Salicylic peeling - effective cleansing of facial skin

Salicylic acid has a slight drying, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. It allows you to solve many facial skin problems using salicylic peeling .
Professional cosmetologists use this acid as the main ingredient to gently cleanse facial skin. Due to its low price and wide distribution, every woman can purchase acid and perform salicylic peeling at home. Peelings are aimed at giving the skin smoothness, softness and a beautiful matte finish. Peels have gained the greatest popularity due to the quick results in just a couple of applications, as well as their use not only in salons, but also at home.

So what happens to the top layer of the epidermis during the peeling procedure? Acid, once on the skin, begins to actively destroy the top layer, at this moment the skin gets rid of unnecessary and dead cells, which contributes to the rapid renewal of the skin structure. Pores are cleaned, become less noticeable, and the skin looks smoother and more well-groomed.

What is salicylic peeling

An exfoliation session is performed using special preparations based on salicylic acid of synthetic origin. The concentration is selected individually - depending on the condition of the skin, existing problems and the age of the patient.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Exfoliation is the removal of the top layer from the surface of the skin, which consists of dead skin cells. They close the skin pores, making it difficult to “breathe” and preventing the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands. As a result of blockages in the excretory ducts, acne forms.

Salicylic peeling can be carried out from the age of 14, but only on condition that it is performed by a qualified specialist.


  • greasy shine;
  • clogged pores;
  • acne, blackheads;
  • acne, post-acne;
  • scars, scars;
  • pigmentation;
  • signs of photo and age-related skin aging;
  • flabbiness;
  • dryness.

The procedure allows you to achieve the following results:

  • relieving inflammation;
  • reducing the number of pimples, blackheads, getting rid of blackheads;
  • cleansing the dermis, removing dead particles;
  • cell renewal;
  • activation of collagen and elastin production;
  • normalization of water balance;
  • elimination of oily shine;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • toning;
  • improvement of intercellular metabolism;
  • removal of scars, scars;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • alignment of tone and relief;
  • reduction of manifestations of hyperkeratosis.

Salicylic acid with oils for older women


  • salicylic acid solution - 1.5 tsp;
  • essential oils (jojoba and wheat germ) - ½ tsp each;
  • honey - ½ tsp.

How to prepare: Pour oil into the acid and shake (it is better to do this in a closed container). Then add honey, mix thoroughly until smooth. How to use: Apply peeling to your oil-free face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. Leave the product on for up to 7 minutes, wash and lubricate the dermis with moisturizer if your skin feels dry.

Popular brands

Pharmacies and specialty stores offer a wide range of preparations for salicylic peeling.


  • Salicylic Acid from Peel Medical (USA). The concentration of the active substance is 20%. Acidity level - 2.5 pH. Among the auxiliary components: lactic acid and resorcinol. One bottle of 40 ml costs about 1800 rubles.
  • Salicylicpeel (Russia) - 15% and 25% solution is intended for superficial and median exfoliation, respectively, available in 30 ml containers. Cost - 1300-1500 rubles.

  • Jessner's Peel from Medic Control Peel (Russia) is a combined preparation based on salicylic, lactic acid and resorcinol. A 30 ml bottle costs around 3,000 rubles.

  • Peeling from the Russian company Likoberon, in addition to the main active ingredient, contains licorice extract, glycerin and water-soluble macadamia oil. There are 10% (1550 rubles for 50 ml) and 20% (850 rubles for 15 ml).

  • SALIPEEL S (Sesderma, Spain) is an aqueous-alcohol solution based on salicylic acid at a concentration of 25%. The price for a 60 ml bottle ranges from 6500-9000 rubles.

  • Chemical peeling from Beautymed - along with the active component, includes fruit acids (malic, grape, citric), as well as hyaluronic and lactic. 50 ml of the drug will cost 2,300 rubles.

For home use

The products are intended for superficial exfoliation, toning, whitening and smoothing of the skin. The greatest effectiveness is achieved with regular use.

The concentration of the active substance is much less.

Popular brands:

  • Holy Land (Israel) - contains acids (salicylic, ascorbic, citric, lactic), fruit extracts (blueberry, date, pomegranate, fig, orange), green tea, sugar maple and cane. Available in 100 ml bottles. The average price is 3000 rubles.

