Semolina mash and other ways to prepare semolina for fishing

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The compositions of the drugs recommended in the article will help you get rid of the rash on your face in a fairly short time. Using the suggested recipes for acne mash, you can easily make a product that is suitable for your skin at home. After reading the material, you will understand what ingredients and how to mix to make an effective medicine, how to use such an acne mash, and what precautions to take.

Causes of acne

In order to quickly and irrevocably get rid of acne, you must first determine the cause of its appearance. Having eliminated it, you can easily cope with the rashes themselves by using medications and folk remedies. To find out the cause, you will most likely have to contact specialists - doctors, cosmetologist, nutritionist . But without establishing an accurate diagnosis, it is useless to fight the rash; it will appear again and again.

The main causes of acne are:

  • disruption of the body’s hormonal levels – the cause may be either a temporary “surge” of hormones (for example, in women during menstruation, pregnancy), or problems in the activity of the adrenal glands, ovaries, and so on;
  • pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract - such as dysbiosis, gastritis and others;
  • improperly organized diet - the consequences of a passion for fast food, carbonated drinks, sweets;
  • improper or insufficient hygiene;
  • use of low-quality or inappropriate cosmetics;
  • constant stress and overwork;
  • use of certain medications;
  • change of climate or season.


The mash works best for mild to moderate acne. A pimple will go away faster if you start treating it immediately after it appears. The drug is equally effective on the face, chest, back, and shoulders.

It can cope with teenage acne on its own, but if acne appears in adulthood, complex treatment is necessary. It helps well against rashes that occur during menstruation.

It should be understood that this remedy only fights external manifestations, without affecting the cause of the disease. Therefore, it will not be possible to get rid of acne once and for all.

Basic ways to fight acne at home

When the causes of acne have been eliminated (or in the process of elimination), you can begin to eliminate cosmetic manifestations. Problem skin requires increased attention.

  • It is imperative to cleanse the epidermis twice a day, washing with suitable products. You also need to use the right care cream. Cosmetics should be chosen carefully. It is better not to use foundation at this time, which will clog the pores.
  • Stress and overwork should be avoided.
  • If possible, you should exclude foods that affect your skin condition from your diet.

There are many remedies for acne - ointments, gels, creams. Homemade acne masks work great. You may need to experiment before choosing the best acne treatment for your skin.

The so-called acne talkers, the composition of which is varied, have proven themselves very well, but it is better to use recipes recommended directly by a dermatologist.

When to expect results

The final result of treatment with mash depends on the type of skin disease and its condition. Typically, treatment of inflamed pimples, purulent comedones and acne takes at least 14-20 days. In the case of an aggravated or advanced form of the disease, the period can be extended to several months.

The first visible result can be observed after a week: the number of acne is reduced, the severity of inflammation decreases, and the skin is cleansed. However, the final result of the application can only be assessed after the entire treatment period.

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Action of talkers

Any acne mash is a multicomponent mixture that contains a solvent - ethyl alcohol, as well as oily or insoluble ingredients. The suspension or emulsion must be shaken before use. The composition is selected depending on the individual characteristics of the skin, and each component of the drug is designed to perform specific functions:

  • acids - acetylsalicylic (aspirin), salicylic, boric - fight microorganisms, promote skin regeneration, help exfoliate;
  • -antibiotics for acne - - chloramphenicol, erythromycin, streptocide, metronidazole, doxycycline - exhibit their antibacterial properties;
  • minerals: zinc normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands that produce sebum, helps regulate the oiliness of the epidermis, and has an astringent effect; sulfur acts as an antimicrobial and antiparasitic component;

  • tinctures of eleutherococcus, calendula, mint, sage, with camphor alcohol - components of plant origin have a positive effect on the glands that produce fat, have a healing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect;
  • essential oils – correct the functioning of skin cells;
  • conductors - such as the commonly used dimexide - help the active ingredients penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.

Beneficial features

In order for the product to bring maximum benefit to your skin, it is very important to determine the causes of acne. The prescription must be selected by a doctor after performing the necessary tests.

The product is prepared individually in a pharmacy within a few days.

