Chemical peeling for the face - what is it, indications, contraindications - consultation with a cosmetologist at the MEDSI Clinic

Deep peeling – what is it?

The deep peeling procedure has been known for a long time - it has been done in salons for more than 70 years. Previously, the main component was only phenol. Now oils are added to it to soften the skin and to reduce absorption into the blood, as well as glycerin and propylene glycol.

Each salon may have its own original recipe for such a composition, but phenol remains the main component.

In general, there are superficial, medium and deep peels; they differ in the depth of impact on the skin. Superficial and medial are less traumatic than deep, so women should be especially careful if they decide to take this step. The peeling procedure is a necessity for skin at different ages (from 30 to 55 years old), because it cleanses the skin and gets rid of dead cells. The basis of the procedure is the subsequent regeneration of the skin, its natural restoration and renewal.

Deep facial peeling allows you to get rid of not only dead cells, but also hyperpigmentation, small scars, wrinkles, and acne marks.

Mechanical facial peeling

This type of manual peeling is considered the easiest way to cleanse the face. The procedure involves mechanical removal of the top layer of the epidermis using abrasives. The preparations used contain hard granules to quickly eliminate dead cells. Such means include:

  • Scrub. Available in the form of a gel or cream with abrasive particles. The product is applied to the face, after which it is washed off along with dead cells. It is important to try not to injure the skin during the scrubbing process.
  • Gommage. Designed for cellular nutrition and regeneration. The product is a rolling cream with soft abrasive particles or fruit acids that dissolve during cleaning.
  • Brushing (brossage) to exfoliate the dead layer of the epidermis. To perform the procedure, you need a special hard brush with synthetic bristles. The face is covered with abrasive paste, then massaged with a brush.
  • Salt peeling. The procedure is performed using products containing table or sea salt, rich in macro- and microelements.
  • Coral polishing. The products used during the procedure contain coral chips and plant components.
  • Film masks for removing dead cells from the skin. The product is a special silicone film that is applied to the face and then removed along with the stratum corneum.

With the help of manual mechanical cleaning, impurities are removed from the surface layer, the skin becomes fresh, and shallow wrinkles are smoothed out.

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In the beauty salon, specialists perform medium mechanical peeling, which includes microcrystalline dermabrasion and diamond exfoliation. Using these procedures, minor scars, scars, slight pigmentation, and post-acne are eliminated.

Peeling (3 stages)

It is better to entrust this procedure to specialists, as this is quite a serious manipulation. The effect after deep peeling is truly amazing, as proven by the before and after photos - the skin becomes healthier, becomes younger, regeneration processes are accelerated, wrinkles and defects disappear.

It is worth noting that the procedure has contraindications and age restrictions, which will be described below, so before carrying out a consultation with a cosmetologist will be required!

It’s worth saying right away that not every woman can withstand deep chemical peeling, because it is a rather unpleasant and lengthy procedure that lasts at least 45 minutes (sometimes two hours). During this manipulation, the facial skin is “burned out”, so the client may experience very painful and uncomfortable sensations. It is possible to initially conduct the session under general anesthesia, otherwise the patient is sedated with strong painkillers. For the safety of the patient, the patient must be connected to a cardiac monitor in the salon and an anesthesiologist must be present in the room.

If these services are not available for your deep chemical peel, consider finding another location for the procedure.

The session is carried out in several stages:

  1. Cleansing the skin with aggressive soap and a sponge, followed by alcohol degreasing.
  2. Now the phenol-based peeling mixture itself is applied. It is smeared onto individual areas of the skin, and then distributed evenly using a special device. This is done because the skin in different areas has a different structure, so it is important to observe the proportions of application of the drug.
  3. The skin is treated with medications that contain antibiotics, and they are also prescribed for oral administration.

Deep chemical peeling of the face is done no more than once a year. The frequency will depend on the condition of the skin and the patient himself, as well as on the doctor’s recommendations. Some doctors generally advise going for such manipulation only a couple of times in your entire life.

Choosing the type of facial peeling based on age and skin type

When choosing the type of superficial (or other) facial peeling in cosmetology, it is customary to take into account two important factors: the age of the client and the specifics of the problem.

