Stretch marks on the chest: causes and treatment of stretch marks on the chest

What are stretch marks

Stretch marks on the body are changes in the structure of the skin. They got their name because of the very reason for their appearance: the skin stretches, and a lack of elastin or collagen contributes to the formation of damage.

Their second name is striae. Connective tissue heals microcracks, but does not grow smoothly: an atrophic scar appears, that is, a scar. Over time, these lesions turn white, and if you touch them, you can feel elongated convex stripes.


Preventing the appearance of stretch marks is much easier than fighting them in the future. If you follow certain rules, you can minimize the likelihood of stretch marks. Here are our recommendations:

  1. Regularly use nourishing and moisturizing products to care for the décolleté and breasts. They should contain collagen, elastin, and natural cosmetic oils. If you wish, you can buy creams and lotions designed to prevent stretch marks at a pharmacy or specialty store.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of clean still water daily. Dehydrated skin is more easily injured.
  3. Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs. But it’s better not to look at flour, sweets and alcohol at all.
  4. If there is a need to lose weight, then choose diets that do not give instant results, for example, the Kremlin diet, the minus 60 diet or the diet for the lazy. But it is not recommended to practice a diet of minus 10 kg in 10 days; it is better to start eating right.
  5. Use a contrast shower while bathing, as it is an excellent prevention of stretch marks. Cool water activates blood flow and intensively nourishes the skin. Important: start bathing with hot water and end with cold water.
  6. If possible, master Garcia massage, the features of which can be understood without special education. Do it regularly, and then there will be no problems with your breasts. By the way, if you are unhappy with the size of your bust, find out how to enlarge your breasts at home.
  7. Wear underwear that matches your bust size. It should not rub anywhere, while tightly clasping the chest. If you are breastfeeding, then buy special underwear, which should only be made from natural fabrics.

Follow these simple tips to prevent unsightly streaks on your skin.

Why do stretch marks appear on the chest?

To properly resolve the problem, you need to know the cause of its occurrence. Striae appear for various reasons:

  • Rapid increase in body weight. This is not necessarily excess weight: teenagers, whose bodies are growing rapidly, often suffer from this. The skin does not have time to adapt to the new volumes.
  • Pregnancy. Several points have an impact here: an increase in the abdomen and breasts, as well as hormonal changes. Connective tissues become weak due to progesterone.
  • Genetics. Unfortunately, you can inherit not only positive external features, but also a predisposition to skin deformation. If a parent's skin is prone to scarring, the child is more likely to develop stretch marks in the future.
  • Hormonal background. Often changes in the body can be caused by taking medications, especially antibiotics. Diseases of the endocrine gland also negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Cosmetics for stretch marks

In pharmacies and specialty stores you can find a wide variety of products designed to remove stretch marks. We recommend buying cosmetics with natural ingredients. Pay attention to the packaging, the sequence of components used should be in this order:

  • vitamin A (retinol);
  • vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • hyaluronic acid - by the way, it is often used to enlarge lips;
  • natural oils and extracts;
  • amino acids.

Buy cosmetics only from well-known manufacturers with a good shelf life. It is prohibited to use expired products!

How to remove stretch marks on the chest: removal methods

It is difficult to prevent the appearance of this cosmetic defect. You can drink a lot of water and massage problem areas. But if the problem has already appeared, this will not help. In this case, the help of a cosmetologist is necessary. What methods are suitable?

Resurfacing with fractional CO2 laser.

This carbon dioxide laser is used for skin rejuvenation procedures and for the removal of stretch marks and scars.

The laser penetrates to a specified depth, affecting only the problem area. Untouched cells begin to restore damaged areas. Active collagen production occurs, which continues long after the procedure. Thus, new tissue with good firmness and elasticity appears at the site of laser exposure, scars are smoothed out, and the smooth texture of the skin returns. One procedure of fractional resurfacing with a CO2 laser takes about an hour.

Collost gel injections.

Without collagen, the skin becomes dry, prone to scarring and stretch marks. But its balance can be restored by injecting Collost under the skin. The drug received an award in Geneva for its unique technology.

After the test, 2 weeks should pass; if the result suits the specialist, you can begin the procedure.

The drug Collost is a unique biomaterial that activates tissue regeneration processes and promotes the production of its own collagen. Collostotherapy leads to the gradual restoration of normal tissue structure, rejuvenating the skin. The procedure eliminates not only stretch marks, but also scars and scars after cesarean sections.

Stretch marks on the chest can be removed today in specialized medical centers. At SkinLazerMed you can consult with a specialist for free before the procedure and get rid of stretch marks in a few sessions. And the prices of the clinic will pleasantly surprise you: this is one of the most affordable medical centers in St. Petersburg.

