Biorevitalization Aquashine at A Clinic

Services Doctors Results Reviews

Expert tested

Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: March 20, 2022

Review date: November 05, 2022

Biorevitalization is a gentle rejuvenating procedure that triggers the skin’s own renewal processes, increases skin elasticity, normalizes water balance, microcirculation and, as a result, improves skin color. After just a few procedures, the skin becomes radiant, wrinkles disappear, and the aging process itself slows down.

Biorevitalization is an injection procedure. Special preparations are injected into the skin, which are cocktails of hyaluronic acid (HA), various vitamins, and microelements.

What are the features of biorevitalization with Aquashine preparations?

Aquashine is produced by the South Korean company Caregen. Initially, the company developed raw materials for cosmetic preparations - in particular, biomimetic peptides, which are analogues of human peptides. Later she began producing her own products designed to maintain youthful and beautiful skin. In Russia, Aquashine is approved for use in 2022.

The main feature of the Aquashine line is that these biorevitalizants are able to slow down the aging of the dermis at the cellular level. They suppress the processes of excessive melanin formation and reduce the amount of hidden pigments in the skin.

Zhmurina Natalya Borisovna

Director, Chief Physician of “A Clinic” Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Aquashine preparations contain the following elements:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamins, including 9 representatives of group B, vitamins C, A, E, K and I (inositol);
  • biomimetic peptides (4 types);
  • 24 amino acids;
  • coenzymes;
  • nucleic acids;
  • minerals.

Recovery after the procedure

The recovery period after injections with Aquashine takes 1-3 days. During this time, visible traces of injections, swelling, and possible redness disappear. The skin takes on a radiant, fresh look, wrinkles are smoothed out, and pigmentation goes away.

To obtain a lasting visible result and prevent complications after the procedure, you should follow simple rules and recommendations for 7 days:

  • Avoid the use of decorative cosmetics.
  • Do not massage, warm wraps, masks, compresses.
  • Refuse to visit the pool, open water, steam room, or spa.
  • Do not sunbathe (in direct sunlight, in a solarium, using self-tanning products).
  • Limit physical activity.
  • Avoid the use of alcohol and anticoagulants, which are contained in many antipyretic drugs, as well as in medications for headaches and joint pain.

In 98% of cases, Aquashine biorevitalization takes place without complications or undesirable consequences in the form of redness or swelling of the injection area. Much depends on the degree of personal responsibility of the patient, as well as on the qualifications and experience of the cosmetologist.

You can learn more about innovative rejuvenation technologies, advanced injection and hardware techniques during a consultation with a cosmetologist at the Moscow Soho Clinic Center for Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology. You can make an appointment by calling the phone number listed on the website.

Properties of peptides

Peptides are organic substances that regulate the condition of cells. When introduced into the body, they force cells to work correctly. The effect of restoration of the affected organ or tissue occurs due to the normalization of work at the cellular level. And without any chemical or surgical intervention!

Aquashine preparations contain several peptides. Thus, Acetyl Decapeptide-3 activates the production of fibroblasts. Oligopeptide-24 improves skin regeneration, increases collagen production, improves tone, and reduces scars. Oligopeptide-34 stops the aging process, fills skin cells with energy, and reduces the appearance of pigmentation. Oligopeptide-72 prevents the formation of wrinkles and smoothes the skin. Oligopeptide-23 improves metabolism. Oligopeptide-51 shrinks pores and stimulates the formation of elastin.

Indications for the procedure

Biorevitalization Aquashine is used to solve a wide range of cosmetic flaws:

  • Signs of photo- and chronoaging of the skin (dryness, sagging, loss of elasticity, etc.).
  • Acne, comedones.
  • Cuperosis.
  • Dull complexion.
  • Wrinkles, folds and unevenness.
  • Decreased elasticity.
  • Fuzzy oval face, shaved.
  • Enlarged pores.
  • Scars, post-acne.
  • Age spots, freckles, age-related hyperpigmentation.

Recommended for patients over 30 years of age to prevent natural aging and correct age-related changes.

Other important components of Aquashine

Hyaluronic acid is contained in Aquashine preparations in two forms - high molecular weight and low molecular weight. At the same time, high molecular weight acid helps transport peptides into the layers of the skin and their accumulation, while low molecular weight acid quickly saturates the skin with moisture and serves as a “transport” for other components.

Vitamins nourish and restore cells, amino acids supply building material for fibroblasts - cells that synthesize collagen and elastin. Coenzymes transport nutrients to cells and activate their defense and division. Nucleic acids are needed to update DNA, and minerals are needed to improve metabolic processes.


