Jet Peel peeling: cleansing and moisturizing the skin

Gas-liquid peeling is considered not only a painless procedure, but also quite pleasant. In addition, it is able to cope with various skin problems: lack of moisture, fine wrinkles, unhealthy complexion.

Gas-liquid peeling

Various peelings, of which there are many today, can help cope with problems and rejuvenate the skin; injections are not even required. Almost all peels are seasonal or contraindicated for patients with a certain skin type. Instead of mechanical and chemical influences, you can use gas-liquid peeling. It is considered a relatively new technique, and few people are familiar with its effectiveness and features of use.

This peeling is a kind of “new product”

Peeling technology

At the present time, gas-liquid peeling of the face and body is recognized as a colossal breakthrough in the market of cosmetic services. The technology is based on regulating the depth of impact of the liquid jet. This makes it possible to work with problem areas (scars and scars) and achieve the same results as when working on defect-free areas of the skin.

During the procedure, dead skin is removed, moisturized and nourished with beneficial elements. Therefore, this procedure can also be performed on the scalp. Peeling will help cope with excessive flaking and dry scalp. At the end of the procedure, dormant hair follicles even awaken and hair begins to grow faster.

Interesting ! There are 2 types of peeling: deep and superficial.

There are two types of procedure

Many doctors believe that the desired and noticeable result can only be achieved with deep exposure. This is due to the fact that the medicinal components penetrate much deeper into the epidermal tissue, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

About the procedure

Gas-liquid peeling involves a procedure that helps cleanse, rejuvenate and enrich the skin with nutrients. During the procedure, the upper areas of the skin are saturated with beneficial vitamins and minerals, such as collagen and hyaluronate, taking into account the components of the solution that enter the skin with liquids and gas.

With this procedure you can significantly improve your skin condition.

Jet Peel can smooth out wrinkles and moisturize the skin. The end result is pleasantly impressive, and there is no need for additional manual processing. The procedure has a minimum of contraindications, can be used at any age and is great for any skin type.

Interesting ! Young people can enjoy smooth and clear skin after peeling, while older people are pleased with tighter skin and smoothed out fine wrinkles.

Jet Peel can do a lot

The procedure is painless and leaves no scars, scars or other unpleasant effects. This method can be used for the skin of the face and the whole body. Immediately after completing the first procedure, you can see a completely different face.

Jet Peel effectively eliminates both fine and deeper wrinkles, removes age-related pigmentation, tightens drooping eyelids and rejuvenates the skin in the eye area.

Interesting ! To achieve maximum results, it is worth carrying out at least 5 procedures (their required number can increase to 10), between which there is a week break.

Several procedures are required

Who is JetPeel suitable for and what course should you take?

JetPeel treatments are ideal for all skin types and can be used on the face as well as all areas of the body, including the scalp. This procedure is suitable for the following problems:

  • dull complexion;
  • skin irregularities, including small stretch marks and creases;
  • enlarged and clogged pores;
  • oily skin;
  • decreased tone;
  • scalp hair loss and dandruff.

After the first procedure, you can notice positive changes. You will feel lightness, just like after any massage. But to completely eliminate skin problems, you need to undergo about 5-10 procedures, depending on the manifestation of the problem.

Cheating or what Jet Peel can't do

On the Internet you can find many promises that have nothing to do with this procedure. Let's list the most popular:

Smoothes out fine wrinkles, unevenness and scars - no. The exposure does not remove scars and fill fine wrinkles. For these purposes, there is a blanching or laser resurfacing technique.

It triggers the synthesis of collagen and elastin - the procedure does not have any effect on skin proteins.

Fights acne inflammation - no, the procedure does not bring any therapeutic effect, even if it works with special serums. The depth of penetration of active substances is limited to the lower border of the epidermis.

The most important results after the procedure are cleansing, moisturizing, oxygenating the skin and lymphatic drainage effects.

Action and features of peeling

As a rule, after a session, the face does not look very pleasant, so you should sit at home for 2-3 days and not go anywhere.

A distinctive feature of peeling is that during its implementation the working instrument does not interact with the skin in any way. The impact on the surface is carried out using a mixture of special agents and gas. The composition is selected taking into account the expected result. It is considered a very traumatic and sensitive procedure, so it cannot be said with certainty that it is completely painless.