Depending on the degree of skin aging, the optimal type of cleansing is selected:

  1. 21–25 years old. At this age there are no significant changes yet. Only pigmentation may appear. Experts recommend gommage or scrubbing, enzyme cleansing, and peeling using fruit acids.
  2. 25–35 years old. This period is characterized by the appearance of facial wrinkles, keratosis, and age spots. Cosmetologists recommend cryopilling, laser or superficial chemical peeling.
  3. 35–50 years old. At this age, changes in the condition of the skin become clearly visible: dull complexion, pronounced pigmentation, capillary network. Laser cleaning and vacuum peeling are recommended.
  4. More than 50 years. This period is characterized by the presence of many wrinkles and creases of varying depths. After 50 years, the skin needs deep chemical peeling and laser cleaning.

For mature facial skin after 40 years, cosmetologists recommend dermabrasion, mid-level professional laser or ultrasonic peeling.

  • For oily skin, diamond peeling, coral mechanical or dry cleansing is suitable.
  • For problem skin, salicylic or almond peels are performed.

Cosmetologists consider peelings to be an effective remedy that helps maintain skin health and renew it. Thanks to the procedure, skin tissue rejuvenation occurs quickly, skin tone increases, wrinkles are smoothed out.

If you perform peelings regularly, there will be no need for plastic surgery to restore and rejuvenate the skin.

The downside of these procedures is the risk of complications in the form of intense pigmentation, spider veins, and tissue scarring in the area of ​​severely damaged or burned skin.

To avoid unforeseen consequences during cleansing or restoration, you need to contact trusted beauty salons. In addition, it is necessary to choose only high-quality drugs.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best cosmetologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Result after peeling

The procedure can give truly stunning effects. It is most often carried out for the following purposes:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • regulation of the sebaceous glands on the face;
  • removing dead cells that clog pores;
  • lifting, elastin production;
  • natural regeneration;
  • rejuvenation;
  • smoothing wrinkles and scars;
  • getting rid of pigmentation.

Before deciding on exfoliation, the patient is recommended not only to consult a doctor, but also to undergo an examination in order to prevent all possible negative consequences. It is also important to trust good professionals, and not beginners in this matter.


Prices for such operations are determined by the type of procedure, the means and devices used, but on average they range from 4 to 12 thousand rubles.

More specifically:

  • the use of salicylic solution costs 3-5 thousand rubles;
  • the use of phenol costs 6-10 thousand rubles;
  • the price of a procedure involving trichloroacetic acid ranges from 5-8 thousand rubles;
  • laser costs 12-15 thousand rubles;
  • the use of ready-made solutions for home cleaning is estimated at 2-5 thousand rubles.

Contraindications (6 restrictions)

Any medical procedure may have its contraindications, and exfoliation is no exception.

First of all, it is worth noting that chemical cleansing should not be carried out on women under 50-55 years of age, since at a young age the skin is thinner and more delicate and is easily damaged.


  1. Heart disease or installed pacemaker;
  2. Kidney and liver diseases;
  3. Oncology;
  4. Pregnancy and lactation;
  5. Eczema and psoriasis, other dermatological diseases;
  6. Acne, acne.

It is precisely because of possible contraindications that the patient is recommended to undergo an examination initially.

The session is not recommended for women who have dark skin, since after recovery it will become noticeably paler compared to the general background, but this is not a contraindication, but only a recommendation.

The importance of preparation

A week before phenol peeling, you must start taking antiviral drugs (as prescribed by your doctor). In general, it is impossible to prepare the skin for a third-degree burn, and this is exactly what will be obtained as a result. The only thing that can be done is to saturate the skin with useful substances as much as possible and undergo a series of special procedures, but they must also be prescribed by a doctor.

Make arrangements in advance for a vacation, at least for a couple of weeks. After the procedure, the face looks unattractive and it is advisable to simply be in the comfort of your own home at this time.

Recovery (important nuances)

After chemical exfoliation, the patient will have a third-degree burn and a crust will appear, which should never be touched with hands, this can lead to infection, inflammation and pigmentation. This crust will peel off on its own in 10-15 days. It is mandatory to take antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, but only as prescribed by the attending physician.

It is forbidden to be in the sun, sunbathing, or visiting baths and saunas. For the first three days, it is generally forbidden to even wash your face or brush your teeth - getting water on inflamed skin can be dangerous.

Results should not be expected immediately. Maximum effectiveness will be noticeable only after 2-3 months, not earlier.

