Anti-acne mash with chloramphenicol, recert of the mash and reviews

  • Chatterbox with chloramphenicol for acne
  • A mixture of calendula, aspirin and chloramphenicol for acne
  • Recipe for mash with chloramphenicol for dry skin
  • Recipe for mash with chloramphenicol for oily skin
  • Recipe for mash with chloramphenicol and salicylic acid
  • Chatterbox with streptocide
  • Suitable for those with very oily skin with minor breakouts.

    A tablespoon of streptocide and chloramphenicol;

  • Apply only to cleansed skin and then rinse strictly after 30 minutes. You can use the product only once a day in the morning or evening.
  • Recipe for mash with chloramphenicol, sulfur and boric acid
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Acne on the face and body is a problem not only associated with teenage puberty. A fairly large number of women who have survived adolescence may also suffer from recurring skin problems caused by acne. Every year, an increasing number of drugs appear on the modern pharmaceutical market. drugs and products intended for the treatment of acne Quite often in such products, the main acne-treating component is chloramphenicol.

    In order to save money, you don’t have to buy expensive advertised acne products, because you can quite easily prepare your own medicinal mash with chloramphenicol, the result of which will be no worse than from a purchased drug.

    Acne mash with salicylic acid and chloramphenicol

    The most common, simple and effective talkers include chloramphenicol or salicylic acid, or both of these components together.

    Salicylic acid is an anti-inflammatory drug, popular in cosmetology due to its properties:

    • stops the inflammatory process;
    • Helps cleanse clogged pores;
    • provides mild pain relief;
    • exfoliates the upper keratinized layer of skin cells;
    • constricts blood vessels;
    • regulates sebum production;
    • easily penetrates deep into the skin.

    Salicylic acid effectively affects only the pathogenic microflora that causes acne, without disrupting the skin's protective barrier and without increasing its sensitivity to sunlight. Can be used to treat any skin type.

    Levomycetin is a strong antibiotic that helps treat painful purulent and subcutaneous pimples, as well as eliminate blackheads. Unlike other antibiotics used to make talkers, this drug dries the skin much less.

    Preparation and storage rules

    1. The main condition for high-quality preparation of mash is maintaining the proportions of active substances in the composition. This will ensure the effectiveness and safety of the drug. In this case, the rule “the more the better” does not work, but only harms.
    2. It is also very important to grind all the dry ingredients into a fine powder. This will help the components dissolve quickly and ensure a uniform texture of the liquid: large particles of tablets can damage and scratch the skin.
    3. Before cooking, containers, tools and your hands must be absolutely clean. To avoid drying out your hand skin, wear rubber gloves.
    4. It is best to store the mash in a transparent glass bottle, tightly closed with a cap. Under no circumstances should the container be kept in direct sunlight. It is best to choose a dark, cool place - a closet or refrigerator.
    5. Before using the mash bottle, shake the bottle thoroughly to remove sediment from the bottom.

    Compliance with these rules will help preserve the beneficial properties of the mash for a long period of time.

    Chatterbox Recipes

    Almost 90% of people, after unsuccessful attempts to self-medicate for pimples or acne, go to a dermatologist or cosmetologist to eliminate the rash that has appeared. After examination by a specialist, a prescription for acne is written out, with which it is recommended to go to the nearest pharmacy to prepare the medicine. But, as a rule, the product produced can quite surprise you with its price. So, for example, the price of an anti-acne propeller for the face can start from 300 rubles. And this doesn’t even include the costs of the work itself. That is why the best option would be to prepare such a remedy at home. The only difficulty is that few people know how to make such a medicine. Let's consider several basic recipes for acne bumps, both for the face and for the entire human skin.

    How to make mash with chloramphenicol

    The most popular remedy for acne is chloramphenicol. The instructions for making it are so simple that you can prepare it at home. To prepare it you need:

    1. 5 g chloramphenicol;
    2. 5 ml of salicylic acid with a concentration of 2;
    3. 50 ml boric acid;
    4. medical alcohol 50 ml (90%).

