Cream "Burenka": reviews from specialists and customers. Composition and effectiveness of Burenka cream

Popularity of the cream

This product has become very popular these days due to its natural composition. In addition, there is an advertisement on TV every day, where actress Tatyana Vasilyeva actively promotes it, which naturally affects its demand.

Nowadays, the store sells a lot of products that are stuffed with chemicals and do not have the best effect on the condition of the skin. Because of this trend, most ladies try to choose creams containing only natural ingredients and vegetable oils. After all, only such cosmetics can keep the skin young and beautiful for a long time. Therefore, over time, women turned their attention to Burenka cream, which for a long time was sold only in veterinary pharmacies and has a completely natural composition that nourishes the skin well.

More recently, the product was adapted to human skin and received the appropriate certificate, after which it began to be sold in a regular pharmacy.

About the composition of the cream

Burenka cream, which has a unique composition, includes demineralized water, the Phytofloran complex with extracts of various plants (30 items), polyglyceryl, isopropyl palmitate, white beeswax, glycerin, magnesium, phenoxyethanol, ethylhexylglycerin, sorbitan oleate. Does not contain toxins and is not addictive, it can be used for a long period.

The active components of the product exhibit keratoplasty, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic activity. It is endowed with softening and wound-healing properties.

Burenka cream, the composition of which is ideal for aging and aging skin, intensively nourishes the epidermis with all kinds of vitamins, increases its turgor, elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, and evens out.

Composition of the facial product

The website describes the composition in great detail; the main active ingredients are phytofloran and peptides. Now I’ll tell you in detail what I read about the components.

  • phytofloran - a concentrate from an extract of medicinal plants, selected in such a way that they have a complex effect;
  • polyglyceryl - a nutrient from castor oil;
  • white beeswax – has antibacterial, wound-healing and antiseptic effects;
  • glycerin – moisturizes and nourishes;
  • magnesium – used for a uniform texture of the cosmetic product;
  • phenoxyethanol – has a powerful antimicrobial effect.

The cream does not contain harmful substances, dyes or flavors. I like its composition and most of the components are clear, which makes me happy. That is why it has no contraindications and is suitable even for those with very sensitive skin.

There were many reviews on the site from leading dermatologists, they all unanimously supported Burenka.

“Burenka is an excellent development by famous Russian specialists.
Thanks to its rich plant composition, it has a nourishing, moisturizing and regenerating effect on the epidermis. This product is one of the few that does not contain preservatives or chemical components. I recommend it to many of my patients, especially those prone to allergies. ” Olga Tarasovna, dermatologist, Krasnodar.

I like the fact that dermatologists have a good opinion of the cream. This means that Burenka is truly effective and safe. In addition, the rejuvenating effect that the product has is a huge plus for me. But a certain feeling of uncertainty did not leave me.

Indications and contraindications

The main indications for its use are excessively dry, chapped, sensitive and problematic facial skin.

Face cream "Burenka", reviews of which are positive, removes peeling, irritation, relieves various redness of the skin, heals cracks and wounds. And all this thanks to the “Fitofloran” plant complex.

A contraindication is individual intolerance to the ingredients in the drug. The cream is natural, so many of its components can cause an allergic reaction.

The product is recommended to be used morning and evening on problem areas of the skin. Rub it in with massaging movements until completely absorbed.


Due to the unique composition of the cosmetic product, there are not many analogues. One of them is a domestically produced product – “Zorka” face cream.

The active component is also florazilin. Use for the whole body against cracks, wounds, dryness, peeling, irritation, chapping. Refers to medicinal cosmetics. The history of its origin is similar. Initially, a cream was produced to treat the udder of cows. The composition is also not much different from Burenka. The significant difference is the price. A jar of Zorka cream costs about 100 rubles.

Positive and negative sides

Cream "Burenka" has absorbed many natural ingredients; it contains about 30 extracts of medicinal herbs alone. It is these ingredients that miraculously nourish, moisturize and increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

The product has a thick, dense consistency and a subtle pleasant smell of olive oil, which disappears after 15 minutes, leaving no memories of itself.

