What are the differences between cream and gel and ointment, what is the difference and comparison

What is ointment?

This release form contains the most fat. Therefore, ointments are used to combat dry skin rashes. They are also used in the presence of infiltrations on the skin. This category of drugs is characterized by the greatest depth of penetration of the active substance into the tissue. The maximum effect is achieved when applying the ointment under the bandage.

Since the fatty ingredients of ointments are not absorbed into the skin, they often stain clothing, which leads to some discomfort. It is also worth considering that it is forbidden to treat weeping skin rashes with these products.

Overall effect

Treatment of dermatitis

These formulations of the drug are used to treat non-infectious skin diseases. These include:

  • Dermatitis of various origins.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Eczema.
  • Certain types of lichen.
  • Lupus erythematosus.
  • Sunburn.

This is any inflammation of the skin that is accompanied by itching and redness. Neither cream nor ointment can cope with viral and fungal infections. They cannot cure herpes or chickenpox.

Used for the treatment of childhood rashes. Just be careful! Do not apply several times a day or use for a long time. Hormones can affect the nervous system and the functioning of the adrenal glands. Suitable for children from 2 years old. It is contraindicated to treat diaper rash with Elok cream and ointment.

High efficiency

Both drugs are strong. Relieves grade 3 inflammation, which spreads to large areas of the skin and occurs with intense itching. Many people are put off by the hormone levels. However, having tried many ointments, they return to these products. They include a potent synthetic hormone of the adrenal cortex - glucocorticosteroid. The composition is designated as mometasone furoate. Thanks to him, the problem is solved immediately. The enzyme instantly penetrates the skin and has a local effect:

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Decongestant.
  3. Antipruritic.

It is excreted from the body in urine and feces.

The high effectiveness of the products is confirmed by many positive reviews. The result is achieved 8 hours after application. However, everything is subjective and depends on the severity of the symptoms. In some patients, a decrease in itching and redness was observed after 15 minutes, in others - 2 hours, in others - 8 hours.

External use

Elokom cream and ointment are applied to the inflamed area once a day in a thin layer. Doesn't rub in.

The duration of treatment is until control occurs. Determined individually. Depends on the disease itself, age and severity of symptoms. However, there is a duration limit: no more than 3 weeks. If there is no improvement within 14 days, stop using it and contact a dermatologist to clarify the diagnosis.

Occurrence of side effects

It is not recommended to use both forms of the drug for a long time and several times a day. This leads to unwanted side effects:

  • Itching.
  • Burning.
  • Dryness.
  • Rashes.
  • Skin atrophy.
  • Severe redness.
  • Secondary infection.

In the first days, itching and burning are possible. This is a normal reaction of the body to the contained hormone. They do not serve as a basis for stopping treatment. Such side effects go away on their own.

Using drugs for a long time, their effectiveness decreases, hormones accumulate in the body. Sometimes serious complications arise. Dermatitis not only does not go away, but also manifests itself more strongly. Contraindicated for use in a wide area of ​​distribution.

What is cream?

Creams contain oils and water. Such products are perfectly absorbed into the skin. Within a few minutes after application, the cream is absorbed and does not stain clothes. In this case, the substance does not penetrate the tissue as well as the ointment. The composition can be used for acute inflammation. They can handle moderately wet areas.

What is a gel?

Gels do not include fats or ointments. They are characterized by a soft and viscous consistency and are water-based. An important feature of the gel is that its active component, as a rule, is completely dissolved in the base.

Since this form of preparation has a completely non-greasy consistency, the composition is easily washed off the skin and can be easily washed off clothes. In addition, in terms of pH level, gels are closest to the acidity of healthy dermis. Therefore, this form of release is considered the most physiological. Its additional advantage is the absence of clogging of pores. In addition, the gel is instantly distributed over the skin.


The choice of the best remedy is not clear-cut. Both creams and gels have their pros and cons, which need to be considered individually. Moreover, often a lot depends on the manufacturer and the specific composition, as well as on personal characteristics: from skin type to purpose of use. Most often, the cream is chosen by women with dry skin types, as well as after the age of 35, when the skin requires additional nutrition and hydration.

