Avocado hair masks at home - the best recipes

Avocado is an ancient fruit that has the highest calorie content of all. People have always known about its many beneficial properties. It was used as a food product and also for personal care.

When introducing this fruit into your diet, you should be careful not to exceed your fat intake. And in the case of using avocado for cosmetic purposes, you don’t have to limit yourself. These same fats are a godsend for dry and damaged hair, and vitamins and minerals are of great benefit for any hair type. And if properly prepared, an avocado hair mask will even help in the fight against oiliness and dandruff.

Avocado cosmetic oil for hair: benefits and composition

The oil extracted from the fruit of the tree has a healing effect on the scalp and is an optimal remedy for problematic hair. By regularly applying a hair mask with avocado oil, you will get rid of many problems:

  1. Dry skin and dandruff.
  2. Negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Hair loss.
  4. Weakness and fragility.
  5. Lack of volume.

The composition of the "elixir" includes:

  • vitamins of groups A, E, D, B;
  • essential acids;
  • metals: copper, magnesium, iron;
  • protein.

The best folk recipes

Traditional methods bring no less pleasant results if used correctly. There is no universal “pill”; homemade masks must also be selected first, taking into account the type of skin, hair, and your own wishes. At the same time, adding thickness and mirror shine, eliminating excess fat and straightening curls is unlikely to be possible. Choose priority tasks and focus your selection on them.

To enhance growth with cinnamon

Cinnamon, avocado and chamomile decoction - this trio will nourish the hair follicles, improve microcirculation and speed up the process of the emergence of new, healthy hairs .

Important! Avoid using this mask if there is damage to the scalp: abrasions, cracks, pimples. Save the epidermis and look for a more gentle recipe.

You will need one ripe fruit, 30 ml of chamomile infusion and 10 g of cinnamon.

First, grind the fruit several times in a meat grinder or using a blender. Next, add cinnamon and add the cooled broth.

To conveniently distribute the mass, you should use a sponge. The roots are treated with it, left for eight minutes and washed off in the usual way.

With egg and yeast against hair loss and strengthening

This is a proven preventive and therapeutic remedy against increased hair loss , which usually occurs with seasonal vitamin deficiency.

Prepared from one avocado, three yolks, 20 g of yeast.

First, a pulp is “extracted” from the fruit. It is heated in a water bath, yolks and yeast are added, and mixed well. Is the mixture too thick? Then allow it to be diluted with nettle decoction.

It is recommended to apply the composition a couple of hours before washing your hair, and be sure to wrap it in film and a towel. This is the only way all the valuable elements will penetrate inside and have a positive effect on the condition of the hair.

Regenerating with cognac and castor oil

The recipe is ideal for lifeless, dull, colored, brittle curls that are subject to frequent thermal treatments.

For the mask you will need one medium-sized fruit and 15 ml each of castor oil and cognac.

Beat the peeled, pitted avocado until mushy, heat the cognac and castor oil. Mix everything.

Take a brush, dip it in the healing mixture and coat your head with it. Then wrap yourself in cellophane and a towel for 120-180 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

For shine and softness with honey

If you notice that due to chlorinated water, bad weather and incorrectly selected cosmetic products, your hair has become stiff and dull, try preparing such a mask.

Make a puree from half an avocado, pour 25 g of liquid honey and 6 drops of orange essential oil into it.

Mix everything well and distribute over damp strands after washing your hair. In fact, the mask will replace your balm. You just have to leave it on for half an hour before washing it off.

Orange essential oil contains alcohols, terpenes, and carbohydrates. Together, these components fight itching, dandruff, slow growth, yellowness, lice, and sebaceous shine.

On a note! Orange oil in high concentration can wash out the stained color and quickly return the previous, natural color.

For split ends with wheat oil

The composition holds together the exfoliated cuticle and regenerates the structure of the hair shaft. You can use it no more than once a week.

The mask is prepared as follows: a paste is made from the fruit, 10 g is measured. 5 ml of warm wheat oil and 3 drops of rosewood ether are poured into it.

Then quickly wash your hair and lubricate the ends with the composition. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off.

