Pustular diseases of the external ear - boils

  • Pimples in the ear: causes and features
  • What to do if it's a boil
  • Pimples in the ears: how to prevent

Pimples in the ear area are always unpleasant, and the most unpleasant thing is a pimple inside the ear, because, firstly, it is difficult to reach and not so easy to eliminate, secondly, as a rule, a pimple in the ear hurts a lot, and thirdly , such localization of the inflammatory process - close to the inner ear and intracranial structures - is fraught with serious complications. That is why it is so important to have complete information about this pathology.

1.General information

A furuncle, or, in common parlance, a boil, is an acute inflammation in a local sealed volume, accompanied by intense suppuration and necrosis of the affected tissue.

The furuncle of the external auditory canal, thus, is an abscessing purulent-inflammatory process that affects the hair follicles or sebaceous glands, which abound in this part of the hearing organs. In the specialized literature, the synonymous name “acute limited external otitis” is also used; In the International Classification of Diseases, the nosological unit “abscess of the external ear” is recorded. Purulent melting and necrotization extends not only to the surface layer of the skin, but also to the subcutaneous tissue, leaving a scar defect when resolved.

Like other pyoderma (purulent inflammation of the skin), a boil of the external auditory canal sharply reduces the quality of life, bringing a lot of painful and uncomfortable sensations. In addition, the location and anatomical features of the external auditory canal pose a very real risk of complications, including severe and even fatal ones.

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Advantages of treatment at an ENT center

Treatment of ear, nose and throat diseases at the ENT CENTER is a comprehensive and individual approach to each patient. By making a preliminary appointment on the medical center’s website or by phone, you can:

  • get face-to-face consultation with a specialist;
  • undergo treatment of ENT diseases using progressive techniques;
  • receive recommendations for further conservative treatment and prevention of ENT diseases.

Contact the ENT CENTER : here they will help you solve any problem within the competence of ENT doctors as efficiently, safely, quickly and painlessly as possible.

2. Reasons

Abscess suppuration in the area of ​​the outer ear is an infectious pathology. In the vast majority of cases, the pathogen is bacterial cultures, most often pyogenic (pyogenic) staphylococci.

The most significant risk factors include:

  • incorrect treatment and insufficient sanitary care of the ear canal for purulent otitis;
  • sharing linen (towels, pillows, etc.) with a family member suffering from pyoderma in one form or another;
  • scratching, using objects not intended for this purpose (and non-sterile), such as matches, hairpins, etc., to clean the ear canal;
  • metabolic disorders, in particular carbohydrate metabolism (for example, with diabetes mellitus);
  • weakened immune system;
  • hypovitaminosis (especially A, B and C);
  • ototrauma.

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Prevention of the disease

If you get rid of a pimple , but do not correct the source of the disease, there is a chance that the skin rash will become chronic. To avoid this, you need to strengthen your body in the following ways:

  • Perform hygiene procedures. It is recommended to clean the ears with your finger and water to avoid damaging the eardrum. The area behind the ears also needs to be cleaned. However, there is no need to strive for sterile cleanliness, since the sulfur produced in the ear canal is necessary for the natural removal of foreign particles.
  • Headphones and earpieces should also be kept clean and wiped with tissues after use.
  • Wear a hat in cold and hot weather.
  • Eat properly. A balanced diet, avoiding excess fast food, sweets, fatty and fried foods in the diet will significantly improve the general condition of the body.

3. Symptoms and diagnosis

The furuncle of the external auditory canal in terms of dynamics does not differ from abscess processes of other localization: the infiltration stage is followed by violent suppuration, then the abscess opens (spontaneously or during medical intervention - but in no case should this be done independently!), and after passive or forced evacuation of purulent-necrotic masses results in fairly rapid healing and scarring. At the stage of infiltration, pain is expressed; the pain can be very severe, throbbing or shooting in nature. As a rule, body temperature is elevated, sometimes to high values. Any mechanical impact, including chewing, swallowing or talking, sharply increases pain. Severe swelling and a significant size of the boil can lead to significant obstruction of the ear canal and, accordingly, to transient hearing loss on the affected side. When the peripheral endings of the vagus nerve are involved in the process, coughing and vomiting are possible.

The diagnosis usually does not cause any difficulties for an experienced otolaryngologist. In case of repeated or multiple boils, measures are taken to laboratory identification of the infectious agent; as necessary, an endocrinologist, infectious disease specialist and other specialized specialists are involved in the diagnostic and treatment process.

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Treatment of acne on the ears

To cure pimples on the ears and prevent them from reoccurring, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease and neutralize it.

If a pimple appears on the ear, it is recommended to consult a doctor, but if you wish, you can do it with home methods. In this case, the patient must follow the following rules:

  • Do not scratch the ear to avoid injury and subsequent infection.
  • Do not squeeze the pimple until it is ripe.
  • Maintain sterility during surgery. The use of antiseptics is recommended.
  • Treat the affected surface using cotton swabs or swabs.

