10 best foundations for oily, problem and combination skin – rating and top

Each skin type has its own foundation. Without this cosmetic product it is difficult to achieve a perfect, even skin tone, so you need to choose your own product. Foundations for oily skin should not contain any oils or olein. These components have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin with increased oil content: they clog pores, activate the sebaceous glands, and contribute to the appearance of acne and inflammation. This cosmetic product must contain moisturizing and nutritional components that normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, regulate sebum secretion, remove excess sebum and nourish, and maintain the moisture balance between the fat layer and cells.

When choosing a foundation, you should pay attention to non-comedogenic and mattifying gel-like textures. The foundation should also have a dense consistency. It will help to thoroughly hide all imperfections.

There is a difference between a thick mixture and a dense consistency. In the first case, there will be a “mask effect” on the face, which looks ugly and artificial.

For more mature girls whose skin is prone to aging, you need to choose foundations with a rejuvenating or lifting effect. Oily skin types lose their elasticity very quickly. Therefore, a concealer that rejuvenates cells and artificially tightens the skin, and maintains the effect for a long period of time, is a useful and necessary thing. At the moment, cosmetologists offer many different types of foundation. For example, moisturizing and nourishing products with a lifting effect, with a dense texture that “covers” all imperfections, mattifying and toning. With this choice, every owner of an oily face will be able to choose the most suitable cosmetic product.

But even with such a variety, girls with problematic oily skin still find it difficult to choose a really good concealer that takes into account all the features of oily epidermis. However, if you study all the problems and components that solve them, learn about popular and inexpensive brands and the effect of each on a certain skin type, you can significantly speed up this process. For women over forty years old, cosmetologists and dermatologists advise choosing light fluids with a masking effect.

The older the girl, the lighter the texture of concealing cosmetics should be. On the contrary, this rule does not work!

Features of applying foundation

  1. To prevent the “mask effect” and the foundation simply removes all imperfections from the face, it is necessary to apply it in a thin layer. If necessary, apply another layer. Several thin layers are better than one large one.
  2. It is better to apply the product with a sponge or brush, but, in extreme cases, you can use a cotton pad or your fingertips.
  3. Be sure to blend your foundation evenly so that there are no noticeable transitions or visible layers.
  4. You need to choose a product strictly in accordance with your skin type and natural complexion.
  5. For correct and beautiful application, you need to start from the chin, and, moving up, mask the cheeks, cheekbones, and last but not least, the forehead.
  6. Testing your foundation on your wrist is not a good idea. The tone of the face and skin in this area may not match.
  7. If a mistake has already occurred with the choice of tone, you need to come to the store and choose a foundation of a different tone, but from the same series and manufacturer. Before application, they can be mixed to obtain the closest possible tone.
  8. Before applying foundation, you should cleanse and moisturize your skin.
  9. You can also use powder with a matting effect, tonic or makeup base to match your face.
  10. You can use foundation only after the makeup base, toner or day cream has been completely absorbed.
  11. If the foundation is liquid, then it is better to apply it using a moistened sponge. This will hide imperfections while giving your skin a natural look.
  12. If your skin is prone to rashes and irritations, you should choose a foundation without fragrances, alcohol, nanoparticles, bismuth chloroxide, artificial dyes, silicones, fragrances and other things.
  13. For oily skin types, it is better to choose foundations from the mineral series. Such cosmetics remove excess fat and do not clog pores. The skin “breathes” and does not dry out.

How to apply foundation correctly.

What does non-comedogenic cream mean?

The meaning of this term is not known to everyone, but 94% of women experience comedones. Comedones are peculiar cysts of the skin, formed as a result of clogging of hair follicles with exfoliated particles of the epidermis and sebum.

Non-comedogenic cosmetics prevent clogging of hair follicles due to their composition. Some cosmetics show this effect even if the product is not classified as non-comedogenic - this is caused by different skin types, and what does not harm one person causes harm to another . Therefore, all cosmetic products declared by the manufacturer as non-comedogenic undergo mandatory testing to confirm their effectiveness.

It is important that the decorative and skincare products you use are non-comedogenic to achieve maximum results.

