Non-surgical aesthetic surgery techniques: Softlifting

Volumetric facial modeling or softlifting is injection contouring, a modern alternative to plastic surgery.

The procedure is painless and with a minimum of contraindications. It eliminates facial skin from cosmetic blemishes, unlike surgery, it has almost no side effects, and compared to standard cosmetic procedures, it is highly effective. Softlifting is aimed at both the superficial and deep dermis. Let's look at the technology in this article.

How is the procedure performed?

The essence of the method is the introduction of special fillers (fillers) under the skin that correct minor tissue imperfections. Fillers are based on hyaluronic acid. Some injections are made into the superficial layer of the dermis, and some into the depth. The vision pattern is individual and depends on the location of age-related changes and anatomical features of the face.

The instrument for introducing filler is a special blunt-ended plastic cannula (needle) that does not damage blood vessels and nerve endings. It is thin and extremely flexible, which allows you to work with the most problematic and sensitive areas of the face. The drug itself is injected from the side of the needle.

Local anesthesia is used for pain relief, so any discomfort is unlikely.

The procedure lasts about an hour. Results can be assessed after 10-15 days, but positive changes are noticeable immediately.

The non-surgical softlifting rejuvenation procedure differs from conventional contouring.

The Softlifting rejuvenation procedure differs from the standard cosmetological method:

  • Volumetric 3D injection technique This is for the most part not a cosmetic, but a surgical technique since fillers are injected into the deep layers of tissue, which allows the plastic surgeon not only to smooth out wrinkles and other folds, but also to restore the oval of the face and the volume of soft tissues. For example, tighten the lower third (correction of “jowls”), emphasize the cheekbones, improve the eye area, lift the corners of the mouth, and outline the lips. In addition, due to deep injection, the gel under the skin will not be palpable, which sometimes happens with superficial injections. The capabilities of the softlift rejuvenation procedure are significantly ahead of known cosmetological techniques and in their effectiveness are close to the results of plastic surgery.
  • Instant results and painlessness Thanks to special tools and surgical precision of filler injection by a plastic surgeon, the result is significantly superior to the standard (flat method) offered by cosmetologists. To inject fillers, special surgical instruments are used, as well as needles with a rounded tip, to avoid injury to blood vessels and bruising.
  • Quality of fillers The latest generation of fillers are used, and a filler with a precisely calculated density is intended for each zone and for each injection depth. This guarantees the natural elasticity of the tissues, while improving the contours of the face, maintaining them in the correct position. As a rule, the softlift procedure is performed not by cosmetologists, but by plastic surgeons. This is justified by the fact that this technique was developed by plastic surgeons. The method of volumetric facial rejuvenation involves deep injection of fillers and excellent knowledge of the anatomy and structure of facial tissues. The method is intended for plastic surgeons whose specialization is aesthetic facial plastic surgery. In turn, the qualifications of cosmetologists are often limited to methods of influencing only the superficial layers of the skin.

Indications for softlifting

Recommended from 35 years of age. It is from this age that the skin begins to gradually lose elasticity, turgor decreases, and the face “sinks.” There is no upper age limit.

Softlifting is not prevention, but restoration of facial contours, volume modeling, replenishing lost tissue volumes.

With the help of the full course you will be able to:

  • eliminate small and medium expression wrinkles;
  • smooth out nasolabial folds;
  • restore swollen facial contours, correct jowls;
  • raise eyebrows and corners of eyes;
  • cope with peeling skin, excessive dryness;
  • make thin lips more voluminous, “raise” the corners;
  • replenish soft tissue deficiency;
  • give the cheekbones relief and the chin a chiseled outline;
  • improve the shape of the nose;
  • relieve puffiness, remove bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Comparison with other anti-aging procedures

Modeling with fillers is one of the modern methods of rejuvenation. Thanks to the use of biodegradable compounds, it is easy to achieve a natural facelift result.

The effect can be assessed immediately after the injection and lasts for about 2 years. The advantage is the absence of age restrictions, as well as a reduced risk of side effects.

