The SM-Cosmetology doctor spoke about methods for removing papillomas on the face

Papillomas are small benign formations on the skin: they look rather unaesthetic, can be numerous and cause significant inconvenience to a person. It is impossible to completely get rid of papillomas caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), but ointment for papillomas will help reduce the rate of their spread and stop their vital activity in the body. Various effective ointments for papillomas are now available in pharmacies, each of which has its own unique effect and special properties.

Oxolinic ointment

Oxolinic ointment is a fairly common remedy for papillomas and warts, which can be explained by its low cost (about 90 rubles). This external agent has a powerful antiviral effect and its use leads to the death of existing microorganisms in the body, and also protects against the emergence of new ones. Oxolinic ointment for papillomas can be used on any area of ​​the skin, even in intimate places.

Typically, a 3% ointment is used, which is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin three times a day. The therapeutic course can last from 14 days to 2 months, but in especially severe cases it can be extended to 4 months. Many people speak positively about the properties of oxaline ointment, but do not forget that this product is recommended for use as part of a complex treatment.

Oxolinic ointment is an inexpensive and effective remedy


Viferon ointment for papillomas has also gained popular popularity. The active substance of the drug, human interferon, provides the immunomodulatory and antiviral effect of the ointment. Another distinctive feature of the product is the almost complete absence of contraindications, which is why the ointment is often prescribed to pregnant women and even infants.

"Viferon" is applied to the skin formations in a thin layer and at intervals of 6-7 hours, no more than 4 times a day. The maximum allowable duration of treatment with this drug is one week. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of treatment will directly depend on the speed of response to the appearance of the formation. Viferon works best at the stage of primary manifestations (itching, redness). The cost of the drug is about 140 rubles per tube.

Ointment "Viferon"

Salicylic ointment

This is a good domestic product that is widely used in dermatology. Salicylic ointment is used to treat skin manifestations of various etiologies (dermatitis, dermatoses, urticaria, psoriasis), including the elimination of papillomas. The product may have different concentrations of the active substance in the composition (2, 5, 10 and 60%).

For papillomas, 60% salicylic ointment is used. It is applied 2 times a day - morning and evening. Since the use of this product can provoke burning and pain, it is not recommended to use it on the face. Salicylic ointment tends to dry out papillomas, but you should not peel off the dried growths yourself - they should fall off on their own. The price of the drug is quite affordable - from 25 rubles per tube.

Gel for papillomas "Clareol"

Ointment for papillomas "Clareol"

Many experts claim that today this is the best ointment for papillomas in Russia. The drug "Clareol", presented in gels and ointments, is the only remedy that allows you to get rid of papillomas without leaving a trace and painlessly. The therapeutic course lasts 7-10 days. The product is applied to the papillomas three times a day, using massaging movements, trying not to damage the formation and its stem.

The application procedure lasts about 5 minutes. After 4-5 days, the first results are noticeable - the papilloma becomes covered with a crust and begins to “dry out”. Next, it should simply fall off without leaving a trace.

Alas, the drug “Clareol” is a very expensive pleasure - its cost starts from 990 rubles (on the manufacturer’s website).

Vishnevsky ointment

In the fight against papillomas, Vishnevsky’s ointment can be called an effective, generation-tested drug. This ointment, effective against papillomas, has bactericidal, analgesic and antiviral effects. The main component of the product is ricin oil, which helps eliminate growths.

To get rid of papillomas, you need to apply the drug 2-3 times a day to the affected area, then covering it with a clean bandage. Therapy is continued until the formations completely disappear. Although the product is quite good, inexpensive (from 32 rubles per jar), and eliminates the appearance of papillomas in the same place, many are put off by its specific smell.

Why is it necessary to remove papillomas?

  • cosmetic defect;
  • if the formation is injured, infection may occur;
  • the papilloma virus can cause proliferation of its site of manifestation, which is unsafe;
  • difficulty blinking, which negatively affects the nervous system;
  • lacrimation, itching, swelling of the eyelids;
  • can provoke blepharitis, conjunctivitis and other eye diseases, resulting in decreased vision;
  • interferes with eye care.

It is not necessary to remove papillomas. However, doctors strongly recommend doing this, as complications are possible.

To diagnose the papilloma virus, you need to contact a dermatovenerologist to conduct a study for its presence, type, and quantity. The DNA of this infection is detected by PCR in samples from the body. Cytological and histological examination is also carried out.

