How to get rid of acne on your back?

Excessive oily skin and sweating can lead to a number of aesthetic problems. And not only on the face, but also on the body, especially in places that are usually covered by clothing (heat, humidity and lack of ventilation often lead to unpleasant consequences). A fairly common case is acne, acne on the back.

Dealing with this problem at home is difficult and not always effective (after all, a person cannot even examine the problem area himself). Cosmetologists come to the rescue: in our clinic you can get your back cleaned for acne.

Why do acne appear on the back?

There are several reasons: disruption of normal ventilation (this happens if you often wear clothes made of synthetic, poorly breathable fabrics), improper hygiene (frequent or infrequent washing), visiting a solarium (it dries out the skin), excessive production of sebum due to hormonal and other disorders.

The health of the skin is also affected by poor nutrition (excessive love of sweets, spicy and fatty foods), allergies (for example, to washing powder or certain types of products), and seasonal decreased immunity.

Depending on the factor that provoked the appearance, acne on the body can be of different types: blackheads - comedones (usually observed with increased fat content and enlarged pores), red convex acne - signal inflammation of the comedonal cavity, ulcers (this is the third stage, purulent rashes appear if ordinary comedones are not treated).

Common mistakes or what not to do with back rashes

Here are a few common mistakes that cause various complications (a rash spreads over the entire surface of the skin of the shoulders and back, open wounds form, inflammation progresses, etc.).

Mistake #1:

Lack of disinfection

Usually, pimples are felt with your hands, and many people immediately start squeezing them. This is one of the biggest mistakes because:

  • the skin is not pre-cleaned (and dirt and salts, toxins, and impurities that come out along with sweat accumulate on its surface);
  • the skin of the hands (especially under the nails) is not disinfected, and the risk of getting an infection and spreading inflammation instead of clean skin increases.

Conclusion - before you start squeezing, you should thoroughly clean the skin and wipe your hands with a disinfectant. It is best to apply pressure while wearing gloves or wrapping your fingers in sterile gauze.

Mistake #2:

Try to remove immature purulent cores, despite severe pain

If you have already read previous blog articles on treating ulcers, then you know that they are formed as a result of clogged pores and infection in the sebaceous glands.

The formation of ulcers on the back is a fairly common occurrence, and they can mature there for a very long time. Therefore, even if you managed to feel a small bulge (the head of the pimple), it is not a fact that the shaft is completely ripe.


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It is necessary to conduct a visual examination of the skin; if necessary, it is better to apply Vishnevsky’s liniment at night to speed up the maturation process and painlessly draw the pus out.

If you try to squeeze out an unripe abscess, then part of the rod remains inside. And a few days later, a new pimple swells in the same place, surpassing the old one in size. The area around it turns red, the soft tissues swell, and after the rod comes out, an unsightly scar remains, which is very difficult to remove.

That’s why if you decide to squeeze it out, it should only be fully mature pimples that no longer hurt. Even better is to use compresses and applications to remove pus (Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment, aloe pulp). It’s easier to spend a couple of days on treatment, but then have a smooth and even back, than to rush and feel embarrassed about your body with scars, isn’t it?

Mistake #3:

No treatment of open wounds after squeezing out pus

It seems that the back was cleaned, the hands were treated, and everything was squeezed out correctly. Where the purulent core exits, an open wound remains, which must be re-disinfected and then treated with a healing agent.

A wound is like a “window” through which a secondary infection can enter the deeper layers of the skin (as a result of contact with clothing, etc.).

To summarize, wounds must be carefully treated, for example, wiped with alcohol or miramistin, and then lubricated with levomekol or other wound-healing ointment.

It is best to carry out this treatment for several days in a row, then even large pimples will not leave any traces. Red spots (a consequence of inflammation) are lubricated with streptocide or zinc ointment, and residual scars can be removed with contractubex gel.

Doctors advise avoiding squeezing pimples on your back altogether. If ulcers appear regularly, you need to change your diet (exclude flour, sweets, fatty foods, carbonated drinks and alcohol), balance your diet, and also seek help from a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Here are a couple more practical tips that may be useful. It is very convenient to look at your back in the mirror of the dressing table (grandmother’s old one, with two movable side flaps, is ideal for this). To make it more convenient to remove the abscess, you can use the transparent body from an old helium pen. The main thing is to thoroughly wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, outside and inside.

The body is installed so that the head of the abscess is inside; the skin of the back is pre-steamed beforehand. As a result of light pressure, the purulent rod comes out and ends up inside the body. The good thing about this method is that particles of pus do not get on the skin surrounding the pimple, which means that the spread of infection is eliminated.

Types of cleaning

The main thing to do to solve the problem is to get rid of dead epithelium, open the pores and clean them. We use several techniques:

  • mechanical back cleaning (involves cleaning contaminated pores manually, using an antiseptic and special soothing agents;
  • hardware back cleaning (using special equipment - ultrasonic unit, vacuum attachments, special brushes):
  • complex cleaning (combines several types of procedures: hardware cleansing, manual manipulation, peeling).

In many cases, an integrated approach turns out to be the most effective. It allows you to get rid of impurities, regulate sebum production, tighten pores, and improve the condition of the skin in general. Ultrasonic back cleaning allows you to start the process of tissue regeneration and accelerate cellular metabolism. As a result, the production of collagen and elastin increases, the skin becomes denser, smoother, and tighter.

