Wondering if hair masks with oils are right for you? Let's tell you everything about these funds

Hair can look well-groomed even without regular visits to beauty salons. Homemade oil masks are a worthy alternative to expensive procedures for restoring and strengthening hair.

Today on the ProdMake.ru website we will not share miracle recipes, but we will tell you in detail how to properly make oil masks for hair. Should I use them on colored hair and how often should I use them?

The benefits and harms of using oil preparations

Oil hair masks gained popularity in ancient times.

For example, in Ancient Greece, women used ordinary oils to care for and heal their hair and scalp. Despite the fact that today stores simply overwhelm us with various hair care products, it is always better to use time-tested products.

It is also worth noting that oil masks are a relatively inexpensive product. The oils themselves can always be purchased at a pharmacy or any store at hand. And numerous recipes can be found on the Internet, even if you have very little time to search.

The advantages include the low cost of oil ingredients. Compared to salon care, your wallet will lose three times less weight than if you made an appointment with a specialist. By the way, with constant use of oils, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Oils will help saturate your hair with beneficial elements and vitamins. They will make the hair elastic and restore elasticity. Also, thanks to oils, you can cure such unpleasant moments as dandruff, scalp irritation and itching.

If your hair is dull, oils will help restore shine and beauty to your curls . By the way, rest assured that oil masks act at the cellular level. They will help improve blood circulation at the cellular level, which will have a positive effect on the health of your hair.

But everything has a second side.

Although oil masks are an affordable treatment, they are not suitable for every hair type. Be careful when choosing oil - buy only those products whose properties are suitable for your hair.

The least fortunate in this case are those with oily hair type - oils will only aggravate the situation. In this case, efficiency is reduced to almost a minimum. In addition to the fact that oils will make your hair oilier , the scalp will become clogged. By the way, if you have recently dyed your hair, beware of oil-based dyes.

They contain elements that can easily wash out the coloring pigment from the hair structure. So if you value the new color of your curls, refrain from using oil masks.

If your hair does not belong to the above types, then beware of another threat - do not overdo it! Otherwise, you risk oversaturating your hair with fats. This will affect not only the appearance, but also their internal structure.

You don't want to end up with greasy, unkempt hair, do you? The use of oil masks is recommended no more than once a week. Ideally, you can do the procedure once every one to two months.

Choosing the right hair oil

To understand how to make oil masks for hair with maximum benefits for their health, you need to carefully read the information about what capabilities this or that organic oil has:

  1. Peach. Light in texture, it intensely moisturizes without interfering with maintaining the volume and fullness of the hairstyle.
  2. Almond. Seals split ends and treats excessive hair loss and hair breakage.
  3. Linen. Deeply nourishes the roots, restores the lipid balance of the scalp and fights excessive dryness.
  4. Sea buckthorn. Thanks to the increased content of vitamins, it can accelerate hair growth, give it volume and thickness, and also awaken dormant hair follicles.
  5. Coconut. Excellent for winter hair care, it gives them amazing shine and a healthy glow.
  6. Castor. Suitable for very dry locks due to its dense texture, makes them soft, smooth and shiny.

Feel free to use essential oils of tea tree, orange, ylang-ylang, neroli, rosemary, jasmine, geranium and lavender as a vitamin supplement to the base. They will give your curls elasticity and thickness, because... activate microcirculation in the scalp and enhance hair growth.

What type are they suitable for?

We have already said that oil masks are not suitable for those with oily hair type and colored curls. But dry and normal hair types are the ideal “partner” of an oil mask! With regular use of the procedure, the hair becomes healthy and vibrant, filled with energy and strength - what our curls are so lacking today. After all, external influencing factors always negatively affect the appearance of hair, and often injure its internal structure.

Owners of oily hair type should be careful about such procedures - oils are difficult to wash off, and this can only cause harm. After all, the use of oil masks can clog pores and remain on the hair.

Universal mask

It is both moisturizing and nourishing. It also helps prevent hair loss and makes it smooth. Essentially, this is lamination at home. How often to make a gelatin hair mask? The drier they are, the more often the procedure needs to be repeated. The composition helps seal the exfoliated scales and fills in any damage. To prepare the mask, add 2 tablespoons of gelatin to 4 tablespoons of water and leave to swell. After this, dissolve in a water bath and distribute over the entire surface of the hair. Leave it on for an hour and wash it off.