If the pimple causes throbbing pain, it is a boil, also called a boil or abscess. This formation is dangerous because pus accumulates inside, which, if squeezed out improperly, can lead to infection. Therefore, the first step is to remove the liquid. A compress soaked in Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment . If the pimple is located in the ear canal, the drug is applied to a cotton swab or swab and secured inside the ear.

A saline solution can also have a pulling effect. To prepare it, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and mix with two drops of iodine. It is recommended to apply a cold compress to the pimple several times a day.

In cases where there is a high probability that the internal boil will open on its own , you should lie down on the sore ear at night so that the pus flows out.

If a pimple on the ear does not create pain, most likely there is no pus in it. Then you just need to wait for it to mature. To speed up the process, the problem area is treated with iodine solution or camphor alcohol. Salicylic acid and chloramphenicol eye drops also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Subcutaneous acne can also cause discomfort. An excellent solution to this problem is steaming and moistening with medicine to open the formations. First, a hot compress is applied to the ear. After this, apply a mixture that includes olive, tea tree and eucalyptus oils. A bandage is applied to the selected area and removed after a while. At the end, the opened rashes are dried with salicylic alcohol.

A large formation in the ear canal can cause unpleasant complications in the form of a fistula or tissue necrosis. In this case, there may be a rise in temperature and widespread pain in the ear. In such circumstances, surgery is required. The affected part is disinfected, numbed, and then the pimple and its contents are removed.


The basis of etiopathogenetic therapy is the prescription of antibiotics and strengthening the immune system. Alcohol turunds, bactericidal ointments, UV irradiation, UHF are used locally. In case of rapid painful development, the abscess is opened surgically, observing all antiseptic precautions; The rod is removed, rubber drainage is used according to indications, then treatment is carried out according to the above scheme. The prognosis is favorable in case of timely adequate intervention, sanitation of existing foci of chronic infection (teeth, tonsils, etc.) and effective correction of endocrine and metabolic processes, if necessary.

What to do

Before carrying out any therapeutic measures to eliminate a pimple in the ear, it is necessary to establish the cause that triggered the development of the tumor. In addition, it is important to differentiate a common cold rash from atheroma, which is a subcutaneous formation and can quickly turn into a pustular lesion. It can only be removed through surgery.

If a pimple appears on the surface of the ear, then there is no need to contact a surgeon. The main thing to remember is that you should never try to squeeze it out. Pus can easily enter the bloodstream, leading to more serious consequences.

The main task of treating a pimple in the ear is to prevent the spread of inflammatory and infectious processes. To eliminate pathogenic microflora, antiseptic agents are usually prescribed, which have a comprehensive effect on problem areas. For severe purulent inflammation, antibiotics may be required.

Among the general principles of therapy are the following:

  • carrying out disinfection measures of the affected area;
  • applying an alcohol or warming compress ;
  • using drops when a pimple forms in the ear canal;
  • obtaining advice from a specialist for purulent inflammation;
  • the use of cosmetic methods to help get rid of black pimples.

For the treatment of boils, ichthyol and Vishnevsky ointment have proven themselves well. The product must be applied directly to the inflamed area and secured with an adhesive tape.

When the boil is deep in the ear canal, tampons are used, which are pre-treated with ointment.

They are placed inside the ear with careful movements. It is recommended to apply a bandage or warm compress externally.

Psychosomatics of acne

The skin on the human body is a kind of natural spacesuit that protects it from the negative effects of the external environment.

If the rash in the ear is of an allergic nature, then it can be eliminated with the help of antihistamines, which can be used both externally and internally.

Ointments help relieve itching and irritation. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs eliminate swelling, redness and pain.

Diagnostic methods

A proper examination when acne appears will help identify the main etiological factor that caused the rash.

Types of research:

  • clinical blood test;
  • determination of the level of androgens, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone;
  • analysis of thyroid hormones;
  • biochemical analysis to determine the level of glucose, lipids, phosphatase, creatinine, urea;
  • scraping the skin from the affected area - allows you to detect demodex mites;
  • study of intestinal microflora;
  • allergy tests.

Scraping the skin will reveal whether there is a tick inside

Most tests are carried out only in sweaty clinics, the average cost of 1 test is 200–300 rubles.

To accurately determine the cause of acne, all tests must be taken on an empty stomach; it is better for women to be examined on days 5–7 of the cycle.

To press or not

It is important to remember that squeezing pimples is very dangerous. Doctors do not recommend doing this on your own. If you squeeze out the rash carelessly, it is possible that the inflammatory process will worsen and spread to other areas.

In addition, blood poisoning is possible, which can be fatal. If pimples in the ears appear frequently and begin to spread throughout the head, it is recommended to undergo an examination and find out the cause of this problem.

