Azelaic acid: effect on the skin, use for acne on the face

Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands; it is a medical and social, and not just an aesthetic problem. Acne treatment can take years; patients often experience relapses after a seemingly successful solution to the problem. Unfortunately, no drug manufacturer or cosmetology clinic can guarantee that acne will never bother you again. But modern pharmaceuticals offer drugs that can take control of the disease and improve the quality of life.

Pharmacological effects of Azelik-gel

The main active ingredient of Azelik gel is azelaic acid. Penetrating deep into the layers of the epidermis, it produces a number of positive effects:

  • antibacterial
    - the drug has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms that cause acne (strepto- and staphylococci, propinobacteria acnes);
  • anti-inflammatory
    - due to inhibition of the production of inflammatory cells;
  • keratolytic
    - prevents keratinization of the upper layers of the epidermis and the formation of comedones;
  • brightening
    - the gel suppresses the activity of pigment cells.

As a result of eliminating the bacterial flora and stopping inflammation in damaged structures, blood circulation is normalized. Nutrients and beneficial microelements penetrate cells better, improving metabolic processes and accelerating regeneration.

Bacterial organisms are not resistant to azelaic acid, so there is no need to worry that the medicine will be addictive.

During treatment with the gel, excess sebum secretion is eliminated, pores and skin are cleansed, facial relief is evened out, and redness disappears. The drug eliminates free radicals, thereby preventing premature age-related skin changes.

Indications for applying the gel

Azelik facial gel is recommended for use for:

  • papular and pustular acne on the skin of the face or body;
  • small red pimples;
  • oily skin;
  • enlarged pores;
  • comedones (blackheads);
  • rosacea;

  • melasma - a disorder of pigment production, which is manifested by the formation of uneven dark spots in the face or neck;
  • rosacea;
  • manifestations of post-acne - scars, scars, vascular changes, dents.

When painful red spots appear - the first harbingers of acne, spot application of the gel is recommended. This procedure will stop the further development of inflammation and also prevent the formation of acne marks on the skin.

Considering the effectiveness of Azelik gel against age spots, you can use it to get rid of freckles. This effect is due to the ability of the main active component to block the production of tyrosinase, an enzyme involved in the synthesis of melanin.

Azelik gel, the indications for which are extensive, is not used to treat severe inflammatory formations on the skin surface, which are accompanied by the appearance of pimples with abundant purulent contents.

Side effect

Side effects are rare, but with very high sensitivity, redness, itching and discomfort in the area of ​​application may occur. The skin may also peel and become dry. On the part of the nervous system, paresthesia may occur, that is, a feeling of goosebumps on the skin.

side effects of azelaic acid

The skin and subcutaneous tissue can have the following side effects: cheilitis, depigmentation, acne, acne and more. Azelaic acid effect on facial skin

special sensitivity causes unpleasant side effects.

Immune system: hypersensitivity reaction, aggravation of bronchial asthma, as well as other allergic reactions.

If you take a closer look at azelaic acid, its properties

she has useful ones; it can eliminate many skin diseases. If you suddenly encounter rashes on your face, make an appointment with our endocrinologist.

Use by pregnant women and children

The main contraindication to the use of the drug is individual sensitivity to its composition. Since azelaic acid is a low-toxic substance, and, penetrating the skin, does not enter the systemic bloodstream, using Azelic during pregnancy or during breastfeeding is not prohibited.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that acne in expectant mothers is often associated with hormonal changes in the body, and therefore disappears without a trace after pregnancy.

If such changes in the skin do not cause much concern, then it is better for a woman to try traditional methods based on the use of medicinal herbs.

As for children, to eliminate rosacea the medicine is used by patients over 18 years of age. But given the tendency for acne in adolescents, applying the gel is practiced from the beginning of puberty, but not earlier than 12 years of age.