This procedure can be repeated before each shampoo. Gelatin will help strengthen hair and saturate it with building elements. The result is more elastic, dense and beautiful hair, just like in advertising. They simply shimmer and glow with health.

I would like to note that any masks need to be done regularly. If applied once, they will not give a positive result.

Cooking recipes

There are a lot of recipes for making masks on the Internet. Basically, five oils are chosen that most effectively affect the condition of the hair. Among them are oils:

  1. burdock;
  2. castor;
  3. coconut;
  4. olive;
  5. jojoba.

These ingredients perfectly nourish and moisturize hair, giving it a healthy look. By the way, ylang-ylang oil will help add additional shine to your hair.

Let's take a look at the basic recipes for hair masks.


  1. To prevent hair loss, add 3 tablespoons to a bowl or other container. olive oil (or replace it with burdock), 1 tbsp. fir oil and 1 tbsp. rosemary oil
  2. Add 1-2 tablespoons of honey to the resulting solution.
  3. Then mix everything, apply to hair and leave for up to 45 minutes.

With regular use, your hair will become strong and stop falling out. You won't believe your eyes - the effect of the mask will exceed your expectations!

Heat the oils. Too hot or cold will be uncomfortable for the scalp. Maintain the optimal temperature for you

Let's look at a useful recipe:

For thickness and volume

  1. Mix olive oil and grape seed oil, 1 tbsp each. (olive can be replaced with burdock).
  2. Add vitamins A and E to the solution, 1 tsp each.
  3. Then add 8-10 drops of rosemary essential oil to the mixture.
  4. Stir.
  5. Before starting the procedure, first treat the hair roots.
  6. Keep the mixture for no longer than an hour.

After the mask, your hair will become voluminous and light, and at the same time it will be a pleasure to touch it.

You can take proportions of oils in large quantities. It all depends on the length of your hair. Just keep the proportions!

Let's watch a useful video:

The best remedy for restoring and strengthening weak, damaged curls

  1. Take olive, burdock and castor oils.

  2. Mix them in equal proportions.
  3. After this, add a few drops of lemon and rosemary essential oil to the solution. If desired, you can choose other oils.
  4. Apply the mixture warm to your hair and leave for about an hour.

Your hair will gain extraordinary softness and shine. By the way, this is the mask that can restore your curls from roots to ends.

See useful recipe:

For high shine and against excess frizz

  1. Mix olive and lemon oils. Take the proportion 2:1.
  2. Apply the mixture to the roots and scalp.
  3. After this, distribute the solution over the entire length.
  4. Keep the mask on for up to 1.5 hours.

Combing your hair will be a pleasure , and it will become much less frizzy.

Please note: oil masks are not recommended for blondes to use frequently. Use them once every 10 days. The reason for the precaution is that the hair may become yellow from oil solutions, which is extremely undesirable for light-colored hair.

Useful video:

For hair growth

Every woman wants to look beautiful and attractive – and that’s normal. Long hair gives women a special beauty, making them stand out from their peers with short hair.

  1. To make your hair long, take 60 g of jojoba oil and mix with 7-10 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil.
  2. After this, add the juice of half a lemon to the resulting solution, as well as 2 tbsp. vodka or other alcoholic drink, then mix thoroughly.
  3. Apply the solution from roots to ends and leave for 1.5 hours.

In addition to making your hair strong, its growth will be activated. Be extremely careful: the mask can “yellow” your hair , which is undesirable for blondes and girls with light hair tones.

Let's watch a useful video on the subtitle:

Masks for oily hair

It is often believed that masks are contraindicated for them. But hair of any type needs nutrition. However, in this case you need to be more careful to avoid the effect of dirty hair. You can keep the compositions for a little less time, about 15 minutes, and rinse with warm water, since hot water activates the sebaceous glands. In this case, the compositions perform two important functions: they reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands and remove excess oil from the hair.

  • Mustard mask. It stimulates hair growth and dries it a little. This effect can be especially pronounced in combination with clay. Dilute 2 tablespoons of dry mustard with water and add a little honey. Apply the composition for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Masks for hair growth are relevant for any type of strands. Note! This composition is simply a godsend for those with unruly hair. A mask with potato starch adds volume and smoothness. To do this, dilute 2 tablespoons of starch with warm water, add 1 teaspoon each of aloe juice and honey. Exposure time is about an hour, after which carefully rinse your hair.
  • Sea salt mask. Try different options to understand which hair mask is best in your case. The composition with sea salt can be used as a scrub; it perfectly draws out excess sebum. Simply distribute the crystals over your head, give a light massage and rinse with water.

