Does iodine help with acne on the face and body? Is it possible to smear purulent and subcutaneous pimples with iodine at night? Iodine for acne on the face: reviews

Why can’t you squeeze out pimples on your face and cover them with iodine?

Most often, iodine for acne on the face is used by people after squeezing out an abscess on the face. Especially in the evening before going to bed, or in the morning hastily getting ready for work or school. This is absolutely not allowed!

So, let's immediately look at the reasons why you can't squeeze pimples and then cover them with iodine:

  • Insufficiently cleansed face and hands are foci of infections that can easily get inside pimples;
  • Even if you thoroughly clean your hands and face first and then “squeeze” the pimple, you still risk harming yourself . In order for the whitish pus or yellow sebum to come out, the skin needs to burst. Because of this, a traumatic rupture of the skin occurs, which then rots and grows into a scar;
  • Iodine dries the skin, but when it gets into an open wound, it irritates it and, on the contrary, slows down healing.

Different types of acne

Why is burning a pimple with iodine a bad idea?

The opinion that you can burn a pimple with iodine comes from a misunderstanding of its properties. Most often in medicine, its 5% solution is used, which has drying, antiseptic, disinfectant, and wound-healing effects.116

Under no circumstances should the drug be applied to an open wound, so do not treat the skin after squeezing out a pimple*. This can lead to tissue necrosis. The iodized solution is used as a decongestant, which is misunderstood by acne patients and they stock it in their acne medicine cabinet. 116

Long-term external use of iodine can lead to the development of the following side effects115:

  • irritation;
  • rhinitis;
  • lacrimation;
  • excessive salivation;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • acne.

Remember that iodine is a drug, so it is important to use it correctly in accordance with the instructions.

How to properly remove blackheads on the face?

Wondering if iodine is needed for acne on the face? It all depends on what kind of acne it is. If these are black dots, then the action plan is as follows:

  • Clean your face from dirt, dust, cosmetics;
  • Treat your hands and face with chlorhexidine to remove all kinds of bacteria;
  • Steam your face or open the pores with a gel;
  • Use special tools for facial cleansing to remove blackheads, helping if necessary with sterile hands;
  • Wipe your face with chlorhexidine and apply an anginal mask to shrink pores.

Important: for blackheads, iodine is useless and can only cause harm.

Iodine for pimples: side effects

Budget cost, ease of application, quick results - these are the positive aspects of iodine. But, there are negative points. The negative aspects are associated with the incorrect use of the product and its features. Side effects of iodine in the treatment of pimples:

Chemical burns. Iodine should not be applied in its pure form to the entire surface of the skin. Avoid getting the product on healthy areas. To treat the entire damaged area, make iodine-based solutions or apply targeted treatments. To do this, soak an ear stick in iodine. Then bring it to the pimple and hold it for 5 seconds, lightly pressing on the stick. Next, proceed to treating the remaining rashes. Yodism. This is a disease that means that a large amount of iodine has accumulated in the body. The disease causes serious consequences for human health. The excess is determined during testing. But the disease can also be detected at home. It is characterized by a rusty coloration of the oral cavity and an unpleasant odor. Patients complain of weakness, a feeling of dry mouth, upset stomach and vomiting. The body tries to independently remove excess iodine in any way. The product removed through the skin irritates the epidermis, causing acne and inflammatory areas.

If you notice that more pimples appear after using iodine, stop the treatment course.

If you have dry skin, then watch the reaction after applying iodine. Since the product dries out pimples, when it comes into contact with healthy skin, it leads to peeling. Itching, allergic reactions, a feeling of tightness on the face are signs indicating iodine intolerance.

Iodine for purulent acne on the face

But if you have pustules on your face, especially those with white or yellowish caps, you absolutely cannot squeeze them out. The maximum is to sterilize the needle and pierce the cap so that the liquid pus can come out without tearing the skin.

If there are purulent formations on the face, it is recommended to apply iodine for acne to the face, both on the pimple itself and 1-2 mm around the perimeter around the pimple.

Diseases of the internal organs are often the cause of rashes on the face

The benefits of iodine in the treatment of pimples

Rashes on the face immediately catch the eye. The foundation only partially masks the inflammation. Dermatologists do not recommend getting carried away with concealers. They clog pores and prevent processes from occurring naturally. As a result, new pimples and acne appear.

To hide rashes, use a drying agent. Iodine is suitable for this task. The benefits of iodine include the following properties:

Bactericidal action. Getting on the skin, iodine removes harmful microorganisms that provoke the appearance of acne and the formation of inflammatory foci. Oily skin is prone to breakouts because it attracts impurities. Iodine eliminates greasy shine, preventing the appearance of new pimples.

The benefits of iodine in treating pimples are obvious. It is important to adhere to the rules of use. We should not forget that iodine dries out the skin. If your face is dry, then it is better to avoid this product. To avoid causing a negative reaction, perform an iodine tolerance test. To do this, apply the product to an open area of ​​the body. If there are no rashes or itching, then it is allowed to use iodine to remove pimples.

Contraindications of iodine for pimples on the face

Everything is medicine, and everything is poison, said Paracelsus and he was completely right. Iodine, like other medications, has a number of contraindications. And if you observe one of them in yourself, change the method of treating the rash.

