Salicylic acid for acne: recipes for healthy facial skin

Salicylic acid for acne has long been recognized as one of the most effective home remedies. This is due to the heterogeneity of the effects it has: antibacterial helps eliminate purulent elements; anti-inflammatory - helps eliminate redness and swelling at the site of rashes; drying - “collapses” the elements in a matter of days.

It can be used alone or as a component of a number of combination formulations. For example, an anti-acne powder with chloramphenicol and salicylic acid is even more active against bacterial agents that cause acne.

In addition, the availability of the drug in pharmacy chains and its cost are pleasantly pleasing.

Salicylic acid - what is it?

Salicylic acid belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with an antiseptic component. In cosmetology, this drug is used exclusively for external application.

By itself, it is a colorless, odorless crystalline powder. It is quite difficult to dissolve it in cold water.

Salicylic acid is found in some plants, and the first such plant is willow. By the end of the 19th century, compounds with salicylic acid were isolated from its bark.

Today, a method for the chemical production of salicylate has been established, which is actively used in pharmacology around the world.

Treatment of warts

When applied as a cream, ointment, lotion, or patch, salicylic acid can help remove warts by exfoliating the skin and promoting the growth of healthy skin cells. Experts recommend starting treatment for warts with medications containing salicylic acid. They have minimal side effects, are sold without a prescription and are inexpensive. Products containing salicylic acid should not be used on genital and anal warts, as well as growths from which hair grows.

In what form is it produced?

In pharmacies, salicylic acid is found in the following dosage forms:

  • in the form of a 1% and 2% solution in dark-colored bottles, packaged in 25, 40 and 80 ml;
  • alcohol solution 1.2, 3, 5 and 10 percent in the same bottles;
  • containing 1% petroleum jelly, in tubes of 30 ml;
  • as a composition of 2% salicylic ointment in dark-colored jars or tubes of 25 g;
  • in salicylic-zinc paste (Lassara paste), jars of 30 g;
  • in powder form, packaged in sachets of 10, 25 and 50 g.
  • as a component in various cosmetic products and procedures.

Properties of salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is valued because it acts quickly and effectively. Preparations with this substance have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. They dry out inflammatory elements, relieving pain.

Due to its keratolytic property, it promotes the rejection of desquamated skin epithelium.

The powder is dissolved with an oil solution, alcohol or warm water and treats inflammatory or infectious skin diseases:

  • black dots;
  • acne, pimples;
  • oily seborrhea;
  • corns with calluses;
  • chronic eczema;
  • excessive secretion of sebum and sweat;
  • wound defects.

Instructions - how to use salicylic acid for acne

An alcohol preparation for treating affected skin is used in the morning and evening, wiping with a cotton swab. For adult patients, no more than 10 ml per day; for children, 1 ml is enough. Do not use the product for longer than 7 days.

Treatment can also be carried out with lotions, applied to cleansed and dried skin.

When treating with ointment (2% composition), a thin layer of the product is applied to problem areas. Sterile gauze is attached to the top. If there are few pimples, they are lubricated with a cotton swab. Wash off after 3 minutes. Treat three times a day and no longer than 21 days.

After completing the procedure, wash the face with clean water, neutralizing the acid, and apply a moisturizer.

Who needs 1, 5 and 10% solution and why

A 1% solution of salicylic acid (salicylic alcohol) treats acne in adolescents and adults, as well as skin diseases in children. This concentration is also suitable for treating wound defects.

In case of severe inflammatory process accompanied by purulent discharge, it is better to use a 5% solution.

An important property of salicylic acid is its ability to eliminate papillomas. To do this, take a product with a high concentration. A 10% solution effectively combats these imperfections. Daily treatment at night is sufficient.

Before using salicylate as a remedy for papillomas, be sure to consult your doctor!

How to treat acne with salicylic acid

The antiseptic drug effectively fights pimples, acne and other pathologies that are accompanied by dysfunction of the sebaceous glands.

Lotions are made for this. The skin is pre-cleansed and dried. Soak a cotton swab in a salicylic acid solution and wipe your face. For small and rare rashes, they are burned with the drug locally using a cotton swab.

After the procedure, the face must be washed and lubricated with moisturizer.

It is recommended to carry out treatment no more than 2 times a week. Duration of the course until acne disappears.

