Replenishment of vitamin and mineral deficiencies after childbirth

Treatment of hair loss after childbirth

During pregnancy, most women note that their hair becomes thicker, stronger and healthier, grows much longer than before, and practically stops falling out. This fact is associated with hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy and an extension of the hair growth phase.

However, after childbirth, usually at 3-5 months, there is a sharp onset of hair loss, sometimes leading young mothers to panic. Hair falls out in clumps. In order to prevent hair loss, women sometimes stop combing and washing their hair, but this does not bring results.

During this period, a woman can lose 20-40% of her hair. This behavior of hair is associated with a sharp one-time transition of all hair that did not fall out during pregnancy into the telogen phase (loss). Despite the scale of hair loss, this process is temporary, and the hair will be restored completely or almost completely, so young mothers just need to get through such a difficult period.

To smooth out the severity of hair loss, strengthen the roots, and also stimulate the growth of new ones, excellent results are achieved by procedures such as mesotherapy and plasma lifting of the scalp. Don't forget about vitamins, microelements, as well as medicated shampoos and lotions. Complex treatment is always more effective.

Weight loss and figure restoration after childbirth

Pregnancy is often a risk factor for weight gain for women, which is associated both with hormonal changes in the body and with overeating and decreased physical activity. Some people manage to lose weight almost immediately after giving birth, but most young mothers face problems with excess weight after childbirth and during lactation. Normally, weight should be restored within 6-10 months after birth, subject to diet and healthy lifestyle.

If the weight continues to increase even after the end of lactation, then you should definitely contact an endocrinologist. Do not forget that pregnancy can serve as a trigger for the onset of many endocrine diseases that lead to weight gain. First of all, you should pay attention to thyroid hormones, sex hormones and adrenal hormones. Let us separately recall the increased risk of diabetes mellitus after childbirth, especially against the background of gestational diabetes.

When to start procedures to restore your figure after childbirth?

It is most rational to begin procedures at the end of the lactation period after complete restoration of hormonal levels. During breastfeeding, procedures such as manual or hardware massage are recommended, aimed at a tonic and lymphatic drainage effect. Active lipolytic procedures such as mesotherapy, acupuncture, ultrasonic liposuction and others are contraindicated during lactation. You should also be careful about wraps during breastfeeding, select and carry them out under the strict supervision of a doctor. The most popular procedure after childbirth is thermolifting of the body, which allows you to tighten the skin after childbirth and also has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect.

Homemade formulations

Self-prepared skin tightening products also create a positive effect. The most popular among home lifting procedures are belly wraps.

Let's look at the recipes for the most effective formulations:

  • With seaweed. Pre-soak kelp sheets in warm water for 15 minutes. Apply them tightly to the skin of the abdomen and secure with film. Keep for 45 minutes.
  • With dirt. Apply cosmetic mud to problem areas and wrap with cling film on top for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water.
  • With honey. Take 3 tbsp. l. honey, add a little cinnamon, coffee, mustard or citrus essential oil. Apply the warm mixture to the stomach and sides, wrap with film. After 40 minutes, wash off.

Such homemade recipes help restore tone and smoothness to the skin of the abdomen, tighten and improve its health.

Treatment of stretch marks after childbirth

Stretch marks are the most common problem that reminds a woman of pregnancy for a long time, usually throughout her life. It has been noticed that young girls under 25 years of age are more susceptible to stretch marks compared to older mothers, and the likelihood of stretch marks appearing during the first pregnancy is much higher than during subsequent ones.

However, today there is a real opportunity to combat stretch marks. Procedures such as mesotherapy, biorevitalization, and thermolifting of the body should be carried out with fresh stretch marks to maximize the reduction of the skin between stretch marks and narrow the stretch marks. Since stretch marks are a type of atrophic scar, they can only be removed using a series of laser resurfacing procedures, the number of which depends primarily not on the length, but on the width of the stretch mark and the healing ability of the skin. Laser resurfacing is possible after the end of the lactation period and complete stabilization of weight.