In order to avoid complications after biorevitalization, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. If there are contraindications to the use of Aquashine, it is necessary to refuse manipulation. Contraindications are:

  • hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug;
  • the presence of chronic skin diseases (eczema or psoriasis);
  • presence of cancer;
  • pregnancy;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory diseases;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • hemophilia;
  • taking anticoagulants;
  • herpes;
  • diabetes.

To reduce the risk of side effects, you should also limit your alcohol intake the day before the procedure.

Aquashine line

Aquashine Classic

, also known as Soft Filler. Classic Aquashine has a lifting effect, which can be assessed 2-3 weeks after the procedure. It also fights age-related pigmentation, deeply moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin, corrects wrinkles and folds (including nasolabial ones). Intended for patients aged 35–40 years.

Aquashine BR

reduces wrinkles, increases skin elasticity, fights pigmentation. Lightens the skin due to the content of additional peptides. Aquashine VR also strengthens blood vessels. Recommended for patients over 50 years of age.

Aquashine BTX

- a universal preparation for all types of skin. Has a pronounced relaxing and lifting effect. The maximum effect occurs half a month after the injections. Aquashine VTX is designed for the age group of 35–40 years.

Aquashine ON and Aquashine ON BR

- a new product on the Russian market. Designed to eliminate age-related changes in the skin, suitable for preventing aging. These drugs differ slightly in the concentration of sodium hyaluronate. Additionally enriched with peptides.

Aquashine Plus, Aquashine BR Plus and Aquashine BTX Plus

— new, improved versions with a 2.5-fold increased concentration of peptides and amino acids. Provide a prolonged effect.

Release form and course of treatment

Both Aquashine and Aquashine BR are available in dosed form for 1 procedure - 2 ml of the drug is already in the syringe. For the procedure, 32G needles are used. Before the doctor gives the injections, the following happens:

  1. first the skin is thoroughly cleansed;
  2. then a local anesthetic is applied;
  3. after this there is a marking where the injections will be made.

Markings are made before injections

The drug is administered starting from the edge of the jaw, gradually moving to the entire area of ​​the face - the intervals between injections range from 0.8 to 1 mm. The procedure ends with the application of a soothing mask and sunscreen.

In order to achieve a sustainable effect, one procedure is not enough. A good result can be achieved if you do a session of at least 3 procedures. If the skin is in a neglected state, it is recommended to do a session of 6 procedures. The interval between manipulations is at least 2 weeks.

Reviews from respondents indicate that the therapeutic effect is noticeable within a day. Both cosmetologists and patients note that in subsequent days the effect intensifies, that is, Aquashine works with accumulating effectiveness, forcing the body itself to synthesize the necessary elements.

Experts recommend performing at least 3 procedures to support the results within a year. If an intensive course of biorevitalization is required, then you will have to visit the clinic every two months for a year. At the same time, you should not contact a different cosmetologist each time; it is better to do sessions with the specialist who has already done biorevitalization for you.

The price for the procedure ranges from 10 to 12 thousand rubles, but it is worth checking if there are any discounts on the full course - this way you can save a lot.

In what special cases is Aquashine BTX prescribed?

First of all, in case of lack of sensitivity to botulinum therapy.

One of the important advantages of Aquashine with Botox effect is the ability to combine it with most other procedures used in aesthetic medicine. So, for example, this drug can be used:

  • in combination with Botox to prolong the effects of botulinum therapy;
  • in combination with contour plastic surgery and biorevitalization with other drugs, with hardware treatment methods, including laser ones.

Possible complications

According to statistics, Aquashine injections as part of anti-aging procedures are well tolerated, but there are cases of unpleasant side effects:

  • Redness and swelling . In principle, a similar condition is inherent in every patient after an injection session, but in the absence of complications it goes away within 12 to 24 hours.

If swelling and red spots on the face persist for 2 days or more, then you need to be examined by a doctor - inflammation may have begun to develop.

  • Formation of papules . These are seals located at injection sites under the skin. They often dissolve on their own, but this process can be accelerated with specific ointments prescribed by a cosmetologist.
  • Skin infection . A very rare side effect that is associated solely with the human factor - for example, the doctor performed the procedure incorrectly or the patient himself did not follow the rules of the recovery period. This “side effect” manifests itself as redness of the face, increased body temperature, and pain at the injection sites.

The listed side effects are recorded extremely rarely; according to statistics, in 98% of cases of biorevitalization, everything ends without any unpleasant consequences.