Rules for using salicylic acid

When using a useful remedy - salicylic acid, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. When applying, avoid contact of the drug with mucous membranes, birthmarks, and hairy warts.
  2. If the product gets on the mucous membrane, abundant rinsing with water is required.
  3. Do not use the product on the genitals.
  4. Pregnant women are allowed to lubricate calluses with a 2% solution, spending 4-5 ml.
  5. Use warm water to wash off the acid.
  6. Do not cleanse your skin with an alcohol-based lotion, gel, or scrub before applying salicylic acid.
  7. It is undesirable to use drugs with salicylic acid simultaneously with Baziron or Zinerit.
  8. Salicylic acid preparations must be used in pediatric practice with extreme caution.

Violation of the rules for using salicylic acid threatens the development of complications!

Instructions for use

Salicylic acid is used externally. The course of treatment is calculated according to the course of the diagnosis, skin condition and age of the patient.

Based on the instructions, the drug in the form of an alcohol solution should be applied no more than 3 times a day. The daily dose should not exceed 10 ml for adults and 1 ml for children. Duration of therapy is 1 week.

When using salicylic acid ointment, the skin must first be prepared. First, wash with soap and then dry. For better pharmacological action, the surface of the epidermis is treated with additional antimicrobial agents, then the area is lubricated with salicylic ointment with a concentration of 1% or 2%. The affected area is bandaged, and after 6 hours the bandage is replaced.

Hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet is eliminated with special powders containing the active substance. It should be used regularly, the course depends on the severity of symptoms.

For ear pathologies, drops based on salicylic acid are used. The duration of therapy is prescribed by the doctor.

Salicylic peeling for acne

Salicylic peeling normalizes the skin, evens out the complexion and eliminates oily shine.

Professional peeling consists of 2 components: 7% salicylic acid and 45% glycolic acid at a pH level of 1.5. There is no need to repeat this at home - there is a possibility of harming the skin due to the lack of necessary knowledge on how to use such peeling.

Therefore, it is better to use salicylic acid for acne in less traumatic recipes.

Peeling recipe:

It is necessary to mix acetylsalicylic acid (1 tablet), water (half a teaspoon) and honey or olive oil (1 teaspoon). How to use: cleanse the skin and apply the composition.

After 20 minutes, remove the product with a cotton pad, wash and apply nourishing cream. Such procedures are done twice a week. The general course is 8-10 sessions.

This peeling is not recommended for people with dry skin.

Preparations with acid

On the shelves of pharmacies and stores there are many bottles and jars with ointments, balms, lotions, creams, tonics and other cosmetics with the addition of salicylic acid. They are purchased to remove pimples, blackheads and acne, warts and corns, calluses and age spots.


Salicylic ointment, Belosalik, Diprosalik and Elokom. Ideal for applying a thin layer to the affected surface. In addition, it is better to choose ointment forms as a treatment for dermatitis. They are oilier and, in addition to their main effect, help eliminate excess dryness.



L'Occitane's Radiant Facial Toner does not contain alcohol, but does contain salicylic acid with meadowsweet. The product has a pronounced whitening effect, so it effectively evens out skin tone.

The product is recommended for problematic and oily skin. Allowed for daily use. Should not be used on hypersensitive skin. The tonic smells pleasant and retains the aroma after application.


REN Clarifying Toner Lotion exfoliates and refreshes oily and problematic skin. The composition includes fruit acids, hawthorn and willow bark extract. Antibacterial lotion regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates swelling and rashes.


By daily scrubbing acne-prone skin with SkinCeuticals Cleansing Toner, blackheads will disappear from your face. The renewed skin will regain its radiance and freshness.


When using the Korean product CosRx for oily and combination skin, rashes go away and pores appear narrower. In addition, there is a lightening of pigment spots.


The most popular drug is Galmanin. It contains not only salicylic acid, but also zinc oxide. Ideal for the treatment of acute eczema and also helps eliminate excessive sweating of the feet.

Available in powder form. It is enough to cover the surface with a thin layer of powder and let it sit for 15-20 minutes.


Blemish & age Cleansing gell, Skinceuticals

Blemish & age Cleansing gell, Skinceuticals is indicated for aging and acne-prone skin. Thanks to the action of the gel, dead cells are exfoliated and impurities are removed from the pores.


SOS salicylic gel effectively treats acne.

GARNIER Clear Skin Active

You can remove blackheads and reduce the appearance of acne with regular use of the Clear Skin Active gel, Garnier.