How does the cream help?

There are creams with different contents of active substances. Depending on this, their principle of operation differs.

Creams with oils or glycerin

These are some of the popular and affordable means to combat stretch marks. The principle of action is that the oils penetrate the surface and middle layers of the epidermis. Here they are firmly strengthened due to the special structure of the skin. Oils cannot penetrate deeper, since the basal layer contains a large amount of liquid, through which they do not diffuse.

As a result, a kind of protective film is formed on the surface of the skin, which prevents excess moisture evaporation. This maintains the saturation of collagen fibers with liquid and, accordingly, slightly reduces the rate of formation of stretch marks.

Silicone based

Silicone creates a fat-like layer in the upper layers of the epidermis, thereby also preventing moisture evaporation.

But this component is not as safe for the skin as oils or glycerin, so it is better not to use it for a long time.

Contains vitamins

These creams are also popular. Usually, of all the vitamins, A, E are the most common, and a little less often - C, D and others. The fact is that these active substances penetrate the entire depth of the skin, nourishing all cells and enhancing their ability to recover, increasing resistance to various negative influences. Also, vitamins E, A and D are fat-soluble, i.e. they bind to fatty acids, attracting moisture.

In addition, this group directly affects the properties of the epidermis, increasing the duration of its functioning, and protects against adverse external factors.

Based on hyaluronic acid and hydrolyzed proteins

Hyaluronic acid can be high- and low-molecular. The first penetrates to the dermis, binds there with various substances and adsorbs water on itself, “like a sponge.” High molecular weight hyaluronic acid remains closer to the surface of the epidermis and works like oils and glycerin.

Hydrolyzed proteins already contain water molecules, which they bring to different layers of the skin, thereby saturating it with moisture and making it more elastic and stretch-resistant.

Restoration of facial skin and treatment of pigmentation after childbirth

After childbirth, young mothers often pay attention to severe dry skin, decreased turgor, and the appearance of fine wrinkles. This is especially evident during lactation, which is associated with hormonal changes and vitamin deficiency. Therefore, the most common procedure after childbirth is biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid, which allows you to heal the skin and restore water balance. It is recommended to start treatment immediately after the end of the lactation period.

The second problem is hyperpigmentation (chloasma, “mask of pregnancy”), which usually occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy. The spots are most often localized on the forehead, around the lips, but can appear on any part of the face. The appearance of such spots is also associated with hormonal changes and increased photosensitivity during pregnancy. In some cases, pigmentation goes away on its own within six months to a year after birth, but in half of the cases it can persist for a long time. The most popular procedure that allows you to quickly and painlessly get rid of age spots is AFT therapy, which can be found in detail in the corresponding section. Treatment can begin already during lactation.

Review of anti-cellulite products

You can carry out procedures to prevent and combat “orange peel” at home. This program differs significantly from the standard one:

  1. You can only use natural skincare products that do not contain chemicals or preservatives.
  2. Thermal procedures are unacceptable - the wraps must be cold, so hot ingredients (mustard and pepper) must be completely absent.
  3. Baths with natural salt - if the procedure is carried out correctly, the active substances are absorbed through the skin without causing harm to the child. Existing contraindications should be studied in advance to eliminate negative consequences.

The effect of therapy will be enhanced if you do dry anti-cellulite massage during pregnancy. You can use a special brush for this. Natural bristles are dried cactus fibers. Dry anti-cellulite massage during pregnancy has a gentle effect on the skin, having a pronounced lymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite effect.

You can take a contrast shower - temperature fluctuations improve blood circulation in areas that are problematic, and also normalize lymph flow, increasing metabolic processes. This procedure does not harm either the mother or the child - therefore it is suitable not only for the treatment, but also for the prevention of cellulite.