Rosewood essential oil is especially useful for dry, weak and split hair ends. It defeats bacteria and fungi that “live” on the scalp, treats inflammation and flaking, activates blood circulation, and eliminates excess oil.

Ginger against fat

Hair that is oily at the roots needs enhanced protection against dry air and ultraviolet rays, as well as special hydration. This mask copes well with all tasks.

Brew 25 g of henna tea, let it brew for 25 minutes. Then add 15 g of avocado puree and 5 g of chopped ginger.

Stir well and apply the mixture to the area at the roots, leave for 35 minutes and rinse.

Banana – for smoothness

It’s easier to get silky, smooth, nourished hair if you regularly prepare this mask.

Mash the avocado and banana, mix, add 8 drops of patchouli essential oil. Apply the resulting composition to clean, damp strands for half an hour.

Patchouli essential oil is highly valued for its powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory component - eugenol, which gives silkiness and brilliant shine to benzoaldehyde and natural enzymes. They revive the cuticle, protect against damage, strengthen the roots, smooth out, and prevent split ends.

Egg – against dryness

Have you been dyeing your hair for a long time and noticed that after the next color update, your strands have become dry and difficult to comb and style? Do you want to protect your already exhausted hairs from hair dryers and straighteners? Use a simple recipe.

To 15 grams of homemade avocado paste, add a few beaten eggs and 15 drops of tocopherol. Gently spread the mixture over clean curls, put on a cap if you want a better effect, and also a towel on top. Leave it there for about 40 minutes and wash it off.

Tocopherol is vitamin E. Its main task is to protect cell membranes from free radicals. It also improves blood circulation, helps oxygen reach tissues, and promotes the formation of collagen fibers. Accelerates regeneration, reduces hair fragility, maintains optimal moisture level.

Strengthening bone overnight

There is no need to throw away the avocado pit, because it can be used not only as a scrub stone during anti-aging facial treatments, but also as a component of a hair-strengthening mask. The substances contained in the seed vitaminize the curls, making them strong and healthy.

Prepare the mask like this. Peel the pit and grate it on a fine grater. Pour filtered water (not from the tap) into a saucepan, transfer the pulp from the pit into it, and bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain the broth through fine gauze so that the resulting “rose water” is perfectly clean.

On a note! Properly prepared “rose water” has a viscous consistency, a characteristic pinkish tint and a pleasant aroma.

Apply the cooled decoction to dry roots daily. The mask does not need to be washed off, so you can do it at night.


The mask is intended for blondes. With its help, it is possible to get rid of yellowness and preserve attractive, rich blond shades for longer.

Consists of just two ingredients: lemon juice and avocado. 25 milliliters of juice are mixed with 20 grams of fruit puree and distributed over wet strands.

Then the head is wrapped in cellophane, warmed up with warm air for 5 minutes and waited for an hour before washing off.

For softness and elasticity with kiwi

The mask is especially good for the cold season, when negative factors are actively affecting and the body is weakened. It will make your hair more attractive, well-groomed, and improve the condition of your curls.

Prepared from the puree of one avocado and two kiwis. Fruits, whipped into a paste with a blender, are applied in large quantities to the head, along the entire length. Lasts approximately 30 minutes.

Kiwi, or Chinese gooseberry, due to magnesium, tocopherol, phosphorus, eliminates split ends and fragility of the stem. Thanks to phosphorus and zinc with iron, it activates the nutrition of follicles and reduces hair loss and the risk of premature graying. Ascorbic acid and vitamins remove tangles, dullness, and smooth out curls.

How to use avocado oil for hair

This product can be considered multifunctional, since it is used both in its pure form and as a natural additive to shampoo or conditioner. A popular, convenient and effective way to use avocado oil is in all kinds of hair masks.

If you are faced with the problem of split, dry and brittle hair, you can safely go to the pharmacy and buy a jar of avocado oil or a cosmetic product that includes this healing component. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to use the oil for people whose hair is systematically exposed to hair dryers, curls, various varnishes, lotions and sprays.

Beneficial features

Avocado, or alligator pear, due to its rich composition, is capable of restoring even severely damaged hair in just a few treatment sessions. No matter what hair type you have, you will still see an improvement.