    After this, you need to mix well and apply the resulting product in the morning and evening in small doses to the affected area.

    Before using the chloramphenicol solution, you need to shake it well, which is where the name of the medicine comes from.

    Acne powder with trichopolum

    To prepare Trichopolum mash, you need to go to the pharmacy and purchase 4 tons of Trichopolum and 250 ml of ethyl alcohol. After this, carefully crush the pills and mix with alcohol. Remember that this product needs to sit for at least 3 days.

    Tsindol acne mash recipe

    Tsindol chatter is already sold in a ready-made version at the pharmacy. It contains such substances as:

    1. zinc oxide 125g;
    2. 20g glycerin;
    3. 12.5 g of medical talc;
    4. 12.5 g starch;
    5. 20 g ethyl alcohol;
    6. at least 100 g of distilled water.

    As for the effect of this medicine on the face and the human body as a whole, it is worth noting its deep penetrating effect, destroying various pathogenic microorganisms. The zinc contained in it has a drying and wound-healing effect, which makes it possible to use it for newborns. Before applying it, you must make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the substances contained in the drug.

    This is especially important if you plan to use it on a newborn baby.

    Remember that it is not recommended to wash off the applied ointment.

    Recipe for acne mash with erythromycin

    The main purpose of this medicine is to eliminate pimples and various acne that appear due to nervous stress or menstruation. There are no instructions for its preparation as such. All you need is to mix 50 ml of salicylic alcohol, 4 tablets of erythromycin, 50 ml of boric acid and 4 g of zinc oxide. It is best to use before bed, rubbing gently into the problem area of ​​the skin. Can also be used on the face.

    Recipe for mash with sulfur

    This remedy is very popular among people suffering from acne of varying degrees of severity on the face. To prepare it, you need seven g of sulfur, seven g of streptocide, 50 ml of boric acid and 50 ml of salicylic acid. By mixing all the constituent elements, we obtain a sulfur composition, which is recommended to be applied twice a day to the problem area.

    Recipe for acne mash with zinc

    This product is an ideal solution to problems with oily skin and small but frequent pimples. It is done quite simply. All you need is to mix 20 ml of ethyl and boric alcohol, 4 g of zinc oxide and 4 t of erythromycin

    It is worth emphasizing that the resulting product must be used with caution.

    Recipe for acne mash with clindamycin and calendula

    This drug is necessary to prevent the proliferation of microorganisms in the sebaceous glands. The recipe is quite simple. We buy 4 tons of clindamycin, calendula tincture, 4 tons of acetylsalicylic acid, 50 ml of boric alcohol at the pharmacy. Grind the tablets and mix all the ingredients, remembering to shake thoroughly.

    Chatter with dimexide and hydrocortisone

    This product is suitable for relieving inflammation of the skin and destroying various bacteria. To prepare you need:

    1. 50 ml dimexide;
    2. 10 ml. 2% lidocaine;
    3. 8 ampoules of hydrocortisone;
    4. 9 ml diclofenac.

    It should be used 2 times a day, applying a cotton swab soaked in the solution to the affected area of ​​the skin.

    Patient reviews

    People leave mostly positive reviews about Levomycetin alcohol solution for acne. Patients note the rapid action of the drug in tablets, as well as the ability to use it to create effective home remedies against rashes.

    I have been suffering from acne on my face since I was 16 years old. Numerous rashes appear on the cheeks, forehead and chin. The doctor prescribed me Levomycetin ointment, which I applied daily to the affected areas. The pimples disappeared, but immediately appeared in other areas. Then I started taking Levomycetin orally in the form of tablets. The defects began to disappear, and new ones no longer appeared.

    At the age of 28, subcutaneous lesions appeared on the face. Some of them were up to 1 cm in diameter. With such dense growths, it was a shame to even go outside. In addition, the subcutaneous areas were very painful. I consulted a dermatologist, she prescribed a 3% alcohol solution of Levomycetin. I found the product at the nearest pharmacy. Using a cotton swab, I applied the solution to each subcutaneous area twice a day.