The beneficial properties of chatterbox are associated with certain ingredients that are included in its composition:

  1. Levomycetin – has pronounced antimicrobial properties, prevents the active proliferation of bacteria and copes well with pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Streptocide also has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. It helps eliminate streptococcus, gonococcus. The drug is also effective against pneumococcus and Escherichia coli.
  3. Boric acid – has a disinfectant effect on the skin of adults. However, this component is contraindicated for children and pregnant women.
  4. Sulfur – has antiseptic characteristics.
  5. Acetylsalicylic acid – has analgesic properties and effectively copes with inflammation. During pregnancy, women should avoid using such a substance.
  6. Salicylic acid – has pronounced healing properties, copes well with inflammation and reduces the synthesis of secretions produced by the sebaceous glands.
  7. Erythromycin is an antibacterial substance that effectively treats acne and other infectious skin lesions.
  8. Alcohol has pronounced disinfectant properties, helps cleanse the skin and has a drying effect.
  9. Trichopolum - helps cope with aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. It can also be used to eliminate amoebas, trichomonas, and fusobacteria. This substance is effective against bacteroides and lamblia.
  10. Tar soap - has pronounced exfoliating properties and dries the skin a little. It does not cause allergies and is made exclusively from natural ingredients.


Indications and contraindications for use

Acne rubs will only have a positive effect on small to medium breakouts. If a large area of ​​skin is affected or with a purulent rash, such a medicine can only serve as an auxiliary drug in complex therapy.

When using mash prepared according to any recipe, you should remember the contraindications:

  • the medicine should not be used on damaged skin - in the presence of wounds, scratches, rashes of atopic dermatitis;
  • Do not squeeze out pimples before use, this will cause the same wounds;
  • do not be overzealous with the frequency of application of the drug - most ingredients actively dry out the skin, which disrupts its protective function;
  • You cannot use the mash for a very long time, this can lead to microorganisms becoming accustomed to strong antiseptics;
  • For pregnant and lactating women, formulations containing alcohol, sulfur, and zinc are contraindicated.

The mash may have side effects: possible redness of the skin, excessive dryness and flaking, a feeling of tightness, contact dermatitis.


One of the most popular emulsions available in pharmacies. The liquid mixture is sold in a small glass jar. It thickens as it sits. Shake well before use.


  • zinc;
  • glycerol;
  • ethanol;
  • starch;
  • talc;
  • water.

Zinc has an antibacterial effect. Reduces the production of subcutaneous fat and dries out slightly, which reduces the likelihood of new comedones appearing. Relieves inflammation and irritation on already formed acne.

Moreover, zinc promotes the regeneration of the dermis, speedy healing of wounds and does not leave behind deep scars.

Glycerin is one of the best drugs for moisturizing the dermis. Many people notice a tightening effect due to the fact that it fills micro-wrinkles with moisture. In this way, the epithelium is protected from contamination and bacteria.

Starch also has beneficial properties.

He contains:

  • vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant;
  • niacin improves the oxidative reactions of the epithelium, stimulates cell regeneration;
  • choline normalizes fat production;
  • Potassium starch moisturizes;
  • B vitamins, folic acid, tocopherol.

Talc prevents sweating and irritation, softens and eliminates greasiness. It is also a natural preservative that prevents oxidation and destruction of product components.

Thanks to all of the above components, a remarkable effect is achieved. Inflammation is relieved and small pimples heal. Blackheads decrease in size, but new ones do not form.

Like any drug, Tsindol can cause allergic reactions - itching, rash and redness. This means that zinc supplements are not suitable for you.

Instructions for use

The ointment is applied pointwise to the comedones with a clean cotton swab. Can be used on any part of the body. When the suspension dries, rinse with warm water.

For a more pronounced effect, you can apply the product at night and wash it off in the morning. This option is not suitable for those with dry skin, as it can cause irritation.

Best Recipes

With chloramphenicol

  • Thoroughly crush the tablets of chloramphenicol (2 tbsp.) and aspirin (2.5 tbsp. l.). Add the resulting powders to 70 ml of medical alcohol (90%), 1 tbsp. l. boric acid, 2 tbsp. l. sulfur. Apply precisely.
  • Thoroughly crush 4 tablets of chloramphenicol and 10 tablets of streptocide, add 80 ml of camphor alcohol and 30 ml of salicylic acid. Works great on teenage acne and rashes caused by excess sebum.
  • Mix 2 tablets of chloramphenicol and 2.5 g of sulfur powder. Add 3 tbsp. l. boric acid and medical alcohol. It has a good effect on rashes caused by stress and hormonal imbalances (for example, during menstruation in women). Apply precisely.
  • Mix 5 crushed tablets of chloramphenicol and aspirin, pour calendula tincture into a bottle. Before use, in case of sensitive skin, dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio.

With salicylic acid

  • Mix 50 ml of salicylic and boric acid (2%), 4 g of erythromycin and zinc oxide.
  • Mix 30 ml of salicylic acid (2%), 10 crushed tablets of streptocide and 4 tablets of chloramphenicol, 80 ml of camphor alcohol.