How to use the gel

Azelik gel should be applied correctly to skin that has been previously cleansed with a special product or water. If the skin is prone to severe oiliness, then for an additional antiseptic and drying effect it is recommended to clean it with simple laundry soap. After washing, the face or body is thoroughly blotted with a towel so that the skin is completely dry. Next, squeeze 2.5 ml (equivalent to a 2.5 cm strip) of the product onto clean hands and apply it locally to the affected areas, rubbing in lightly.

The procedure is carried out twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

In advanced cases, the doctor may recommend a comprehensive treatment regimen, which, in addition to Azelik, will include other drugs with local or systemic effects.

Azelik can be applied not only to the face - the gel is suitable for treating skin problems on the back, chest, and neck area.

Don't expect an immediate effect. The first positive results can be noticed after a month of use. The course of treatment with Azelik lasts from 3 to six months. After the condition of the skin is normalized, the drug can be used for prevention. To do this, it is enough to apply it to known problem areas of the face or body 1-2 times a week. In this case, the duration of use can be 1 year.

Azelaic acid for rosacea

Acne and rosacea are a common type of disease, especially prominent in the practice of dermatologists and cosmetologists. Diagnosis of the disease and choice of treatment are difficult. The prevalence of the chronic stage and severe psychological disorders are considered common. Reduces the quality of life of patients with rosacea. Therefore, choose only effective treatment and therapy. Very often, cosmetologists say that azelaic acid for rosacea is a method of treatment.

Azelaic acid in the treatment of acne

The mechanism affecting the pathology of rosacea is not fully understood. The first pathology is considered a chronic skin disease with redness. The formation of pustules and other types of rashes lead to a spoiled appearance. When studying the severe stage of the disease, which includes people of different categories: aged 18-65 years, it was found that approximately 5 percent of patients are residents of Russia, and 12 percent are residents of Germany.

Among all patients with the disease in both countries, women accounted for approximately 75%, with an average age of up to 40 years. Every person with rosacea had fair skin. The prevalence of the disease makes the face multi-colored, redness appears somewhere, and pink spots form. The skin is superior if treatment is started promptly. But due to the activity of sunlight in the regions, rosacea usually forms, ultraviolet radiation provokes the appearance of the disease.

Rosacea into subtypes:

  • erythematotelangiectatic (subtype 1);
  • papulopustular (subtype 2);
  • phymatous (subtype 3);
  • ophthalmic rosacea (subtype 4).

Preparations containing azelaic acid are considered a means to combat acne and rosacea. Azelaic acid targets the formation of new redness and blemishes, leaving skin softer and more hydrated.

Composition of the substance

Azelaic acid is a gel for external use. The active element is azelaic acid. The following auxiliary agents act as auxiliary components: benzoin acid – 0.1 grams; methylpyrrolidone - 4 grams; squalane - 1 gram; propylene gram glycol - 8 grams; disodium edetate - 0.1 grams; sodium gramhydroxide - 0.25 grams; dimethicone 100 cst - 1 gram; macrogrammol cetostearyl ether - 1.4 grams; carbomer interpolymer (type A) - 1.4 grams; purified water - up to 100 grams.

Description of the treatment procedure

The gel is white in color, but a slight odor is allowed. The consistency is medium and smooths out easily over the face.


The drug has a direct effect on acne, therefore it is considered an anti-acne agent, which tends to influence the spread of acne or rosacea in general.


When treating acne, azeloic acid can normalize any disturbances in the follicles of the sebaceous gland. Additionally reduces the composition of free fatty acids released in lipids. It has a noticeable antimicrobial effect against Propionibacterium acnes or Staphylococcus epidermidis. The underlying mechanism of action of azelaic acid in the formation of rosacea has not been confirmed. One can only assume that the substance creates an anti-inflammatory effect, which is due to a decrease in neutrophil metabolism and a decrease in their production of free forms of oxygen. Acid has a dependent effect on the development of melanocytes.