    My friend works as a cosmetologist. When multiple pimples began to appear frequently on my face and neck, she advised me to make a mash with Levomycetin. She said that the drug has an antibacterial effect and helps in the fight against unpleasant formations. I found the drug in a pharmacy near my house.

    Recipe No. 10: glycerin, camphor alcohol, sulfur ointment, lactic acid

    A glycerin-based mask not only helps to treat problematic skin, but also retains moisture well, preventing the skin from drying out. Take 15 ml of glycerin and dilute it in 120 ml of boiled water. Add 10 ml of camphor alcohol, 5 grams of sulfur and 1 gram of lactic acid. Mix everything thoroughly and use to prevent inflammation of problematic facial skin. As you can see, any of these recipes are quite accessible to prepare at home.

    But it is worth drawing your attention to the fact that you should treat these recipes for chatterboxes and procedures with them responsibly. Do not exceed the dosage and use the product no more than 1-2 times a day so as not to harm the skin

    And be sure to consult with a dermatologist and get a prescription that is right for you.

    Video lesson on making mash at home:

    Indications for use of Levomycetin

    Levomycetin is used in cases of severe diseases, for example, meningitis, typhoid, malaria, sepsis, etc., but only if newer drugs cannot be used for treatment. Most often, girls use it at home to treat acne. At the same time, it is recommended to use the drug in this direction only if there are few acne, and the nature of their appearance is not associated with serious malfunctions of the sebaceous glands.

    Thus, the use of Levomycetin is effective for superficial acne, but it is not suitable for the treatment of deep acne that leaves scars and scars.

    There are pros and cons when using Levomycetin. Before treatment, you should read the instructions for the drug.

    Contraindications, side effects and possible harm for external use are indicated in the table.

    ContraindicationsSide effectsPossible harm
    • Hypersensitivity to the drug
    • Presence of eczema and psoriasis
    • Dyscrasias (blood cell pathologies)
    • Presence of fungal skin diseases
    • Pregnancy
    • Breast-feeding
    • Impaired kidney and liver function
    • Age under 3 years
    • In isolated cases, burning and itching
    • In case of individual sensitivity to chloramphenicol, the development of allergic skin reactions (urticaria, peeling, rash, etc.) is possible.
    • If the drug is used incorrectly, severe drying of the skin, redness, irritation and peeling may occur.
    • Allergic reactions
    • Long-term use increases bacterial resistance to Levomycetin.

    Before starting to use Levomycetin for the treatment of acne, you should carefully read a number of contraindications. Not all groups of people can use this drug. Patients for whom treatment with Levomycetin is contraindicated include:

    • having a variety of skin diseases caused by fungus, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema;
    • people with sensitive skin;
    • having diseases associated with the liver, endocrine system, respiratory system;
    • pregnant and lactating women.

    All other groups of people can use Levomycetin to remove acne.

    Home Recipes

    Home remedies for acne can be quite effective. But you should not completely rely on them, do not self-medicate - go to a dermatologist and find out the cause of the rash. If it turns out that you need exactly the mash, then it is better for the doctor to determine its optimal composition. Even if you purchase this product at the pharmacy, do not abuse it. The best option is to apply at night and wash off in the morning.

    The most popular mash recipe

    • 50 ml boric acid;
    • 50 ml salicylic acid (2%);
    • 50 ml medical alcohol;
    • 5 g chloramphenicol.

    All components are thoroughly mixed, the mixture is applied to the skin overnight. Be sure to shake the drug well before use.

    Anti-acne mash with chloramphenicol

    • 30 ml salicylic acid;
    • 80 ml camphor alcohol;
    • 10 tablets of streptocide;
    • 4 tablets of chloramphenicol.

    Levomycetin is an antibiotic, so the remedies discussed above will be useful for those who experience inflammatory processes. The following recipe is among the three most popular.

    Another homemade mash recipe

    • 50 ml boric acid (2%);
    • 50 ml salicylic acid (2%);
    • 4 g erythromycin
    • 4 g zinc oxide.