Bath shimmers

Flower mixes are a professional line developed using recipes from experts in the field of cosmetology. Based on Salt of the Earth salts, which are tested for effectiveness and safety. The composition contains only natural ingredients, so the color of the water does not change when used.

Assortment of bath shimmers:

  • "ALL WISHES" For beauty, health and youthful skin. Contains pink (Himalayan), Epsom and Dead Sea salts. Increases the elasticity of the epidermis, making it velvety. Eliminates swelling, removes toxins, eliminating cellulite. Skin tone is evened out and cell renewal is stimulated.
  • "GOLDEN DREAMS". Developed on the basis of calendula officinalis petals, chamomile flowers and Epsom salts. The mix smoothes the skin, relieving inflammation. This natural remedy is recommended for the prevention of cellulite.
  • "FLOWER SKY". Contains cornflower and lavender flowers, pink salt and Epsom salt. Helps slow down the aging process of the skin, has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Ideal for healing, anti-allergenic and anti-cellulite baths.
  • "WHITE VELVET". A mix with milk and jasmine flowers, which includes Dead Sea salt, rice flour, dry cream and coconut milk, white clay, macadamia oil, jasmine and sweet almonds. A milk bath relaxes and makes the skin silky, nourishing and moisturizing. The bath mixture is indispensable for preventing the appearance of “orange peel”.
  • "SEA RELAX". The ingredients used are Dead Sea salt and Epsom salt, anchana buds and cornflower petals, ylang-ylang and jasmine essential oils. Water procedures help smooth the skin and are indispensable for the prevention of cellulite.
  • "PINK SUNSET". The composition includes Himalayan and Epsom salts, tea rose buds and lavender flowers. A bath with a floral salt mix makes the skin glow from the inside, saturating it with all the necessary substances.

It is more profitable to order a set of 4 bath shimmers, which includes the best mixes that effectively eliminate skin problems. Regular procedures will help quickly solve the problem of cellulite, obtaining a visible and lasting effect.

Salt scrubs

Abrasive particles of natural salt are indispensable in caring for problem areas. When they come into contact with wet skin, they begin to slowly “melt”, nourishing and at the same time removing the stratum corneum. During pregnancy, this procedure is absolutely safe.

Anti-cellulite scrubs developed on the basis of natural salt:

  • "COFFEE COCKTAILS." The anti-cellulite scrub contains Epsom salts, natural ground coffee, orange and grape seed essential oils. With regular use, the appearance of cellulite is reduced, texture is restored and skin color is evened out. The swelling gradually goes away, and the production of your own collagen is activated.
  • "TROPICAL TOUCH". The product is intended for gentle exfoliation of sensitive skin. Delicate scrubbing will not only cleanse, but also soften and moisturize the skin thanks to its unique composition: Epsom salts, grape seed oil, coconut flakes and coconut milk powder. The natural product restores elasticity by stimulating the production of elastin and collagen. Coconut shavings, when exposed to the epidermis, help remove excess fluid and improve microcirculation.

After the scrubbing procedure, the contours of the body become tightened. By normalizing blood circulation, the natural nutrition of the skin is restored, which improves its appearance.

Order a set of 2 scrubs, which includes coffee and coconut peeling. An integrated approach guarantees the return of elasticity, slowing down the aging process and achieving a lasting effect.

Intimate recovery after childbirth

Often the most important area that requires special attention for every woman. A detailed article on this topic was covered by my colleague, gynecologist I.V. Shulchina. in the appropriate section.

To summarize what has been said, we will highlight the most popular procedures for recovery after childbirth:

ProblemRecommended Procedures
Hair lossMesotherapy for hair
Excess weight Body correctionBody thermolifting Anti-cellulite massage Body mesotherapy
Stretch marksLaser treatment for stretch marks
Dry skinBiorevitalization of the face
HyperpigmentationAFT therapy Phototherapy
Problems in the intimate sphereIntimate recovery after childbirth

Author of the material: Cosmetologist, dermatologist Lachinova N.M. All rights reserved.

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