  • You have been diagnosed with iodism. With this diagnosis, it is strictly forbidden to allow iodine into the body, even applying it to pimples;
  • Chemical burns from iodine. The first rule is that iodine is applied locally and not all over the face. But even in this case, you can get a chemical burn. In this situation, you need to immediately stop using iodine, and if the burn is severe, seek help from the hospital;
  • The amount of rash began to increase - a sure sign that this type of treatment is not suitable for you;
  • Peeling, tightness, and roughening of the skin are a sure sign that iodine is excessively drying the skin.

Iodine for acne on the face: before and after

Will it be possible to remove a pimple* with iodine?

The idea of ​​using an alcohol solution of crystalline iodine to cauterize pimples* is not new. It has a number of useful properties184:

  • Antimicrobial action. Capable of destroying up to 90% of bacteria that contribute to the development of inflammation.
  • Drying effect. Due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in the composition, it helps dry out inflammation.
  • Regenerating action. Helps speed up the healing process of wounds.

But experts do not recommend smearing pimples* with iodine, despite its benefits. Treatment of acne, even local, must be medicinal and only prescribed by a specialist.

Iodine for acne on the face: reviews

Inna : My mother taught me to cauterize ulcers with iodine. Cauterize and never squeeze. Youthful acne is over, and there is not a single scar on your face! Now my sons are growing up, I teach them not to squeeze pimples, but to burn them with iodine, like I once did in my youth.

Nina : I get ulcers on my face regularly before the onset of menstruation. There is only one thing that saves – iodine. I don’t know how he does it, but the subcutaneous tissue disappears overnight with a bang. I recommend to everyone!

Beauty is taking care of yourself. Do you want to take care of yourself? Then our articles will be interesting:

  • Why you can’t squeeze out pimples on your face, then how to get rid of them;
  • Red, painful pimples that itch appeared on the neck;
  • Why do pimples appear on the face - the causes of inflammation.

Using iodine for acne

We are accustomed to treating iodine as a safe remedy that is used to lubricate broken knees. But, like any medicine, this product requires compliance with the rules of use. Especially if you are going to apply iodine to your face. The product is used to eliminate various rashes:

Removing millet and whiteheads. Only the skin where a small area is covered with rashes is treated. Each pimple is treated separately, once a day, preferably before bed. Carry out a hygiene procedure in the morning. Then wipe your face with salicylic alcohol. As a result, inflammation will be relieved, and acne will quickly move into the final stage of development. Fight against comedones. Formed on oily skin as a result of accumulation of impurities. To get rid of comedones, prepare a medicinal solution that includes salt and iodine. Use purified water as the liquid. With the resulting solution, moisten a cotton pad and wipe the skin in the area of ​​the rash. Cleansing the face from internal acne. Similar to closed comedones. To avoid drying out your skin, try the recipe described above. To enhance the effect, crush one analgin tablet and add to the solution. This method is used when the rashes are profuse. Diluted iodine does not burn the skin, and analgin discolors the healing liquid. Before using the recipe, make sure that you are not allergic to analgin.

If there are a couple of pimples on your face, then apply it pointwise, after moistening a cotton swab in iodine.

After applying the product to the skin, you will feel a slight burning sensation. This is a normal phenomenon, iodine comes into effect, heals open wounds and fights germs. If after 10 min. if the itching and burning continues, wash the product off your face. The methods of using iodine for pimples are simple, and therefore have earned popularity among teenagers. During this period, girls and boys undergo a restructuring of the body, a hormonal surge. Such changes end with rashes on the face. Iodine is one of the available and inexpensive remedies for eliminating pimples.

Side effects

Despite the availability and popularity of iodine, this drug has contraindications and side effects.
for humans to use iodine in high doses ; this can lead to chemical burns and iodism (excess of a drug in the body), which can cause serious health problems. Oversaturation of the body with iodine has two characteristic symptoms: bad breath and stained mouth. Iodism may be accompanied by weakness, cramps, sore throat, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Another symptom is the appearance of acne. Excess iodine leaves the body through the pores, irritating the skin and causing inflammation.

Side effects may occur if iodine comes into contact with healthy skin. It is contraindicated for use by those with dry skin types and those prone to allergic reactions.

If, after using iodine, severe dry skin, flaking and itching are observed, the procedure should not be repeated. The medicine will not have a positive effect, new skin problems will appear that will take a long time to treat.

Treatment rules

Before using iodine to treat acne, consult a specialist. He will tell you about the rules of treatment, prescribe acceptable doses of the drug and explain how to avoid side effects.

In no case exceed the dose of iodine prescribed by your doctor, this will lead to burns and allergic reactions.

To treat your skin with iodine you will need:

  • alcohol iodine solution;
  • antibacterial cream;
  • cotton buds;
  • gentle cleanser.

To use iodine to get rid of inflammation on the skin, you need to carry out the procedure in 3 stages:

Skin cleansing

Before applying the iodine alcohol solution, clean the skin with a special antibacterial cleanser.
It can be purchased at a pharmacy or beauty store.

Do not use soap for these purposes; it will dry out the skin and may cause an allergic reaction to iodine.

Spot application of iodine

Soak a cotton swab in iodine and apply it to the pimples.
Each inflammation is cauterized for several minutes.

Iodine will dry out pimples and speed up the process of disappearance of purulent inflammation.

Do not hold the iodine cotton swab for too long. This will lead to skin damage and burns.

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