    This composition is more suitable for use during the day as it is white. If you add sulfur ointment instead of zinc, you will get a mixture for the night (yellow).

    A little about the components of the acne mash at home:

    • salicylic acid degreases and dries acne;
    • boric acid cleanses the skin of bacteria and dead cells;
    • sulfur is effective if the cause of acne is a subcutaneous mite;
    • zinc relieves inflammation and dries, creating conditions for skin restoration.

    As for antibiotics, it should be noted that they act quickly, but are not suitable for long-term use. Microorganisms get used to them over time, and the mixture stops working.

    The advantage of home remedies is the ability to change the composition at your discretion. If you need an immediate effect, add antibiotics. For long-term use, prepare the mixture without them.

    Aspirin-based acne toner

    The following recipe for acne mash makes it possible to prepare a product that can be used instead of a daily toner:

    • stir 50 ml of medical alcohol and 50 ml of boric acid;
    • add 4 tablets of aspirin and 4 tablets of chloramphenicol.

    To improve the effect of using chatterboxes, it is advisable to give up sweet, salty, fatty and smoked foods. During treatment, you need to wash your face with soap containing goat's milk. It will prevent your skin from drying out. After washing off the mixture, use a moisturizer (a simple baby cream is perfect).

    Chatterboxes, of course, have side effects. But they arise only from improper use. Therefore, you do not need to use them more often than once a day. And do not rub the mixture into your skin! Simply apply with a cotton swab. It is advisable not to use cosmetics during treatment. Foundation and powder are not the best allies. What the mash cleanses, the cream and powder clog up.

    The successes of cosmetology are encouraging, but many still find it difficult to choose effective acne medications for themselves. Meanwhile, salicylic acid for acne is an expert-recognized treatment for mild acne. Some manufacturers present the keratolytic and anti-inflammatory ingredient in medicinal acne cosmetics as an innovation. In fact, this substance has long been successfully used in medicine and cosmetology.

    How to prepare an antibiotic solution

    To get rid of purulent and phlegmonous pimples, you will need a broad-spectrum antibiotic, this can be Urotropin, Dimexide, Dioxidin, Trichopolum. They reliably cope with different types of fungus and bacteria, and provide quick help in relieving swelling and redness. They also suppress the work of the sebaceous glands and relieve pain.

    Recipe 1:

    • Levomycetin (5 g);
    • Powdered urotropine (5 g);
    • Zinc oxide (3 g);
    • Boric acid 3% (100 ml);
    • Ethyl alcohol 90% (50 ml).

    Recipe 2:

    • Dimexide (5 ml);
    • Metronidazole (3 t.);
    • Salicylic alcohol 2% (80 ml);
    • Dioxidine solution 1% (10 ampoules);
    • Chilled boiled water (20 ml).

    In what cases is it used?

    The chatterbox is used to combat pimples and comedones, as well as to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

    The mash should only be used on oily and combination skin - dry or normal skin will suffer greatly from the drying effect of the mash. This is fraught with the appearance of pimples, peeling of the skin and severe irritation.

    Indications for use of lotion:

    1. Increased secretion of the sebaceous glands.
    2. Clogging of pores with dirt and subcutaneous fat.
    3. Black spots on the nose, chin and cheeks,
    4. Pimples.
    5. Purulent comedones.
    6. Oily skin on the face or T zone.
    7. The presence of wounds and dark spots from squeezing out pimples and blackheads.

    The talkers are effective and work for minor skin problems.

    Unfortunately, in more advanced cases, the talker is powerless and will not bring the desired results. If you have serious skin diseases, you should contact a dermatologist, who will prescribe medication, a special diet and procedures by a cosmetologist.

    How to prepare and use them at home?

    Recommendations for use

    In order for the use of one or another talker to lead to the desired result, you must follow the recommendations for its correct use:

    1. Clean the skin using tar soap or a product containing milk casein (it is strictly not recommended to use alcohol-based formulations).
    2. Shake the container with the mash thoroughly. This must be done before each use of the product.
    3. Using a cotton pad, apply the mixture onto rashes or entire areas of acne-prone skin. Do not apply the mash to healthy areas, as well as the area around the mouth and eyes.
    4. 5 minutes after application, lubricate the skin with a moisturizer to protect the epidermis from drying out.