Which organ is responsible for this?

Pimples on the ears in men and women occur due to diseases of different organs. Problems in the functionality of the thyroid gland, stomach, intestines, liver, circulatory and nervous systems can cause an inflammatory process.

A specialist will help determine exactly which organ is to blame for the appearance of the inflammatory process in this area after a thorough examination. According to an unspoken statement (the correspondence of organs with areas of the face), the kidneys are responsible for ear pimples.


Small pimples may not cause concern to a person and go away on their own - the immune system successfully fights them. Large formations, on the contrary, cause a lot of inconvenience and are accompanied by a number of symptoms:

  • Redness and swelling of the affected area;
  • Itching;
  • The appearance of a bubble and dense growth;
  • Painful sensations aggravated by pressure;
  • Purulent discharge;
  • Discomfort in hearing and jaw movement.

How to get rid of acne in the ears?

Acne is easy to distinguish from other skin inflammations, since they are located on the very surface of the skin, forming “bumps” and have a dark color. They usually don't cause pain like pimples, but they can cause serious ear infections.

There are several ways to treat ear acne, which include the use of cosmetics and medications, and the use of special tools to remove it.

Medicines and cosmetics

To fight acne, use creams, gels, solutions - available in abundance at any pharmacy. The main thing you should pay attention to when choosing such a product is the composition. The composition must contain salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide.

Blackhead Remover Tools

Using special tools to remove blackheads is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get rid of blackheads. For this procedure, you will need the appropriate tool - an extractor (a cosmetic tool with a round hole at the base), facial cleanser, latex hand gloves, benzoyl peroxide, cotton pads and warm water.

Wash your face first, then wipe your face and ears with a cleansing toner. Treat the acne extractor with an alcohol solution. Find the blackhead and, gently pressing the side walls, squeeze until all the pus comes out. Avoid applying too much pressure to avoid pain and damage to the skin. Afterwards, treat the surface of the skin with benzoyl peroxide to tighten the pores. If necessary, repeat the procedure after a few days.

If acne is in the ear canals, you should consult a dermatologist. Never try to use an extractor or any other tool to remove blackheads from the ear canal yourself.

Black spots in the ear, behind the ear, ear canal

Blackheads (comedones or blackheads) are made up of dead skin cells and sebum trapped in the open hair follicle. Blackheads can appear on any part of your ear, including the earlobe, cartilage, ear canal, and can also occur behind the ear.

There are a number of factors that increase the likelihood of developing ear acne:

  • excessive sebum production;
  • irritation of hair follicles by dead skin cells;
  • hormonal changes, especially during menstruation, while taking birth control pills, and during puberty;
  • taking certain medications;
  • diseases of the liver and digestive system.

What to do if acne is inflamed and painful?

If acne becomes inflamed and pain occurs, you can use aloe juice. Moisten a tampon with the product and apply it to the affected area for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out until the inflammatory process subsides.

You can lubricate the inflamed element with salicylic acid. The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening; in a few days the inflammation will disappear. Iodine is used in a similar way.

You can also remove inflammation with a compress of apple cider vinegar or tea tree oil, which is applied to acne. But you should remember that the oil must be applied pointwise, as you can get a skin burn.

A composition for which you will need:

  • lavender (mint) oil – 1-2 drops;
  • grape seed oil – 1 tsp.

Moisten a cotton swab with the product and lubricate the elements of the rash. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime.

Aspirin helps get rid of redness and inflammation, dry out the skin, and clean out pores. You need to grind 1 tablet of the product and mix it with a small amount of water to form a paste. It is applied to the pimple and left until it dries, then washed off. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated after 2-3 hours.

Ear acne is not just an aesthetic problem. As the inflammatory process develops, serious complications can arise. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the rashes as quickly as possible, using medications, traditional methods or hardware techniques. And in order to prevent the appearance of a rash in the future, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of hygiene, monitor nutrition and strengthen the immune system.

Preventive actions

To prevent black spots from ruining a person’s life and opinion, prevention should be carried out:

  • The ears should be washed as often as the face, but you should not go deep into the auricle.
  • After bathing, ears should be carefully selected.
  • Frequently cleaning the ears is not recommended, otherwise all the protective lubricant will be removed.
  • Your daily diet should include more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Try not to aggravate the situation and not lead to an inflammatory process.

Blackheads are not a death sentence, you can easily get rid of them and forget them completely, the main thing is to adhere to all preventive measures.

Mechanical acne removal

You can squeeze out blackheads only as a last resort, not forgetting about disinfection. To carry out the procedure, it is better to use a special device, be sure to disinfect it before use. This tool will help you remove acne painlessly without causing harm to your health.

