Instructions for use BENZYLBENZOATE

How the drug works

When applied to hair and skin, the active substance comes into contact with the membranes of larvae and adult parasites. The death of mites occurs within 10 minutes of contact with the medication; lice are neutralized after 2–5 hours. Benzyl benzoate penetrates chitin and other dense substances, accumulates in tissues and causes acute intoxication of insects. Laundry soap and wax tightly envelop the bodies of individuals and the space surrounding them, immobilizing them for a long time. The eggs of the parasites remain undamaged, since the toxins of the drug are unable to penetrate the thickness of their defense.

Upon contact with hair and intact skin, the drug does not penetrate the systemic bloodstream and does not cause negative reactions in the body.


No pharmacological interaction of benzyl benzoate cream with other drugs has been identified, however, as with all antiparasitic drugs, it is not recommended to be used simultaneously with other drugs for external use. Local or systemic use of corticosteroids may help to eliminate or reduce the severity of some symptoms (itching, hyperemia) while the invasion persists, so the use of such drugs should be avoided during treatment with benzyl benzoate cream.

Contraindications and side effects

Benzyl benzoate should not be used to treat young children or women during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Other contraindications:

  • allergic reactions to any component of the drug;
  • skin damage at the application sites: ulcers, cuts, abrasions, abrasions, bleeding wounds;
  • papillomas and other neoplasms in the affected areas.

After the first application of the ointment or emulsion, skin redness, burning sensation, and irritation are likely. Children have a higher risk of adverse reactions. If there is a slight deterioration in health, there is no need to discontinue the drug.


In case of overdose, side effects, such as contact dermatitis, may increase.

If you accidentally swallow the cream or apply it in very large quantities, there may be increased side effects of the drug, contact dermatitis, sudden loss of consciousness, stimulation of the central nervous system (convulsions, including in children) and urinary retention.

Treatment is symptomatic. The skin must be cleansed of cream. If you swallow the cream, you must rinse your stomach and then take activated charcoal. If necessary, use anticonvulsants.

If any undesirable reaction occurs at the site of application of the drug, it must be washed off with soap and water.

How to use Benzyl benzoate

For the treatment of children, it is recommended to choose a drug at a concentration of 10%; adults, depending on the degree of parasite damage, are allowed to use a 10 or 20% emulsion or ointment.

  • When treating the body against scabies mites, it is necessary to completely cover the skin of the neck, torso, legs and arms with the preparation. Benzyl benzoate should also be rubbed into the interdigital space and popliteal cavities - where the infection is most often concentrated.
  • For head lice, carefully cover the entire length of the hair and the skin underneath with an ointment or emulsion, using a brush or comb.
  • The drug is used in the evening, after water procedures. After applying the product, put clean, breathable underwear on the body, a thin fabric cap on the head, and cotton gloves on the hands.

The instructions do not recommend washing the drug off the skin for the next three days. If this happens, the emulsion or ointment should be rubbed in again so that all parasites have time to die. On the fourth day, you need to apply the drug to the skin again in the evening.

The ointment must be washed off the hair every morning using a weak aqueous solution of vinegar. Then the head needs to be combed with a fine comb, removing dead parasites. If possible, it is recommended to have your hair cut short or shaved to remove any remaining nits. Every day during treatment it is necessary to change underwear and bed linen, carrying out their sanitary treatment. The patient's pillows, mattresses, and blankets should be dry cleaned or replaced with new ones. The room where the patient is kept must be cleaned daily using disinfectants, and his clothes must be steamed or ironed with a hot iron after washing.

  • The total duration of treatment of the body and hair with Benzyl benzoate is 7 days. At the end of this time, the drug is thoroughly washed off using vinegar, baking soda solution, and a hot bath and shower are taken.
  • If the skin is damaged by demodex mites, adults are allowed to apply the emulsion to the infected areas, avoiding getting the drug into the mouth and eyes. Children are prohibited from using this method of treatment.

According to reviews, the drug in the form of an ointment and an emulsion acts approximately the same. The latter is easier to apply and wash off. During use, Benzyl benzoate often causes redness of the skin and a slight burning sensation in the first days, especially in areas of the body with delicate integument. With further use, the discomfort decreases. The success of treatment depends on following the instructions. In most cases, once the body has been treated, relapses of parasitic infections rarely occur.


And I fought them with cosmetics. It turned out that the disease was very serious. You can't joke with him. The payback may be skin covered with ulcers. But what really made me run in horror to the dermatologist was that acne began to appear little by little on my face. And having experienced how they progressed on my shoulders, I flew to the doctor faster than the wind. Passed tests. In my opinion, they took a scraping from the skin and an eyelash. And then the doctor diagnosed “demodex.” And he immediately prescribed a bunch of medications for the first week, which I spent about $30 to buy. After a week of using tablets and skin ointments, relief did not take long to arrive. I even put some ointment under my eyelash! And after a second analysis, I was diagnosed as “healthy.” But several days passed. And from the state of “healthy” I again became covered with acne. This all happened with very rapid force! There was no more faith in dermatologists. And on the ointments that the doctor prescribed, I found benzyl benzoate in almost all of them.

At that time I had already acquired tar soap. I can’t even help but note its benefits. Washing during the day with this soap is just right. While the skin is deprived of the effects of “Benzyl benzoate”, you can dry the pimples with tar soap.

And so, after surfing the Internet, I decided to treat demodicosis myself. For the first blow to the parasites, “Benzyl benzoate” cream was purchased. At the time of purchase, it seemed that the cream would be better for the skin than the emulsion. But in practice it turned out differently.

