How to enlarge lips with exercises? Exercises for beautiful lips

The shape of the lips largely determines the facial expression, as well as the first impression that a person makes on others. We all love expressive, voluminous, beautifully shaped lips that are proportional to the rest of our facial features and look natural. Those who naturally have very narrow “flat” or asymmetrical lips are well aware that they add age and give the face a capricious, dissatisfied or sad expression.

Everyone knows that now cosmetology allows you to quickly eliminate any such defect, but not everyone knows that you can do face building at home to make your mouth fuller and more beautiful. What is this procedure and how to perform it?

Is it possible to enlarge lips with exercises?

Cosmetologists have different opinions on this matter. Some believe that this is a useless practice. But others insist on doing similar exercises to make their lips fuller and fuller.

In any case, even if you don’t get the expected result, you definitely won’t do any harm. With similar exercises you will strengthen the muscles of your face, thereby improving its contours. In addition, with the help of exercises you can reduce wrinkles and slightly raise the corners of your mouth.

Please note that in order to achieve results, you must systematically perform the exercises. At the very beginning, it is recommended to do 10 repetitions of each technique, and then increase to 20.

At first, you may feel slight pain or tugging around your mouth. This is quite normal, it is called muscle pain. You can see the results after a month of regular training. After this, you can perform the complex every other day or twice a week.

How age affects the contour of the mouth

If you do not work in this direction, the shape of the lips and lower face area may change beyond recognition. And not for the better. As a rule, blocks and stagnations form in untrained muscles, due to which the skin sags, loses tone and elasticity, wrinkles form and unsightly depressions appear. The contours seem to be blurred, and the facial expression itself personifies dissatisfaction and senile fatigue.

Interesting: How to relax your facial muscles without Botox.

Exercises to make your lips plump. Photos before and after

The exercises are based on improving blood circulation in the muscles around the lips. Basic exercises for volume:

  • Fish. Close your lips and pull them out with a straw. Now try to open and close your mouth with these tubular lips. You will get something similar to the movements of a fish
  • Air kiss. Extend your lips and close them. Now place your palm on your mouth and blow on it with closed lips. It turns out that the hand will spring from such a breath
  • We smile. Relax your lips and close them, now smile. Use the tips of the index fingers of both hands to stretch your lips, and press your lips to your teeth. You will get a smile without lips; they will hide inside the mouth. Now move your mouth from side to side without opening your lips
  • We paint our lips. You need to imitate movements with your finger, as if smearing lipstick. This is a kind of massage that improves blood circulation.
  • Infinity. Close your lips and extend them forward. Draw an infinity sign with sponges


Important! In some cases, myogymnastics is not recommended or even contraindicated:

  1. Bite disorders in an advanced stage (3 and above).
  2. Atrophy of the facial or jaw muscles caused by any pathologies.
  3. Hypotrophy of the jaw as a result of certain somatic pathologies (for example, rickets caused by vitamin D deficiency).
  4. Immobility of the jaw joints.

Contraindications to the use of myogymnastics

Exercises for lip muscles

With these simple exercises you will strengthen your lip muscles and prevent them from aging. Classes are recommended for ladies who smoke, as during the process of smoking vertical wrinkles form around the mouth.

Strengthening muscles:

  • Alphabet. You need to pronounce vowels. To do this, sit in front of a mirror and watch your mouth. Pronounce the sounds and try to make it clear from your lips which letter you are saying. That is, you need to stretch your lips as much as possible when pronouncing “u”, and widen your mouth when pronouncing “a”
  • Pencil. This is a great subject to practice with the mouth. To do this, close your lips and put a pencil between them. Now try to move the stationery back and forth and from right to left without using your hands.
  • Vibration. An excellent activity for strengthening muscles. Close the lips with a tube and pull forward strongly. You should feel the tension. Move your index finger from top to bottom, making a vowel sound. You should eventually hear a vibrating sound

Exercises for lips and cheeks

These exercises will make the contour of the face more defined and eliminate the signs of aging when the oval “blurs”. There are special classes for this; they will help strengthen the muscles of the cheeks and make the cheekbones more defined.

Note! The content of adipose tissue on the face is less than on the buttocks and thighs, so to get results it is enough to repeat the exercises regularly for 1-2 months.

