Curiosin. Instructions for using facial ointment in anti-wrinkle cosmetology, effectiveness, price of gel, reviews

Today we will talk about a product that is associated with a large number of different opinions and speculations among women. Namely, we will look at the cosmetic drug Curiosin. Is it worth using it for wrinkles and what effect should you expect? Let's figure it out.

Composition and release form

As can be seen in the photo, and also stated by the manufacturer in the instructions, this drug contains the following components:

  • Sodium hyaluronate (component of zinc hyaluronate);
  • Zinc chloride (component of zinc hyaluronate);
  • Potassium sorbate (preservative, bactericide, fungicide, antiseptic);
  • Sodium hydroskid (alkali, drying agent);
  • Carbomer (gelling agent, film former);
  • Injection water.

Many people think that if a cream contains hyaluronic acid or its sodium salt, then the product definitely has a pronounced moisturizing effect and can be used against wrinkles, but not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Firstly, hyaluronic acid comes in three types:

  • Low molecular weight;
  • Hyaluronic acid with medium-sized molecules;
  • High molecular weight.

There are also mixtures of two or three types, for example among injection forms. In cosmetics, as a rule, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is used, because it is better absorbed by the skin, including with ultrasonic vibrations.

Few people remember that hyaluronic acid in gels acts as a formative, namely a gelling agent itself, and it must be said that it has good properties, but is not used as an independent gelling agent. In addition, it is also capable of forming a moisture-retaining film on the skin, but it is not very resistant, therefore, along with it, other film formers and gelling agents are added as necessary. For example, in the composition of the Curiosin gel, Carbomer acts as a component that has both of these properties.

In this case, the manufacturer does not indicate which hyaluronic acid is used - high, low or medium molecular weight, so we can only guess.

Knowing the technology for preparing cosmetics, I can say that in such cases, manufacturers do not bother, the main thing is that the acid is of the required degree of purification. But you and I need to remember that among creams, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid penetrates the epidermis better.

Morning mask with Curiosin

A morning mask containing gel can be used to moisturize the skin, giving it elasticity and a healthy color.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • 0.5 tsp Curiosin gel;
  • vitamins A, B, E, C – 1 capsule each;
  • essential oil (lemon, bergamot, lavender, fir, cypress, rose) 2-3 drops.

All ingredients should be mixed in a small container and stored in the refrigerator. Must be used every morning. Leave the mask on your face for 20 minutes. Those with dry skin do not need to wash off the product, but for those with quite oily dermis, it is better to wash it. Use the mask 4 times a week.

You can use the gel in its pure form. It should be applied to the entire face in a thin layer and thicker in places where there are deep wrinkles. You can keep the mask on for 10 to 15 minutes, and then be sure to rinse it off with running warm water without soap or cleansers.

How does Curiosin work?

This product is intended for the treatment of acne and is often used for other purposes.

The reason for this is incorrect information and dishonest reviews on the Internet. It is not clear where this myth comes from in this case, from illiterate advertisers or greedy cosmetologists, but it is necessary to debunk it.

Curiosin is recommended to be used against wrinkles precisely because the composition contains a salt of hyaluronic acid, but we have already found out above that the name in the composition is not enough to achieve the necessary moisturizing effect. And we urge you to pay attention to other means presented below, and perhaps even procedures, to combat this problem.

This drug, as the manufacturer assures, still has a regenerating effect, again thanks to hyaluronic salt, and also because it contains antimicrobial components and Zinc, which prevent the development of inflammation and infection.

And here again a disclaimer: products penetrate through damaged and inflamed skin faster than through healthy skin. Therefore, on your healthy skin without acne and inflammation, the hyaluronic acid from this gel will not have any phenomenal effect.

How to use the product to treat acne and acne?

To treat acne, the gel should be applied twice a day to clean skin. The face should be cleansed of cosmetics, but not over-dried with cleansers or makeup removers.

Curiosin must be applied in a thin layer so that a greasy film does not form on the face. For better effects, you can pre-wash the skin with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Therapy should be continued until acne or acne completely disappears.

Side effects

Side effects that may rarely occur include:

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Dryness and flaking.

Indications for use:

According to the instructions, there is only one indication - treatment of acne.

We have read many reviews on the Internet, and we can say with confidence that they are unreliable. No competent, self-respecting cosmetologist will prescribe Kuriozin in this case, and the reasons are described above.

Indications for use

Instructions for use for Curiosin gel suggest its use for:

  • wound healing;

  • treatment of bedsores;
  • treatment of ulcers and fistulas;
  • better tissue regeneration;
  • treatment of acne, papulopustular acne and comedones;

  • smoothing shallow and facial wrinkles;
  • maintaining optimal water balance;
  • reducing the risk of scars and spots after pustular formations;
  • smoothing wrinkles.

Effect of use

The drug has two main effects: drying and anti-inflammatory. It is due to the components included in this gel.

Therefore, to the question of how to use Curiosin for wrinkles? The best answer would be to buy a concentrated serum with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid or pay attention, including to the cheaper analogues presented in the article below.

Combined mask with Curiosin

Combined masks are used to smooth the skin from wrinkles, moisturize and give a healthy complexion.

Curiosin - instructions for use allows you to use the product in the fight against wrinkles

In addition to Curiosin, they contain some other substances, for example, cream, oils or glycerin.