There is no interaction between the skin and the device

Using a special apparatus, the active substance, under a certain pressure, enters the inner layers of the skin and affects them, and the following results are achieved:

  • pores are cleaned;
  • dead skin is removed;
  • enrichment with vitamins and minerals occurs;
  • tissues are saturated with oxygen, which has a positive effect on the metabolic process;
  • the lack of collagen and hyaluronate is compensated;
  • deep hydration occurs.

Gas-liquid peeling


Gas-liquid peeling Jet Clear is an innovative cleansing and rejuvenation of skin of any type with results noticeable after the first procedure. Peeling technology was invented in Israel, where it immediately became in demand for correcting wrinkles, polishing scars, and preventing acne.


  • exfoliates the stratum corneum;
  • gently massages the skin;
  • deeply moisturizes and saturates with oxygen.

Under the influence of two active natural environments - air and liquid - active cellular respiration and renewal occur, improving blood circulation and complexion, smoothing wrinkles and scars.


  • absence of unpleasant sensations - fine liquid and cool gas act as an anesthetic;
  • there are no restrictions on age, skin type, area of ​​exposure;
  • all-season – you can take a Jet Clea peeling course in the summer, including to prepare for an even tan;
  • clear result after the first procedure;
  • solves most aesthetic skin problems;
  • quick rehabilitation after gas-liquid peeling.


The device generates a high-speed flow of two media - finely dispersed liquid and gas, which act on the skin in a non-contact manner - the nozzle of the device does not touch the skin. The speed of millions of microscopic drops reaches 200-300 meters per second. In such conditions, intensive cleansing and moisturizing of the upper layer of skin occurs with simultaneous massage with cooled oxygen. To obtain the flow, purified substances are used - oxygen and saline solution, or safe anti-aging serums.


The uniqueness of Jet Clear gas-liquid peeling is the ability to accurately dose the duration and intensity of the flow, which allows you to perform any type of peeling - superficial, deep and medium. Regardless of the depth of exposure, the skin does not peel off after the procedure.


  • shallow and medium wrinkles;
  • age-related changes in delicate areas of the face (aging of the skin of the lips, in the corners of the eyes);
  • acne (can be used in the inflammation stage), post-acne, scars;
  • skin dehydration;
  • hyperpigmentation and dilated capillaries;
  • decreased elasticity, collagen deficiency;
  • oily skin, comedones, clogged pores.


  • Herpes in the acute stage;
  • Acute inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • Psychopathy;
  • Cerebrovascular accident;
  • Hypertonic disease;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Feverish conditions;
  • Cardiovascular diseases in the acute period, frequent attacks of angina pectoris.


The micronozzle accelerates compressed oxygen to supersonic speed, after which liquid is supplied to the gas stream - this is how a gas-liquid flow is formed. The specialist directs it to the skin, controlling the distance and depth of exposure. When microdroplets come into contact with the skin, they remove dead cells layer by layer, deeply cleansing the pores.

After gas-liquid peeling, the skin is freed from the surface dead layer and saturated with moisture and oxygen. Jet Clea peeling in the facial area lasts 15-30 minutes. The procedure is painless, you only experience a feeling of pleasant coolness, so there are no contraindications for very dry, sensitive skin. The course consists of four sessions of gas-liquid Jet Clear - once a week.


The Jet Clea peeling effect is comparable to the effect of chemical peeling, but the effect on the skin is gentle and does not require anesthesia. Immediately after Jet Clear, the skin is well hydrated and oxygenated, which is ideal for rapid restoration and regeneration of the youthful layer. Already after the first Jet Clear procedure, you will notice: a fresh complexion, deep hydration, and a rejuvenating effect. Peeling completely smoothes out superficial wrinkles and reduces deep ones, removes age spots that appear with age.

Jet Clear is one of the most popular gas-liquid procedures for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin. After peeling, saturated with pure moisture and oxygen, the face acquires matte, smooth texture and attractive color.

Device for gas-liquid peeling

The device has a special nozzle through which a cold flow of gas and liquid moves. The oxygen-carbon dioxide mixture acts as a gas, and medications, anti-aging and vitamin mixtures act as a sprayed liquid.

The procedure is performed taking into account the condition of the epidermis and age-related changes. The depth and duration of peeling are set individually for each patient. Also, skin cleansing can be carried out on the superficial, middle and deeper layers of the skin.

Interesting ! At the same time, the facial skin is slightly massaged.

It is necessary to take into account the condition of the skin and age before starting the procedure

The required number of procedures ranges from 5-12, which are carried out once a week. Duration – 15-45 minutes. To understand the essence of the procedure, it is worth learning about the doctor’s actions during the session.