    The composition should be used no more than once a day. It is recommended to use the mash 1-2 hours before bedtime. The duration of treatment with this remedy is 1–2 weeks. If necessary, you can repeat the course after a break of 1–2 months.

    Tar soap will cleanse the skin well before applying the mash

    With chloramphenicol and salicylic acid

    Turn chloramphenicol tablets into powder and mix 5 g of powder with 5 ml of 2% salicylic acid. Pour 50 ml of boric acid and 50 ml of 90% medical alcohol into everything.

    This product is used for acne in adolescence and to remove acne on oily skin.

    With chloramphenicol, sulfur and boric acid

    Grind 2 tablets of chloramphenicol into powder, mix with 2.5 g of sulfur and dilute in 100 ml of ethyl alcohol and boric acid (take 50 ml of each component).

    The product is used to get rid of inflammatory rashes.

    With sulfur and streptocide

    Combine 7 g of sulfur and streptocide, pour in 100 ml of a solution of salicylic acid and boric alcohol, combined in a 1:1 ratio.

    The composition will help with pustular rashes, subcutaneous acne and demodicosis.

    With zinc and erythromycin

    Mix 4 g of erythromycin and 4 g of zinc oxide (or oxide), pour in 50 ml of boric acid and the same volume of salicylic alcohol.

    The mash is used for purulent formations, inflammation, advanced forms of acne, as well as pimples that occur during menstruation.

    With trichopolum

    Grind 4 Trichopolum tablets into powder and pour in 250 ml of 90% medical alcohol. Leave everything at room temperature in a dark place for 3 days, thoroughly shaking the container with the mixture every day.

    The product is used to treat inflammatory rashes and dry out acne.

    With streptocide and camphor alcohol

    Grind 4 tablets of chloramphenicol and 10 tablets of streptocide into powder. Pour 80 ml of camphor alcohol and 30 ml of 2% salicylic acid into the mixture.

    This composition is used for the treatment and prevention of acne.

    With acetylsalicylic acid and clindamycin

    Powder 4 aspirin tablets and the same amount of clindamycin. Combine 50 ml of ethyl and boric alcohol and add the dry mixture to the solution.

    The product blocks inflammation, dries out acne and prevents the proliferation of microbes.

    With tar soap and ammonia

    Mix ammonia and camphor, hydrogen peroxide (take 4 tablespoons of each ingredient). Dilute the solution with 2.5 tablespoons of distilled water. Add 20 ml of salicylic acid and 20 g of grated tar soap.

    With calendula

    Calendula tincture will provide antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
    Dilute calendula alcohol tincture (40 ml) with distilled water, maintaining a 1:1 ratio. Add powdered tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and chloramphenicol (5 pieces each) into the solution. Leave in a dark place for 2 days.

    With glycerin, sulfur and lactic acid

    Prepare a solution of camphor alcohol, glycerin and water (take 10, 15, 120 ml, respectively). Add 1 g of lactic acid and 5 g of sulfur.

    Secrets of proper use

    1. The mash should be used no more than once a day: in the morning or evening. The optimal time for this is before bed.
    2. The skin should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and excess oil. Gels, foams for washing or tar soap are suitable for this.
    3. Apply the mash with light massage movements, avoiding the area around the eyes.
    4. After this, you need to apply a moisturizer suitable for your skin type.

    Here is a list of basic rules and little secrets of using acne talkers that will help you achieve amazing results without harming your skin:

    1. Use the mash with caution so as not to dry out the pores.
    2. If you have dry or normal skin, the drug should be applied directly to the pimple using a cotton swab.
    3. Do not rub or stretch the skin under any circumstances - light movements with a cotton pad moistened with a cotton pad are enough to penetrate the components.
    4. Avoid contact of the product with the mucous membrane.
    5. Try not to spill the product on your hands - it is very difficult to remove bitterness from the surface of the skin.
    6. During treatment, you should minimize the amount of decorative cosmetics on your face so as not to clog your pores.