  • Hardware procedures improve the overall condition of the skin and prevent the appearance of deep wrinkles. To see results, you must complete the course. Effective for people aged from 25 to 45 years, there are no side effects or risks of developing allergies.
  • Thread lifting - both absorbable and non-absorbable materials are used. The choice depends on the condition of the skin and age-related changes. It is a low-traumatic procedure; depending on the technique, the result lasts up to 5 years.
  • Botulinum therapy - used to rejuvenate the upper part of the face, leads to relaxation of muscle fibers, smoothing out shallow wrinkles. The results last up to 12 months; combination with other invasive techniques is possible.
  • Surgical lifting is expensive and has a long recovery period. It has a large list of contraindications and requires preparation and a comprehensive examination. But this is the only method to cope with profound age-related changes and severe ptosis. Not prescribed before 45–50 years of age, high risk of side effects. The effect lasts up to 10 years.

Filler injection procedure

The method of administration depends on the type of filler and the segment of the face:

  • Papular - point injections. The filler is injected with a needle at an angle of 45°. A papule forms at the injection point and resolves within 2 days.
  • Linear-retrograde – intradermal injection of a substance. The filler enters the skin along the entire length of the needle exit.
  • Mesh – linear injections intersecting at an angle of 90°. The needle enters to a depth of 5 mm strictly parallel to the wrinkle. Then a perpendicular injection is made. This creates a “mesh” of filler.

Preparation for the event

Before the procedure, doctors recommend undergoing a comprehensive examination. It is difficult to diagnose the condition from the patient's words. Standard tests will help identify hidden conditions and prevent the development of side effects.


  • a week before the procedure, you should not take aspirin, a group of antibacterial drugs, or tocopherol;
  • it is also necessary to reduce physical activity and abandon grueling sports training;
  • you cannot visit the solarium, sauna, or carry out procedures that injure the skin;
  • It is not recommended to drink alcohol, as well as strong coffee, tea, and salty foods 3 days before the injection of fillers.

Advantages of the method

The drug is injected to a great depth, so it is difficult to palpate. New generation gels are used as fillers; they are highly viscous, voluminous and dense, and have the ability to alleviate pain. As a rule, Sorbitol or Mannitol act as anti-aging antioxidants.

Sometimes, in addition to hyaluronic acid fillers, Botox, Xeomin, and Dysport are used (especially under the eyebrows and in the area between the eyebrows).

For an experienced specialist, the execution technique is not difficult. The procedure is recommended even for clients over 65 years of age. The short rehabilitation period allows you to quickly evaluate the results achieved. After 10-18 months, the procedure can be repeated.

Comfort and safety

When solving aesthetic problems, consultations with various specialists are often required: gynecologist-mammologist, dermatocosmetologist, endocrinologist, vascular surgeon. Therefore, at the Medixity clinic we carry out a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to the treatment and correction of cosmetic problems, involving only highly qualified certified experts.

Thus, the softlifting procedure at Medixity is carried out by experienced surgeons aimed at achieving maximum results with complete safety. We guarantee you professionalism and high quality of medical services!

Rehabilitation period

It takes about 2 weeks for the punctures to heal completely and swelling to subside. For the rehabilitation period to be successful, the patient must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. during the first 24 hours after the procedure, do not wash your face with hot water;
  2. in the first 2-3 days, do not apply cosmetics to your face to avoid clogging of punctures;
  3. avoid mechanical effects on the skin (for example, massage), do not sleep on your stomach and side;
  4. do not visit the sauna, solarium, steam room, or sunbathe in order to protect the skin from high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation;
  5. Go outside only after applying sunscreen to your face;
  6. in the first 2 days, eat soft food, do not load the masticatory muscles;
  7. do not smoke or drink alcohol.

Home remedies that relieve swelling and inflammation are good:

  • compresses based on infusions of chamomile, thyme, calendula, sage;
  • arnica cream;
  • cream with bodyaga.

A cosmetologist can prescribe individual restorative procedures.

"Sculptural" possibilities

In addition to a facelift and the fight against wrinkles, softlifting is an excellent method for correcting the forehead, eyebrows, cheekbone area and upper neck. Invisible threads help change the shape of the earlobe, get rid of a double chin, or, conversely, in combination with another method - mentoplasty (chin surgery) - create a convex, masculine, “strong-willed” chin, which men with an expressionless chin dream of.