Question answer

No, blepharoplasty can solve this problem. This is plastic surgery of the eyelids. The situation can be improved a little with the help of contour plastic surgery and microcurrent therapy.

The fact is that it is at this time that the sun’s activity decreases, and the worn-out skin after manipulation is highly vulnerable to UV rays. As a result, you may encounter problems, such as pigmentation. But even in winter it is worth using sunscreen.

It differs for each person and can take up to six months.

Hardware cosmetology

Hardware laser peeling techniques:

  • laser rejuvenation;
  • ultrasonic;
  • radio wave peeling.

Laser rejuvenation allows you to quickly get rid of skin defects - scars, age spots, acne, wrinkles.

This procedure is safe and effective, has virtually no contraindications or side effects, and all negative aspects are completely eliminated.

Ultrasonic peeling allows you to deeply cleanse the skin, rejuvenate it, and get rid of defects and wrinkles. Just like laser, it does not have any negative effects on the skin or the entire body as a whole - it is completely safe and most effective. Radio wave peeling is based on post-traumatic tissue restoration. This procedure is safe and does not pose any complications or side effects. After such manipulation, the skin becomes younger, deep wrinkles are smoothed out, and fine wrinkles disappear altogether.

Is it possible to perform peeling at home?

Deep facial peeling at home is impossible, because the procedure requires a thorough and professional approach, but there are several products that can replace the drug with phenol.

If you plan to do this process at home, be careful about the procedure.

Whatever products you use, be sure to test them on the crook of your elbow a day before - if an allergic reaction occurs, discard it.

You can carry out this peeling at home, but you should begin to carefully prepare the skin. Cleansing will be carried out in several stages:

  1. Treatment with a disinfectant - bringing the skin to a normal acid balance.
  2. Application of the selected product (acid).
  3. Cleansing.
  4. Moisturize with a suitable cream.

You should not start peeling if the skin is not cleansed; you must strictly follow the entire sequence. Remember about the possible unpleasant consequences that can remain on your face for life - scars, burns, etc. The following remedies can be used at home:

  • salicylic acid - makes the skin young, promotes regeneration and collagen production;
  • glycolic acid - cleanses, moisturizes, makes more elastic;
  • citric and mandelic acids;
  • calcium chloride - deeply cleanses, allows the skin to breathe, promotes natural regeneration.

Such products can be purchased at a regular pharmacy or specialized cosmetic stores; there should be no problems with this.

If you decide to cleanse your face with calcium chloride, then it must be applied in several layers. Each layer must first dry. For the first time you should not apply more than four layers, after which the number can be increased. To remove such a mask, you need to lubricate your fingertips with baby soap and slowly roll calcium chloride off your face. Masks using acids are made according to the same principle. Peeling at home will definitely not give the same results as salon procedures, but it is a good alternative when visiting such establishments is not possible. And they are much safer.

Laser facial peeling

This type of peeling involves exposing the epidermis to a laser beam. Depending on the type of radiation, as well as the depth of laser penetration, one or another result is achieved.

Contraindications to this type of facial peeling in cosmetology for problem skin:

  • oncological diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • infections;
  • pregnancy;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • presence of fillers in the treated area;
  • connective tissue diseases, autoimmune diseases.

Peeling helps in solving a variety of aesthetic problems. To achieve maximum effect, you need to focus on your skin type. In addition, it is important to strictly adhere to the technology of performing the procedure.


The cost of such cleansing in each salon is individual; it also varies by city:

  • Moscow from 3500;
  • Rostov-on-Don from 3000;
  • Tyumen from 2500.

On average, the cost of the procedure is about 3,000 thousand rubles, if you calculate the average price for Russian cities. The price of deep chemical peeling will depend on several parameters - the prestige of the clinic, the doctor’s experience, the city.

Some clinics and salons do not provide this procedure. The reason is the high toxicity of the active substance. If you are planning to undergo a session, then you should worry about looking for a suitable institution in advance.

How is peeling performed and what should you pay attention to after the procedure?

Before the procedure, the skin is cleansed and “degreased”. During the procedure, you will feel warmth and burning on the treated skin surface. To reduce discomfort, you can use a fan or local anesthetic. After peeling, first of all, take care of protecting your skin from the sun, so it is not recommended to carry out the procedure at the height of summer or before leaving for warm countries.

