Bepanten and Dexpanthenol - what is the difference and which is better

Damage to epidermal tissue as a result of abrasions, injuries and burns causes discomfort and painful symptoms. People involved in physical labor cannot wait for the skin to recover naturally.

To speed up the regeneration of the epithelium, you need to apply an ointment to the affected area, which normalizes cell metabolism and accelerates their renewal. Dexpanthenol, which is contained in the advertised drug “Bepanten,” is best suited for this. But besides this, pharmacies sell a more affordable domestic analogue of the same name, Dexpanthenol.

"Bepanten" - quick help for burns and abrasions

"Bepanten" is a German pharmaceutical product that is intended to moisturize and restore the skin. The drug has gained great popularity due to its possibility of use during lactation.

These ointments have undergone many clinical trials and are recommended for use by European pediatricians. "Bepanten" is easily absorbed and has a quick symptomatic effect. The only drawback is the high cost of the medicine.

"Dexpanthenol" is a worthy alternative to a foreign drug

"Dexpanthenol" is a domestic analogue of "Bepanten", which costs at least half as much , but has the same mechanism of action. It is recommended for use for skin lesions of any etiology, regardless of their severity. Studies have shown that this ointment is absolutely safe even with long-term use.

Reviews of Dexpanthenol and Bepanten

If you study the reviews about dexpanthenol, the conclusion comes naturally - the buyer likes this ointment. Many note the fact that the effect and quality are in no way inferior to German bepanten, so there is no need to pay extra money. Nursing mothers who use the drug to heal the mammary glands are especially pleased. Opinions about dexpanthenol:

  • Marina. An excellent and budget analogue of Bepanten. It does a great job of healing various wounds; you can put it under your baby’s diaper.
  • Olga . I had dermatitis on my face, which was accompanied by an unsightly red tint and peeling. After the first application, the purple color began to disappear little by little, the swelling and itching went away. Already on the 3rd day, the skin became almost completely normal, my dermatitis is caused by nerves and now dexpanthenol always saves me.

Reviews about Bepanten are also pleasing to the eye and most of them are positive, although you can also find the opinions of those for whom this ointment did not seem effective:

  • Sonya. We have three male representatives in our family, so bepanten always finds its use. We use it for cuts and abrasions; it helps a lot when I get sunburned. The ointment is easy to apply, relieves pain and even gives a slight cooling effect.
  • Valentina. An irreplaceable tool if you have a child. Relieves redness, heals, moisturizes. I apply it to dry cheeks and scratches and it helps very quickly.
  • Anastasia . It’s a good ointment, it’s kept us asleep more than once, but when the baby got diaper rash, it didn’t have any effect. But it copes with minor redness and abrasions instantly.

What common?

The pharmacological effect of both ointments is the same, since they contain one active substance - dexpanthenol, and in one concentration of 5%. This is a B vitamin, which, when it enters the epithelium, is quickly transformed into pantothenic acid and included in coenzyme A, which in turn performs a number of therapeutic tasks:

  • Synthesis of enzymes that suppress inflammatory processes.
  • Acceleration of cell metabolism and mitosis.
  • Activation of natural skin regeneration processes.
  • Increasing the strength of collagen fibers.
  • Reduced symptoms: redness, dryness and flaking of the skin, itching, local hyperthermia, pain on palpation.

The complex of wound-healing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties determines the wide range of applications of Bepanten and Dexpanthenol:

  • Healing of wounds when the integrity of the epidermis is violated.
  • Elimination of inflammatory symptoms after injuries: abrasions, burns, cracks, irritations.
  • Treatment of bedsores and diaper rash.
  • Moisturizes the skin, eliminates dryness and flaking.

Important! “Bepanten” and “Dexpanthenol” are identical in the active substance in their composition and mechanism of action. They also have a wide list of common indications.

Description of drugs

Many patients ask a logical question - what is the difference between Dexpanthenol and more famous analogues? From the point of view of pharmacological action, preparations based on provitamin B5 are substitutes. Their main purpose is to stimulate tissue regeneration and intracellular metabolism. Medicines are prescribed when the integrity of the skin is damaged, regardless of the etiology (dry skin, diaper rash, cracks, burns, etc.).

Depending on the location of the disease process, one or another form of medication is prescribed. Most often we are talking about ointments, creams, sprays, gels and lotions. Before using the drug, it is important to consult with a dermatologist, who will not only prescribe the appropriate medication, but also develop an individual therapeutic regimen.

Pharmacological action and group

Cream Panthenol, D-Panthenol, Dexpanthenol and Bepanten are representatives of the clinical and pharmacological group of tissue regeneration stimulators. These are drugs that normalize tissue trophism and intracellular metabolic processes. High therapeutic effectiveness is achieved due to rapid epithelial absorption and penetration into the deep spheres of the skin.

Features of pharmacological action:

  • After application to the surface of the skin, liniment is quickly absorbed by the epithelial layer, forming pantothenic acid (through interaction with plasma protein compounds).
  • The active component is a catalyst for acylation processes.
  • Water-soluble provitamin B restores cellular metabolic reactions and stimulates tissue regeneration.
  • Pantothenic acid increases the elasticity and strength of collagen fibers.