After diagnosis, together with therapeutic measures to weaken the virus, the formation caused by it is eliminated. To reduce the activity of the virus, before eliminating the nipple growth, the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs and ointments.

Acyclovir ointment

This drug is often used in antiherpes therapy, but Acyclovir ointment also gets rid of papillomas no less effectively. The active substance of the ointment is triphosphate, which penetrates deep into the cells of the formation and blocks their development at the DNA level. Against the background of the use of Acyclovir ointment, the following is noted:

  • subsidence of papillomavirus;
  • reduction in the number of papillomas and condylomas;
  • reduction of soreness of skin formations;
  • existing formations quickly crust over and fall off.

The ointment is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin 5 times a day (with an interval of 4 hours), for 5-10 days. The cost of the drug is low - about 25 rubles per tube of ointment.

Acyclovir ointment

Causes of weakened immunity leading to the formation of papillomas

  • colds, infections;
  • overvoltage of any kind, stress;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • use of antibiotics;
  • lack of vitamins,
  • drinking alcohol and smoking.

The growth of papillomas can be caused by careless handling. Their nature is benign and comes with varying degrees of oncological activity. Only a doctor can find out this by organizing suitable studies and prescribing the appropriate procedures.


Panavir ointment and gel are considered rather mild remedies for papillomas. The preparations consist entirely of plant components, the action of which is aimed at synthesizing the body’s own interferon, which increases the body’s resistance to viruses. During the treatment process, destruction is observed not only of the tissue of the formation itself, but also of its root.

To achieve this result, the external agent is applied to papillomas 5 times a day for 10 days. Upon completion of the course of treatment, the skin formations simply disappear. The price of the drug will depend on the volume of the tube. So, a small tube (3 g) will cost 150 rubles, while for a package of 30 g you will need to pay 800-900 rubles.

"Panavir" is a drug based on herbal ingredients

Types of papillomas removal

Removal of papilloma on the eyelid is performed under local anesthesia. The method is selected after the examination, the following options are possible:

  • with a surgical instrument, the simplest method, but it is rarely used for the eyelids due to the elimination of some fragment of the skin located near the growth, leaving scars;
  • electric current, complex control of the depth of its penetration;
  • radio waves, not recommended for thin eyelids;
  • liquid nitrogen, healing lasts up to several weeks;
  • laser beam is performed bloodlessly, without stitches, infection is excluded.

After manipulation, antibiotics and vitamins are prescribed to prevent relapse and inflammation, and a suitable diet is developed. At first, you should not apply cosmetics and treat yourself with folk remedies.

To reduce the likelihood of pathology occurring, it is advisable not to touch the carrier of the virus and take measures to increase immunity and observe hygiene measures. If there are initial signs of pathology, do not delay visiting the clinic.

Levomekol ointment

The drug is classified as a complex ointment. The ointment contains two active ingredients:

  • chloramphenicol (antibiotic);
  • methyluracil (immunostimulant).

“Levomekol” triggers skin renewal processes at the cellular level, and also restores water balance, blocks the growth and development of bacteria, and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Often, when using Levomekol ointment for 4-5 weeks, not the slightest trace remains of papillomas.

Ointment therapy is carried out by applying it to each individual papilloma. Naturally, it is optimal to carry out the procedures using a special applicator to avoid contact of the medicinal product with healthy skin. If Levomekol is used to treat the mucous membranes of the oral cavity or genital organs, then healthy tissues must be protected with a neutral cream.

To completely forget about the problem, you should do this procedure twice a day for 5-7 days. Afterwards they take a four-day break and repeat the treatment. Regarding the cost, we can say that Levomekol is a fairly budget-friendly product - its price does not exceed 150 rubles per tube of ointment.

Levomekol ointment

We care about your health

What is papilloma?

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm of stratified squamous or transitional epithelium. In ICD-10, the disease corresponds to code B 97.7. Macroscopically (visually) it is defined as an overgrowth of the papillary type (cauliflower/cockscomb). On the external genitalia they usually have the appearance of a wide formation on a thin stalk, most often the color of the surrounding tissues. Much attention has been paid to this problem because the formations can become malignant (malignant), plus they are perceived as a cosmetic defect.

Why do papillomas occur?