Technique for introducing Aquashine for the face

The procedure is also no different from the classic algorithm. The patient must come to the session without decorative cosmetics on his face. The doctor performs the following manipulations:

  • Cleanses the skin. First, this is done with plain water or lotion, then an antiseptic is used.
  • Local anesthesia is administered. This point is often skipped because many patients have a high sensitivity threshold and do not need pain relief.
  • The sites for drug administration are marked. The first injections are made in the lower jaw, then go up.
  • The actual injections are performed. Each is done at intervals of 1mm.
  • A mask with a calming effect is applied to the facial skin.

Watch this video about how the biorevitalization procedure with Aquashine works:

Photos before and after

Aquashine biorevitalization is performed by experienced specialists, which guarantees absolute safety and a pronounced aesthetic result. Aquashine is a quick rehabilitation of the skin, high-intensity lightening and the return of a healthy complexion, without wrinkles, pigmentation and other flaws. The best confirmation is photos before and after Aquashine biorevitalization. They perfectly demonstrate how your appearance changes after the procedure.

Aquashine – perfectly hydrated skin without signs of stress and fatigue!

What else is included in Aquashine BTX?

Acetyl Decapeptide-3. It has an anti-aging effect achieved by activating fibroblast skin cells. They, in turn, enhance collagen formation. Oligopeptide-23. Participates in cell biosynthesis and regulates metabolism in the body.

Oligopeptide-24. Stimulates the production of a number of compounds that determine the youthful appearance of facial skin. An increase in the level of elastin, keratinocytes and other substances leads to the healing of scars and the reduction of wrinkles on the surface of the dermis.

Oligopeptide-51. Reduces the production of melanocytes and lipids responsible for the synthesis of sebum. This leads to effective depigmentation of the dermis.

High molecular weight compounds - adenosine phosphate, nucleosides adenosine and guanosine, nitrogenous bases cytosine and thymine. All of them are essential components of nucleic acid molecules that control the process of biological protein synthesis in the body. They have the ability to effectively reduce wrinkles and are a source of energy for the functioning of skin cells.

Amino acids that play the role of building material for the protein structure of cells. Group of coenzymes Q10 and mineral elements. Such substances are present in all tissues of living organisms and participate in oxidative processes. They perform a protective function when exposed to adverse environmental factors. Their most optimal content in the body occurs at the age of 20, at 30 years their content decreases by 30%, and at 60 by 50%.

A large group of vitamins is a necessary link in the chain of stimulating, antioxidant and regulatory effects. Thus, regenerating, revitalizing and relaxing effects are combined in one preparation, which allows us to talk about Aquashine BTX as one of the best developments in modern cosmetology.


The duration of the recovery period is from 2 to 7 days, which depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. During this time, injection marks will disappear and the skin will take on a fresh look. During rehabilitation, you must refrain from makeup and massage. Over the next two weeks, it is not recommended to play sports, sunbathe, or visit the solarium, swimming pool, bathhouse, or sauna.

Services for the biorevitalization procedure are offered by the beauty salon “Territory RED”. We employ professionals with the necessary qualifications and many years of experience. They use low-traumatic injection techniques, which allows you to avoid discomfort during the session and quickly return to your normal lifestyle. When carrying out any manipulations, our cosmetologists strictly comply with all sanitary requirements, which guarantees the complete safety of patients. By contacting us, you will definitely get the desired result and experience a magical transformation. Your face will look several years younger, attracting admiring glances from others.

Have you already undergone biorevitalization sessions, but the effect turned out to be the opposite? Do not despair. Come to “Territory RED” and our specialists will correct the mistakes of others.

How long does the result last?

The visual effect can be seen after the first session - the skin becomes more toned, moisturized and elastic. After 2 weeks the result will be even more pronounced. The effect of a full course of procedures lasts up to a year.


Reviews about Aquashine biorevitalization, both from cosmetologists and patients, are mostly positive. The procedure is painless and has a quick, pronounced effect. Another positive point is the small number of sessions to ensure maximum results

One of the modern methods of natural rejuvenation is Aquashine biorevitalization. Reviews from women around the world prove the effectiveness of innovative technology that triggers cellular restoration and fights aging.

This type of biorevitalization is carried out with Aquashine preparations, which means “shine of water” in translation. They supply cells with moisture, vitamins, increase blood circulation, increase the synthesis of elastin and collagen, and make the skin elastic and toned.

Aquashine is the gold standard of biorevitalization, combining safety with rejuvenating effects.

The preparations contain biometric peptides - analogues of substances produced by the body, which have ideal compatibility with body cells and are therefore completely absorbed.

Biopeptides regenerate tissues, regulate metabolism, and initiate recovery processes. Biorevitalization Aquashine supports proper skin function, slowing down aging and reducing wrinkles.

The package with the drug contains a bottle with a ready-made solution. This reduces the risk of errors in its preparation and calculation of concentrations.