Which ones are suitable for different types of strands?

Each hair type requires its own care. Masks for oily hair types should not be used on dry hair, and vice versa. Let's figure out when and what masks can and should be used.

Apply overnight

Masks designed for night care of your hair may be useful. Remember not to apply products that increase blood circulation at night.

Usually these are masks for hair growth with:

  • mustard;
  • pepper;
  • onion juice.

With prolonged contact, they cause scalp irritation, hair loss and even burns. Homemade mixtures are usually based on:

  • herbs;
  • honey;
  • eggs;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • other products;
  • oils

A unique mask – burdock. It can be applied to any hair type, and in the morning the hair will become shiny and look beautiful.

  1. Take almond, burdock and olive oil in a ratio of 1:1:2.
  2. Mix them and heat them up.
  3. After this, apply to your hair, wrap it with film, and cover it with a towel.

In the morning you won’t recognize your curls! Even if they looked dull and tired, the mask will help restore damaged hair structure.

Recommendations from experts

Even if the condition of your hair makes all your friends jealous, you cannot refuse masks. It’s just that in this case you can follow a general strengthening course, that is, do them once a week.

  • If the hair is dry, depleted, it is recommended to do masks for nutrition and restoration every other day. After your condition improves, you will switch to the general course.
  • Some formulations can be applied regularly, daily. An example is a mixture of castor and burdock oils (a teaspoon of each). Add another 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and the mask is ready. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to wrap your head in a towel to create a sauna effect.
  • How often you can make hair masks is up to each person to decide individually. But the more nutrition your curls require, the more often the procedure should be performed. In any case, more often is better than less often.
  • It is recommended to keep the composition on your head for 5 to 25 minutes, unless otherwise indicated on the package.
  • Natural oil-based formulations can be left on longer, some even left overnight.

How often to make hair masks, you can ask your hairdresser. If you go to one hairdresser, he will know the characteristics of your hair well and will help you choose the best. But most often they act by trial and error.

How to apply correctly, how often can you do it and how long should you keep it on?

  • Be sure to warm up the oil before use. Why?
    The heated oil is absorbed better, which has a better effect on hair treatment. Apply masks to dry hair - moisture repels oily elements, which is why the hair does not receive sufficient nutrition and care. And don’t forget to start the procedure from the roots of your hair - gradually comb the mixture towards the ends.
  • To better absorb microelements, after applying the oil, wrap your head in cling film and then wrap it in a towel. And don't forget to wash off the mask! You need to keep it for no longer than an hour.

Hair loss masks

What mask should I use if my curls have lost their volume and the carpet is constantly covered with hair that is actively falling out? This is one of the most common questions addressed to hairdressers and trichologists. Natural herbs and auxiliary components will be excellent helpers in the fight for beauty.

  • Onion mask. This is the simplest option that allows you to strengthen your hair roots and speed up your metabolism. You just need to chop the onion and apply it for an hour before washing your hair.
  • Mix one spoon of aloe juice and honey. The resulting composition should be applied for an hour.
  • Vitamin mask with nettle. Pour half a glass of boiling water over a handful of dry nettles and let stand for 30 minutes. To prepare the mask, you will need another teaspoon of jojoba oil and an egg yolk. If the nettle is fresh, then you will need a glass of fresh leaves. The duration of the mask is 40 minutes.

How to wash off the product after nutritional procedures?

  1. To keep your hair and scalp clean after using an oil mask, use an egg yolk.
    It is necessary to beat it until a homogeneous mixture and then rub it into the scalp. After this, rinse your hair with plenty of water. This procedure allows you to get rid of oils and break down particles that regular shampoo cannot wash off. After these steps, rinse your hair with shampoo.

  2. To make the mask easier to wash off, mix the mixture with lemon juice. It will help small oil particles come off your hair easier, and your hair will not be greasy.
  3. If you don't have time to beat the yolk, try washing off the oil mask with your usual shampoo. To do this, apply it directly to your hair with the oil mixture. Don't wet them first! Be careful: this method will use quite a lot of shampoo.
  4. You can wash off the oil mixture if you wash your hair long enough – up to 15 minutes. Just rinse it with water, after which you can rinse your hair with a solution of lemon juice. Squeeze drops of citric acid into some water and rinse your hair, then rinse with shampoo.
  5. Or try washing off the oil with cool water and vinegar. Take regular table vinegar - 1 tbsp. per liter of water. Then use shampoo. The downside is that the smell of vinegar can linger for a long time, but it all depends on your hair type.