The most common is a mask containing:

  • face cream that has a moisturizing, nourishing, softening or protective effect - 1 tbsp;
  • vitamins: A, E or vitamin complex – 1 capsule each;
  • base oils: peach, burdock, olive or any other – 1 tsp;
  • essential oils: tea tree, rose, lavender, cedar, mint - 2-3 drops.

If your facial skin is very dry and needs additional strong hydration, you can add glycerin or petroleum jelly to the mask. All ingredients must be mixed in a small plastic or glass jar and stored at a temperature no higher than 15°.

The product must be applied to clean, steamed skin. You need to keep the mask on for at least 30-40 minutes, then wash thoroughly using a cleanser (since the mask contains a lot of fatty components). After washing off the mask, you can apply anti-aging cream to your face and massage your face with a special massager.

Methods of using Curiosin

On the Internet you can find many ways to use this cosmetic product:

  • Curiosin for seborrheic dermatitis (may aggravate the situation);
  • Curiosin for burns (in no case, it contains alkali and irritating preservatives!);
  • Curiosin for wrinkles;
  • Other even more ridiculous ways.

However, it is worth noting that it can actually be effective for insect bites.

We actively encourage you to follow the instructions of this cosmetic product.

Evening mask with Curiosin

An evening mask with Curiosin is used for a deep effect on wrinkles. This mask should be kept on the face longer than the morning one.


  • Curiosin gel 0.5 tsp. for one application;
  • any base oil – 1 tsp.

It is necessary to apply the mixture to clean skin for 25 minutes, then remove the mask with a paper napkin (for dry and flaky skin) or wash it off without soap (for oily skin). But if there is increased sebum production after the procedure, the face can be treated with a refreshing tonic or mattifying cream.


Let's take a look at what can replace this drug. The following products have a similar and even better effect on small and even deep wrinkles. Our list contains both cheap drugs and much more expensive ones.

Gel Regetsin

The drug has a similar composition, however, it is not at all clear what the concentration of the main active ingredients is, which also makes the effect unpredictable. This is permissible for this product, which, unlike Kuriosin, is an ordinary cosmetic gel.

Price ~200 rub.

Methyluracil ointment

Among pharmacy analogues in terms of action (but not composition), it is impossible not to mention Methyluracil ointment. This product has an excellent regenerating agent that has the property of stimulating the division of new skin cells.

Price from 35 to 80 rubles.

Gel Hyalurol

Another inexpensive analogue of this drug is Hyalurol gel. It is a cosmetic product containing hyaluronic acid. We have personally tested this product and can confidently say that it has a good moisturizing effect. You can read more in this article.

The price is approximately 120 rubles for 25 ml.

Novosvit cosmetics

In cosmetics stores you can find a line of products called Novosvit from a domestic manufacturer. Of the many brands of budget cosmetics, this company has proven itself well both among young people and among more mature representatives of the fair sex.

The price is approximately 120 rubles for 25 ml.

Hydra Therapy with hyaluronic acid

The Compliment company has released a line of interesting Hydra Therapy products with hyaluronic acid.

How to apply cream to the area around the eyes?

Instructions for use of Curiosin gel prohibit the application of the medication to the area around the eyes.

Because the drug is very aggressive and on thin skin can cause:

  • inflammation;
  • redness;
  • itching;
  • rash.

If applying cream is necessary, it can be mixed with moisturizing cream for the area around the eyes or glycerin in a ratio of 1:3. Apply a thin layer, gently pressing into the skin with your fingertips.

To eliminate wrinkles under the eyes, Curiosin can be mixed with anti-aging eye cream and applied at night.

The opinion of cosmetologists about the drug

In general, cosmetologists have a positive opinion about Kuriosin. Some of them use the gel in daily practice for their clients. But they still suggest following recommendations that can enhance the positive result.

These recommendations include:

  • proper and nutritious nutrition that can fully meet the skin’s needs for nutrients: include greens, vegetables, dairy products and cereals in the diet;
  • drinking plenty of water (exclusively clean water) and completely avoiding tea, coffee and other drinks;
  • keeping a daily routine and getting enough sleep is important for women struggling with wrinkles. After all, it is during sleep that the skin “rests” and receives oxygen;
  • regular use of moisturizing and/or nourishing face creams in the evening and morning;
  • proper cleansing with mild skin care products;

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • refusal to apply dense, heavy makeup;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • include exercises and muscle stretching exercises in your daily routine;
  • perform a complex of facial gymnastics daily;
  • perform a facial massage.

According to cosmetologists, if you follow the above recommendations, the results of the therapy will not be long in coming and your overall well-being will improve. After short-term use, shallow wrinkles are smoothed and swelling disappears.

Curiosin gel is a well-known drug whose use is widespread in cosmetology . In the instructions supplied with the drug you can find indications and contraindications for its use. The main advantage of the product is that it has virtually no contraindications and is really effective in treating acne.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Some pregnant women need to use a cream that stimulates tissue regeneration - Curiosin.

Instructions for use prohibit the use of the medication during pregnancy.

Curiosin - instructions for use prohibit the use of the product during pregnancy.
But at the same time, there is no reliable data that would prove the harmful effects of the cream on the fetus or the passage of active substances into breast milk. Before using the cream, you should consult your doctor and dermatologist.

Drug interactions

Curiosin does not interact with any other medications, so you can prepare masks based on it or mix it with other substances.

But it is worth considering that the cream dries out the skin quite strongly and cannot be used together with other drying ointments, gels or creams. It is worth limiting the use of zinc ointment, frequent use of soap and cleansers. Some cosmetologists recommend reducing the amount of foundation and powder so as not to overload the skin.

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