And for women, especially after childbirth, “reformation” of body contours is relevant, because after the birth of a child and the lactation period, the breasts often lose their shape and elasticity. The threads restore the former beauty and firmness of the female breast. Moreover, the procedure is not an operation, so after it there are no visible traces of the intervention - scars or cicatrices. Moreover, if the patient has deforming retracted scars or other noticeable skin irregularities on her body, softlifting will help eliminate them. Using threads, the bridges connecting the scar with the underlying tissues (which, in fact, “force” the scar to retract) are cut and the skin is instantly smoothed out!


Softlifting is a less traumatic technology than surgical plastic surgery, so the restrictions are minimal.


  • allergy to hyaluronic acid and other filler components;
  • endocrine and cardiovascular diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • wounds and cuts.

Softlifting can be performed in stages, in several stages. Today it is considered one of the best methods for oval correction and general facial rejuvenation.

Precautionary measures

All procedures involving the introduction of cosmetic compounds under the skin are characterized by standard symptoms in the form of redness, swelling, and small bruises. Naturally, the patient feels pain and discomfort in the first days after the procedure. They go away on their own without the use of additional means or manipulations. Signs that persist for more than 3–5 days should cause concern; in such cases, you should consult a doctor.

Side effects:

  • loss of sensitivity of the integument;
  • violation of contraction of facial muscles;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • thickening of the skin, formation of bumps.

Similar effects are observed when the administration technique is violated due to the inexperience of the doctor. The cause may also be the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Softlifting has a number of restrictions for carrying out:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • tumor;
  • postoperative period;
  • pathologies of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems;
  • infectious diseases;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • inflammation in the area of ​​correction.

Patient reviews

Mostly on the Internet there are positive reviews after the procedure.

The participant writes about the painlessness of the procedure and the unexpressed result.

The user compares the drugs, writes about a longer lasting effect after Surzhik and Sudzhilane.

The author writes about the use of Juvederm, the absence of side effects.

The user does not advise saving on consultation with a specialist, the need to be confident in the qualifications of the specialist and the drug itself.

A participant writes about the formation of ridges and creases after the procedure.

Other reviews can be found on the forum

What are the side effects of softlift surgery?

All interventions in the human body cause a certain reaction. The softlifting method uses hyaluronic acid, which is similar in composition to its natural composition, but after the operation minor, unpleasant deviations may occur, such as swelling, redness, itching, which should quickly pass. And the appearance of such side effects as:

  • deterioration of sensitivity;
  • cessation or reduction of facial movements;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • asymmetry in the face;
  • formation of irregularities under the skin,

Note! Their appearance should alert the patient. You must immediately contact the clinic where the operation was performed. Such complications occur extremely rarely. They can be caused by individual intolerance to substances embedded under the skin or by an error by an inexperienced doctor.

Severe complications are rare

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, professionals share the features of the procedure technique.

The user writes about the need to select proven fillers and use different densities to correct areas of the face.

The review contains drugs for creating sculpted cheekbones.

The cosmetologist writes about working with cannulas when introducing filler along the zygomatic arch, and the risks of migration of the drug.

How is the healing process after surgery?

The slight itching and redness that appears after the operation will disappear after half an hour. Minor facial swelling and swelling will disappear in two or three days. Rare, mildly expressed bruises can be easily tinted with cream or powder.

Minor complications may occur that will soon disappear on their own

The rejuvenation effect is visible immediately, on the first day. After half a month, the result of the operation will be more obvious, and it will last on the “quiet parts” of the face: cheekbones, nose for at least two years, and on the facially mobile parts a little less, up to 18 months.

Note! At the end of the “warranty period” and, if necessary, even earlier, the procedure can be repeated – and more than once.

The use of a special instrument during the operation - a cannula for introducing fillers - ensures the absence of pain and eliminates injuries.

The use of a cannula ensures a painless procedure

Advantages and disadvantages

The technique is an innovative method of rejuvenation and allows you to achieve a 3D-lifting effect. It is successfully used as part of an anti-aging program and can replace plastic surgery.


  • safe procedure, the development of side effects and allergic reactions is minimal;
  • painlessness;
  • retention of results for about 2 years;
  • short recovery period;
  • the effect appears immediately after correction;
  • the procedure has an increasing effect;
  • has no age restrictions;
  • natural result of facial correction and rejuvenation;
  • the possibility of repeating after a decrease in the effect.


  • high price;
  • requires experience and qualifications from a doctor.
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