The nominal polarity and high hydrophilicity of the active ingredients determine their ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.

Release form and composition

Bepanthen and Dexpanthenol also differ in their release form. The first drug is available in 3 versions - ointment, cream and lotion (aerosol). As for Dexpanthenol, it is produced not only in the form of an ointment, but also as an eye gel used in ophthalmology. Bepanten is packaged in 3 and 30 g aluminum tubes, as well as 200 ml plastic bottles. The domestic analogue is available in 30 g metal tubes, as well as in the form of an injection solution.

What unites the medications under consideration is the concentration of the main active ingredient, provitamin B5, 5%.

Composition of Dexpanthenol:

  • distilled water;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • Vaseline oil extract;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • isopropyl myristate.

Their main purpose is to enhance the action of the main component. Among the minor ingredients of the domestic manufacturer, synthetic substances predominate.

The pharmaceutical product of the German company Bayer is distinguished by exclusively natural ingredients: organic lanolin, beeswax, paraffin, alcohols, almond oil extract.

What are the differences?

The first thing that catches your eye is the difference in the cost of drugs . For 50 g of German ointment you will have to pay at least 500 rubles, while 25 g of domestic ointment costs between 100-130 rubles. However, it is important to consider that Bepanten needs to be applied 1-2 times a day, and Dexpanthenol 2-4 times, so the consumption of the latter ointment will be greater. All this leaves a pressing question: which ointment is better to choose? To answer this, it is necessary to establish other differences between these drugs.

  1. Indications . When developing Bepanten, it was assumed that it would be used primarily in pediatrics. Therefore, in the instructions for use, the list of indications is limited to moisturizing, treating prickly heat and minor damage to the epidermis. This ointment can be safely used to treat cracked nipples during lactation and to eliminate diaper rash in infants. "Dexpanthenol" can be part of complex therapy for more serious diseases when "Bepanten" is powerless: chemical burns, postoperative wounds, trophic ulcers, abscesses and boils.
  2. Release forms . Only an ointment is produced under the same name “Dexpanthenol”, although in pharmacies you can also find domestic cream and aerosol with a similar active substance: “D-panthenol”, “Panthenol”. "Bepanten" is produced in different forms: ointment, cream, balm, nourishing and moisturizing lotion. Bepanten Plus cream is also available, which is enriched with chlorhexidine. In addition to regenerating, it has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, therefore it is recommended if there is a risk of wound infection.
  3. Safety . The presence of petroleum jelly in the composition of "Dexpanthenol" slows down the absorption process, as it causes clogging of pores, and can cause minor secondary inflammation. In addition, a high concentration of bee products increases the likelihood of side effects such as hives and itching, especially in people prone to allergic reactions. In this regard, Bepanten ointment is considered safer. However, it is important to note that the cream contains phenoxyethanol, to which doctors attribute toxic and mutagenic properties.
  4. Efficiency . Both ointments have a pronounced prolonged effect. However, Bepanten is absorbed faster and relieves symptoms. Therefore, the first signs of improvement occur within four hours after use, whereas in the case of Dexpanthenol they become visible only after a day. Doctors recommend German ointment for extensive skin lesions, since it is better distributed due to its thin consistency.

Excipients . Despite the fact that many auxiliary components in these ointments are duplicated, their concentration is significantly different:

Excipients per 100 g of ointment"Bepanten""Dexpanthenol"
Liquid paraffin0.15 g10 g
Lanolin0.25 g21 g
Almond oil0.05 g0.3 g
Beeswax0.04 g2.7 g
Waterup to 1 g20 g
Petrolatum38 g
Cetosgearyl alcohol3 g
Cetyl alcohol0.018 g
Protegin X0.05 g
Stearic alcohol0.012 g
Soft paraffin0.13 g

Doctors recommend that adults use Dexpanthenol ointment, and children use Bepanten.

How are these medicines different?

Despite the fact that at first glance these drugs are very similar and have the same basic substance in their composition, differences between bepanthen and dexpanthenol still exist:

  • Dexpanthenol is produced using preservatives, so bepanthen, without such components, is safer for the skin;
  • Bepanthen is more liquid in consistency, making it easier to apply, especially over large areas;
  • The effect after using Bepanthen comes quickly, so the redness will go away within a couple of hours. When applying dexpanthenol, results will appear in about a day;
  • At the same time, dexpanthenol has a wider scope of application; this drug is also prescribed for the treatment of abscesses, boils; bepanten is not suitable for such diseases;
  • The price of dexpanthenol is much lower - from 70 to 200 rubles, depending on the region and pharmacy chain. And bepanten will cost you about 250-500 rubles.

Thus, the best drug for you will be the one that best suits your individual indications and needs. For an adult patient, there is no significant difference between these drugs, but if care is required for the body of the mother and the newborn, then it is better to choose Bepanthen. Its advantage is maximum safety and good care.

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