Myths and Truths About Vitamin C: A Complete Guide to the Ingredient

From this article you will learn:

  • how does vitamin C work on facial skin?
  • how to choose the right cosmetics with vitamin C,
  • serum and cream with vitamin C for wrinkles – rating 2022.

Everyone knows that vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant and protects the skin from the negative effects of free radicals - harmful byproducts of sun radiation, smoke and other pollutants that lead to premature aging of the skin and the destruction of collagen in it.

However, it became known only recently that vitamin C can affect the level of collagen synthesis in the skin. The first serious research in this direction was carried out only in 2001. The research results were so encouraging that manufacturers of anti-aging cosmetics began to actively develop and bring to market various creams and serums with vitamin C.

As one would expect, the wave of demand for such cosmetics has led to the appearance on the market of too many cosmetic products with vitamin C, most of which turn out to be ineffective when tested. Why this depends, and how to choose a high-quality serum or cream with vitamin C - this article will tell you.

What is vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential element that performs many functions in the body. Unlike most animals, the human body does not produce this vitamin. It is obtained from food. It is found in citrus fruits, many berries, sweet peppers and leafy greens.

While vitamin C may not be a cure for the common cold, it does offer benefits such as boosting your immune system, helping fight cardiovascular disease, prenatal problems, eye conditions, or even wrinkles.

This is the most common antioxidant. That is, skin cells accumulate this element in order to subsequently protect themselves from damage caused by the environment. These include UV radiation from the sun, pollution and other factors that trigger the formation of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules that take electrons from cells, thereby damaging them. Do you know what else influences their education? Smoking. Therefore, many smokers suffer from dry skin, premature aging and a large number of wrinkles before the age of thirty.

How to prevent vitamin deficiency

With a lack of vitamin C, pale and dry body skin and intense peeling develop. Spider veins appear on the face. Hair becomes dull and brittle and actively falls out. The nails peel and crumble, and horizontal white stripes appear on them. Crusts and painful bleeding cracks are observed on the lips.

To prevent such symptoms, you need to carefully monitor the balance of vitamin C in the body. It is advisable to increase the content of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet, especially black currants, bell peppers, and citrus fruits. If, while following a fortified diet, symptoms of ascorbic acid deficiency persist, doctors recommend using balanced nutritional supplements that contain the optimal daily amount of the vitamin.

Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin

Vitamin C is especially important for maintaining healthy skin appearance. Skin cells need this element because with its help they fight stress caused by various factors.

It promotes the production of collagen, the protein that makes up most of the outer layer of skin. Many symptoms of vitamin C deficiency are caused by impaired synthesis of this protein.

This element also inhibits the activity of tyrosinase, an enzyme that converts the amino acid tyrosine into melanin. Melanin is the pigment that gives skin color. Most often it is produced under the influence of UV rays. A study was conducted in 2022 that examined the effects of topical vitamin C on sun-induced age spots. Scientists have found that it can potentially help relieve signs of sun damage.

It also replenishes vitamin E. This is another important antioxidant that protects the skin from oxidative damage. Vitamin E levels decrease significantly after sun exposure. But vitamin C is able to replenish these reserves.

How does vitamin C affect facial skin?

Not much research has been done, but the findings suggest that vitamin C:

  • can reduce the level of sun damage. If applied to the face, it can reduce the number of age spots as it suppresses the production of melanin, which is responsible for darkening the skin.
  • can prevent skin sagging. Declining collagen production with age is one of the causes of aging. We wrote above that it helps synthesize this protein, therefore, it has a beneficial effect on skin tone.
  • protects against sun damage. With age, the skin becomes thinner and loses its elasticity. This leads to the formation of wrinkles. Although their appearance is often determined genetically, constant exposure to UV rays destroys collagen and elastin, which leads to premature aging of the skin.
  • Helps speed up wound healing and reduce scarring.

Forms and uses of vitamin C in cosmetics

Some manufacturers add this element to the finished product, and some create a vitamin powder that can be added to any cosmetics. It's important to know that not all forms of vitamin C are suitable for the skin. It is divided into stable and unstable.

For the element to be effective, it must be in the form of powder or ascorbic acid. In the composition of the product it can be recognized by the name Ascorbic acid. However, this acid is unstable and is easily destroyed by heat, oxygen or light. The downside is that it can cause irritation as it is often used at a low pH.

The benefits include the fact that it stimulates collagen synthesis, increases skin elasticity and firmness, reduces pigmentation and post-acne, and evens out facial skin tone.

In cosmetics, the vitamin is used in the form of L-ascorbic acid, scorbyl-6-palmitate and magnesium ascorbyl phosphate. The first is considered the most stable. It is water soluble and at the same time as effective as regular ascorbic acid.

The quality and effectiveness of the product largely depends on the form of vitamin C used. Scientists believe that the best results can be achieved if the following factors coincide:

  • L-ascorbic acid is used
  • Its concentration ranges from 10 to 20%
  • pH value does not exceed 3.5

But cosmetics alone will not rid you of problem skin. Come to the “Flourish” marathon to learn not only about the best massage techniques, but also about how nutrition affects the condition of the skin. Read more on the marathon page.

Important: The maximum amount of vitamin C taken orally should not exceed 2000 mg per day for adults.

Ascorbic acid for the face and nasolabial folds under a mesoscooter at home

It is possible to carry out the mesotherapy procedure independently. There are mesoscooters on sale with different characteristics. A roller with sharp titanium needles is rolled over the surface, slightly piercing it. A pre-applied solution of ascorbic acid from an ampoule gets into the punctures, reaches the subcutaneous layers and starts renewal processes.