Basic rules for hair care. What is important to know?

  • Wash your hair with cool water.
    This way you will protect the skin from excessive accumulation of dirt, and the protective layer - the cuticle - will become smoother.
  • Get a massage.
    Light pressure on the scalp with your hands or a special massage brush promotes blood flow to the follicles, thereby ensuring their sufficient nutrition and oxygen enrichment.
  • Dry your hair properly.
    Dry with a soft towel and let dry naturally. If you don't have time to wait, use a hair dryer. Turn on the mode with a comfortable temperature, dry the strands in the direction of their growth.
  • Avoid tight hairstyles.
    Excessive tightness leads to damage to the structure, as well as loss.
  • Every time after you wash your hair with shampoo, be sure to apply a good conditioner
    . It will make the strands soft, manageable, and fill the voids in the cuticle.

Good ready-made products for oily and other curls

If you don’t have time to make a mask yourself, or simply don’t have the desire, buy ready-made products. For example, there is a whole line of “Organic Oil” products from Phytocosmetics.

These masks are designed specifically to restore dry and lifeless curls. They contain natural oils, and they help restore the protective shell. By the way, thanks to these masks, moisture in the curls will be retained longer.

A line of more professional products - masks from L'Occitane. They contain more nutrients, including oil. Shea and olive oils will be especially beneficial. Imagine being able to achieve almost salon-like results while saving time! You just need to choose a mask and enjoy.

For lovers of luxury care, there is a special line of masks from Kerastase. They contain the most valuable and nutritious micro-oils, as well as useful substances that will help make strands healthy and strong. Please note that the use of such oils should not be too frequent.

There are other great products you can find in stores, such as Luxury 6 Oils from L'Oreal Paris.

Features of application

Ready-made cosmetic masks of any line - popular or professional - contain emulsion components, proteins and panthenol, various vitamins and additives. Formulations vary greatly depending on the problem they are intended to solve. Usually they have one base, but it is supplemented with various components that nourish or moisturize, and prevent dandruff or dry hair. Depending on the condition of the scalp and hair, as well as on the tasks set, the specialist decides how often hair masks can be made.

Produced effect of funds on this basis

The effect of oil masks can be seen immediately after use. After treatment, the hair is saturated with useful microelements, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the curls. Also, the presence of oils allows you to add shine, volume, and remove excess pomp.

A definite plus is the opportunity to get a salon effect for a relatively small amount of money. Invest a little time and desire - and you will get what every girl dreams of! Choose a recipe for your type, and tomorrow you will be showered with compliments, and you will become the center of your circle.

Masks can be used in courses. Apply the mixture once a week for 1 to 3 months, and then take a short break. Remember that less is more! Oversaturation with oils can lead to the fact that your strands will not say “thank you” to you, but will only look tired and tortured. Take the best of oils, but don't overdo it!

Brand rating

Oil masks are produced by almost all brands that produce hair cosmetics. They have several advantages over domestic ones. Thanks to the addition of various synthetic substances to the composition, they are not so hydrophobic (which greatly facilitates the rinsing process) and do not contain so many fatty acids (due to which there is no feeling of greasy after them). Therefore, everyone who cares about comfort in such procedures and who is not afraid of parabens and sulfates can safely purchase them.

You can buy a product based on one oil or several. The rating will guide you in complexes that contain a number of main active ingredients.

