Furuncle on the penis: photos, symptoms, causes, danger of boils on the penis, as well as methods of their treatment

In medical practice, a boil on the penis is not uncommon. During this period, the man experiences physiological inconveniences, against the background of which psycho-emotional stress occurs. A pathological lesion on the skin of the penis is caused by staphylococci. This usually happens due to a man’s failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. Symptoms and treatment of boils on the testicles and penis depend on the stage of development of the infiltrate and the complexity of the disease. Doctors strictly prohibit squeezing out an abscess, as this can lead to chronic furunculosis and abscess formation.

More details about the problem

Boils appear on the skin where there are sebaceous glands and hair roots. The area of ​​the foreskin is a suitable place for the formation of ulcers. The shaft of the penis has a small number of hair follicles, which are located in a special recess. In this bed, the sebaceous papilla opens (excess produced sebum is removed through it).

If the bed is not cleaned, the clogging process begins. The shell hardens and fat continues to accumulate underneath it. Excess secretions provoke the onset of inflammation. The process is accompanied by the formation of a boil.

Why do boils appear?

The causes of the appearance of purulent-necrotic neoplasms on the skin of the penis are associated with the aggressiveness of bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus, less often white or epidermal Staphylococcus. The culprit of the problem is the man himself, or rather, his weakened immunity, which is reduced due to a lack of vitamins in the body or due to an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Staphylococci are opportunistic bacteria. They live on the skin of all people, without causing harm to their body, until they enter the subcutaneous environment, where they provoke inflammation of the connective tissue. They penetrate there through various microtraumas, for example, those occurring after shaving.

A furuncle of the penis can also represent a secondary pathological focus, which forms as a complication of superficial or deep staphyloderma. With this disease, staphylococcus is activated in the hair follicle and begins to produce an enzyme that facilitates the penetration of bacteria from the hair follicles into the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

What does a boil on the genitals look like?

This is a purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair bed and the connective tissue that surrounds it. The appearance of the neoplasm resembles a bright red small bump above the skin. When pressed, pain is felt and pus comes out. The outlines are blurred, the growth feels hard to the touch. In appearance it resembles a pimple.

Appearance of a boil on the male organ

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Which doctor should I contact?

If a boil occurs in a man’s intimate area, you should contact a dermatovenerologist or urologist. The doctor will rule out venereal and other purulent-inflammatory diseases of the penis.

At the initial stages of treatment, antibacterial therapy, agents that promote boil maturation, and physical therapy are indicated.

When a boil core forms, the urologist will refer the patient to a surgeon. The doctor will open the tumor on the penis, remove its shaft, and apply drainage to facilitate the outflow of purulent masses. It may be necessary to apply dressings and treat the wound.

Reasons for appearance

Boils on the male genital organ appear under the influence of 2 groups of factors. The first is external. These include climate features, the quality of hygiene procedures, as well as the following reasons:

  1. Shaving. Boils can appear after trauma to the skin. Harmful organisms penetrate the wound, and dead tissue, sebaceous secretions, and bacteria accumulate. This gives rise to severe inflammation.
  2. Tight synthetic underwear. Constant wear affects the formation of chafing on the skin, and damaged dermis is a suitable environment for the active reproduction and growth of bacteria.
  3. Sudden temperature changes. Hypothermia provokes abundant production of sebum. If cleansing does not occur on time, a rash appears on the skin.

Internal factors determine the functioning of organs. The list of common causes includes a decrease in immune strength due to taking antibiotics and lack of vitamins. Boils can also appear in men who have hormonal imbalance or diabetes.

Ulcers on the penis - causes

There are many reasons for the appearance of ulcers on the penis.
You can guess which of them caused the ulceration based on the following parameters:

  • size of ulcers;
  • their shape;
  • quantity – is it a single ulcer or many of them;
  • location;
  • the presence of pain and inflammatory syndrome;
  • connection in time with sexual intercourse, trauma or other event.

Possible causes of ulcers on the penis in men:

  • infectious diseases of a bacterial or viral nature - syphilis, genital herpes, chancroid;
  • nonspecific infectious processes caused by opportunistic microorganisms;
  • allergic reactions – to latex, lubricant, hygiene products and other substances that a man’s penis may come into contact with;
  • mechanical, chemical, thermal and other damage to the male organ.

Ulcers on the penis due to syphilis

With syphilis, large ulcers appear on the penis. Most often it is single, less often there may be several ulcerations.

Distinctive features:

  • no pain;
  • the ulcer does not bleed;
  • has a round shape;
  • smooth edges and shiny surface;
  • grey colour;
  • does not bleed;
  • dense consistency.

It's called chancre. This is the primary form of syphilis. If you see such ulcers on the skin of the penis, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Syphilis is a dangerous, life-threatening disease. You should not wait until painless ulcers on the head of the penis disappear on their own.

They will indeed disappear after a while. But this only indicates the further development of syphilis.

Treatment should be started as early as possible in order to recover faster, without irreversible health consequences.