  • Enzyme Stopproblem (Russia) - along with the main component, includes Indian incense, sage, mint and white tea. Peeling “Stopproblem” can be bought at the pharmacy; a tube (100 ml) will cost only 300 rubles.

You can also use folk recipes: mix 2% salicylic acid with 70% ethyl alcohol or classic aspirin.

Apply the resulting mixture to clean and steamed skin using a cotton pad, hold for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with cool water. After the procedure, be sure to apply moisturizer.

Remember! Such manipulations are not very effective and can even harm the skin. For a guaranteed result, it is better to contact a specialist.

Prices and brands of peelings

One salicylic peeling procedure can cost from 1300 to 5500 rubles. plus professional pre- and post-peeling care products from 5,000 to 12,000 rubles. Consequently, a full course of salicylic peeling will cost an average of about 25,000 rubles.

In a beauty salon you will most likely be offered salicylic peeling from the following brands: Mediderma (Spain), Mediccontrolpeel (Tuscany Laboratory, Russia), Egia (Switzerland), Enerpeel (Italy), Kaetana (Ukraine), Martinex (Russia), Dermaquest (USA), PCA Skin (USA), Oxygen Botanicals (CMI, Canada), Meillume (Canada), Toskani Cosmetics (Spain), Mesoestetic (Spain), Natinuel (Italy), GIGI (Israel).

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Reviews about the Salicylic facial peeling

  • Paradise | 2014-03-11 15:44:44 After salicylic peeling, the face became much smoother, blackheads disappeared and there were much fewer acne and stagnant spots.
  • Veronica |
    2014-03-09 19:39:57 Salicylic peeling really helped me get rid of acne and spots from them.

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If professional cleaning is planned, the cosmetologist may prescribe the use of preparations based on tretinoin, hydroxy acids, hydroquinone, and kojic acid.

Chemical peeling is not performed in summer due to high solar activity. The optimal period is early spring or late autumn.

Procedure steps:

  • makeup remover;
  • cleansing the skin using mild cosmetic milk or special wipes;
  • degreasing the surface of the face with lotion (neglecting this point is fraught with uncontrolled penetration of the substance into the deep parts of the epidermis due to a chemical reaction with fats);
  • applying the product to the skin with a brush in 2-3 layers (at this time a tingling sensation occurs; to eliminate discomfort, a stream of cold air is directed to the treated area);
  • removing the solution with water or a neutralizer;
  • applying a mask with anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

If during the peeling process the burning becomes unbearable, the drug must be washed off immediately.

Already after the first procedure the result is visible, but to achieve maximum effect it is recommended to take a course. The number of sessions is determined depending on the severity of the problem:

  • minor - 6 (every 1-2 weeks);
  • significant (for example, hyperkeratosis or pigmentation) - 8 (with a break of 14 days).

Skin care after peeling

The skin, exposed to the components included in the salicylic peel, actually receives a chemical burn. Its severity depends on the concentration of active substances in the peeling composition and the individual’s sensitivity to these substances. After the procedure, there is redness of the skin in the treated areas, which may increase over time. Then comes a feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin. To avoid these unpleasant phenomena, it is necessary to use moisturizing cosmetics from the post-peeling care series (creams, tonics, lotions, etc.).

2 days after the procedure, the process of desquamation (exfoliation of the upper layers of skin) begins. This is perhaps the most unpleasant moment in the peeling procedure, but it is inevitable and you just need to get through it. As a rule, peeling begins 3-4 days after the procedure. During this period, you need to carefully protect your skin from ultraviolet rays. It is recommended to use sunscreen. If there is no urgent need, then it is better not to go outside at all during the day.

It is very important not to rush things and not try to get rid of the resulting crusts by tearing them off the skin. You should be patient and wait until the dead skin particles fall off on their own. Otherwise, the skin may be injured and the recovery process will take longer.

Peeling of the skin is often quite severe, so you should plan the timing of the peeling in advance so that you can stay at home during the rehabilitation period.

After peeling is complete, the skin is noticeably transformed. It becomes elastic and smooth, its texture and color improve, small wrinkles smooth out, and deep ones become less pronounced.