Cream "Burenka", reviews of which stated its uniqueness, has formed its own positive aspects, among which can be noted:

  • versatility, that is, it can be used at any time of the day and for different skin types;
  • daily and long-term use on the face instead of night and day cream;
  • softening rough skin throughout the body, be it elbows, hands or heels;
  • does not leave marks on clothes;
  • intensive hydration even for dry, chapped skin;
  • rapid healing of cracks and wounds;
  • contains only natural ingredients;
  • does not contain toxic or harmful substances;
  • can be successfully used as an after-sun cream.

Along with the pros and cons of its use, these are:

  • For those with oily skin, it is recommended to use it only in the evening;
  • the cream is too thick, so it is difficult to spread over the surface;
  • Absorbs into the skin for a long time, about 15-20 minutes.


Burenka cream for hands, body, heels is produced. Horsepower. Packaged in 250 ml jars. The interesting packaging with the image of Burenka the cow allows us to draw ambiguous conclusions. Some people are attracted to it, others, on the contrary, are repelled. One way or another, the history of the origin of the cosmetic product is connected with cows.

Initially, a cream was developed and released to care for the udder of a cow. It treated and prevented cracks, inflammation, and helped get rid of scratches and abrasions. During use, women noticed a significant improvement in the skin of their hands. This fact prompted manufacturers to come up with a new idea - to produce a cream for women. Since the brand was already promoted, the name and image remained the same.

Modern Burenka is a cream with a pleasant, unobtrusive scent that quickly disappears. The thick, dense structure of the cosmetic product is absorbed within 20 minutes. The softness and silkiness of the skin can be felt after this time.

Cream "Burenka" for face

You can't have a beautiful appearance without taking care of your skin. “Burenka” face cream, reviews of which indicate its effectiveness, is a good helper in the fight against old age, aging and skin imperfections such as redness, inflammation and peeling.

The product is suitable for any skin type, but is especially indicated for excessively dry and aging skin. In this case, it should be used morning and evening, replacing the day and night cream. For oily skin, it should only be applied at night, as during the day it can cause excessive greasiness and shine.

Burenka face cream deeply nourishes the skin at the cellular level, restores it from the inside, saturates it with vitamins and other beneficial substances, makes it younger, healthier and more elastic.

In the morning, before applying makeup, you should take into account that this cosmetic product takes a long time to be absorbed, so it should be used 15-20 minutes before the procedure. Before applying cosmetics, excess should be removed with a napkin.

As a base for makeup, it can only be used for dry skin types.

“Burenka” face cream gives only positive results, the photo once again confirms this.

Expert advice on using cream

You can avoid unpleasant surprises during the period of using Burenka by taking into account the following recommendations from experts:

  • Those with oily skin should use the product with caution. It is better to apply it no more than once a day (in the evening before bed).
  • The composition for the body has a dense consistency. It is difficult to distribute over a large area of ​​skin. A bath or shower makes the task easier. After hygiene procedures, the pores open slightly. The components penetrate the layers of the epidermis faster, which speeds up the absorption of the product.
  • In summer, it is recommended to use the product only for people with extremely dry skin. The rest of the summer is better to take a break.

For legs, arms and body

But not only the face will be delighted with the Burenka cream; other parts of the body will not refuse to “feast” on the beneficial substances in the product. This product is unique and easily heals the most severe cracked heels in 2-3 applications. Well softens rough skin on elbows and hands. Used after shower to moisturize and nourish the entire body. Perfectly moisturizes the skin after sunbathing and prevents flaking. Protects against wind and frost in winter.

The cream is too thick and it is better to lightly moisten the skin with water before using it. The product does not help solve all problems the first time, but it has a cumulative effect, in which the need for its consumption decreases, and the skin absorbs less and less of it over and over again.

When to start using

Burenka skin cream is designed to nourish and moisturize the skin. Women usually face such problems after 30 years of age. The heavy structure of the cosmetic product does not allow it to be used by teenagers, but by young women. Although there are exceptions. The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance to the components. However, incorrect use of the cream does not solve the problems at all; on the contrary, it adds to them. Why is that?

Young skin is able to cope with problems on its own. Moisturizing with such a strong product as Burenka will lead to the appearance of excess fat and disruption of the sebaceous glands. As a result, comedones, inflamed acne, and so on will appear. But for aging skin, problematic after 35 years, it’s just right. Thanks to excellent hydration and nutrition, the skin is gradually rejuvenated. Water balance is restored, dryness disappears, tone is evened out, wrinkles are smoothed out. Elasticity, silkiness and youth return.