Ulcers on the penis due to herpes

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection that is accompanied by the appearance of blisters on the penis. They are called vesicles. These bubbles are filled with a clear liquid. They usually appear on red, congested skin.

If ulcers appear on the penis due to herpes, this is a consequence of a violation of the integrity of the vesicles.

They can be damaged during hygiene procedures or changing linen. As a result, erosions form.

They then dry out to form crusts. These ulcers can be quite painful. If they appear, you should consult a doctor to avoid a bacterial infection.

Ulcers on the penis due to allergies

Often small ulcers on the penis appear due to allergies. They are most often formed when the patient scratches an itchy intimate area.

The classic skin manifestation of allergic reactions is blistering.

Such formations are reddened, swollen areas of the skin. They have no cavities and disappear without a trace. But if the patient itches, he tears off the skin without noticing it and without feeling pain. Then ulcers appear on the penis, the treatment of which takes much longer than the relief of an allergic attack.

Specificity of symptom severity

The development of a boil occurs in 3 stages. Doctors highlight:

  • presence of infiltrate;
  • accumulation of pus and cell death (necrosis);
  • recovery and healing.

The appearance of an abscess is accompanied by slight tingling and itching. After the tumor has increased in size, pain appears.

The second stage occurs after 2-3 days. This stage is characterized by the formation of a purulent core, an increase in temperature to 38, and the appearance of signs of poisoning - nausea, headache, apathy. Pain in the affected area becomes more severe and sharp, swelling appears. After 1-2 days, the pustule opens independently (mechanically) or artificially.


The maturation of the boil occurs gradually. First, a small lump appears on the penis, the surface of which is red and hot to the touch. Such symptoms characterize the presence of a clogged omentum under the hair follicle. The accumulation of fat in the omentum occurs little by little; the more subcutaneous fat is formed, the larger the core of the boil. The end of the rod is the head of the abscess. If white ulcers on the penis appear in different areas, this indicates the appearance of a disease - furunculosis. The following symptoms occur:

  • fever, with an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees;
  • headache;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • pain at the site of boil formation, aggravated by pressure.

How can such an abscess on the penis be dangerous?

Abscesses on the penis are dangerous due to their complications. Growths in this area are located next to the lymph nodes, which increases the risk of developing acute lymphangitis. With a weakened immune system or with improper therapy, the boil transforms into an abscess and a phlegmonous boil is formed. There is also a high risk of developing furunculosis (many boils). One of the most dangerous complications is metastasis of the boil to the liver or kidneys.

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Stages of development

It is practically impossible to cure an abscess on the penis if it has not gone through all stages of its development. There are three of them:

  • the first is appearance;
  • the second is formation;
  • the third is inflammation.

At the first stage, the infiltrate only appears under the skin. A red spot appears on the outside, but when touched you can feel a small bump. On the first day of virus activity, this area begins to tingle and hurt. After a few days, the abscess reaches its second stage. It grows and becomes like a cone. After formation, a purulent core appears.

The third stage occurs on the sixth day after the first symptoms. At the outbreak, the skin begins to burn and becomes very red. The abscess matures on the eighth day , the epithelium becomes very thin and releases pus out. The doctor must open its surface with a scalpel if the liquid does not come out on its own. Pain and other symptoms disappear immediately after the breakthrough, swelling in the genitals disappears, and scar tissue appears.

Treatment methods

Diagnostics and selection of treatment methods can be selected by a dermatovenerologist, endocrinologist, or therapist. Experts distinguish 2 treatment options:

  • taking pills;
  • surgical intervention.

The choice of technique depends on the complexity of the case and the individual characteristics of the organism.

Doctors categorically prohibit violating the integrity of the boil at home.


For therapy, antibiotics are used for external and internal use. To remove the abscess, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and antimicrobial drugs are also prescribed. The following oral antibiotics have a proven therapeutic effect.

  1. Doxycycline. The course of admission is 10 days. The downside is an extensive list of contraindications and possible side effects.
  2. Ciprofloxacin. It is effective in eliminating pathogenic microflora. Treatment will take no more than a week. You are allowed to drink 2 mg of the drug per day.

Ointments are prescribed for local application. The goal is to accelerate the removal of pus and infiltrate from the pustule. The list of quality ointments includes Levosin, Levomikol, Ichthyol (20%). They need to be applied to the abscess and covered with a sterile gauze bandage. To completely clear the pustule you need at least 5 repetitions. To reduce itching, antihistamines are prescribed. Sinoflan, Belosalik - the products have a combined composition and help even at the first stage of boil growth.


Surgery is indicated when a large area is affected. The patient is given local anesthesia, the surface of the abscess and the adjacent dermis are injected with Lidocaine or Emla cream. Then a small incision is made on the treated surface, which is necessary for the pus to flow out. Next, a Furacilin solution is injected into the incision to thoroughly clean the pustule and disinfect it. Then a rubber tourniquet is inserted into the wound, through which the remaining fluid drains out. Sew up the surface after the tourniquet has become dry.