Cosmetic pencils

Nikole Laboratopy Stopproblem

With the Nikole Laboratopy Stopproblem salicylic camouflage pencil, problem areas on the skin are not visible. The product remains in effect until washed off.

Masking salicylic pencil for problem skin will hide imperfections and help stop the inflammatory process.


Salizink salicylic concealer stick contains zinc and sulfur. The product dries out inflammation and hides imperfections.

How to use salicylic acid products

Currently, various salicylic acid products are available in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. This:

  • Means for washing and cleansing facial skin from acne. Such products are often intended for daily use. Some dermatologists recommend looking for products that contain a mixture of different acids to achieve the best results.
  • Ointments or creams that are applied pointwise to acne or the resulting spots on the skin. Look for products that contain about 2% salicylic acid. This is the optimal concentration for home care.
  • Body washes. Acne can form not only on the face, but also on the back, chest, etc.
  • Salicylic acid shampoo used to reduce scalp dandruff.
  • Wipes and patches that are applied to the skin, including the scalp.

Most skin care products are available over the counter in concentrations ranging from 0.5% to 2% salicylic acid. Dermatologists also offer professional treatments such as salicylic acid peels. They use drugs in which the content of this substance reaches 20-30%.

Products for treating warts on thicker skin range from 17% to 40%. Such drugs must be used with caution, as side effects cannot be ruled out. Always read the instructions carefully. Treatment for warts usually takes up to 12 weeks. Some products are applied to pre-steamed skin once or twice a day for several weeks until the wart disappears. Before treatment, the skin with a wart can be rubbed with a pumice stone.

Can salicylic acid be used every day? Depending on your skin type and condition, products with this substance can be used from several times a day to several times a week. If you don't have sensitive skin and only apply a small amount (ideally along with moisturizer), you should be able to tolerate daily use. However, if you notice that your skin is becoming dry and irritated, take a break for a while.

It is best to use a small dose of the product at first and then gradually increase it as your skin gets used to it. When applying twice daily, be sure to use a gentle cleanser and moisturize your skin to help prevent excessive dryness and flaking. To avoid side effects, apply salicylic acid only to areas of the skin that are prone to pimples and acne.

Homemade Recipes with Salicylic Acid for Acne

There are several recipes with salicylic acid for acne that are easy to prepare at home.

Anti-acne powder with chloramphenicol and salicylic acid

Mix 1% salicylic acid with streptocide and a chloramphenicol tablet. How to use: Apply the mixture to the affected areas of the skin. Wait 5-10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. The result is visible after 7 days. After the procedure, a moisturizer is applied.

Double Impact Recipe

The cleansed face is treated with a swab soaked in 1-2% salicylic acid. Then apply salicylic-zinc paste to the pimples. The result is a double effect of the drugs.

"House Talk"

Pour 2 g of streptocide into a 50 ml bottle of salicylic alcohol. Shake the product thoroughly and then apply it to problem areas of the face with a cotton pad. Regular use will help get rid of acne.

Benefits of salicylic alcohol for the face

The product is sold in small bottles. The release is similar to boric alcohol, camphor oil and other pharmaceutical tinctures. The bottle contains alcohol and salicylic acid. The last ingredient was pulled from willow trees. Mainly used in medicines against rheumatism. But, over time, the product has become widely used due to its bactericidal properties.

What are the benefits of salicylic alcohol for the face?

Eliminates rashes. Salicylic acid destroys germs and other harmful microorganisms that settle on the skin. They provoke the appearance of pimples. The product prevents the appearance of new rashes and fights old ones. Due to the disinfecting properties, the face is cleansed, the skin is protected from the proliferation of microbes, bacteria and fungi. The bactericidal properties of salicylic alcohol are aimed at drying out existing pimples. As a result, the rashes become invisible. Plus, inflammation is relieved and redness is removed. Salicylic alcohol is suitable for oily skin as it removes oily shine. After cleansing, the pores are narrowed and are not clogged with impurities.

It is true that there are side effects. During facial treatment, sebum is eliminated. The face becomes matte and dry. Since the cleansing is deep, the skin tries to replenish the balance and actively produces sebum. Therefore, over time, the face becomes oily at double the speed.

In addition to the liquid form, salicylic acid is available in the form of an ointment. The product is used to treat skin diseases and is effective for acne. Salicylic ointment is used to eliminate and prevent rashes in adolescence. Apply as compresses to damaged areas.

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