This cream is sold in tubes of 40 grams and 80 grams. The first one costs 0.5 dollars, and the second one costs 1 dollar. The cardboard box contains a tube of ointment and instructions for use.

The tube is metal. This is a small minus, since such tubes tend to crack. A plastic tube would certainly be more practical.

The paint on the tube was applied poorly. It will peel off on its own. Removed in whole pieces. See for yourself using an example of a tube weighing 80 grams.

The tube contains the minimum necessary information. The name of the medicinal product is in Russian and below in smaller font in English. It is indicated that it is an acaricidal and anti-pediculosis agent. Simply put, a remedy for fighting parasites on the skin and hair.

Indicated for external use only. Otherwise I would internally accept such a stink!

Here is the composition of the drug using the example of 1 gram of cream. And the rest of the information is already in the instructions for use.

One of the disadvantages of the tube is the narrow cap. It is impossible to put a tube on this one.

The instructions advise using it for 4 days, but I used it until complete “victory” without a break. I tried to use it for 4 days as recommended in the instructions. But after 4 days, the slightly subsided demodicosis came out again. And again on a monstrous scale. And pink purulent pimples have already appeared on my face. And I was ready for anything. Just to save the skin on my face. For me, a public person, it was simply suicide. I went on vacation during the treatment. I didn’t leave the house anywhere. It was just embarrassing!

I used “Benzyl benzoate” until I could “inhale and exhale” calmly for several weeks! I don’t remember exactly anymore. But 4-5 weeks, not 4 days as recommended. This is one of the few medicines for demodicosis that really helps despite the ridiculous price. I strictly used it at night. In addition, at the very beginning of treatment I also used it throughout the day.

Spread it on all areas of the skin affected by acne. After this procedure, “shock therapy” for the skin began. The skin burned as if gasoline had been poured on it and a match had been thrown into it. After some time, of course, the burning went away. But I agreed not only to endure the burning sensation, but also to remove the skin with a scalp without anesthesia. Just to defeat this demodicosis!

You need to be extremely careful with your eyes. At the slightest contact with them, the eyes burn. This also applies to simply rubbing your eyes with hands that have not been washed so well. The cream, although white, is far from “fluffy”.

The result was not long in coming. After the first use there is already a slight relief. The pimples dry out and the skin doesn’t hurt as much. By the fifth day of use, the skin condition is actually quite good. The pimples seem to go inward. Purulent manifestations go away, acne wounds heal, the redness of acne changes to a faint pinkness. But as soon as you stop using it at this stage, everything will immediately go in the opposite direction.

“Benzyl benzoate” became a real salvation. And when I saw how quickly demodicosis comes back when the cream is discontinued, I became hooked on this medicine like a “needle.” It became a kind of drug that I couldn’t live without.

So week after week went on. Summer has come. I started spending my free time actively. Beach, sun, fresh air, fresh fruit... And I noticed that the pimples gradually disappeared. In place of very purulent pimples, from which the wounds arose, scars formed.

The pimples went away, but oh, I was afraid like fire! Maybe I would still smear myself with it, but this terrible smell played a role. He removed it very carefully and carefully. Now I didn’t use it every day, but once every 2 days, then once every 3 days, and so on. I gradually came to the point when I felt that my skin no longer needed the use of “Benzyl benzoate.” Where the disease was not triggered and treated immediately, not a trace remained! And where I tried to fight with cosmetics and let them develop until terrible purulent ulcers appeared, scars remained.

I will say that I did not use the “Benzyl benzoate” cream all the time. At some point it was replaced by the “Benzyl benzoate” emulsion. In terms of effectiveness, I liked the emulsion a little more. Maybe this is self-hypnosis, but I didn’t like the fact that the cream, whatever one may say, was greasy. And after applying it, the skin is as oily as after applying baby cream. This fat is poorly absorbed.

A very big drawback and perhaps the biggest one. Even the burning sensation of the skin after use is not such a significant drawback. “Benzyl benzoate” has a disgusting, stinking odor. This smell reminded me of the product my grandmother used to bathe cats for lice. During its use, not only is the walking stink itself, but the bedding and things that come into contact with the treated areas of the skin stink. For the first time in my life, I began to sleep in pajamas. Because washing bed sheets every day is not an option. I used the stinky pajamas for several nights and washed them too. Naturally, at such moments, guys should forget about girls, and girls should forget about boys. Because not everyone can stand such a smell in their neighborhood.

What can I say, “Benzyl benzoate” is just a lifesaver for demodicosis. 100% “must have” for everyone who has been diagnosed with demodicosis.

For those who are too lazy to read the entire review, here are the main advantages:

The most effective remedy for demodicosis The first results after the first use Very low price for such an effective drug Improves the condition of the affected skin in the shortest possible time After the recommended 4 days of use, the symptoms of demodicosis become less pronounced. But for a good treatment result you will need to use it for much longer.

And there are also disadvantages, but for patients with demodicosis they will fade into the background.

☒ Very smelly. I have to constantly wash my bed sheets and sleep in my pajamas. You can forget about nights with your loved ones nearby during treatment. ☒ The cream is greasy, in the form of an emulsion this disadvantage is absent ☒ Significantly dries the skin ☒ After use for some time the skin “burns” ☒ The tube is metal and easily cracks at the bend.


The description of the drug Benzyl benzoate cream 25% tube 40g on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

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