Instructions for performing exercises for the cheeks:

  • Samovar. Puff out both cheeks and try to fill them up more. You need to feel the tension. After this, release the air by cupping your mouth
  • Dudka. The activity is reminiscent of playing the trumpet or pipe. To do this, make your lips a tube and pull them forward. Blow air without filling your cheeks. Now expand the “pipe”, but the lips should still be a tube, and the diameter of the hole should be larger. Bare your teeth and blow the air again
  • Smile. Open your mouth wide, pronouncing the letter “o”. It is necessary that the upper and lower lips are pressed tightly against the teeth. Now try to smile without taking your lips away from your teeth. Place your index fingers on your lower eyelids and try to feel your cheeks lift when you try to smile

What is myogymnastics

Myogymnastics is an auxiliary method used in orthodontics along with wearing braces and mouth guards, surgery and laser therapy. The technique has become very widespread due to its effectiveness in both pediatric and adult dentistry. It is a complex of exercise therapy, specially designed for the correction of dental disorders by training the muscular system that surrounds the dentition.

Before starting gymnastics, a thorough examination and determination of the condition of the patient’s teeth and jaws is necessary. Most often, a special Rubinov test is used for this. It consists of giving the patient a nut kernel weighing 800 mg to chew. The act of chewing continues until the swallowing reflex appears. When it occurs, the patient is asked to spit out the chewed mass into a special bowl, after which it is dried and weighed. The worse the functional condition of the jaw and teeth, the larger the chewed particles and the longer the act of chewing lasts.

What is myogymnastics

Myogymnastics can be prescribed:

  1. Before the start of direct treatment.
  2. Simultaneously with other treatment methods.
  3. As an independent method in mild cases.
  4. After the main course of therapy to prevent relapses and to consolidate the results obtained.

Important! You should not try to correct your bite by performing exercises without first consulting a specialist. This may not only not bring the desired result, but also worsen the situation, since exercises for different muscle groups are indicated for different defects. Only a doctor can determine which muscle group needs training.

The principle of treatment and the use of myogymnastics

Exercises for drooping corners of lips

Dropped corners may be genetic or a result of gravity. Perhaps the person is often angry and sad. Usually the muscles later occupy a position that is often repeated. Of course, this cosmetic defect can be eliminated with makeup, but you can raise the corners using exercises and articulatory gymnastics.


  • Make a dissatisfied grimace and press your lips tightly. They should be like a straight line. Now retract your lips and tense your mouth muscles as much as possible. Push your lips forward
  • Open your mouth and say the letter "e". When pronouncing, try to pull the corners towards the cheekbones. It's like you're forming a smile with your fingers.
  • Pronounce the letter “o” by stretching out your lips. Try to tense your mouth muscles as much as possible. Relax your muscles again. Do 15 reps
  • Inhale and exhale alternately through the right and left corners of your lips. Raise the corners as much as possible
  • Inhale through your nose and exhale quickly, pursing your lips. Repeat several times


Myogymnastics, if all techniques and rules are followed, is considered an effective method of occlusion correction and is recognized by the global dental community. The effectiveness of this type of exercise therapy depends on several factors:

  1. Severity of malocclusion.
  2. The patient's age.
  3. Regularity and commitment.

Myogymnastics gives maximum results to patients in childhood whose baby teeth have not yet been replaced by molars. It is at this age that the jaw muscles are most plastic, and the cartilage and bone tissue are still soft.

As an independent therapy, exercise therapy has a sufficient effect in case of malocclusion of the upper jaw and curvature of the anterior teeth.

  • Microimplants in orthodontics

Types of malocclusion

Exercises for wrinkles above the upper lip

Typically, such wrinkles appear earlier in women who smoke and those who like to drink cocktails through a straw. Women with dry skin are prone to this problem.

Exercises to smooth out wrinkles above the upper lip:

  • Clench your teeth tightly and try to bend your lower lip as much as possible with your muscles. Make sure that the corners do not point down. You should expose your gums. After this, widen your mouth as much as possible. It should look like a rectangle
  • Pull out your mouth with a straw. Now take turns retracting your lower and upper lips. Cover one lip with the other alternately
  • Make a tube with your lips and blow out air. Place your fingers on your lips and move your lips from side to side, trying to move your palm


When performing myogymnastics, doctors recommend following a number of rules and precautions. This will ensure safety and help achieve the maximum possible effect. Typically, at an appointment with an orthodontist, the patient receives the following recommendations:

  1. When performing physical therapy, it is necessary to carefully monitor muscle tension. It is important to choose the optimal load and prevent pain from occurring, since overtraining can harm and even worsen bite defects.
  2. The load should increase gradually. Don't try to do every exercise with maximum effort. The number of repetitions should increase from workout to workout. This will also avoid overexertion and make performing myogymnastics more comfortable.
  3. However, contractions should still be performed with some effort until a slight feeling of fatigue appears. The patient should also strive to constantly increase the amplitude.
  4. Before each approach, you need to take short breaks to allow tense muscles to relax and recover a little.