Disadvantages of mattifying agents

  1. Due to the abundant secretion of sebum, you cannot correct your makeup with powder during the day if foundation is applied to your skin. Dust, dirt, powder particles, sweat, sebum secretion and foundation clog pores and lead to open comedones, profuse acne, skin diseases and inflammation. If you nail it all down with powder, the effect will be even worse. To get rid of oily shine on your face, it is better to blot excess oil with special napkins or paper.
  2. It is not recommended to use foundation before the age of twenty. This is due to the fact that there is still a sufficient amount of collagen in the cells, and it itself rejuvenates the cells well. When applying cosmetics, the skin does not “breathe” and thus ages.

Signs of problem skin

Let's start with how you can easily determine that you have problem skin that requires special care. To do this, it is not necessary to contact a cosmetologist; it is enough to simply observe the condition of your face for some time. We list the main signs of problematic skin that occur most often:

• inflammation - they are easy to notice even with the naked eye. This category includes not only red pimples, but also hated blackheads, as well as subcutaneous pimples. Inflammations can appear not only on the face, but also on the neck, back or arms. You should immediately pay attention to such signs and visit a doctor, but if the inflammation begins to itch or even hurt, then you need to visit a specialist urgently. The faster the doctor identifies the cause of the rash, the easier and faster the treatment will be;

• sensitivity - such skin actively resists the appearance of inflammation on the surface. Because of this, it can be very dry or excessively oily. Owners of such skin may complain of peeling and small wounds that appear during frosts, or of enlarged pores that are observed in the warm season. Moreover, sensitive skin reacts to many factors: food, water quality, sun rays and even light from gadget screens. If you neglect proper care, then everything is guaranteed - a “beautiful” red pimple in the center of the forehead and an oily sheen in the T-zone;

• post-acne - this phenomenon is characteristic of skin that has been treated for acne for a long time. These are scars, small scars, darkened areas of skin with altered relief, where inflammation was previously observed. All these manifestations cause people a lot of discomfort and greatly lower their self-esteem;

• spider veins - very often specialists tell their patients that nothing can be done with these formations, since they do not threaten health. However, you will agree, this does affect aesthetics. People often complain that their face looks careless, which is why a lot of complexes reappear;

• dryness - it can be separated into a separate category, since peeling, cracks and constant tightness lead to premature aging of the skin and the appearance of deep wrinkles. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right care and adjust your diet so that the skin can be saturated with all the necessary microelements that maintain its elasticity and natural water balance;

• pigmentation - you should worry if pigment spots cover more than half of the facial skin. Please note that we are talking about large age spots, not freckles! But modern fashion dictates its own rules, so many owners of freckles really want to hide them or remove them altogether.

As you understand, there can be a lot of skin problems. However, everyone wants to be beautiful and attractive, like the girls on the covers of glossy magazines. Therefore, decorative cosmetics help hide all skin imperfections. All that remains is to choose the right foundation and learn how to apply it correctly.

How to choose

Choosing a foundation is a rather serious and long process. To ensure that the components in the composition do not spoil or harm the skin, you need to carefully and meticulously study the packaging, composition, and how the ingredients in the foundation affect the skin. To speed up this process, below is how to choose the right foundation.

What do the labels on the packaging say?

When choosing a foundation, you need to carefully study the description on the packaging.

  1. If this text contains the phrase “won`t clog pores”, this means that this cosmetics does not clog pores, the skin does not dry out and “breathes”.
  2. The phrase “non-comedogenic” means “without comedones.” This means that this product does not contribute to the appearance of rashes, acne, comedones and other things.
  3. A water-based foundation that does not contain fats and oils is labeled “oil free.”
  4. There are some cosmetics that contain allergens. They adversely affect any skin type, and especially oily epidermis. Therefore, if the package says “bismuth oxycholoride”, it is better to look for something else.
  5. Foundations that contain oils and oils have a bad effect on the condition of the oily type of epidemic. Therefore, you should not choose cosmetics whose packaging says “isopropil myristate” and “lanolin”. These ingredients clog pores, cause inflammation and irritation. Combination skin types are also not recommended to use these products.

The mineral components included in the foundation cleanse and tighten pores, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, even out the tone, moisturize and nourish the epidermis.