Effect after applying the gel

As soon as a patient with a skin disease: acne or rosacea applies it to the skin, the drug penetrates deep into the epidermis, penetrates into the damaged area of ​​the skin, which happens quickly. Azelaic acid can be noticed after the first application. Everything depends only on the total dosage of the drug, which as a result enters the bloodstream. One part of the acid entering the body will mainly be excreted by the kidneys in an unchanged format, where one part is in the form of dicarboxylic acid, which can be formed in the form of beta-oxidation.

In what cases can azelaic acid be used?

Use of the substance in the formation of acne, moderate severity, with the appearance of papules and pustules. Rosacea, also with papules and pustules.


Excessive sensitivity to the drug and other contents. Age up to 12 years, up to 18 years with indications of rosacea. Use cautiously if you have bronchial asthma. Do not use for serious renal impairment.

Important nuances when treating with Azelik

To achieve the desired result, it is important not only to apply the gel correctly, but also to follow some rules:


Clindovit is a gel based on antibacterial and hormonal components for the treatment of acne and pimples. Read more >>

  1. The simultaneous use of Azelik with other medical or cosmetic products that contain acids is prohibited. Such combinations may cause skin burns.
  2. A separate towel should be provided for the face.
  3. During the entire course, it is strictly forbidden to squeeze pimples. It is also worth reducing any touching of your hands to problem areas.

  4. When applying, avoid getting the gel on the mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth, as well as scratches, abrasions, wounds and other mechanical damage to the integrity of the skin. If such contact does occur, it is necessary to rinse the mucous or damaged surface under plenty of running water.
  5. Makeup can be applied no earlier than 30 minutes after applying the gel.
  6. If during therapy the skin becomes excessively dry, then the use of moisturizers is allowed.
  7. Azelik gel increases the photosensitivity of the skin. Therefore, in summer it is better to apply it before bed. Before going outside, you should apply sunscreen to your skin. For the same reason, it is advisable to reduce the time spent in direct sunlight.

If the effect does not appear after a month of use, you should additionally consult a doctor.

What is azeylanoic acid?

It is extracted from wheat and barley grain. It looks like regular white powder. It is a dicarboxylic acid, unlike other acids.

What effect does azelaic acid have on the skin?


Its main effect, of course, is anti-inflammatory. It is for this property that it is used to treat rosacea. Thanks to its cleansing properties, it easily removes all impurities and reduces the possibility of acne development.

It also acts as an antibacterial agent, because it is deeply capable of cleansing pores and preventing microorganisms from multiplying inside them. Acid can significantly reduce the amount of melanin, which leads to skin lightening and prevents the appearance of age spots. This is very important after you have been exposed to direct sunlight a little longer.

what is azelaic acid

Also azelaic acid for the face

reduces swelling and relieves irritation. Thanks to it, the production of keratin, which can block pores and lead to acne and acne, is reduced.

It can be used to even out skin color.

No matter when you decide to use an acid-based product, it can be used twice a day. But you should do this after washing your face. And apply before applying other products.

An important characteristic is complete safety, because the only contraindication is an allergic reaction to acid. In this case, visiting a dermatologist is not mandatory before using this acid. You can see azalaic acid preparations

in the form of tonic and essence, then its concentration will be approximately ten percent. But in pharmaceutical creams you can find a higher concentration.

Adverse reactions after use

A feature of the gel is the deterioration of the skin condition and frequent side effects in the first 2 weeks of use. In most patients, the skin turns red, itches, and the treated area peels or stings. Many people note an increase in the number of rashes and excessive dryness of the skin. In such a situation, you should temporarily reduce the frequency of procedures to 1 time per day or completely stop using Azelik, wait until the condition of the epidermis stabilizes, and then resume therapeutic procedures.

As a rule, after some time the skin adapts to the effects of the drug. But if such reactions occur after the third attempt, then it is better to abandon the medication altogether and consult a doctor for an alternative prescription.