    The effect of the chatterbox must be supported by comprehensive facial skin care:

    1. Eat properly.
    2. Drink up to 2 liters of water per day.
    3. Take vitamin complexes.
    4. Thoroughly cleanse and moisturize the skin morning and evening.

    How to make acne powder at home?

    Based on reviews, we have made a selection of recipes that, according to users, help best and are inexpensive.

    Anti-acne powder with calendula

    To prepare this medicine you will need:

    • Levomycetin 3 tablets;
    • Aspirin 3 tablets;
    • Calendula tincture 40 ml.

    The tablets, crushed into dust, need to be poured into the tincture and shaken well - the product is ready!

    This composition should not be applied to the entire face, but selectively - only to pimples and blackheads.

    Anti-acne powder with chloramphenicol and salicylic acid

    At the pharmacy you need to buy:

    • Salicylic acid 2% – 30 ml;
    • Levomycetin 4 tablets;
    • Streptocide 10 tablets;
    • Camphor alcohol 80 ml.

    The peculiarity of this recipe is that camphor alcohol activates blood circulation and metabolism in the affected tissues. Due to this, the delivery of drugs to the affected area is increased and the removal of toxins is improved.

    Salicylic acid boric alcohol and chloramphenicol

    Composition of acne suspension:

    • Levomycetin – 5 grams;
    • Salicylic acid 2% – 50 ml;
    • Boric alcohol 2% – 50 ml;
    • Ethyl alcohol 70% – 50 ml.

    Mix all the liquid and add crushed Levomycetin tablets. This is a very effective medicine. It will help not only with simple acne caused by bacterial flora, but also with tick-borne acne. This is achieved thanks to salicylic alcohol. It is also an excellent keratolytic agent - it removes dead skin particles and dissolves fatty plaques. Thus, clogged pores open and blackheads disappear.

    Antibiotic based suspension

    This is a very strong medication solution. Especially, it is indicated for those whose pimples are the result of microbial contamination. In this case, they will look like pustules (pustules). Such a rash is dangerous not only because there is a constant source of infection in the body, but also due to deep scars that cannot be healed. In this case, you cannot remain without qualified help - you should consult a doctor.

    • Salicylic acid 2% – 50 ml;
    • Boric acid 2% – 50 ml;
    • Erythromycin 4 grams;
    • Zinc Oxide 4 grams.

    Erythromycin is a new generation antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action. Zinc dries, relieves inflammation and heals the skin. This remedy should be used only in special cases and for no more than 10 days.

    Chatterbox with sulfur

    The following ingredients are present here:

    • Sulfur – 7 grams;
    • Streptocide – 4 tablets;
    • Boric alcohol 2% – 50 ml;
    • Salicylic alcohol 2% – 50 ml.

    A very good recipe that has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects and fights parasitic mites.

    Chatterbox with Dimexide

    For this recipe we will need to buy at the pharmacy:

    Attention! Dimexide can cause severe burns, therefore, before use, it must be diluted with boiled, cooled water 5:2 = water: dimexide. Then, you need to add Chlorophyllipt 1:1 to it

    Dimexide ensures active delivery of nutrients into the deep layers of the skin, and Chlorophyllipt is a phytoantiseptic. In this case, we get an insoluble suspension of an oily substance in water. Stir before use.

    Anti-acne suspension “Propeller”

    Now the pharmacy has a new acne remedy at an affordable price. The composition of the Propeller suspension includes:

    1. Salicylic acid and salicylates from willow bark extract, which interact beneficially and enhance each other's effects. This combination has pronounced keratolytic (dissolution of horny particles), antiseptic and antimicrobial effects.
    2. Lactulose. It is a natural disaccharide that helps restore the skin's natural protective barrier and inhibits the growth of bacteria.
    3. Zinc – provides drying and anti-inflammatory effects. Thanks to its healing and softening properties, it reduces the severity of post-acne marks and prevents the appearance of new ones.