Depending on the concentration and pH of the drug used and the individual characteristics of the patient, salicylic peeling may cause some complications. With a competently performed procedure and proper post-peel rehabilitation, these complications can usually be minimized.


Acid peeling causes tissue burns; the following are considered normal symptoms in the first few days:

  • redness;
  • feeling of tightness;
  • swelling;
  • slight soreness;
  • intense peeling.

The last point indicates that the process of skin renewal has begun. Under no circumstances should you pick off dry scales, as this can lead to scars. Peeling continues for a week.

It is important to properly care for the treated areas. The following recommendations will help speed up tissue healing and restoration:

  • drink plenty of fluids to normalize fluid balance in the body;
  • moisturizing the skin with creams (you may need to purchase it as prescribed by a specialist);
  • regular use of sunscreen when going outside;
  • the use of drugs from the group of steroids to relieve swelling, inflammation and prevent pigmentation.

Don’t forget about an important stage of care - before going outside, apply cream with SPF (minimum 25-30).

On average, rehabilitation lasts 2 weeks, but the time frame is individual for each person, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the ability to regenerate.

Preparing for peeling

Despite the fact that the salicylic peeling procedure itself is not complicated, it nevertheless requires some preparation. At the same time, the deeper the effect on the skin, the more serious the preparation for the procedure should be. The duration of the rehabilitation period largely depends on this.

You should start preparing for the peeling procedure at least two weeks in advance. At this time, you should avoid visiting the sauna, bathhouse and swimming pool. It is unacceptable to expose the skin to direct sunlight during the preparation period for peeling. Visiting a solarium is also highly undesirable.

You cannot do exfoliating procedures using various scrubs and gommages. A good effect is achieved by using special cosmetics from pre-peeling preparation. This series includes creams and cleansers that carefully care for the skin and prepare it for the upcoming procedure, as well as special solutions that the doctor uses to treat the skin immediately before peeling.

Precautionary measures

Facial cleansing with acetylsalicylic acid is classified as an aggressive procedure for the skin and has a number of contraindications:

  • viral infections;
  • herpes;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • taking hypoglycemic tablets, zinc oxide, resorcinol, isotretinoin;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the drug;

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

It should be borne in mind that allergies can develop if there is intolerance to taking the drug orally. And not only acetyl acid, but also all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including ortofen and paracetamol.

  • problematic skin with numerous moles, warts, papillomas;
  • rosacea;
  • age up to 14 years;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Neglecting safety precautions during peeling is dangerous for the development of complications. Side effects:

  • severe chemical burn;
  • inflammation;
  • skin dehydration;
  • activation of herpes;
  • rashes (not always a pathology).

If the above symptoms appear, you should urgently consult a cosmetologist.

There are situations when the patient does not have the peeling that usually accompanies the process of skin renewal. The reason for this may be:

  • use of a drug with a minimum concentration of salicylic acid;
  • resistant skin type - characterized by increased resistance to external influences;
  • absence of stratum corneum due to previous cleanings performed recently.

Making at home?

Deep cleansing of facial skin is easy to do at home, but for this you need to find effective recipes. In the salon it is possible to carry out medium and deep peeling; you can only do superficial peeling yourself. The price of such a procedure from a professional puts off many, but do not despair. If you do everything correctly, the effect of the home procedure will be the same as after a cosmetologist.

When using medications, you must take precautions and act strictly according to the instructions. Remember that the procedure can cause negative effects: rash, burning, peeling. The substance should remain on the skin for no more than 5 minutes.

Cost of service in the salon

Facial peeling with salicylic acid is a chemical type of exfoliation, so it should be carried out in a cosmetologist's office. This will help avoid negative consequences.

The specialist will correctly select the concentration of the active substance, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin, and determine the required number of sessions.

The cost of the service depends on the condition of the skin, existing problems and the brand of the drug. In Moscow the price is in the range of 3000-6000 rubles. In the regions, facial cleansing will cost less, for example, in Krasnodar on average 2,000 rubles.

Benefits of salicylic scrub

The basis of salicylic acid is aspirin, so we immediately warn girls who are allergic to vitamin C and this medicine in particular. Salicylic alcohol is extracted from a substance isolated from willow bark - beta-hydroxy acid.

