone increases and its color improves.

    Lying gymnastics

    To strengthen the neck. Place your palms around the front of your neck as if you are trying to strangle yourself. Raise your head up 1cm. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

    Anti-edema. Close your eyes, place your palms on your forehead, so that your little fingers are in line with the closed milestones. You need to rotate your eyes the way we do when we look up and then down. In this case, you should hold your eyebrows with your fingers, which will rise upward under muscle tension. The exercise can be repeated 10 to 15 times.

    For bags under the eyes. Place your middle fingers between your eyebrows, above the bridge of your nose, with your index fingers at the outer corners of your eyes. We look up, trying to squint our eyes, and at the same time we use our fingers to prevent the muscle from doing so. We strain the muscle for 15 seconds. Relax the muscle. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

    To raise eyebrows. We place our index fingers on the forehead parallel to the eyebrows, repeating their curve. Raise your eyebrows with all your might, and use your fingers to prevent muscle movement. Hold for 30 seconds at the moment of maximum tension, then let the muscles relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

    Now you can get up and the first thing you need to do is drink a glass of water - this way you provoke an acceleration of metabolic processes in the body.

    Now you can continue your gymnastics classes. You can sit on a chair and do the following exercises in turn in front of a mirror:

    Professional facial skin care with Alpika cosmetics

    Thanks to cosmetics from you you can perform professional skin care at home. Each of the products in the line is aimed at solving specific imperfections. The ingredients included in each product are carefully selected and combined to enhance the effect of the procedure. Thanks to proper calculation of the combination of the amount of each ingredient, the product cannot have a negative effect.

    The variety of Alpika products includes cleansing, care and nutrition products. Compositions for multi-acid peeling, means for correcting rosacea and hyperpigmentation, treating acne and post-acne, as well as care for women of every age group.

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    Severe dry skinTo restore the required amount of moisture, the composition contains aloe extract and bioactive hyaluron. Quick view 50 ml

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    Signs of photoaging and age-related changesA set of lactobionic and mandelic acids gently exfoliates even particularly sensitive skin. Quick view 30 ml

    Age labels for cosmetics

    What are the criteria for choosing skin care products at different ages and why can’t you use a cream labeled anti-age if you are over 20 years old?

    Taking into account the age-related characteristics of the skin, as the body matures, skin care will change:

    • At 20+ years of age, the body’s natural aging process begins, and although the first external signs of skin maturity will not be noticeable soon, now is the time to take care of aging prevention. Skin at this age needs antioxidant support and intense hydration. From the age of 25, you should include eye moisturizers in your beauty routine. Young skin makes the most of its own resources and renews itself well, so moisturizing and regular cleansing will be enough to maintain its tone.
    • At the age of 30+, the body already noticeably decreases the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen and other elements necessary to maintain the density, firmness and elasticity of the skin. By the age of 35, age-related changes become noticeable: facial wrinkles, dehydration creases, skin loses tone. It is recommended to enhance antioxidant support, add UV protection and include anti-aging formulas based on hyaluronic acid and collagen in your beauty routine.
    • At 40+ years of age, the time comes to fully combat age-related changes. By the age of 45, many people experience such noticeable manifestations of skin maturity as pigmentation, deformation of the oval of the face, deep creases and a network of fine wrinkles in the eye and lip area, and decreased skin turgor. At this age, the cosmetic bag is replenished with products containing retinol, peptides, and rhamnose.
    • At 50+ years of age, a period of age-related hormonal changes in the body begins. Almost all elements that maintain youth and skin tone stop natural synthesis and must be replenished with the help of appropriate compensatory care. The contours of the face begin to change, gravitational ptosis appears, the skin becomes thinner, loses density, becomes dry and sensitive. Compensatory care includes powerful anti-aging formulas that replenish moisture and collagen deficiency in skin cells.

    Cosmetic and folk remedies for cleansing pores and against acne

    Cosmetical tools:

    1. Topicrem acne emulsion. Glycerin and urea moisturize the skin and serve to prevent wrinkles. The cosmetic complex is aimed at treating acne and eliminating clogged pores.
    2. Cleanance emulsion from Avene. Absorbs quickly and is often used as a base for makeup.
    3. Effaclar from La Roche-Posay. Contains acids, carnosine and vitamin E.

    To cleanse the pores of combination skin, it is recommended to use gels and creams. Creams have matting properties, gels do not leave a greasy film. Manufacturers often call creams for oily skin an emulsion. This is done to highlight the light texture.

    Homemade masks are made 2 times a week:

    1. Vegetable - mix boiled carrots and turnips. Remove with warm milk after 20 minutes.
    2. Protein-lemon - apply 3-4 layers of whipped egg white with lemon juice. Rinse off with warm water.
    3. Cucumber - Mix grated cucumber with soda. Apply immediately after preparation.

    4. Clay - dilute blue clay with lemon and cucumber juice. Apply to skin for 20 minutes.

    Features of winter care

    As the temperature drops, you should replace the cosmetic cleansing product: gel with a cream product. The skin should be cleansed, but not overdried. Nourishing cream will saturate the skin with beneficial microelements and increase hydration.

    This is provided by:

    • glycerol;
    • ceramides;
    • hyaluronic acid.

    These elements must be present in the cream.

    These creams include:

    1. Cream "Luxury Nutrition" from L'Oreal. The cream adapts to the needs of the skin using shea butter and vitamin C.
    2. Dreamskin Capture Totale Cream nourishes the skin and relieves redness. Formulated with stem cells & longosa extract. These components mattify the skin and reduce pores.
    3. Aquasource from Biotherm. Thermal plankton and mannose maintain skin hydration and enhance cellular metabolism.

    In winter, do not use tonic; it is replaced with serum with antioxidants.

    A three-step system from Clinique has proven effective in caring for combination skin, which includes:

    • cleansing soap - Facial Soap;
    • exfoliating lotion - Clarifying Lotion;
    • moisturizer - Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion+.
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