    The price of the acne mash is quite low, since its preparation requires very cheap ingredients that can be bought at any pharmacy. It is worth noting that if you have a prescription from a dermatologist, then almost any pharmacy will be able to prepare the medicine for you according to this recipe, but if you prepare acne mash at home, it will be even cheaper.

    Composition and release form of Levomycetin

    Levomycetin is an antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action. The active ingredient is chloramphenicol, and also contains excipients. Levomycetin can be found in completely different versions:

    • tablets – release form 250, 500 mg;
    • alcohol solution - here Levomycetin is dissolved in ethyl alcohol, the content of the active substance is 1%;
    • drops – used in ophthalmology to treat eye diseases;
    • limitente - liquid ointment for external use.

    You can buy Levomycetin in city pharmacies or online pharmacies.

    How to properly prepare and use mash

    According to a doctor's prescription, pharmacists can prepare mash in a pharmacy. But not every pharmacy provides services for the production of medicinal compounds. However, it’s easy to make it yourself at home from purchased components:

    • All medications in tablets must be crushed to a powder state. To do this, you can use a coffee grinder or mortar.
    • First, the liquid components are mixed, and then the powders are added.
    • The resulting mixture must be shaken thoroughly.
    • The container with the medicine should be stored in a cool, dark place.
    1. Before use, the bottle of mash should be shaken well so that the mixture becomes homogeneous.
    2. The mixture is applied in the evening before bed with a cotton swab easily and carefully, without pressure, directly on pimples, or with a cotton pad on the affected areas of the face, neck, back, and décolleté. There is no need to rub the product vigorously - abrasive particles can injure the skin, and the inflammatory process can spread to healthy areas.
    3. Before applying the mash, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned using soft foam or gel for washing that does not contain alcohol. You cannot use scrub or peeling.
    4. Before using the talker for the first time, you need to check the body’s reaction to its components on the elbow. If redness, swelling or a burning sensation occurs, this medicinal composition should not be used.
    5. Apply the product to the face carefully, without touching the skin around the eyes and lips.
    6. Drying products can cause a feeling of tightness, so it's worth choosing a suitable moisturizer. If peeling occurs, then it is worth choosing a more gentle composition.
    7. The prepared mixture is usually used for about two weeks. In order for the product to be as effective as possible during this time, you need to reduce the degree of addiction - take breaks for a day every 3 to 4 days.
    8. If there is a need to use the mash in the future, it is better to choose a different medicinal composition and take a break for half a month.

    To treat acne more effectively, you should exclude spicy, fatty and salty foods from your diet. Avoid confectionery, sweet soda and juices, mayonnaise, smoked foods, and strong coffee.

    Many people try to hide inflammation using decorative cosmetics. However, foundation, powder and blush only aggravate the cause and hinder treatment. It is better to stop using them and powder yourself, for example, with baby powder.

    Contraindications and precautions

    Talkers are not recommended for use during pregnancy, in case of individual intolerance to one or more components included in the composition of the products, or in case of open skin lesions.

    For dermatological diseases, the product is used only with the permission of a doctor.

    It is better to avoid wearing makeup while using the talker.
    Since the composition of the talker contains quite aggressive substances, it is important to take precautions.

    1. The use of the product must be agreed with a specialist.
    2. Before using any composition, you need to check the skin's reaction to it. A small amount of the mixture needs to be wiped on the inside of the elbow or the skin on the wrist. If after a day there are no undesirable reactions (itching, burning, peeling, redness), you can use the composition in the future.
    3. During treatment with mash, it is important to refrain from using decorative cosmetics.
    4. If any side effects occur, you should stop using the product.
    5. If using the mash causes excessive dryness of the skin, you should stop applying the product for a while.

    Long-term use of talkers containing antibiotics reduces the protective functions of the skin.

    What is a talker?

    Chatter is a liquid mixture of several medications that have a high antiseptic, drying and antibacterial effect. It perfectly relieves various inflammatory processes on the skin: cleanses, disinfects and dries the affected areas of the skin.