The manufacturer, a company from South Korea, CaregenCo.LTD, has established itself all over the world and has an excellent reputation. Since 2001, she has been developing cosmetics using innovative technologies. The company guarantees the quality of drugs, meeting the requirements of international standards.

The discovery of biopeptides by the founding professor of the Caregen concern contributed to the development of world cosmetology. These substances regulate the functioning of epidermal cells, reduce melanin production, and eliminate visual defects on the skin. Now they are produced both for Korean cosmetics and other brands (La Prairie, Revlon, Loreal).

Since 2014, the company has launched the production of dermoregulators for Aquashine biorevitalization; reviews from clients of cosmetology clinics in different countries indicate their effectiveness.

The drug contains:

  • Hyaluronic acid, which creates a hydro reserve in the skin. It has an antioxidant effect and retains water in the intercellular space, which is needed for elasticity and smoothing out wrinkles.
  • Biopeptides, the name of which depends on the type of drug. Their function is to fight aging.
  • Coenzymes - provide cellular nutrition and division.
  • Mineral components - protect against negative environmental factors.
  • Nucleic acids - for the synthesis of the DNA chain.
  • Vitamins - to nourish cells.
  • Amino acids - participate in the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

The components are in bound form in the gel. The joint work of active ingredients gives a pronounced result, quickly transforming the appearance from the first injections. The drug is often called Revofil Aquashine. The first Aquashine products belonged to the Revofil line, but now it is an independent series, including 5 drugs.

The Aquashine line contains the following drugs:

  • Aquashine Revofil;
  • Aquashine Soft Filler;
  • Aquashine BR;
  • Aquashine BTX;
  • Aquashine Plus.

They are all similar in characteristics, but differ in functions.

Classic Aquashine is used from 30 years of age for rejuvenation. It fights excess oil, moisturizes the skin, and tightens pores. Can be used to correct large or get rid of small wrinkles.

Includes two biopeptides:

  • Acetyl decapeptide-3, responsible for tissue regeneration and nutrition;
  • Oligopeptide-24, involved in protein synthesis.

The drug is taken as the basis for other products, differing only in peptide compounds.

Aquashine BR fights age-related changes and also eliminates pigmentation. Contains oligopeptides:

  • 23 - to regulate metabolic processes;
  • 51 – reduces fat content, melanin synthesis.

Prescribed for rosacea, preparation for cosmetic surgery, promoting rapid recovery after surgery. The drug combats dry skin and is intended for people over 50 years of age.

Aquashine BTX is suitable for women over 35 years old. It has a relaxing effect on muscles, eliminating facial wrinkles, therefore it is similar to Botox. Oligopeptide-62 is responsible for this action. The second biopeptide-29 promotes normal functioning of the epidermis and tissue regeneration. Prescribed after surgical operations for the proper formation of connective tissue. It can be used if botulinum toxin is contraindicated in the following areas: forehead, neck, décolleté, area under the eyes.

The composition of Aquashine BTX is the same as BR (bp), but it includes 2 additional oligopeptides, due to which the activity of the facial muscles is reduced. Therefore, facial wrinkles are smoothed out and new defects are prevented.

Aquashine Plus appeared on the market recently, contains increased concentrations of active ingredients and has a result that lasts longer.

Facial biorevitalization Aquashine is used to combat age-related changes and smooth out wrinkles. It improves the condition of the epidermis at the cellular level, supplying nutrients to its deep layers. This technique is used to prepare for surgical operations, other cosmetic interventions, as well as during the rehabilitation period after them.

Indications for the use of a specific name of biorevitalizer are:

  • Dark spots;
  • Cuperosis;
  • Scars, acne scars;
  • Dehydrated thin skin;
  • Gray complexion;
  • Heterogeneity of the skin;
  • Tissue ptosis.

Aquashine products should be used from the age of 30. Contraindications to their use are the same as for other invasive procedures.

According to the instructions, these include:

  • Pregnancy, lactation;
  • Oncology;
  • Allergic reactions to components;
  • Problems with the hematopoietic system, reduced blood clotting;
  • Diabetes mellitus without correction;
  • Herpes;
  • Inflammatory diseases;
  • Chronic diseases of the nervous system;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Dermatitis (neurodermatitis, eczema).

Aquashine biorevitalization is prohibited to be carried out immediately after Botox, contour plastic surgery, as well as during menstruation, when pain sensitivity and the risk of defects after the injection of the substance increase.

To get a good result, you need to prepare for rejuvenation. Therefore, before biorevitalization it is prohibited:

  • Solarium, sauna, as well as any cosmetic surgery (tattoo, peeling, botox) - 2 weeks in advance;
  • Alcohol, smoking - 3 days before;
  • Antibiotics, blood thinners - 7 days in advance.