With fruit acids

Mix 2 tbsp. l. vodka and lemon juice. Instead of lemon juice, you can take any other citrus juice or apple juice, it is important that the juice is freshly prepared.

With boric and salicylic alcohol

Mix 7 g of sulfur and powder from streptocide tablets, add 30 ml of boric and salicylic alcohol. Used for hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands (especially important for teenagers) once a day or every other day.

With chlorophyllipt

Mix 20 ml of dimexide with 50 ml of cooled boiled water, add 10 ml of chlorophyllipt. Works great for inflamed rashes. Apply at night.

With trichopolum

This recipe is suitable for advanced acne: crush 6 tablets of trichopolum and mummy to a powder. Pour into 100 ml of ethyl alcohol (96%). You can start using it after three days, applying the composition at night, under a moisturizer.


Effectively disinfects and dries out acne: mix 50 ml of camphor and medical alcohol, 30 ml of water, 20 ml of salicylic acid (2%), 20 g of tar soap.

Treatment of facial skin with Levomycetin in tablet form

To prepare a mask, two tablets are enough

This mask is recommended for large areas of inflammatory processes.

When preparing it, do not use an alcohol solution of Levomycetin, but only tablets, so as not to dry out the skin.

To soften the drying effect, add aloe juice, a decoction of chamomile, linden blossom or sage to the mask. If your skin is very oily, it is recommended to add cosmetic clay to the mask.


  • Levomycetin 2 tablets
  • Chamomile flowers 3–4 tbsp. l.
  • Two glasses of water


  1. Grind the tablets into powder
  2. Pour chamomile flowers into two glasses of water and boil for 10 minutes, strain, cool the broth
  3. Add the required amount of chamomile decoction to the prepared powder until a paste is obtained (2–3 tbsp.)

The mask can be applied to the entire face or used topically, applying only to acne and areas of inflammation. After 15 minutes, you need to thoroughly wash with the remaining chamomile decoction. This procedure can be carried out 3-4 times a week.

Terms of use

To achieve maximum effect when using a talker, you should adhere to simple but mandatory rules:

  • before the first use, it is necessary to check the body’s reaction to the drug: apply a little of the product to the skin of the inner bend of the elbow - if you are allergic to any of the components of the drug, redness and itching will appear, then you cannot use the mash;
  • Be sure to shake the bottle of product before use so that the ingredients in it are distributed evenly;

  • Before each use, the skin must be cleansed;
  • You should not use the mash more often than three times a day, otherwise you can dry out the epidermis;
  • the drug is applied only to problem areas of the skin;
  • do not forget to moisturize your skin, otherwise it will quickly become very dry;
  • experts recommend using the drug for no longer than 2 weeks, after which you should take a two-week break;

  • It is better to store the mash in a cool place, remembering to close it tightly;
  • during the period of active treatment, it is advisable to minimize the consumption of fatty, sweet, flour, salty, smoked foods, and also to give up alcohol and smoking;
  • You should also limit the use of decorative cosmetics, especially foundation.

How to plant

When catching crucian carp with this bait, small hooks No. 14 are suitable; you can also use models with a spring. You need to install the talker according to the following instructions:

  1. Squeeze out a little bait and fix it on the sting.
  2. Now you need to press on the syringe plunger and wrap the hook all the way to the ring; the tip can be hidden or left open.

If the chatter is in a jar, then you just need to use a stick instead of a syringe and apply the bait according to the same principle.

The more turns, the tighter the bait will be, and therefore the tighter it will sit on the hook. You can also change the direction of winding the talker at different angles. Some fishermen first plant pearl barley or maggots, and then wind semolina on them.



I used a mixture of aspirin, chloramphenicol, and calendula tincture. Improvement occurred within 5 days. It's drying, of course, but it helps.

Expert's comment: Do not forget to moisturize your skin; during this period you cannot do without moisturizers. It is desirable that the cream be non-comedogenic (the packaging should indicate “non-comedogenic” or non-comedogenic).


I periodically use a mash with erythromycin, zinc, salicylic and boric acid. It helps quickly, but the trouble is that after 2-3 weeks, acne appears again.

Specialist comment: You need to see a dermatologist to find out the root cause of acne. You must first eliminate it and then deal with the consequences.


From the first use I realized that this talker suits me. Here is the recipe: I mix 1 teaspoon of zinc paste with 40 ml of two percent salicylic acid and 25 ml of three percent boric acid. I applied it morning and evening. I got rid of acne very quickly, only the spots remained.

Expert's comment: This can be fixed. Read on for more information on how to remove acne marks on your face.

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