Rules for conducting myogymnastics

Sometimes, when jaw changes are quite pronounced, when performing gymnastics, special devices and devices are used, which are given by the doctor. They help achieve results faster.

Exercises for lip volume

These exercises will make your lips plump and attractive. All exercises are based on training the muscles of the mouth and lips. In addition, they improve the shape of the face and prevent the formation of a double chin.


  • Sit in front of the mirror and close your lips as if kissing someone. Rotate these lips clockwise and counterclockwise 10-20 times. You should feel a slight burning sensation in your lips
  • Now look at yourself in the mirror and try to pronounce vowels with your sponges rolled into a tube. After repeating all the letters, relax your mouth, and then repeat the lesson again
  • Sit in front of a mirror and blow on it, as if trying to blow out a candle. Try to strain your mouth as much as possible

Contrast massage

This massage tones the skin of the lips, making them elastic. The lip contour will become more noticeable.

How to give a massage:

  1. First you need to prepare a small container with warm water. It should not be hot so as not to burn the sensitive skin of your lips.

  2. Add a pinch of soda to warm water.
  3. Fill another container with cold water.
  4. Now you need to first cleanse the skin of your lips from impurities. Any product for sensitive skin will do. You can also do the scrubbing procedure, which is described in the previous paragraph.
  5. Using a small napkin, wet your lips with warm water. The warmth will pleasantly spread across the skin, and a noticeable blood flow will appear. The napkin should be kept on the lips for 15 seconds.
  6. Then you need to dip the napkin in cold water and repeat the same thing.
  7. The procedure must be repeated 2-3 times while the water in one container is still warm.

Japanese lip exercises

There are several Japanese mouth enlargement techniques. The silicone trainer “Japanese lips” is now on sale. It is inserted into the mouth and it is necessary to pronounce all the sounds of the alphabet, trying to form the lips as usual when speaking. Silicone creates resistance, and it is not at all easy to perform the exercises.

Japanese exercises, instructions:

  • Whistling your favorite tune with your lips curled up
  • Make a tube of your lips and try to touch them to your chin or nose
  • Open your mouth a little and stick out your tongue. Try to reach them as far as possible
  • Close your teeth and alternately move them from side to side

Maybe try another way?

Other options for adding volume to lips:

  • surgical - insertion of implants (silicone and Gore-tex), lipofilling (filling the lips with fat taken from other parts of the body);
  • cosmetic – filler injections (hyaluronic acid, Botox);
  • cosmetic – the use of special makeup techniques;
  • massage.

Gymnastics has a number of advantages over them. They consist in accessibility, ease of execution and low time investment for its implementation.

How to enlarge lips with exercises: tips and reviews

The most important thing is regular exercise. Try not to miss a day. These are simple exercises that can be done at home or in the office.


  • Combine exercises with some active activities. Can cook food and pronounce vowel sounds
  • Initially, use a mirror to see how your mouth moves
  • Try to tense the muscles of your face and lips as much as possible.
  • Combine exercises for different parts of the face. Don't focus on lips
  • You can make a nourishing honey mask for your sponges before exercise. So, they will become elastic
  • If you urgently need to enlarge your lips, use a plummer. This is a kind of suction cup that stretches the lips

There are many methods to make a woman's mouth attractive. Use the safest ones.

Additional recommendations to maintain results

Once the desired result has been achieved, you should not abandon lip augmentation exercises. However, you can reduce the load or frequency of training. Once a good result is achieved, you can switch to lip massage. It will improve blood circulation in this area and add richness to the lips. Regular moisturizing of the skin, especially with cool water, will also help, as it has rejuvenating properties.

It is initially best to perform these exercises in front of a mirror in order to observe your actions and avoid making mistakes. Before and after workouts, moisturize lips and nearby skin areas. This will help you enlarge your lips with the help of exercises painlessly. Under no circumstances should you neglect training, as this may lead to loss of results. Lip training in general is a useful activity not only for beauty, but also for health.

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