Reviews and comments

Svetlana Tanchenko, 31 years old, wrote:

During my pregnancy, I did not deny myself anything. After the birth of my child, I gained not only excess weight, but also stretch marks on my chest and abdomen. While my son was little, I didn’t think much about my appearance, but six months before going to work I suddenly realized that I had completely neglected myself. Things weren’t bad with my figure, I went to the gym and began to lose weight little by little. But the condition of the skin of the chest was deplorable: I couldn’t wear an open blouse or a dress with a beautiful neckline. It was not possible to get rid of it with creams; after 3 years, the stretch marks went into the “old” stage. After studying information about radical methods for removing stretch marks, I decided on the most effective method, in my opinion, laser skin resurfacing in the décolleté and chest area. To be honest, I felt the pain very well, and after the procedure my skin was peeling and itching. The doctor warned her not to scratch her. Unsightly scars may remain. The Contractubex gel saved my life; it relieved the itching well. In total I made 4 skin corrections. The result is a complete absence of stretch marks, a beautiful bust shape, it is elastic and lush. It’s a pity that going on vacation to the sea is not coming soon.

Marina Karpova, 28 years old, wrote:

I have had stretch marks on my chest since I was a teenager. Either the hormones were not normal, or the skin was too thin, but even at 15 years old I could not boast of beautiful skin on my chest. Already as an adult, on the advice of a cosmetologist, I decided to try ozone therapy sessions. I was pleased with the result; of course, the stretch marks remained, but they became less noticeable. I can sunbathe and not be afraid that vertical stripes on the skin will be visible through the tan.

Tatyana Starikova, 22 years old, wrote:

At the age of 20, I got married and immediately began planning my pregnancy. After reading reviews from young mothers on forums about the condition of their breasts while carrying a child, I was very afraid that my breasts would become unattractive, so I started using special creams long before pregnancy and then during it. More precisely, I use Pregnacare cream. I am now 32 weeks. There are no stretch marks on my chest, and I hope that none will appear. I recommend this cream to anyone who wants to give birth to a baby and is worried about their breasts. After all, we live in the modern world and we cannot treat ourselves without love.

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Masks to eliminate stretch marks

We all know how important face masks are for wrinkles or dry skin. The same thing happens with the whole body. The skin of the breast needs to be smooth and elastic. And it certainly shouldn’t age quickly, just like the skin on your face. You can make masks from absolutely anything you find in the refrigerator. The main thing is desire and a little imagination.

The components of masks against stretch marks increase blood circulation and increase skin elasticity. It is better to carry out procedures after a bath or shower, when the body is steamed and absorbs nutrients as much as possible.

Every day you need to rub the oil into the skin of your chest. Peach, olive and almond are suitable for this. You can mix them together, add a couple of drops of lavender, rosemary or rose oil. After applying the oil, you can wrap the breasts with cling film. The procedure itself should last about fifteen minutes. Such wraps must be performed twice a week. Such mixtures of oils give a good effect during massage procedures.

A recipe for a rolled oatmeal mask will help prevent the first stretch marks. To do this, you need to take two tablespoons of dry rolled oats flakes and pour 100 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for fifteen minutes. Then drain the remaining water. Add two tablespoons of fat sour cream to the resulting mixture and place in the refrigerator. Let it brew for one night. The next day after the bath, apply this mask to the skin of your chest. Leave for fifteen minutes.

Another option to improve the condition of your breast skin is to make a cottage cheese mask. To do this, you need to combine one spoon of cottage cheese with an egg, add a teaspoon of honey, sour cream and olive oil. Apply the mask to the stretch marks on the body and wait twenty minutes. Afterwards it must be washed off with lukewarm water.

All these procedures will not create an immediate effect, but they will help to delay skin aging and reduce stretch marks.

Treatment options for stretch marks on the skin

  • Glycolic acid. The use of glycolic acid restores elastic fibers and produces new collagen fibers. After applying a series of 6-10 procedures, you can notice a normalization of tissue color and an increase in skin elasticity. This method of treating stretch marks is not very effective for changes in white color, since its effect is too superficial.
  • Trichloroacetic acid. Another acid used to treat silver streaks. Due to its structure, it has great penetration capabilities through skin structures. However, the method has side effects: the formation of atrophic scars or hyperpigmentation is possible.
  • Needle mesotherapy. It consists of supplying nutrients to the dermis: hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins and microelements. This is a fairly safe method, which is very often used in aesthetic medicine. There are two mechanisms used in this method. The first is the effect of the substances (moisturizes, nourishes and leads to skin regeneration). The second is the repair process caused by skin damage. When treating white stretch marks, mesotherapy is often used as an additional therapy. Gives good therapeutic effects in the treatment of fresh (red) changes.
  • Dermapen. This is a small pen-like device that is used to mechanically puncture the skin. Thanks to its convenience and ability to adjust speed, it makes it possible to perform precise punctures and administer medications to any area of ​​the body.

Microneedle mesotherapy of the area covered with stretch marks is aimed at mechanical damage, causing the process of restoration of the altered skin. Due to inflammation, growth factors are released from blood cells, which leads to the production of new collagen fibers and elastin. This stretch mark treatment can be done every 3-5 weeks in a row. Skin remodeling improves the structure and color of the treated area and ensures gentle restoration of stretch marks.

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