Using this technology using the Jet Peel device, specialists carry out a number of manipulations that patients especially need.

  1. Gas-liquid gentle peeling, multi-level mechanical cleansing. The effect is achieved by removing dead skin areas, enriching the deeper layers of the epidermis with nutrients and oxygen. The device's drops have a harmless and effective effect.
  2. Lifting massage. The result of rejuvenation appears after the first session, since with intense actions, cool oxygen stabilizes blood circulation in the upper layers, tightening soft tissues in areas of the body and face.

    Lifting massage

  3. Lymphatic drainage. The Jet Peel device provides a gentle massage effect, starting from the upper layers and reaching deeper layers. The device creates unique vibrations that are not typical for any other manual or automatic devices that are not capable of penetrating to great depths. The gas-liquid flow promotes the process of lymphatic drainage, having a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and muscles.
  4. Biorevitalization. The JetPeel device is capable of delivering the necessary substances to the epidermis without pain.

    Biorevitalization using Jet Peel

  5. Acne therapy. The effect of cleansing the skin is achieved through the action of a cooled gas-liquid jet; the surface of the skin is treated with a liquid solution instead of painful injections.
  6. Three-dimensional rejuvenation of the dermis. The gas-liquid jet also provides a massage, due to which lymphatic drainage begins, blood circulation is normalized, muscle tone improves, and the activity of skin cells is stabilized.
  7. 3D rejuvenation is a deep penetration technique that allows you to perform a special three-dimensional massage that is not similar to other types. The use of the main device is combined with a manual massage against cellulite.

3D rejuvenation

Effects after the Jet Peel

Jet Peel has a comprehensive effect aimed at solving common skin problems:

  1. Intensive skin cleansing. During the procedure, the top layers of dead skin cells are gently exfoliated. Pores are cleansed of dirt and grease. The skin begins to “breathe” and absorb nutrients better. Due to this, her general condition improves.
  2. Moisturizing and oxygenating the skin. Cellular metabolism is stimulated, the immune activity of cells is increased, so the skin looks healthy and fresh.
  3. Lifting effect. Massage with a jet of gas and liquid improves blood circulation and lymph outflow. Thus, swelling and bruising go away, the skin tightens, becomes toned, and the oval of the face becomes clearer. With a course of use, the process of cell renewal is accelerated. The complexion improves and becomes naturally pink.
  4. Scalp treatment. When hair loss occurs, it is important to restore metabolism and blood microcirculation in the scalp. A comfortable complex procedure, which includes cleansing and massage at the same time, is effective both in the treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp (dandruff) and in various forms of hair loss. Jet Peel provides a good massage and improves blood supply to the bulbs. After 3-4 procedures, the condition of the scalp improves.

Main features of Jet Peel

On the same area of ​​the body during one session, it is worth paying attention to the number of approaches performed:

  • one helps to accelerate blood flow, after which a light blush appears;
  • two or more, on the contrary, cause blood to flow out of the capillaries located near the upper layer of the skin. A repeat procedure is necessary if symptoms of rosacea are detected;
  • Repeated treatment with a jet at close range leads to a more vivid result, however, in this case there are quite a lot of “side effects”. This exposure to the skin is considered harsh and may cause slight bleeding.

There are several approaches to such peeling

This rejuvenation technology was proposed by Israeli specialists - it quickly gained fame and found its application.

Interesting ! Devices produced under the name Jet Peel are considered the most popular today and are often used by clinic doctors and cosmetologists in salons around the world.

The skin cleaning device sprays the active substance at the appropriate speed and pressure. Small drops of the developed cocktail, which contains a salt solution, have a mild but very effective effect, enriching the skin tissue with useful substances. The main feature of peeling is the ability to use it on the skin of the face and body.

Spraying a special cocktail - this is the operating principle of the device for such a procedure

Scalp peeling has become very popular. This is due to the fact that it allows you to quickly normalize the natural blood circulation process, which has a beneficial effect on hair growth and its appearance.

Interesting ! Cleaning should be done before tanning. This will even out the relief and contribute to a perfectly even and beautiful tan. If you have any neoplasms on the skin, you should first visit an oncologist.

It is necessary to carry out the procedure before tanning

Advantages of the Jet Peel method

Reviews from A-Clinic patients say a lot about the advantages of the Jet Peel method. They can be divided into several points:

  • intensive exposure to a jet of water evens out the relief, smoothes out unevenness and scars,
  • the combination of water pressure with oxygen cleanses, has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, heals the skin,
  • the combination of cleansing with massage launches the processes of renewal and rejuvenation.

