10 ways to get rid of dark circles under your eyes forever!

Clean and shiny, open and radiant – it’s all about the eyes! In such a pathetic manner, one can talk endlessly about the beauty of the eyes, citing many examples from classical literature. In fact, eyes are a reflection of our inner world: state of health, character, mood, thoughts and feelings. The look of our eyes can be joyful and sad, smart and stupid, angry and offended, shining and extinguished, happy and sad, healthy and sick.

However, no matter how banal it may sound, even the most beautiful face cannot be decorated with a dull and tired look. And this is precisely the impression created by bruises or dark circles that suddenly appear around the eyes. Before answering the question “How to whiten the skin around the eyes and restore youthful looks?”, you should find the possible reason that caused the changes in skin color.

Whitening the skin around the eyes with potatoes

  • 2 heaping tablespoons of raw grated potatoes
  • 1/2 cup green or black tea

Grate raw peeled potatoes on a fine grater, wrap them in two pieces of gauze folded in 4-6 layers. Apply on eyelids for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with tea (instead of tea, you can use a decoction of herbs or chilled still mineral water).

ADVICE! It is better to use chilled potato compresses, since cold grated potatoes relieve puffiness and swelling around the eyes very well.

For bruises under the eyes

  • 1 potato (raw)
  • ½ tablespoon oat flour
  • 1 tbsp. spoon 10% cream

Whitening the skin around the eyes is most effective using red potatoes. Grate peeled raw potatoes on a fine grater, mix with oatmeal and cream, wrap the mixture in two pieces of gauze, place in the freezer for 10-12 minutes, then apply to the skin around the eyes and lie there until the healing mixture warms up to body temperature . Then wash your face with cool water and voila! - dark circles under the eyes will become much paler

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