Analogues and substitutes

Azelik gel is freely available, so you can purchase it at any pharmacy. The average price of a tube with a capacity of 15 g is 403 rubles. If for some reason you cannot buy the gel, then you can replace it with any other external product based on azelaic acid, since the difference lies only in the manufacturer and cost. Today there are such analogues:

  1. Azogel
    — comes in the form of a gel, has high antiseptic properties, so it helps well against acne and rosacea. Average price - 405 rubles. for 15 g of product. You can purchase Azogel in pharmacies only by pre-order.

  2. Azix Derm
    - has the same indications as Azelik. At the same time, the official instructions for use recommend using the medicine with caution for people with bronchial asthma. The cost of the gel is 663 rubles.

  3. AcneStop
    - a cream with a pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and depigmenting effect. Available in tubes of 30 g. Price - 913 rubles.

  4. Skinonorm
    - Available in the form of gel and cream. The first dosage form is recommended for use for rosacea and oily skin. The second - for hyperpigmentation and excessive dryness of the skin. Both the gel and the cream are good at eliminating acne and clogged pores. Price in pharmacies - from 620 rubles.

  5. Skinoren
    is a very popular gel, identical in its properties to Azelik. But the fact that Azelik is produced in Russia (), and Skinoren - in Italy, significantly affects the price. In pharmacy chains it ranges from 1300-1800 rubles.

There is another complete analogue of Azelik - Azelex. It is produced in California (USA). At the moment, the drug is under re-registration, so it is impossible to find it in pharmacies. A brief overview of local products, which have different compositions, but similar indications, is presented in the table:

Drug nameRelease formActive ingredientIndications for applicationAverage price, rub.
AdaklinGelRetinol metaboliteJuvenile acne, acne, pustular rashes530,00
BasirionGelBenzoyl peroxideAcne740,00
ZerkalinAlcohol solution for external useClindamycinAcne, comedones310,00
ZeneritePowder for preparing external solutionErythromycin, zinc saltsAcne, overactive sebaceous glands650,00
Klenzit-SGelClindamycin, adapaleneAcne, open and closed comedones726,00
KlindovitGelClindamycin phosphateAcne372,00
CuriosinGelZinc hyaluronatePapulopustular acne, comedones450,00
ResorcinolSolution for external use, powder for preparing external solution, ointmentMeta-dioxybenzeneFungal infections of the skin, eczema, dermatitis, seborrhea, acne, itching due to an allergic reaction or manifestations of herpes.not available in pharmacy chains
EpiduoGelAdapalene, benzoyl peroxideSevere acne3950,00

In cases where the use of products based on azelalaic acid causes severe side effects, it is recommended to consult a doctor about the possibility of replacing it with the above drugs.

Acne: treatment of different forms of acne

Developing a treatment plan is the prerogative of doctors. Depending on the causes of acne, your team of specialists may include a dermatologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, or gastroenterologist. Therapy will depend on what stage of the disease you start at. There are the following forms of acne:

  • Comedones. There are closed and open. The first are white formations that do not reach the surface. The gradual accumulation of epithelial cells, dust, sebaceous secretions, and pigment leads to the appearance of open comedones with a black head appearing above the skin.
  • Papules. Dense red-blue bumps that make the skin uneven.
  • Pustules. Ulcers with softer contents than papules. If their diameter does not exceed 5 mm, they, as a rule, heal without a trace, otherwise they may leave scars.
  • Knots. They are large infiltrates that are located in the subcutaneous fat and dermis. During healing, tissue scarring occurs.
  • Cysts. Red-blue cavities filled with pus, like nodes, leave behind scars.

The comedonal form is a mild stage of acne. You can fight such a rash using topical medications, for example, Azelik® gel from the Russian one. Papulopustular formations indicate the transition of the disease to the middle or moderate stage. This is a signal that it is time to resort to complex therapy. Nodules form with severe acne. It is recommended to take any medications under the supervision of a doctor; for nodular acne, it is especially important to be observed by a specialist.

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