  1. Oil-herbal mask for hair growth. Use the oil and beat it. Adarisa (Kuwait). $22.67 for 250 ml.
  2. Oil Complex Hair Mask - moisturizing, strengthening, nourishing, smoothing. Argan, grape seed, macadamia oils. Q3 Relax line. Estel Professional (Russia). $13.13 for 300 ml.
  3. Detangling Mask - smoothing. Olive and monoi oils. Tefia (Italy). $12.49 for 500 ml.
  4. Perfect Serum Treatment - nutrition, restoration. Oils of camellia, argan, coconut, jojoba, olive, apricot kernels, marula. Mise-en-scène (South Korea). $8.29 for 180 ml.
  5. Glamorous Oil Gloss - intensive nutrition. Sunflower and marula oils. Innova series. Indola (Germany). $7.9 for 75 ml.
  6. Restoration for colored hair. Grape seed oils, babassu, burdock. Salvia (Russia). $6.5 for 200 ml.
  7. Firming mask against hair loss. Coconut, mustard, argan, burdock oils. OrganicZone (Russia). $6.24 for 250 ml.
  8. Hair mask for dry and fragile hair - against brittle hair and thinning. Shea and castor oils. Zeitun (Jordan). $5.32 for 200 ml.
  9. Oliva & Avocado - nutrition. Avocado and olive oils. Kapous Professional (Russia). $3.53 for 500 ml.
  10. Oil Therapy - thermal protection, nutrition and strengthening. Argan, coconut, macadamia, shea oils. Compliment (Russia). $3.11 for 500 ml.

Branded oil masks

Branded masks can be purchased not only in cosmetic stores and online resources, but also in pharmacies, as some of them are used in the treatment of scalp diseases.


  1. Oil masks are an effective care product. However, owners of oily hair should treat this product with caution - because the presence of oil microelements can increase oiliness.
  2. Owners of dyed hair should also be careful - the color pigment can easily be washed out of the hair structure due to oil particles. But if you want to get rid of a bad paint job, or you’re just tired of this color, go ahead! An oil mask will only benefit you.
  3. By the way, blondes should also be careful - oils can easily turn their hair yellow.

Composition selection

The first difficulty associated with preparing oil masks is the choice of the main active composition in accordance with the cosmetic problem that needs to be eliminated. The table will help you navigate.

The table shows the main properties of oils that prevail over others. For example, sesame is used primarily for cleansing (it perfectly removes sebaceous plugs and impurities). But it will also moisturize, nourish and restore, only to a lesser extent compared to the predominant effect.

Proper Use

Burdock oil, purchased ready-made in a pharmacy or retail chain, is accompanied by instructions for use, which indicate the direction of action, apply to dry or damp hair, the duration of the course and the intervals between use. Below are the general rules:

  1. Before use, you should check for an allergic reaction - apply a small amount to the inside of the forearm or behind the ear and leave for fifteen minutes. If irritation, itching or other manifestations of allergies do not appear, further work with the prepared mask or purchased oil is possible.
  2. Before application, burdock oil should be heated to a temperature not exceeding forty degrees Celsius.
  3. Hair should be clean and damp.
  4. It is not advisable to apply oil to dirty hair (in this case, only to the ends).
  5. The product should be rubbed into the root zone and head epidermis with massaging movements.
  6. Distribute along the entire length using a comb or comb.
  7. It is necessary to cover with a cap or a plastic bag and a terry towel.
  8. Leave for at least sixty minutes.
  9. Consider your hair type when aging and selecting a mask.
  10. To make removal easier, add chicken egg yolks to the mask or burdock oil to the shampoo.
  11. Follow the instructions for use.
  12. Use the oil no more than once every seven days.
  13. Do not exceed one or two teaspoons - a thick layer of oil will not affect the results.

How to apply and how long to keep on

Burdock oil should be applied to the entire length using a comb or comb, first rubbed into the scalp epidermis with massage movements. The exposure time directly depends on the condition and type of hair:

  • sixty minutes – oily hair;
  • one and a half to two hours – dry;
  • excessively damaged - from ten to twelve hours.

Long exposure on hair with high oil content is not recommended due to the high moisturizing ability of burdock oil, which is very useful for dry hair type.

How to wash off

Recommendations for removing products based on burdock oil are as follows:

  • the water should be warm;
  • the oil does not have a too viscous consistency, so it is easily removed;
  • Possible addition to the general product for dry or damaged hair shafts;
  • To make removal easier, chicken egg yolks should be added to the masks;
  • To remove excess fat, it is possible to rinse with a solution of table salt in water, followed by treatment with a balm or conditioner.

Effective masks with burdock extract

The simplest option is heated burdock oil. Sixty milliliters are poured into a glass container and warmed up a little. Then the composition is massaged into the skin, wrapping the head in a film with a scarf, and leaving it like that for about an hour. Then wash off with shampoo. With such a mask, the problem of hair loss and weakened hair will become a thing of the past forever.