During the initial consultation, it is necessary to honestly answer the doctor’s questions so that he can clearly determine the treatment tactics.

Before carrying out any manipulations, the patient must ensure the integrity of the packaging and the actual expiration date of the drug.

A dosage of 2 ml is enough for only one rejuvenation session, which is carried out in several stages:

  1. Skin cleansing;
  2. Disinfection of the skin;
  3. Treatment with anesthetic cream;
  4. Opening the package, installing the needle on the syringe;
  5. Antiseptic treatment;
  6. Administration of the substance;
  7. Antiseptic treatment;
  8. Applying finishing cream.

The technique for administering the drug is chosen by the doctor individually and depends on the condition and thickness of the skin. To make recovery faster, the specialist applies a special finishing cream to the intervention area and, if necessary, applies SPF sunscreen.

Biorevitalization Aquashine preserves youth and transforms appearance. After visiting a cosmetology salon, the following results are saved:

  • Reduction of wrinkles;
  • Tightening, lifting;
  • Disappearance of age spots;
  • Healthy natural color;
  • Relief leveling;
  • Reduced activity of the sebaceous glands, narrowing of pores.

Already after the first session you can notice the effect of Aquashine biorevitalization. Reviews, as well as before and after photos posted on the Internet, clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique. The maximum result becomes noticeable after 20 days. Rapid rejuvenation is achieved due to the fact that work is started at the cellular level, the injected substances are perceived by the body as their own, and the tissues are regenerated from the inside.

The number of sessions to achieve long-term results ranges from 3 to 6, each of which is carried out at intervals of 1-2 weeks. The exact amount is determined by a specialist depending on the severity of the problems. After 3-4 months, the course must be repeated, since as the body works, the reserves of injected substances are depleted and need to be replenished.

For each woman, depending on her age and condition, an individual scheme is prescribed. Having assessed the situation, the doctor can increase the number of repeat sessions throughout the year.

To reduce the risk of side effects, you must follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding preparation for the procedure, as well as home care after it.

During the recovery period it is prohibited:

  • Apply cosmetics, massage the treated areas;
  • Visit the sauna, swimming pool;
  • Do heavy physical exercise, go to the gym;
  • Consume alcoholic products;
  • Sunbathe in the sun in a solarium for 2 weeks.

The downside of Aquashine is allergic reactions due to the large number of active ingredients. The remaining phenomena are common to any invasive techniques. After the injection, a papule is formed, around which redness, bruising or swelling may occur. When the vessels are located near the surface of the skin, a hematoma is formed. If such a manifestation does not disappear within 10 days, but increases, you need to consult a specialist.

Aquashine preparations can be purchased on the Internet, their cost ranges from 3 to 6 thousand rubles, the exact price is usually available upon request. In order not to be deceived, it is safer to purchase them at a medical center, whose specialists can distinguish a fake by providing a guarantee of the quality of the substance used. It can be difficult for an inexperienced person to identify a fake drug, since some companies use the word “Aquashine” in their name, although they present completely different products.

In clinics, Aquashine biorevitalization costs from 4 to 14 thousand rubles, the price tag depends on the location - in the regions it may be lower.

Aquashine biorevitalization, according to cosmetologists, is an innovative method of rejuvenation that is suitable for most women.

Doctors confirm that the biopeptides of the drug are more effective than other dermoregulators based only on hyaluronate (Yvoire Hydro from South Korea, Italian Aqua Diamante). Experts note the following advantages of Aquashine:

  • Ease of use (the drug does not need to be diluted or mixed before use);
  • No large lumps or bruises after the injection;
  • Possibility of combination with other cosmetic procedures;
  • Long-term action (up to 6 months).

Cosmetologists note the viscous consistency of the drug and sometimes recommend using lighter products to eliminate minor defects in young women.

In Russia, the popularity of Aquashine biorevitalization is constantly growing. Customer reviews and photos confirm this. Patients of cosmetology clinics distinguish:

  • Visible results after the first use;
  • Long-term effect after completion of all sessions;
  • Reduction of wrinkles;
  • Fast recovery;
  • Availability, adequate cost of Aquashine biorevitalization.

Among women, there are those who are hypersensitive and do not tolerate the administration of the drug well. To avoid disappointment, you need to correctly assess the condition of the tissues. A cosmetologist will help you do this at your initial appointment.

Biorevitalization with Aquashine preparations may not cope with serious defects. However, among other rejuvenation methods, this is a leader in safety, as well as a mild, gentle effect.

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