Gels can be used by both teenagers and older women, especially if the skin reacts negatively to oily products. To get the perfect middle, you need to choose a cream cream gel. In most cases, this is the most universal type of facial skin care cosmetics, which has a light texture and the advantages of both cream and gel.

What is the difference between cream, ointment and gel?

The forms of release of medicines and cosmetics under consideration have many differences. They affect a variety of aspects - composition, consistency, principle of action.


The main difference between the substances under consideration lies in the composition. The basis of ointments is considered to be fat-like components. These include lipids, lanolin, and petroleum jelly. Any cream is an emulsion of water in oil or, conversely, oil in water. Moreover, the gel consists of 80% water. It is characterized by high viscosity and the absence of oils and fats in its composition.


Ointments are recommended for use if there is peeling or hardening on the surface of the skin. At the same time, they perfectly moisturize and envelop the affected areas, forming a thin film on the surface. This allows you to get a kind of greenhouse effect. Due to this, the active component penetrates well into the deep structures of the skin.

Creams should be used when minor damage appears on the skin and in the absence of open wounds. The composition is easily absorbed and is perfect for eliminating flaking on the body. Since the cream is characterized by a greasy base, it helps to soften the skin a little.

The gel is recommended for use in case of weeping wounds on the body. This substance helps treat suppuration or wounds from which blood or exudate is released. In such situations, gel is considered an ideal option. It is easily absorbed without forming a film on the surface of the body. If necessary, the composition can be easily washed off.

Mechanism and speed of action

The choice of a specific release form should be made by a physician. If it was not possible to purchase the required ointment, you can replace it with cream. However, this is only possible if the dosage of the active ingredient in the cream is the same or lower than the ointment. If the active ingredient content is lower, the cream will have to be applied more often.

However, it is prohibited to use ointment instead of cream. It is more strongly absorbed, and therefore can affect the wrong areas, for example, areas with severe inflammation.

The cream is best used at the initial stage of the pathology, when there is an acute inflammatory process. This dosage form also helps to cope with swelling and weeping blisters in the presence of itching. Cream preparations are perfectly absorbed by oily skin. They are often used to treat children.

The ointment is used to treat inflammation that does not go away for a long time or is chronic. Such products have an excellent effect on dry skin, which tends to peel. Ointments help to influence deep tissue structures.

The gel is absorbed by the skin much faster. Therefore, it is used in situations where there is a need for a quick analgesic effect. If a longer analgesic effect is required, it is more advisable to use ointment. It is also important to take into account the fact that gel-like substances adhere better to wet and wet surfaces. Fatty products quickly disappear from such areas.

Shelf life

Expiration dates for medications are usually indicated for sealed medications. At the same time, manufacturers often note how long a specific substance can remain open. In general, ointments last longer than gels. This is due to the fact that the fats included in the composition help to avoid drying out of the composition. Creams are often characterized by an average shelf life.

Medicines must be stored as recommended by the manufacturer. For example, the ointment may harden in the refrigerator. This means that at a crucial moment it will not be possible to use it.

Which remedy will be more effective?

The first thing you should start with when choosing any cosmetic products is determining your skin type. For dry skin, creams that provide additional hydration are most often indicated. The same applies to aging skin (most anti-aging products have a creamy structure). But for people with oily skin, it is best to use a gel. Firstly, they are quickly absorbed, and secondly, they will not increase the oiliness of the skin, which can result in negative consequences.

The next criterion that determines the choice of the best product is its composition. Cosmetologists advise choosing products that contain as many natural substances as possible, because “fully chemical” cosmetics can harm the skin. Most often, the lack of natural ingredients is noted in inexpensive cosmetics, so experts advise saving wisely. The following tips will also help you choose a good product:

  • Odor – a pungent and offensive odor often indicates low-quality products;
  • Study the composition - if the manufacturer indicates only natural ingredients, this raises serious doubts about the quality of the product;
  • Balanced formula - a good cream should contain both natural and chemical components. “100% natural” labels are a sales gimmick.

It is always best to choose products on the advice of experienced cosmetologists, but if consultation is not possible, always carefully study the composition.

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