The roller is applied to problem areas on the face: nasolabial folds, unclear contours, and in the area of ​​wrinkles. Exposure time: 10 minutes with light pressure. The procedure causes a burning sensation, but there should not be severe pain. The redness goes away the next day, the result is visible immediately.

How to use vitamin C for your face

The method of application depends on what form of vitamin C you are going to apply to your face.

If it is a powder, make sure it is for topical use and not for consumption. Otherwise it will not be effective at all.

How you can nourish your facial skin with vitamin C:

  • if it is a powder, take a small amount. There will probably be information on the packaging about how much is recommended to use.
  • Mix the powder with serum or lotion in your palm. Can be mixed with squalane.
  • it is necessary that vitamin C constitute at least 8% of the product received, but not more than 20%, otherwise it will cause skin irritation.
  • Apply the resulting solution to your face or body.

Be sure to do an allergy test: 24 hours before the procedure, apply a small amount of powder to the skin.

Where do we get vitamin E from?

Sources of vitamin E, the vitamin of youth, are: vegetable oils (sunflower, cottonseed, corn), apple seeds, nuts (peanuts, almonds), leafy green vegetables, cereals, legumes, oatmeal, soy. Vitamin E is found in milk, animal and poultry liver, and egg yolk.

According to scientists, only a third of vitamin E taken with food is absorbed by the body. Vitamin E is so indispensable for facial skin that it is often added to cosmetic products.

How to use vitamin E for facial skin? You can replenish its deficiency for the skin with the help of dietary supplements. Ideally, these dietary supplements should contain other vitamins and microelements necessary for youthful skin and act in a complex manner, achieving maximum effect.

Vitamin E is included in Oxylic

In addition to vitamin E, Oxylic also contains other vitamins and microelements, which are selected in such a way that they are mutually reinforcing:

  • + vitamin C supports vitamin E in a metabolically active form;
  • + vitamin C, as well as selenium with vitamin E make up an active composition, enhancing each other’s biological effects.

Vitamin E included in Oxylic:

  • + Protects cell membranes from damage;
  • + Activates collagen synthesis;
  • + Combined with vitamin C, helps protect skin from UV rays.

1 capsule contains 5 antioxidants

50 mcg
Vitamin E
36 mg
Vitamin C
300 mg
2 mg
2 mg

Ampoules for face

Encapsulated forms are created in order to solve the problem of instability of forms and their oxidation. These formulas often contain pure ascorbic acid, which definitely should not be used on sensitive or irritated skin.

This approach works much faster than creams. It is recommended to be used as additional care for severe pigmentation, dull skin or post-acne. After use, smooth and elastic skin and a reduction in wrinkles are expected.

What should the product be in the ampoule:

  • the concentration of the vitamin is no more than 10%, in this case the complexion is evened out, the product fights free radicals and slows down skin aging
  • contains bio-peptides that stimulate collagen production
  • high molecular weight hyaluronic acid is present, which is necessary to maintain the skin barrier function
  • pH value is 2.8


This is practically the same as solutions in ampoules. They differ in the amount of active substances in the composition. They also cannot be kept in air for a long time; they oxidize quickly, but they also act relatively quickly.

Concentrates should be applied carefully, because a large number of active components can lead to severe allergic reactions.

The application of concentrates should be combined with self-massage so that the active components are better absorbed into the skin. We recommend using techniques from special intensive courses.

Moreover, it is recommended to apply concentrates in combination with creams, as they penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and can even harm it.

Contraindications for use

Before external use of products with ascorbic acid for the face, it is necessary to check individual tolerance: apply a drop of cream or serum to the skin of the forearm and wait a few hours. If there is redness, swelling or itching in this area, it is prohibited to use vitamin cosmetics. Dermatologists do not recommend using cosmetics with acid for severe purulent rashes or allergic reactions on the skin of the face.

Contraindications for taking vitamin C supplements:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • kidney dysfunction.

Hydrogel patches with vitamin C

Patches have become much more popular in recent years. The components of the patches instantly penetrate the skin around the eyes. They are often used against puffiness and blueness under the eyes.

Also used to get rid of wrinkles that sometimes appear from lack of moisture. In such cases, two types of patches can help: with hyaluronic acid or with gold. The former contain antioxidants, peptides and plant extracts. They cope well with pigmentation and wrinkles. And the second ones can be kept for up to 50 minutes. They contain metal ions, vitamins and glycerin.

There are several types of patches:

  • Hydrogel. They contain more than 90% water and hyaluronic acid. They fit tightly to the eyelid, and the active components penetrate deep into the cells.
  • Fabric. This is a fabric that contains a high concentration of vitamins and oils. Unlike hydrogel patches, they do not fit tightly to the skin, which makes the effect much worse.
  • Collagen. This type helps to perform several functions at once: moisturize, remove swelling and wrinkles.

Patches cannot be used for conjunctivitis, cuts, abrasions and rosacea.

Salon skin treatments

Vitamin C is beneficial for facial skin when administered by injection, which is successfully used in mesotherapy. The substance is one of the components of cosmetic cocktails that are used to smooth out age-related wrinkles and crow's feet, brighten the complexion and get rid of age spots. To consolidate the result, cosmetologists perform 4-5 similar procedures.

Salons offer chemical peelings and skin scrubbing with special compounds that contain ascorbic acid, fruit acids and enzymes. The procedure is aimed at opening pores and removing sebum, smoothing out the microrelief. These peels are atraumatic and suitable for most women.

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