    Most often, this drug includes the following medications:

    • medical alcohol (as well as camphor, ammonia) - it disinfects the skin (it is not advisable to use it if the skin is dry);
    • salicylic acid – disinfects, improves wound healing and reduces sebum secretion;
    • boric acid – antiseptic, cleanses the skin;
    • sulfur is an antimicrobial agent, fights well against subcutaneous mites;
    • zinc oxide - anti-inflammatory and drying effect on the skin;
    • antibiotics (chloramphenicol, streptocide, erythromycin, trichopolum, clindamycin, etc.) - suppress pathogenic microbes that live on the surface of the epidermis and provoke inflammation;
    • aspirin - quickly relieves inflammation, cleanses the skin of germs;
    • Dimexide – is a conductor of drugs into the skin;
    • tinctures of medicinal herbs - relieve inflammation of the skin.

    There is no universal recipe for chatterbox. Dermatologists offer several options for this remedy, and it is selected individually, depending on what caused the acne and your skin type.

    Today, many pharmacies sell only ready-made dosage forms, so you will have to go to a beauty salon to get the product or prepare it yourself, which, of course, will be much cheaper. A pharmacist can also tell you which medications to choose.

    If you decide to make mash at home, strictly follow the dosage indicated in the recipe.

    How to use chatterbox?

    This remedy will not help you with advanced forms of acne (acne). But if the skin rashes are small or you have isolated pimples, the mash is very effective. Especially if you follow proper nutrition, excluding spicy, fatty, sweet and starchy foods.

    In addition to treatment, mash can be used as a prophylactic for problem skin, to prevent acne on the face. In this case, it can be used instead of tonic. Please note that the mash contains ingredients that increase the photosensitivity of the epidermis to solar radiation, so use it only once in the evening.

    Before applying the mash to your face, you need to thoroughly clean it. Tar soap or a whey-based skin cleanser are good for this.

    Before use, shake the product thoroughly, moisten a cotton pad with it and, using circular, lightly rubbing movements, wipe problem areas on the face, avoiding the area around the lips and eyes. You can apply the composition directly to the pimple.

    After this, apply a moisturizer, since the mash usually dries out and the skin needs to be thoroughly moisturized.

    If your skin still becomes very dry after such procedures, you should abandon them or take a break until the water balance is restored.

    Pregnant women and breastfeeding should not use mash, as it contains potent substances.

    Before use, do not forget to test your skin for allergies to the components of the medicinal mixture. Apply the composition on the bend of your elbow for 20-30 minutes - if there is no redness or itching, then you can use this composition in the fight against acne.

    You should store the anti-acne product in dark glass bottles with a tight stopper at room temperature.

    And one more piece of advice: when treating problem skin with mash, do not use powder and foundation - they clog the cleansed pores of the skin and nullify all your efforts.

    What recipes for chatterboxes do dermatologists recommend?

    We offer you the 10 most common recipes for mash from dermatologists; they have been tested in practice and, when used correctly, give excellent results in the fight against acne and in the prevention of skin inflammation.

    Recipe No. 10: glycerin, camphor alcohol, sulfur ointment, lactic acid

    Video lesson on making mash at home:

    Sometimes modern medications do not help get rid of acne. Moreover, they are not always found. We have to remember cheap and time-tested means. One of them is an acne talker. It was used back in Soviet times. This remedy was used not only in the treatment of acne, it helped with a number of skin diseases.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Levomycetin is quite often included in expensive acne medications. However, the drug may be present in these products in low concentrations, which negatively affects their effectiveness.

    It is much more profitable to buy the drug in tablet form and mix it with alcohol or ordinary water. Such substances give more results than expensive drugs.

    Thanks to their systematic use, you can cope with acne and prevent the formation of new breakouts.

    However, chloramphenicol also has certain disadvantages. The key disadvantage is the fact that it dries out the skin greatly. To cope with this problem, it is recommended to apply the medicine precisely to the area where the rash is localized.

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