After the sessions, the skin looks not only completely cleansed of impurities, but also

  • updated
  • more fit
  • smoothed,
  • clean from inflammation.

Lymphatic drainage massage, which provides targeted water pressure, helps get rid of swelling.

Amazing delicacy plus complete painlessness, plus speed of effect - this is what most surprises the patients of our clinic.

Jet Peel is so gentle that it allows you to treat even the sensitive area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids.

Main features of the Jet Peel device

Gas-liquid skin cleansing is an excellent alternative to many cosmetic procedures combined.

Microdermabrasion, brushing. At the time of peeling, the skin is deeply cleansed under gentle influence, bringing comedones to the surface. The epidermis is cleared of dead cells. Carrying out such cleansing prepares the skin for any further cosmetic or therapeutic procedure.

Jet Peel removes comedones and cleanses the skin

Lymphatic drainage, massage. The current stream of gas solution and liquid penetrates deep under the skin, almost reaching bone tissue, massages soft tissues, stabilizing the process of fluid outflow and arterial blood inflow. Excess liquid is released.

Interesting ! The device acts in such a way as not to cause injury to thin skin, starting the process of fluid outflow.

This device massages soft tissues and improves the outflow of fluids

Getting rid of stretch marks and scars. This is achieved through targeted impact on suspected problem areas. At the same time, medications are delivered to these areas, which are responsible for the fastest and most aesthetic healing of the skin.

Biorevitalization. To some extent, this type of peeling is a good alternative to painful and unpleasant injections through which hyaluronate is injected.

Interesting ! The disadvantage of this procedure is that it will be necessary to consume a large amount of the active ingredient.

Jet Peel can be used to inject hyaluronic acid without the use of injections

Mesotherapy. With gas instead of a solution, unique serums are used, which are selected for each patient individually, taking into account the problem he has that he wants to eliminate, as well as based on the condition of the skin.

Lift. Muscle tone is improved through intensive massage in soft tissues.

Thanks to this procedure, you can tighten your skin

Why Jet Peel?

Gas-liquid peeling is exposure to a directed stream of water with oxygen. It is supplied under high pressure from a nozzle. It has a built-in thin tube that creates a directed flow.

This allows you to combine several effects at once:

  • exfoliation and removal of dead epidermal cells,
  • massage, micromassage, lymphatic drainage massage,
  • exposure to active oxygen on the surface and superficial layer of the dermis,
  • non-injection administration of mesotherapy cocktails,
  • elimination of edema,
  • lift.

Active oxygen comes with a stream of water. It activates metabolic processes and also disinfects, that is, it has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect.

The high pressure of the gas-liquid jet completely cleans the pores at great depths.

The massage effect of a directed flow of water improves lymph flow, blood circulation, and metabolic processes. Therefore, Jet Peel gas-liquid peeling is one of the rare technologies that combines the cleansing effect with rejuvenation and healing.

Advantages of gas-liquid skin cleansing

The rejuvenation technique under consideration has significant advantages, which include:

  • no pain;
  • the ability to get back to work immediately after completion of the procedure, since no recovery time is required;
  • no need for injections;
  • Only natural ingredients are used that do not cause irritation or other adverse reactions;

    The naturalness of the components will ensure 100% compatibility with the body

  • ensuring maximum hygiene during the session due to the lack of contact with the treated skin area;
  • deep massage, the effect of which cannot be achieved with other types of peeling;
  • immediate results that can be noticed after the first procedure;
  • the possibility of peeling regardless of the time of year.

The procedure has many advantages

Disadvantages of the procedure

In addition to advantages, any cosmetic procedure also has disadvantages.

The main disadvantage of the procedure is the relatively high price. On average, one procedure will cost 1.7-2.2 thousand rubles using only gases and saline solution.

Interesting ! When adding a vitamin complex, the cost increases to 3 thousand.

High price is one of the disadvantages of the procedure

A full course with massage and rehabilitation procedures will cost 6-8 thousand rubles. For maximum results, you will need at least 5 sessions, which cost a considerable amount, which not everyone can afford.

Important ! You should not look for salons that can offer a cheap procedure, since the device itself and consumables are expensive. If you are nevertheless offered an inexpensive peeling, you should not agree, since the quality of the materials used and the final result are unlikely to please you.