High-quality cosmetics are made on a mineral basis. They do not contain preservatives, dyes, flavors, fragrances and other things that have a bad effect on the condition of the epidermis. After using this product, no negative consequences arise. Find out how to choose the right foundation for your face here.

If such a product also contains antibacterial substances, this is only a big plus.

What should a medicinal foundation contain?

In order for foundation not only to mask imperfections, but also to treat them, you need to choose it correctly. To do this, you need to check whether the product meets the following requirements:

  1. Has an antibacterial effect.
  2. Hypoallergenic.
  3. The composition contains jojoba, peach, and almond oils - this moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  4. It has a mattifying effect that lasts a long time.
  5. Protects against environmental influences and ultraviolet rays.
  6. It contains decoctions of medicinal flowers and herbs.

Ingredients that should not be in a medicated foundation:

  • talc;
  • silicones;
  • parabens.

Therapeutic foundation BB cream.

Modern cosmetology produces few products that are completely free of talc. Therefore, it is worth choosing those that have the least amount of it.

By color and texture

The color should be as close as possible to the natural complexion. If you don’t get the right shade, you can mix several from the same series and use it. The texture should preferably be lighter. Oily or dense skin can create a “mask effect”, which looks unsightly and the skin itself does not “breathe”.

Which brand of foundation should I choose?

Good foundations can be found in all price categories. The best quality is offered by luxury brands: Estee Lauder, Lancome, Dior, Clinique, Clarins, Guerlain . Serious laboratories are working on the creation of such cosmetics, where the latest developments and high-quality polymers are used. Luxury products provide weightless and natural, but long-lasting coverage with high concealing properties.

If you can't afford expensive brands, don't despair. There are many very worthy products in the mass segment, the quality of which often approaches luxury. Pay attention to the well-known brands Maybelline, Revlon, Bourjois, Catrice , etc. – their creams are of excellent quality. In the middle market, girls like products from Isadora, Artdeco, Lumene - they are on average more expensive than popular mass brands, but their parameters are closer to “luxury”. Enough is popular among Korean foundations - the brand's products are suitable for most girls and are inexpensive.

You can also find pleasant surprises in the budget segment. Inexpensive creams do not have a high covering power, but they do a good job of hiding minor defects, evening out the tone of the face, and giving it a healthy look and radiance. If you need something else, why not save money? By the way, foundations from the brands Divage, Estrade, and Rimmel .

We have painted an image of the ideal foundation, but is it real? In our rating we will try to answer this question. We compared foundations according to all important criteria and found ones worthy of your attention!

TOP best

Modern cosmetology presents many different cosmetics. To choose the one you need, below are the products of the most popular brands: Dermacol, Garnier, Second Skin, Giorgio Armani.


A good concealer that quickly and easily hides all imperfections. It lasts a long time, moisturizes, nourishes and mattifies the skin. Allows the skin to “breathe”. Suitable for oily and problematic facial surfaces. Non-comedogenic.


  • tea tree extract;
  • glycerol;
  • thermal water;
  • jojoba oil.


Cleanse and moisturize the skin in advance. Apply toner or mattifying cream on top. Then apply makeup base and concealers. Apply a thin layer of product with a sponge. Use again if necessary. Lasts about six hours. Dermatologist approved. Find out how to choose the best toner for oily skin by following the link.

Dermacol ACNECOVER MAKE-UP has an average price in Russia of 600 rubles per 30 ml.

Dream Matte Mousse

Good foundation. It permanently masks acne, comedones, acne, scars, cicatrices, etc. Keeps makeup on for a long time. Tightens pores, evens out skin tone. Especially for oily epidermis. After a working day, be sure to rinse thoroughly.


  • jojoba oil;
  • eucalyptus extract;
  • mineral base;
  • thermal water.


Apply to previously cleansed, moisturized skin. You can pre-apply a makeup base. Apply a thin layer using fingertips, a brush or sponge. You can set it on top with mattifying powder. Read this article to learn how to choose a makeup base for oily skin.

The cost of Dream Matte Mousse is 600 rubles. Minimum volume – 20 g.

Apply only after the cream or primer has dried.

Guerlain Lingerie de Peau

Mineral-based concealing cosmetics that do not clog pores, refresh and cleanse the skin. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, mattifies, removes excess sebum. Well hides imperfections of oily and problem skin.