The etiological factor of the disease is the human papillomavirus (HPV), in contrast to condylomas, which are caused by other causative factors. Localization of the process on the genitals is due to sexual transmission; infection in the home is less common. Warts can be found on the labia, clitoris, frenulum, vagina, uterus, etc. Microtraumatization of the skin and mucous membranes during sexual intercourse facilitates the easy penetration of HPV into the blood, from there it spreads throughout the body and, most often, does not manifest itself for a long time, persisting in the body. When provoking factors occur (stress, hormonal imbalance, smoking, alcohol intoxication), leading to a decrease in immunity, a clinical picture of a viral infection develops - skin formations.

Why should this disease be treated?

A woman with an active infection is a source of infection for her loved ones. The main danger for the infected person is that if the disease is left untreated, the growths can transform into a malignant tumor of the genital organs. Papillomas of high, medium, and low risk of malignancy are distinguished, which depends on the location of formation and the HPV strain. In addition, there is a high probability of damage to formations and the development of bleeding, as well as infection of the wound. Another complication of the process is the spread of the virus to surrounding tissues with the development of large foci of infection.

How to treat papillomas on the labia?

Therapy implies, as with any systemic disease, drug treatment, which should not be neglected. They use immunostimulants (Cycloferon), antiviral drugs (Acyclovir) orally, and virucidal ointments (Panavir, Zovirax, etc.) are prescribed locally. Currently, gynecologists use 5 main methods of surgical removal of papillomas:

  • Papillomectomy is an operation to excise a tumor with a scalpel. Local anesthesia is required. After the procedure, a skin defect may remain;
  • cryodestruction - “freezing out” with liquid nitrogen. After exposure, the formation is rejected due to malnutrition. A long recovery period is often required. Can also lead to a cosmetic defect;
  • laser removal - destruction by a high-temperature light beam. A highly effective method, however, it requires large financial costs;
  • electrocoagulation - exposure to electric current. Rarely used;
  • radio wave excision using the Surgitron apparatus. The method allows you to achieve good results, but is not always available in regular clinics.

How to treat papillomas during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, pronounced hormonal changes occur in the female body, the functioning of all systems changes, and, most importantly, the immune system. This explains the appearance of papillomas in women during this period. However, if monitored by a doctor, there is no great danger in them. If they are small and do not cause discomfort, you can simply observe them in dynamics. If the tumor is large, it can be excised surgically or frozen. Exposure to laser, electric current, and, especially, radio waves is undesirable due to the danger to the fetus. The addition of itching should be considered as a poor prognostic sign, since it may be a symptom of tumor malignancy. Such a papilloma should be removed.

Zinc ointment for papillomas

The drug has proven itself wonderfully in the treatment of skin problems, both due to its effectiveness and its affordable price (from 45 rubles). The main active ingredient of zinc ointment is zinc oxide. It has the property of destroying proteins, and also has the following accompanying properties:

  • bactericidal effect;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • adsorbent property;
  • astringent action.

Thanks to the latter property, a protective film is formed at the treatment site, reducing the permeability of the skin to harmful substances, which significantly helps strengthen its structure. Zinc ointment for papillomas is applied 2 to 6 times a day to previously cleansed skin. The course of treatment lasts from 3 days to 3 weeks.

Zinc ointment for papillomas


You can find effective remedies for papillomas among foreign drugs. Thus, an excellent effect can be achieved using the Finnish drug “Verruxin”, which is based on salicylic acid. The product is applied once a day with a cotton swab directly to the papilloma. As a rule, the formations disappear painlessly within 3-4 days, but if necessary, the therapeutic course can be extended to 14 days.

Verruxin ointment

This is a fairly safe product that is suitable for both adults and children. Nevertheless, the drug "Verruxin" cannot be called a cheap remedy - you will have to pay at least 1,100 rubles for a tube of gel. But no matter what remedy is preferred, you should not start treatment without first consulting a doctor.

Caring for the papilloma localization area after its removal

  • do not wet or touch with a washcloth;
  • do not treat with products not recommended by a doctor;
  • do not peel off the crust to avoid scarring and infection;
  • after manipulation, protect from sunlight for a month;
  • For two weeks, visiting saunas, swimming pools, and hypothermia are prohibited.

The Santa Med clinic will help you cope with papilloma in several stages:

  • deletion;
  • preventing recurrence;
  • antiviral therapy.
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