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At the initial stage of boil growth, it is allowed to treat the skin on the affected area with a tincture of oak bark and chamomile. The product will have an antiseptic, drying and astringent effect. It is allowed to make such compresses until the growth disappears. Before starting a course of treatment, consultation with a doctor is required.

An alternative is an infusion of green plantain. It will have an antimicrobial and analgesic effect. Wash the leaf and grind until smooth. Place in gauze on the boil. Aloe or agave leaves also have a similar effect.

Ulcers on the foreskin: photos, possible diseases, description

Ulcers on the foreskin are extremely dangerous. They are always a sign of a pathological process. They are easily associated with infection, which leads to complications of the existing disease. There are many reasons for the appearance of erosions. Here are the main ones.

Illiterate treatment

Having discovered a rash on the skin of the foreskin, many men are in no hurry to seek medical help. After reading on the Internet about ways to eliminate the rash, they begin uncontrolled self-medication.

When anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and hormonal ointments are applied to the lesions, an obstacle to normal wound healing is created. In addition, such drugs have contraindications and side effects.

Often, the consequence of inadequate therapy is erosion, and then deep ulcers. In this case, competent and long-term treatment with specially selected drugs is necessary.


Inflammatory process in the foreskin area, affecting the head. It is caused by pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms. They affect tissues mainly when damaged or insufficiently hygienic. Infection is accompanied by redness and swelling, itching, burning, and various rashes. When the disease is neglected, erosions and cracks appear.

The skin becomes sticky and plaque may form. Lack of treatment leads to tissue death, formation of adhesions and scars. Therapy begins with antiseptic treatment of the genital organ. If the process has gone far, it is necessary to use antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ointments.

In advanced cases, an operation is performed to excise dead areas or circumcise.

Sores on the foreskin photo

Candidiasis, or thrush, is associated with the proliferation of certain types of yeast-like fungi. They live on mucous membranes or warm and moist areas of the body.

When immunity declines, microorganisms begin to actively multiply, causing hyperemia of the skin, burning and itching. Soon, erosions are formed, covered with a white coating, and a small red rash on the head of the penis.

To cope with the pathology, it is necessary to disinfect the affected areas and apply antifungal ointment to them. You should also take antimycotics in tablets.


Sexually transmitted infections occur due to damage to the penis by pathogenic bacteria. Pathogenic microorganisms infect the head and cause the appearance of purulent ulcers on the foreskin.

The organ emits an unpleasant odor and becomes sticky to the touch. Rashes in the form of pimples, pustules and papules often form. There may be an increase in temperature and inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes.

Treatment consists of taking antibiotics, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory treatment of the affected areas.

Prevention measures

To protect yourself from the possibility of a boil appearing on the organ, men should follow a number of simple recommendations:

  1. Strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  2. Shave carefully. Treat cuts carefully.
  3. Wear underwear made from natural materials and change it daily.
  4. Consume alcohol wisely, do not overindulge.
  5. If you experience discomfort, pain, or itching, contact your doctor immediately.

Boils on the manhood are an intimate pathology that requires emergency care. The formation of an abscess is accompanied by characteristic symptoms (pain, tingling, swelling). When the first signs appear, you should see a therapist or dermatovenerologist. Timely treatment is the key to the absence of dangerous complications.

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Localization of boils and danger

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A boil on the scrotum, in another part of the pelvis - the pubis, testicles and penis - poses a danger to a man’s health. This area is rich in blood vessels, lymphatic collectors, and nerve endings; the skin in this area is thin. All this creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of staphylococcal infections.

Pathogenic flora is easily spread by hematogenous and lymphogenous routes throughout the body. The medical literature describes a kind of metastasis from boils on the penis and the detection of staphylococcus in the tissues of the liver and kidneys.

What to expect:

  • a boil on the head of the penis can cause a chronic form of the disease, which is accompanied by multiple rashes on the organ;
  • after healing, a depression forms at the site of the boil - the aesthetic side suffers;
  • when the boil is localized on the scrotum - pain, swelling, itching, discomfort when walking, wearing clothes;
  • Sexual life with an active form of purulent process in any part of the male genitalia, scrotum, penis is excluded due to pain;
  • abscess, phlegmon, carbuncle formation;
  • severe complications - Fournier's gangrene - an extremely aggressive form of scrotal necrosis. Mortality ranges from 50 to 80% of patients even in a hospital setting and with massive antibiotic therapy;
  • orchiectomy - if complications of furunculosis develop on the scrotum - removal of the testicle from the affected side. Indicated for the development of organ abscess;
  • dysfunction of the testicle, its epididymis, patency of the vas deferens;
  • androgen deficiency, infertility;
  • when localized on the foreskin - phimosis, curvature of the penis.

Negative experiences affect the state of erection after recovery.

The location of the boil that is relatively safe for the male reproductive system is the lower abdomen, the pubic area. Purulent-inflammatory processes in this area are painful, but do not pose a danger to the male reproductive system. In the absence of proper treatment for a boil in the pubic area, an abscess or phlegmon may develop.

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