The type of peeling is selected by the doctor depending on the nature and severity of the problem. This can be glycolic, retinoic, milk peeling. All of them help to improve the health of problem skin, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and improve the outflow of contents from the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

Examination of women and men with acne on the back

The tactics for examining patients with acne depend on the following factors:

  • age;
  • gender;
  • family history;
  • the presence of gynecological diseases (in women);
  • duration of acne;
  • severity of the disease;
  • the effectiveness of previously prescribed treatment;
  • general condition of the patient;
  • constitutional status;
  • presence of other dermatoses, etc.

When acne appears on the back in women, treatment includes a visit to a gynecologist-endocrinologist. The specialist will tell you what tests to take. During the examination, the doctor may prescribe tests to detect polycystic disease, hirsutism, anovulatory menstrual cycles, pituitary adenoma, and adrenal hyperplasia. If there is resistance to treatment, additional studies of the ovaries and adrenal glands can also be performed to exclude tumor diseases.

Treatment of acne on the back in men is preceded by examinations of the thyroid gland, studies for the presence of carbohydrate metabolism disorders, androgen-producing tumors, and thyroid diseases. If acne is combined with rosacea, men may be referred to a gastroenterologist for a gastrointestinal examination.

How is the procedure done?

There are several stages: preparation, treatment with an antiseptic and a pore-opening agent, a cleaning procedure, application of a drug that tightens pores and soothes the skin. If necessary, you can make a mask, carry out darsonvalization - after getting rid of impurities and dead cells, the skin becomes very receptive to cosmetics.

As a final stage, we use an anti-inflammatory composition - it consolidates the result and helps prevent the formation of new acne.

Types of acne* on the back

American scientists gave acne on the back a separate name - bacne. The forms of its manifestation are the same as in other zones9:

  • Comedones. Clinical manifestation of the accumulation of sebum (sebum), keratin, cosmetic residues and dust in the hair follicle. There are open ones in the form of black dots and closed ones - a small light rash.
  • Papules. Small inflammatory nodules of hemispherical or conical shape with a diameter of 2-4 mm.
  • Pustules. Cavity elements of the rash filled with pus. They are transformed papules or appear primarily.
  • Knots. Most often they occur on the back and neck. Their consistency is dense at first, then it becomes softer. The skin becomes thinner, acquires a blue-pink tint, and holes appear through which pus comes out. Sometimes the nodes are combined into infiltrates with fistulous tracts and cavities filled with granulations.

It is impossible to cure acne once and for all, but you can fight the disease and take control of it. It is necessary to consult a doctor in time, since as the disease progresses, it can leave behind scars (post-acne). Getting rid of them will not be easy; you will have to resort to cosmetic procedures, which are carried out only during periods of acne remission. This means that you must first visit a dermatologist who will prescribe a course of drug therapy.

What result should I expect?

Thanks to the use of in-office cleansing, you will get smooth, clean, smooth skin without acne or inflammation. The production of sebum will be reduced, and the appearance of the skin will noticeably change for the better - the relief will become smoother, density and elasticity will appear. You'll be able to wear backless dresses and bikinis on the beach - even if all these joys were previously unavailable.

To make an appointment for back cleaning in Moscow, fill out the form online or call at any time convenient for you +7 (495) 636-29-30. Clinic of cosmetology and dermatology “BL” is located at st. Marshala Rybalko, 2k6.

Causes of acne on the back and shoulders

Before treating acne on the back, it is necessary to find out the causes of the disease. They can be endogenous or exogenous, that is, acne can be provoked by both pathological processes occurring inside the body and external factors. The main ones include the following48,49:

  • Changes in hormonal levels. Often found in adolescents, women during menopause, pregnancy and before menstruation.
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, consumption of fatty, sweet, spicy foods.
  • Stress, prolonged depression, which occurs, including against the background of the development of acne, and forms a vicious circle.
  • Mistakes in hygiene. The back can be called a hard-to-reach area. Some of its areas are difficult to reach, but if you do not pay enough attention to them, bacteria can accumulate on them and insufficient exfoliation of cells can occur.
  • Comedogenicity of components included in skin care products. If rashes begin to appear after shower gel or soap, you need to study their composition; it may contain ingredients with a high risk of comedogenicity.

Treatment for back acne is prescribed not only based on the causes of the disease, but also its form. For example, cystic rashes most often indicate severe acne and require the prescription of systemic medications.

How to get rid of acne on your back?

Remedies for acne on the back, face, décolleté, and forearms should be selected by a specialist. For mild to moderate acne, Azelik®5 gel can be prescribed. The main active ingredient in its composition is azelaic acid5. Thanks to its micronized structure, it easily penetrates the skin, providing a therapeutic effect7. The drug has the following properties5:

  • contributes to the normalization of keratinization processes in the canals of the sebaceous glands;
  • reduces the concentration of free fatty acids on the skin;
  • has antimicrobial activity against propionibacteria and Staphylococcus epidermidis;
  • the anti-inflammatory effect may be explained by a decrease in the metabolism of neutrophils and a decrease in the volume of free radical forms of oxygen produced by them.

Azelik® must be used twice a day – morning and evening5.

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