After peeling, you will feel tightness and slight dryness of the skin. The skin may remain red for an hour after the procedure. The condition of the skin in the post-peeling period depends on the type of skin and the type of peeling performed.

It is recommended to avoid excessive physical activity and excessive sweating for several days after the procedure. Do not rub the treated skin area after peeling. Do not use retinol or AXA products for at least 10 days after peeling. Avoid visiting the sauna or bathhouse for several days.


If you are planning to undergo deep facial peeling, reviews will help you finally decide whether to do it or not.


“I had a deep peeling done at a trusted salon. I was pleased with the result, although the rehabilitation was long and difficult.

Afterwards, my skin became young, tightened, and I began to look like I was 40 when I was almost 60. An incredible result! It’s a shame that you can’t use this service often, but I’ll definitely come back here in the future.”


“I went through the procedure and was dissatisfied - the doctor was young and inexperienced, but at first I didn’t attach any importance to it. Rehabilitation took 4 months, leaving scars that had to be removed with plastic surgery. Advice - carefully select a medical institution and a doctor in particular, and then you can avoid a negative experience.”


“I have hyperpigmentation and fine age wrinkles. After the procedure, all this became almost invisible. I won’t say that it disappeared completely, but the result is obvious. I was satisfied and recommend regular deep peeling after 60.”


“I have always suffered from an abundance of blackheads and acne scars. After completing the session, I was amazed - they disappeared, this simply does not happen. I’m 56 years old, but I look 45. The procedure is painful, the recovery is long, but it’s worth it, believe me! For a few thousand you can look at least 10 years younger, isn’t that what every woman dreams of?”


“I ordered the service from a fashionable clinic, but was disappointed with the result. It is very painful, takes a long time to heal, and the result is almost invisible. Perhaps I chose the wrong clinic or doctor.”


There are various deep peeling techniques to remove dead dermis.

The mechanical method resembles the action of emery; the chemical method dissolves the skin under the action of phenol, croton oil or fruit acids. With physical impact, the dermis softens before removal.

Mechanical and physical methods, due to the use of various technical means, are sometimes combined, calling them hardware methods.

Main types:

  1. Laser peeling, when the upper dermis is burned using a laser beam. At the same time, keratinized epithelium and minor defects are removed. From the point of view of preventing infection during the procedure, this is a safe method, since the laser disinfects the skin.
  2. Ultrasonic. This is the most gentle method with less dramatic skin removal than in other cases. There is no pain, fewer contraindications to its use, and a shorter rehabilitation period due to less trauma to the dermis. But the effect is not as noticeable as with other methods.
  3. Radio wave . It is similar to laser, but rehabilitation occurs faster, the pain goes away in a few days, the result appears after a week, but with a gradually increasing effect.

Deep chemical cleaning in the interior is carried out using various acids or phenol:

  1. Acid peeling is less traumatic. Mandelic, tartaric, citric, malic, lactic, acetic and other fruit acids are used here. The skin is sometimes pre-prepared for the procedure with laser or ultrasound.
  2. Phenolic - due to its depth of penetration, the toxicity of the phenolic acid used and the high traumatic nature of the skin, it is prohibited in many European countries. It has many contraindications for use (pathologies of the kidneys, liver, excretory organs), but skin renewed in this way is much younger, tighter, more elastic, and more beautiful.

What you need to know about chemical exposure:

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

Most peelings are prescribed in courses. But this does not apply to the deep effects of acids. Most cosmetologists advise undergoing such a procedure once in a lifetime. The fact is that such peeling affects the deep layers of the skin. You cannot do this manipulation yourself; it must be performed by a highly qualified specialist. An alternative to chemical peeling is, for example, a laser procedure.

Heather Pechey

plastic surgeon

Deep peeling is a complex procedure and can be compared to some extent with surgery.
I strongly recommend going only to reputable clinics. In addition, prepare for a long rehabilitation period, as you will get burned. This procedure is suitable for older women over 55 years of age. It is traumatic and painful. I would advise you to think 100 times whether deep peeling is worth it, or perhaps it is better to look for other rejuvenation options. Deep peeling is a serious cosmetic method of rejuvenation. After it is carried out, serious consequences await a person, for which it is worth preparing in advance. If you nevertheless decide to undergo this procedure, find a good specialist. Otherwise, you risk getting into trouble.

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