It’s better to go to a good salon with a normal price than to strive for cheapness

Among other shortcomings is the insufficiently high effect. Since the jet has a very gentle effect, not all serious problems can be completely solved with peeling. To do this, you will need to sign up for at least 8 sessions. To achieve the desired effect without experiencing pain and discomfort, while having enough finances, gas-liquid peeling will be an ideal option.

Not everything can be solved with this procedure.

How is the procedure performed?

Preparatory stage . It involves consultation and examination with a specialist who must detect contraindications (if any), and in their absence, develop a suitable complex composition of ingredients necessary for the effect on the skin and determine the intensity of the acting jet.

After consultation, the patient sits on the couch and the doctor begins to work with problem skin. First you need to remove possible contaminants and applied cosmetics, after which you can proceed directly to treating the skin.

During the preparatory stage, a complete examination of the patient is performed

When the device is configured, the processing process itself begins. The tip, from which a solution of the active substance and gas emerges under appropriate pressure, is directed to the problem area and every millimeter of it is treated.

Interesting ! The procedure can last from half an hour to 1-2 hours. It will take about an hour to treat the scalp. Massage and soft cleaning will require the least amount of time. The longest procedures are those during which large areas of the body are treated.

A full course of eliminating defects requires about 6-8 procedures (depending on the age category of the patient and the condition of his skin) with a week break.

The larger the area, the longer the procedure

Features of further skin care

After exposure to saline solution, the skin does not require long-term rehabilitation, but do not neglect some rules:

  • do not use decorative cosmetics in the first 3-4 days after the procedure;
  • do not visit saunas and solariums on the day of the intended peeling session;
  • do not apply scrubs in the first 2 days;
  • after peeling, the skin needs sufficient moisturizing with creams;
  • Cleansing soft masks made from natural ingredients (oils, clay) will not hurt.

You should take into account the specifics of skin care after the procedure.

Contraindications and possible adverse reactions

As mentioned, the procedure is very gentle, but this does not exclude some contraindications:

  • chronic infections, skin pathology;
  • violation of skin integrity;
  • problems with the heart, blood vessels, endocrine system;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • mental disorders;
  • intolerance to the components used;
  • age up to 18 years.

The contraindications are quite significant

If there are no other indications, cleansing can be carried out in the presence of acne and dark circles in the eye area.

Adverse reactions of the procedure include:

  • redness;
  • swelling, the appearance of dropsy (often occurs in patients with sensitive skin types);
  • allergies, itching.

Important ! If any signs are found after peeling, you should immediately inform your doctor. To ensure the effectiveness of the procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the photographs before and after the full course of cleansing.

If you have problems, you should tell your doctor right away

Peeling at home

It is worth keeping in mind that gas-liquid facial skin peeling is a procedure whose effectiveness, quality, and harmlessness are possible only when carried out by qualified specialists in appropriate conditions (in a clinic or salon).

Carrying out the procedure at home is unrealistic. If the procedure is needed not only to cleanse the skin, but also to eliminate more serious cosmetic defects, it is necessary to use additional drugs and special serums, which have their own application nuances.

This procedure cannot be done at home

Patient reviews

Gas-liquid peeling is gaining more and more popularity every day and positive reviews from patients who have been able to personally verify its effectiveness. The popularity and widespread use of the technique is explained by the fact that the procedure is absolutely painless and does not harm the skin. However, if you decide to carry it out, you should only contact a trusted clinic or salon with a good reputation, otherwise you risk ending up with inexperienced novice specialists.

Patients are favorable towards this procedure

Svetlana, Moscow

“Since my youth, I have always tried to avoid any injections, which is why I often resort to peelings to rejuvenate my skin.8) I recently learned about gas-liquid peeling and wanted to try it. I was incredibly pleased with the result and the lack of pain during it. Due to the fact that I have very delicate skin, after each session (of which I spent in total, my face became slightly pinkish. After the full course, the skin was completely cleansed, smoothed out, and the bags under the eyes disappeared."

Women love gas-liquid peeling

Antonina, Saratov

“I have an extremely negative attitude towards peeling, as I had an unpleasant experience: in one salon I almost burned my facial skin, but the consequences were avoided. Recently I learned from a friend about gas-liquid peeling, which eliminates any contact with the skin. Seeing the positive changes in the condition of her facial skin, I asked for the cosmetologist’s contact information and made an appointment with him for the procedure. I was pleasantly impressed with the result. Now I’m not afraid to attend these types of procedures and even enjoy them.”