For blonde hair

If you add lemon juice for blonde hair, honey and yolk to the mask, you will get an excellent remedy for rapid growth and against hair loss. Take a couple of tablespoons of each component and you will also need two yolks. Everything except the yolks is thoroughly mixed until smooth and slightly warmed in the microwave or in a water bath. Add the yolks to the cooled mixture and mix again. The composition is massaged into the roots for two hours. Then the curls are washed with detergent. Apply once a week. The course lasts a couple of months. If you are concerned about hair loss, you can add two drops of vitamins E and A to the ingredients.

For dark hair

For a mask with cocoa and yolk, take three tablespoons of burdock oil and cocoa powder, mix and add the yolk. The composition is brought to homogeneity and applied to the roots for an hour and a half. Wash off with shampoo. This product is suitable for dark hair due to its light coloring effect.

For strengthening and shine

Burdock and nettle – shine and strength of hair. Add a glass of boiling water to four large spoons of dry nettle leaves and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then the composition is filtered through cheesecloth and left to cool. Approximately one hundred milliliters of decoction is obtained. Add a couple of tablespoons of burdock extract to it and distribute evenly over the strands. After half an hour, you can wash it off with shampoo. Shine and strengthening is a mixture of castor oil and burdock oil. To prepare, mix twenty milliliters of each extract and add fifteen milliliters of pepper tincture. Mix everything and apply it to the roots and strands. Keep the mask on for about forty-five minutes and rinse off the product thoroughly. After use, dormant follicles are awakened and hair growth is activated.

For thickness

Cognac or vodka will enhance performance. To fifty milliliters of alcohol add four large spoons of butter and a couple of beaten yolks. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the roots. Leave for an hour and then wash off with shampoo twice to completely remove the smell of alcohol. After such care, the hair will become thicker.

For oily hair

For oily locks, a mixture of burdock oil, lemon juice, taken in a large spoon, a third of a small packet of yeast, fifty milliliters of cognac and an egg is effective. The yeast is diluted with warm water and left to rise for half an hour. Mix the remaining ingredients and introduce the yeast. The mass is applied to the strands along the length, left for an hour, wrapped in film and a scarf.

For dry curls

Dry hair will be pleased with a remedy made from a tablespoon of burdock oil and a teaspoon of cognac and honey. Mix everything and add the yolk. Apply to curls for two hours, wrap with a film and a scarf, and wash off with shampoo.

Main pros and cons of application

Honey has long been famous for its beneficial effects on the condition of curls. He is capable of:

  • significantly strengthen hair follicles;
  • restore shine and elasticity of curls;
  • stop the process of hair loss;
  • impart pleasant softness and silkiness;
  • eliminate dandruff;
  • improve the condition of the scalp in general.

REFERENCE: The effectiveness of the mask largely depends on the correct choice of the main ingredient - honey. Honey from linden flowers is recognized as the best option for these purposes. However, other varieties are also quite suitable - the main thing is that they are fresh and absolutely natural.

The consistency of honey is of great importance for preparing masks - it should be exactly the same as that of low-fat sour cream.

Honey that is too thick and candied requires preheating in a water bath.

In general, there are no disadvantages to honey masks, but people who have allergic reactions to the main component should avoid them.

Contraindications to the use of hair oils

Before using any oil, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of allergies. To do this, drop some oil on your wrist or elbow area. If no changes occur within 24 hours (redness, itching, etc.), you can safely use this product.

You can often hear that oils are harmful for people with oily scalps. When used correctly, oils will bring significantly more benefits. The main thing is to exclude the presence of the following diseases:

  • oily seborrhea;
  • pustular skin lesions;
  • androgenetic alopecia (baldness);
  • allergy.

Before using hair oils, it is advisable to undergo examination by a trichologist.

Burdock oil is a godsend for the beauty of curls

How to choose the right burdock oil?

The assortment of burdock oil, which is presented in pharmacies and stores today, is very diverse. The main criterion for choosing high-quality burdock oil is the absence of fragrances and preservatives. In addition, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The best oil can be considered to be one that consists 100% of burdock root extract. If such an oil contains additional components of plant origin, then this is rather a plus. They will help enhance the therapeutic effect and more fully disclose all the beneficial substances.
  • The packaging in which the oil is located must not be transparent. It is good if it is poured into dark glass containers, which are additionally placed in cardboard boxes.
  • The label must indicate the composition of the product, detailed information about its manufacturers, the shelf life of the oil and the required storage conditions.

Based on these criteria, you can choose the highest quality and useful product.

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