  • mineral components;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • mint and tea tree extract;
  • almond oil;
  • decoction of chamomile and calendula.


Apply only to cleansed and moisturized skin. Pre-apply a moisturizing day cream or mattifying makeup base. Apply using a damp sponge. A list of the best creams for oily skin is in this article.

Guerlain Lingerie de Peau costs 700 rubles in Russia for a minimum volume of 50 ml.

Stay-True Makeup Clinique

Good foundation. Masks, moisturizes, mattifies, nourishes, soothes, relieves irritation, treats comedones, has a rejuvenating and antibacterial effect. Be sure to rinse off at night. Dermatologist approved.


  • Peach oil;
  • mint and tea rose extract;
  • decoctions of calendula and sage;
  • thermal water;
  • talc.


Pre-wash with warm water and cleanser. Wipe your face with toner, apply day cream or primer. After drying and absorbing all the products, apply a thin layer to the surface of the face. You can find out how to choose a cleansing gel for oily skin here.

The average cost of Stay-True Makeup Clinique in Russia is 800 rubles.

Max Factor Second Skin

Mattifying foundation. Has a rejuvenating effect. Dries out acne and removes blackheads. Quickly and easily masks the unpleasant moments of oily and problematic facial skin.


  • jojoba oil;
  • thermal water;
  • salicylic acid;
  • sage extract.


Apply a thin layer using a sponge or brush, after cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing. Be sure to rinse off before going to bed.

Max Factor Second Skin costs from 500 rubles. Minimum volume – 50 ml.

BB Cream Garnier

Mattifying bb cream that is durable despite weather conditions. Removes excess sebum, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, quickly eliminates imperfections, and evens out the tone. Non-comedogenic. Dermatologist approved.


  • tea tree extract;
  • Peach oil;
  • thermal water;
  • witch hazel;
  • sage, chamomile, calendula.


Apply a thin layer to the face using a sponge. Before doing this, be sure to apply mattifying or moisturizing products to care for oily skin types.

The average cost of BB Cream from Garnier in Russia is 400 rubles per 30 ml.

Vichy Norma Teint

A toning foundation that supports the normal condition of oily skin. Moisturizes and mattifies, nourishes and soothes, relieves inflammation and irritation. Long and lasting effect. Can be used for combination and problem areas of the face. Dermatologist approved.


  • almond oil;
  • mint extract;
  • extract of chamomile, sage, calendula, aloe.


Apply a thin layer to the face. Apply makeup base first. If necessary, apply another thin layer and blend well.

Vichy Norma Teint costs 700 rubles in Russia.

Luminous Silk, Giorgio Armani

A cosmetic product that gives the skin smoothness and silkiness. Has a lifting effect. Recommended for girls over 30 years old. Has a light, non-greasy texture. It lies almost unnoticeably on the face, but hides visible imperfections well. Nourishes, moisturizes and soothes the skin.


  • almond oil;
  • thermal water;
  • glycerol;
  • talc;
  • tea tree extract;
  • chamomile.


Apply to previously cleansed and moisturized facial skin. Blend well. If necessary, apply another layer.

The average cost of Luminous Silk from Giorgio Armani is from 700 rubles. Minimum volume – 70 ml.

Maestro Fusion Makeup SPF15, Giorgio Armani

One of the most popular therapeutic tonal products, which does not contain talc, fragrances, silicones and other things. The mineral base does not clog pores, nourishes and moisturizes. Especially for oily and problematic skin.


  • mineral base;
  • almond and peach oil;
  • tea tree extract, mint, chestnut;
  • aloe vera juice;
  • chamomile, calendula, witch hazel.


Apply to moisturized, cleansed, prepared skin. Blend with a brush or sponge. Rinse thoroughly before going to bed. Can be used directly with mattifying products.

Maestro Fusion Makeup SPF15 from Giorgio Armani costs in Russia from 1000 rubles for 30 ml.

CC cream Pink Perfect Creme Erborian

A good foundation that protects against ultraviolet radiation, has antibacterial properties and a rejuvenating effect. Nourishes, moisturizes. Easy and quick to apply, does not create a “mask effect”.


  • thermal water;
  • aloe vera juice;
  • eucalyptus extract;
  • Peach oil.