To fix the problem:

  1. Steam the skin of the ears.
  2. Hands and tools are disinfected.
  3. Wipe the affected area with an antiseptic, massaging the skin.
  4. Press on the acne with a tool, and after it comes out, wipe the skin with alcohol.

If the elements of the rash are in hard-to-reach places, it is better to consult a cosmetologist. Incorrect actions can lead to some of the pus remaining inside. If an infection occurs, a boil may form, which can have unpleasant consequences. In addition, inaccurate use of the tool often causes damage to the skin, which can lead to the formation of scars.

Acne removal by a cosmetologist has many advantages, including:

  • high-quality treatment of the skin with antiseptic agents;
  • sterility of the instruments used;
  • minimal risk of infection.


Both whiteheads and blackheads can appear in the ears. They develop when bacteria penetrate through one of the pores of the epidermis. If the pore does not close, then the acne darkens and becomes a comedon , and if it drags on, the new formation is white and is called milia . When skin irritation or inflammation occurs, the skin takes on the appearance of a hard, reddened bump. The immune system fights the bacteria present in the papule, and therefore pus . As a result, pustules with white or yellow heads are formed, which are larger than regular acne. They are tubercles and rise above the surface of the skin. As usual, pustules “open up” and leave behind scars.

At later stages, the formation of cysts, nodes, so-called subcutaneous acne occurs. This is facilitated by an increase in size and deepening of the pore as a result of its blockage and irritation. Hard cysts, soft nodules and boils can cause discomfort and serious pain.

Types of acne


The simplest rashes appear when pores become clogged with sebum. Over time, more and more of it accumulates, it mixes with dead skin, dust, and sulfur. When bacteria enter such an environment, an inflammatory process begins, leading to acute pain.

Another type of rash that often appears in the ear is a boil. The inflammatory process caused by staphylococcus or any other similar bacterium causes severe suppuration. Such a pimple is considered more dangerous, since opening it incorrectly leads to the development of complications.

Loud music lovers are in danger

Otolaryngologists often associate decreased hearing quality with listening to loud music. The use of in-ear headphones, and even more so in-ear headphones, can have a detrimental effect on the ability to hear. Headphones that are inserted directly into the ear canal, providing sealing and high concentration of sound, are harmful to health, since the directed impact of sound waves on the upper ear leads to damage to the sensory cells that convert sound vibrations into a nerve impulse perceived by the brain.

Which doctor should I contact for treatment if nothing helps?

If self-treatment of acne on the ears does not help well and does not give the desired result, you should visit a dermatologist. The specialist will prescribe the necessary tests to find out the cause.

In the future, you may need to consult an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon, cosmetologist, therapist and other doctors. If necessary, they will prescribe additional tests and select appropriate therapy.

"Blind" pimple in the ear

Sometimes there is a feeling that the ear hurts, as if there is a pimple inside, but visually it is indistinguishable and there is only a small skin lump to the touch. In this case, we are talking about the so-called blind pimple.

This can be called a pimple that does not have a head. It looks like a raised formation on the surface of the skin that is pink, red, purple or brown. If you touch the inflamed redness, you may feel pain. Over time, such a pimple matures and a white head appears. Blind pimples can be caused by poor diet, stress, hormonal changes, excess sebum production and a number of other reasons.

If you find such a pimple in your ear, refrain from squeezing it, firstly, it is very painful, and secondly, there is a risk of skin damage, which will lead to the formation of scars and scars. When pressed, the tissue of the sebaceous gland may rupture, and the microbes will spread to nearby areas. Instead of relief, you will get a whole hotbed of acne.

How to treat a “blind” pimple?

Blind pimples can and should be treated. There is no need to wait for them to mature. You can lubricate the affected area with iodine or Vishnevsky ointment. Lemon juice with water will help cleanse the skin and relieve inflammation. Aloe vera juice, tea tree oil, azelaic acid and benzoyl peroxide are also used to combat blind pimples.

Provoking factors

Sebaceous glands can become overactive as a result of:

  • hormonal imbalance. At the same time, the properties of the secreted secretion change, which leads to blockage of the gland ducts;
  • unbalanced diet. Indulging in fast food and sweets helps to increase the amount of insulin, which in turn provokes increased production of testosterone. This hormone can influence the activity of the sebaceous glands, increasing the likelihood of acne formation;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics, insufficient cleansing of the skin after their use;
  • violations of general and local immunity. At the same time, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply more actively, contributing to the occurrence of acne. And the bactericidal properties of sebum are reduced;
  • taking certain medications (antibiotics, steroid hormones, anti-tuberculosis drugs, immunosuppressive drugs, antiepileptic drugs);
  • mechanical injuries that provoked infection;
  • regular contact with headphones, phones, and other dirty objects.

Poor hygiene can also cause rashes. Insufficient cleansing of the ears leads to the fact that dirt begins to accumulate in them and the pores become clogged.

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