Periodic use of Burenka cream by young people for medicinal purposes is allowed - to eliminate problems of frostbite and chapping. Or as a preventive measure for these conditions.

Storage conditions for the cream

The “Burenka” product is a “living” product, as it contains about 30 various herbal ingredients collected in the unique “Fitofloran” complex. In order for all active ingredients to remain active and the cream to help eliminate problems, it should be stored correctly. The optimal temperature at which the active substances do not lose their properties is from +5 °C to +25 °C.

The product has a fairly large jar - 250 ml, in which, under proper conditions, it can be stored for up to two years. Do not use it after the expiration date.

Price in pharmacy

You can buy the product in Moscow at a price of 438 rubles .

The average cost of cream in other regions for the face is 350-460 rubles (100 ml), for the body - 530-546 rubles (250 ml).

The product is released without a prescription.

Before using it, you need to carefully read the rules of use and features of the procedure.

Where to buy the product:

  • pharmacies, including online stores;
  • cosmetic stores.

Doctors' recommendations

Due to its healing properties, Burenka cream, which has only positive reviews from doctors, is recommended for use by cosmetologists on dry and problem areas of the skin. In these cases, it shows simply amazing results, removes peeling, inflammation, irritation, heals cracks and wounds. The product is able to moisturize even the most dry skin and provide it with proper care. Helps preserve youth and beauty when the skin is withering, as it effectively smoothes its surface, improves complexion, and helps increase turgor.

Reviews about "Burenka"

Perhaps no product has caused as many conflicting opinions as Burenka cream, reviews of which are mostly positive. Those with dry skin especially noted its effect. After using it, their skin literally came to life. Dryness, flaking and feeling of tightness are gone. It is especially effective after taking a shower or bath, when the skin is steamed and ready to actively interact with the ingredients of the product.

“Burenka” face cream, reviews of which you can hear from friends, makes the skin more toned and moisturized already after 2-3 uses. Some say that it can stop time, because the effect after its use lasts for a long time, and nutrients accumulate in the skin gradually.

The Burenka cream, reviews of which speak of its effectiveness, affects the skin gradually, and only after 2 weeks of its use a truly amazing effect is noticeable.

This product can be used not only for the face, but also for the whole body. It is also used as a hand cream. “Burenka” received simply amazing reviews about itself in this case. Thus, most ladies compared the skin of their arms, legs and body after regular application of the cream with the skin of a baby. They applied it in a thick layer to their limbs, after which they put cotton socks on their feet and gloves specially designed for this purpose on their hands. After this procedure, extraordinary smoothness and softness were observed. I felt nourished and hydrated. Turgor increased. These qualities were especially observed in women after forty, because it was during this period that the epidermis loses its former elasticity and begins to fade.

Many people use the product as a lifesaver when the skin is most exposed to the external environment, for example in summer or autumn-winter. It is at this time that the skin on the face, hands and feet is most affected by factors such as heat, dry air, smog, large amounts of dust, cold air, frost, wind and rain.

Negative impressions of the cream

But not only the Burenka cream left behind positive impressions, there are also negative reviews about it.

Many ladies, despite its positive effect, do not understand how such a product can be used on the face. After all, there is a huge assortment of all kinds of caring products designed specifically for these purposes. In their opinion, cosmetic preparations cannot be universal; they must be divided according to skin type and are not at all suitable for all parts of the body.

Some representatives of the fair sex are confused by the aroma of the cream, since, according to them, it not only contains the smell of olive oil, but also smells slightly of gasoline. There is a category of people for whom it did not help at all, but only caused irritation on the skin.

Despite the fact that the product has been certified, and the Burenka cream, the reviews of which are simply amazing, is sold in pharmacies, many people still have doubts about its adaptation to human skin. According to them, the drug “Burenka” from the veterinary pharmacy is no different in composition from the cream “Burenka” from “Horsepower”.

Cream "Burenka", reviews of which are very different, of course, is not a panacea for all ills and is effective only with regular use for several weeks, but this remedy is quite worthy of attention, and every woman should try it.

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