Apply to previously cleansed and damp skin. Blend well with a sponge or brush with natural bristles.

The cost of Pink Perfect Creme Erborian CC cream starts from 800 rubles. Minimum volume – 50 ml.

How to choose the color of foundation?

It is usually recommended to choose a shade that matches your natural complexion. With acne, this rule remains the same, but the situation is complicated by the fact that due to inflammation, it takes on a reddish tone. In addition, we must not forget about the uneven terrain.

To avoid disappointment in your makeup, follow these recommendations:

  • Apply cream in natural light.
  • Avoid products with reflective particles, they will make skin imperfections more obvious.
  • To neutralize the red tint of blemishes, use a green color corrector or base.
  • Choose a shade that is as close to your complexion as possible. Don’t try to cover your face with a thick layer of foundation; your task is to make the rashes less noticeable; you won’t be able to completely hide them.

For summer, choose products that contain SPF. Remember that anti-acne cosmetics do not work; consult a specialist about combining decorative cosmetics and medications.

Clindovit® gel should be used 2-3 times a day. Before applying it, the skin must be cleansed. The drug is suitable for the treatment of mild to moderate acne.

It is important to clean sponges and brushes after use. Bacteria, epithelial particles, and contaminants remain on them.


  1. Foundation for oily skin is a necessary thing.
  2. You can apply the cream with your fingers, a sponge or a makeup brush. Preferably a thin layer.
  3. The older the girl, the lighter the texture of the foundation should be.
  4. To choose the right concealer cosmetics, you need to study the packaging, composition and choose the desired shade and texture.
  5. Therapeutic foundation should not contain talc, silicones, fragrances, or fragrances.
  6. Popular brands: Dermacol, Garnier, Second Skin, Giorgio Armani.
  7. A properly selected foundation is the key to healthy skin and beautiful makeup.

What's included

The composition of the foundation that prevents the appearance of comedones includes at least one ingredient from the list.

Salicylic acid

Non-comedogenic foundation with salicylic acid performs two functions at the same time - masks imperfections and gently heals the skin. The keratolytic properties of salicylic acid allow you to soften and exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis, carefully dissolve plugs in hair follicles and destroy bacteria that cause inflammation.

Benzoyl peroxide

Reduces skin oiliness and protects pores from bacteria. Not suitable for hypersensitive skin - in 20% of cases it leads to irritation.


This ingredient is often found in cosmetics for problem skin. Sulfur helps cleanse the face of excess sebum and keratinized epithelium.

Plant extracts

Sebum-regulating plant extracts reduce the production of sebum; in the foundation, this can be an extract of yeast, willow bark, seaweed, witch hazel, aloe, and so on.

Special oils

Employees of the American Academy of Dermatology tested various oils for comedogenicity and are safe from this point of view:

  • sunflower oil;
  • Shea Butter;
  • hemp oil;
  • mineral oils;
  • cosmetic Vaseline;
  • safflower oil.

Castor oil and lanolin do not contribute to the development of comedones. For a complete table on the comedogenicity of essential and cosmetic oils, follow the link.



As a rule, foundations perform several functions at once, but one of them dominates. What is the purpose of foundation? It is used for:

  • Treatments;
  • Bleaching;
  • Matting.

To get the desired effect, you should first familiarize yourself with the purpose of the product.

Tube or bottle material

Storage is also an important part of any thing, so containers where cosmetic foundation is stored must be durable. This function is performed well by plastic tubes, but for connoisseurs of sophistication, manufacturers produce glass bottles. The latter are easy to break, but they look more stylish than plastic ones.

Tasks that a dense foundation must cope with

A good foundation with a dense texture solves a number of facial skin problems:

  1. Masks even visible imperfections of problem skin. Successfully hides acne, blackheads, inflammation, wrinkles.
  2. Long-lasting - does not flow when sweating or coming into contact with moisture, adheres well to the skin in hot weather.
  3. Mattifying – absorbs excess sebum, giving the skin a matte finish.
  4. Sets the desired skin tone. Due to its dense texture and large volume of coloring pigments, it is practically not visible.

Ideally, such a foundation should be waterproof and not clog pores, especially when applied to oily skin. For dry skin with flaking, you need to select a cream with moisturizing ingredients.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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