This substance belongs to the group of fat-soluble substances. In fact, it breaks down fats and oils/sebum. This technique is mainly recommended for girls who have oily or combination skin prone to acne and pimples. Advantages of the scrub :

  1. Cleanses and prevents the appearance of acne, comedonal acne;
  2. Helps get rid of scars after them;
  3. Degreases the skin and normalizes sebum secretions;
  4. Opens pores because... removes dirt and grease from them;
  5. Acid perfectly neutralizes bacteria, which are the main causes of inflammation and acne;
  6. Significantly improves skin texture, gives it softness and a pleasant color, and helps against flaking.

The concentration and dosage of the solution directly depends on the skin type and the desired result. For the initial stage, an acid with a concentration of 15-20% will be enough; when the dermis begins to get used to it, you can use alcohol with a percentage of aspirin - 30%.

We recommend not to start with high doses right away, otherwise you can burn out the delicate epidermis and add to your problems. This medium peeling should be performed no more than once a week, also carefully monitor the reaction of the face - if itching or inflammation begins, the treatment should be canceled or the dosage reduced.

The duration of the course is 2-3 months, taking into account that all procedures will be regular.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts recommend performing chemical exfoliation exclusively in a salon or clinic, noting that not everyone needs it or needs it. Speaking about drugs, most cosmetologists prefer Jessner peeling. It is strictly not recommended to use professional products at home due to the high risk of tissue burns.

Pros and cons of the procedure

This type of peeling has many advantages. After the first session, it is noticeable how the pores have cleared and narrowed, and the skin has begun to “breathe.” Over time, acne, age spots and redness disappear. The epidermis is renewed, facial wrinkles are smoothed out, and signs of aging disappear. The functioning of the sebaceous glands is regulated, which reduces the likelihood of comedones and acne. No scrub can give the same effect as peeling with acids.

The popular procedure has several significant disadvantages. Firstly, the recovery period. The skin turns red immediately after the procedure, and after 2-3 days it begins to peel off severely. Not every woman agrees to change her usual rhythm of life for a few days. If the drug or concentration is chosen incorrectly, severe irritation and even burns may occur. Many consider the high cost as a disadvantage if it is carried out in a beauty salon.

In what cases is manipulation recommended?

Cosmetologists and dermatologists advise undergoing salicylic peeling if the patient has the following problems/defects of the epidermis:

  • acne that appears during puberty, associated with hormonal changes in the body;
  • excessive secretion of sebum with wide openings of clogged pores;
  • residual traces of acne with scars, pigmentation, compactions and depressions on the epidermis;
  • hyperpigmentation with a large number of brown spots located throughout the face;
  • sickly and gray complexion;
  • dry, aging skin;
  • heterogeneous relief of the skin surface with the onset of hyperkeratosis;
  • age-related wrinkles and folds;
  • decreased firmness and elasticity.

To obtain stable and long-lasting results, it is recommended to take a full course of the technique, including several sessions, the number and frequency of which are determined by the cosmetologist after an individual consultation.

What is it used for?

Salicylic acid is actively used in cosmetology as a substance that has the following effects:

  • sebum-regulating – reducing the amount of sebum produced by the sebaceous glands;
  • whitening the epidermis and age spots;
  • antibacterial, inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria that cause the development of acne and pimples;
  • anti-inflammatory by eliminating redness on the skin surface;
  • exfoliating – ridding the epidermis of the dead stratum corneum, which interferes with its normal respiration and cellular renewal;
  • rejuvenating, resulting from a burn to the skin surface followed by active synthesis of its own collagen and elastin fibers, which increase the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis.

Are there any contraindications?

Of course, salicylic acid is a very active component of any cosmetic product. Therefore, the use of such solutions and agents has a number of relative and absolute contraindications:

  1. Taking medications aimed at stabilizing blood glucose levels, as well as medications that contain zinc oxide or resorcinol.
  2. Excessive sensitivity of the skin.
  3. Viral, herpetic, fungal forms of infection in the acute stage.
  4. The presence of mechanical damage to the skin, including open pimples, burns.
  5. If there is an individual predisposition of the patient to the formation of hyperpigmentation zones.
  6. If, within a month, cosmetic or hardware procedures were carried out in the affected area, as well as surgical procedures.
  7. Intense tan resulting from exposure to the sun or visiting a solarium.
  8. Pregnancy and lactation.
  9. Oncopathologies, the presence of nevi, moles, birthmarks.