Not everyone shared the joy of this procedure until they tried it personally

Julia, Tolyatti

“I have a personal cosmetologist, whom I periodically go to to maintain the normal appearance of my facial skin. During my next visit, I learned that the salon had purchased a Jet Peel device and, without hesitation, decided to undergo the procedure. I didn’t even have to be persuaded, since I love everything new, especially since I was the first person willing to test the device, the procedure was 2 times cheaper. The effect cannot be described in words, my joy cannot be described in words.”


Question: Is the Jet Peel procedure suitable for any skin?
Answer: Yes.
One of the unique features of Jet Peel is that it suits absolutely everyone. The procedure has no side effects - after it the skin will look well-groomed, beautiful, fresh, and bright. Question: What time of year is best to do the procedure?
Answer: The Jet Peel procedure is off-season. It does not increase sensitivity to sunlight, so it can be performed even during periods of active sun.

Question: How long does it take?

Answer: The duration of the procedure depends on the area of ​​the treated area. In some cases, when several areas need to be treated at once, this may take more than an hour. Correcting small areas will take 10-15 minutes.

Question: At what age can I start doing gas-liquid peeling?

Answer: The gas-liquid peeling procedure can be done from 18 years of age. But first you need to consult your doctor.

Question: How many days will it take for the skin to recover?

Answer: There is no recovery period as such. Immediately after the procedure, the skin looks refreshed and rejuvenated. There is a decrease in swelling and a lifting effect is noted.

Question: Is it possible to use Jet Pil for acne?

Answer: Yes. Removing the top layer of the epidermis, cleansing the skin prevents clogging of the sebaceous glands, and oxygen saturation has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. You can also perform a non-injection mesotherapy procedure using anti-inflammatory or other medicinal drugs. This technique is a good prevention of scar formation.

Question: How many procedures can it take to get rid of scars?

Answer: Scars can be removed in 4-6 sessions, provided that the resurfacing is deep enough. When grinding, Jet Peel acts on the principle of microdermabrasion. For grinding, particles of saline solution are used, which act as abrasive particles at high flow rates of the mixture.

Question: Will Jet Pil help with bags under the eyes?

Answer: Yes, lymphatic drainage massage can relieve swelling. But bags under the eyes can be the result of serious disorders in the body. Therefore, it is better to first consult a doctor and do tests.

Cost of the procedure

Please note that it is better if such a procedure is carried out by a specialist in a clinic. Despite the fact that this is a very “easy” cosmetic procedure, which practically does not involve any complications or side effects, it must be performed by a doctor to achieve the best result and eliminate any negative effects. At the same time, the procedure cannot be too cheap, since the clinic needs to spend money on both funds and payment for the doctor’s work. For a better understanding of the cost, we will indicate the price of one gas-liquid peeling procedure in different cities of Russia.

CityCost of one procedure
Moscow4400 rub.
Saint Petersburg2800 rub.
Vladivostok2700 rub.
Novosibirsk2900 rub.
Ufa3600 rub.
Murmansk2900 rub.
Yakutsk3200 rub.

Why in A Clinic?

The specialists of our clinic were among the first to use this technology of modern hardware cosmetologists. Over the years of its use, a lot of experience has been accumulated, thousands of reviews have been received, and the latest techniques have been developed.

In some cases, Jet Peel is used not only to exfoliate dead cells, but also for non-injection mesotherapy.

Jet Peel gas-liquid peeling helps not only to cleanse well, but also to thoroughly moisturize the dermis. It can be used with high effect on the face, neck, and various areas of the body.

Kuznetsova Ekaterina Olegovna

Nutritionist, gastroenterologist, cosmetologist

Photos before and after a course of procedures

Photos before and after a course of gas-liquid peeling procedures No. 1

Photos before and after a course of gas-liquid peeling procedures No. 2

Photos before and after a course of gas-liquid peeling procedures No. 3

Main indications of Jet Peel

Gas-liquid peeling sessions at A-Clinic quickly, painlessly and, most importantly, effectively eliminate a number of problems, including:

  • flabbiness,
  • decreased tone,
  • dirt, greasy,
  • dryness,
  • unhealthy, tired appearance,
  • acne,
  • blockage of the sebaceous glands (comedones),
  • dandruff and hair loss (Jet Peel scalp)
  • dryness, wrinkles,
  • scars, scars,
  • striae,
  • muscle flaccidity.
  • local fat deposits.

Gas-liquid peeling is not just an effective cleansing procedure, but also a good prevention of early aging.

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