On a note! Avocado will be especially useful for those with dyed, dry and tangled hair. A mineral complex, vitamins A, PP, D and B, C, E, and monounsaturated acids will come in handy for them.

Exotic fruit as a mask component:

  • nourishes and moisturizes strands;
  • gives elasticity with shine;
  • becomes a good protection against various damages, creating a film on the hair shaft;
  • softens;
  • reanimates the cuticle.

Unrefined avocado oil also has all these qualities, which differs from refined avocado oil in its pleasant aroma and emerald green hue. It is advisable to buy it at the pharmacy for preparing masks. Refined food does not contain many useful substances.

Avocado oil for hair: application and effect

It is most convenient to make such masks on the days when you plan to wash your hair. It is recommended to heat the product in a water bath to ensure maximum comfort during the procedure. If you don't have time, you can use butter at room temperature or straight from the refrigerator. However, you must agree that enjoying the process gives an additional effect in the form of shine in your curls, and with them, a sparkle in your eyes.

Considering the length of your hair, take the required amount of oil and rub it into your head with massaging movements. Then leave for 15-20 minutes and remove any residue with shampoo. Don't want to go into such radical methods? Just add a couple of drops of oil to your shampoo every time you wash your hair - the results will be noticeable after a few sessions.

How to Apply Avocado Oil to Hair

  • Prepare the mask before application. Thus, the hair will absorb the maximum amount of nutrients. It is not recommended to store the emulsion in the refrigerator.
  • Warm the product to a comfortable temperature.
  • Apply the mixture to clean hair, after waiting until it dries a little. If there are problems with the roots and ends, these areas should be given the closest attention.
  • Cover your head with a towel, shower cap or an ordinary plastic bag to create an additional thermal effect.
  • Strictly follow the time limits specified in the recipe; do not overexpose the masks, as this can lead to allergic reactions. Some emulsions, on the contrary, are leave-in or require application overnight.
  • Skip the hair dryer and let your hair dry naturally. This way you will allow moisture to be absorbed into your hair and will not burn out the vitamins.
  • Make masks weekly for a month.
  • The result will appear only with regular use.

Cooking at home

Homemade hair masks are made using a similar technology: it is important to mix correctly, heat over low heat, use non-metallic utensils, and achieve a uniform consistency.

There are additional nuances related to the properties of the components. Basic rules that will be useful when preparing masks with avocados:

  • The avocado must be ripe . If you bought a hard one in the store, let it ripen for a couple of days in normal room conditions.
  • Be sure to cut off the skin and remove the pit.
  • To obtain avocado paste, use a blender or mixer. It is very difficult to get a homogeneous paste by hand.
  • Hair can be dry or wet - it doesn't matter.
  • It is advisable to distribute the mask along the hairline.
  • If the mixture was applied to the roots or close to them, it will have to be washed off with a mild shampoo. When distributed exclusively along the length, you can get by with running water and lemon juice or vinegar.

It is important to read the recipe carefully, ideally check with other sources to ensure accuracy. In homemade masks, the proportions and order of preparation and mixing of ingredients are important. If you mix something up or use dubious advice, you risk seeing a “hornet’s nest” or “loofah” instead of chic, healthy curls.


A mask with avocado fruit extract is a truly effective facial skin care product. Numerous positive reviews of this product clearly confirm the fact that the composition works fully. This is really of great importance, since the guarantee of effectiveness is not only the assurances of the manufacturers, but also the reaction of ordinary people who have tested the effectiveness of the presented mask.


If we are talking about ready-made store-bought masks that include avocado cosmetic oil, then they are usually used after washing the hair. The optimal frequency of use is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. You can do it more often and keep it longer only if you see positive results and do not encounter side effects: accelerated pollution, oiliness, weighting of strands.

It is also advisable not to overexpose homemade masks with this fruit, so as not to end up with inexpressive dry “feathers” or, conversely, greasy “icicles” instead of luxurious hair. The regularity of using folk remedies can be adjusted according to your hair type. For too oily skin, one procedure every 14 days is sufficient; for normal and dry skin, 1-2 times a week.

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