To ensure that the benefits of salicylic peeling are greater than the possible harm, consult a specialist. Only a cosmetologist can choose the right skincare product in accordance with your face type and current problems.

Reviews of those dissatisfied with the effect

Lilia, Kazan. I went for a peeling after hearing about a promotion being held by one of the salons. You could choose any procedure, and I chose salicylic acid cleansing since I have oily skin. The cosmetologist approved my choice and performed a procedure on me, throughout which I felt terrible discomfort: my whole face was burning as if on fire. After the procedure I was incredibly red, but I was reassured that it would go away in a couple of hours. It did not pass! Even the next day I resembled boiled beets. And when the redness finally disappeared, it got even worse: the skin began to peel off in huge pieces, like stripes. I had to take several days off from work and stay at home. When everything was finally restored (it took two weeks), the face, of course, looked better. But not enough to endure such torment for the sake of it. The blackheads remained, and so did the post-acne.

Ksenia, Chelyabinsk. I didn't notice any effect from this procedure at all. My skin didn’t even turn red or peel, although I was preparing for this after reading articles on the Internet. The only thing I felt was a slight tightness, which went away the next day. I was told that I needed to take the whole course, but I had no desire to go to the second session. Either this method is not suitable for my skin, or the wrong concentration was chosen. In general, I no longer trust the specialist who performed the procedure on me.

The effect of salicylic peeling, like any other cosmetic procedure, depends on many factors: the skill of the cosmetologist, the quality of the ingredients, and the individual characteristics of the dermis. Therefore, the effect can be different: from clearly positive to weak or even negative. In any case, it is better to cleanse the skin under the supervision of good specialists.

Author of the article: Gunina Tatyana Viktorovna Plastic surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences, MD & PhD (USA), Head of the Department of Cosmetology.

Consequences: what must be followed

After the procedure, slight redness with peeling is allowed to appear on the skin for several hours. There is no need to panic over the appearance of crusts on your face during the week.

They also cannot be removed mechanically or using auxiliary means. This can lead to infection of unprotected tissues, which can cause boils.

The face is treated with moisturizers on the recommendation of a cosmetologist.

These tips cannot be ignored , since the result depends on their implementation: whether peeling with salicylic acid will be effective or will turn into a cosmetic “horror story” .


Reviews with before and after photos

Irina, 31 years old

I once did salicylic peeling in a salon, but now I often experiment with recipes at home. The procedure does not cause discomfort, and the skin really gets better every time! I had dark spots from acne, after a few times they became noticeably lighter, I think 2-3 more peels and I’ll get rid of them completely.

Elena, 50 years old

I have been using salicylic acid since I was young, when not everyone knew about beauty salons and cosmetologists. Previously, peeling helped fight acne and oily skin, but now I do it for rejuvenation. Pigmentation on the cheeks disappeared after 2 courses.

How to prepare for the procedure?

Before the procedure, consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary. The doctor will examine the skin and determine the type of peeling that is best suited for facial treatment in your case, ask about possible diseases and medications, because in some cases salicylic peeling is contraindicated.

Pre-peeling preparation is carried out one to two weeks before the expected date of skin treatment. The cosmetologist will prescribe special products that will prepare the stratum corneum of the epidermis for the action of salicylic acid.

What results can you get after using it?

Reviews from patients who have experienced the effect of salicylic peeling indicate the following results:

  • cleansing the epidermis of blackheads, blackheads, acne;
  • a significant reduction in sebum and narrowing of large pores;
  • clean, matte and smooth skin;
  • significant improvement in complexion;
  • increasing turgor density;
  • complete disappearance of small wrinkles and reduction in the depth of large wrinkles;
  • getting rid of pigmentation and overall whitening of the skin.

Competent and qualified use of salicylic acid will help eliminate many problems and defects of the epidermis at any age!

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