TOP 12 best anti-wrinkle creams for the face - 2022 ranking

05/08/2021 Alina Zaikova 1 Comment

Experts unanimously say: not a single anti-wrinkle cream will return the skin to its former youth or eliminate age-related changes. No matter how much it costs or what “magic” ingredients it contains. And yet there are benefits to this type of cosmetics: a good product helps improve skin condition, increase elasticity and restore facial freshness.

Today we will talk about which anti-wrinkle cream is better - expensive or cheap, and what components in the composition you should pay attention to. We will also carefully study the features, advantages and disadvantages of the most popular cosmetic products that are designed to combat age-related skin changes.

Types of wrinkles

Before moving directly to the review of the best creams, it is worth understanding the types of wrinkles and the reasons for their formation. This will help you take a fresh look at the choice of cosmetics and the need for regular care procedures.

What causes wrinkles to appear?

There are several reasons:

  • aging. The most obvious factor. With age, collagen synthesis decreases, the skin becomes less elastic;
  • dermatoheliosis. Simply put, photoaging, which occurs due to excessive tanning;
  • sudden change in weight. Wrinkles often occur in women who have dramatically lost weight and got rid of significant excess weight;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle. Nicotine addiction, alcohol abuse, poor sleep - all this impairs blood flow in the skin and worsens its condition;
  • lively facial expressions. Deep expression wrinkles occur in those people who are accustomed to often frowning, raising their eyebrows, squinting and even smiling;
  • skin diseases. Some dermatological diseases lead to dry skin and decreased turgor;
  • structural features of the skull. Wrinkles on the face and neck occur in people, for example, with an incorrect bite.

According to the degree of severity, skin folds can be divided into superficial and deep. The first ones can occur at a young age, but they are easier to deal with. The reasons for its appearance are dry skin, weight loss, improper care. Deep wrinkles occur with age. And it is impossible to get rid of them through cosmetic products alone.

And yet, you shouldn’t give up and sadly watch age-related changes on your skin. You have the power to delay old age a little and delay the appearance of superficial and deep wrinkles. You need to choose the right anti-wrinkle cream, paying attention to the active ingredients in the composition.

Serum Revitalift Laser X3, L`Oreal Paris

The price segment chosen for this selection seems to hint that we won’t be able to limit ourselves to just one product from the L’Oreal Paris range, although why should we, if this product really deserves to be here? Revitalift Laser X3, in our opinion, is more powerful than the brand’s creams and is good because the effect of its use is visible instantly. Fills fine wrinkles, visually evening out the skin and making it smoother. It makes your face look healthier and more well-groomed overall, and isn’t that what we all want?

The best ingredients for anti-wrinkle creams

If you study the composition of anti-wrinkle creams, you will be surprised to see familiar components present in other cosmetic products. In fact, there is nothing surprising about this. Anti-aging products contain vitamins, natural oils, hyaluron, and natural antioxidants. All these ingredients are needed to retain moisture and protect the skin.

But with active ingredients against age-related changes, everything is a little more complicated. In order for users to feel the effect, ingredients that have a regenerating effect and the ability to fill skin folds are added to the anti-wrinkle face cream.

Photo: The list of popular components is as follows.

  • Collagen. This compound additionally undergoes a hydrolysis stage in order to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, moisturize well and fill wrinkles.
  • Retinoids. Vitamin A derivatives. The cream renews the skin and stimulates the dermis to produce collagen.
  • Peptides. Components of protein compounds. Thanks to their special structure, they penetrate deep into the skin, nourish cells, and stimulate their division.
  • Muscle relaxants. Protein compounds that resemble botulinum toxins in action. Relaxes facial muscles, promotes accelerated nutrition of dermal cells.
  • AHA and BHA acids. Hydro acids that effectively exfoliate dead cells, accelerate regeneration, and stimulate collagen synthesis. Most often these are glycolic, citric, lactic and salicylic acids.

The best anti-wrinkle creams contain some or all of these ingredients in certain proportions. Experts advise that before purchasing, be sure to study the composition of the cosmetic product.

Basic rules for maintaining youthful facial skin

The main conditions for youthful facial skin are still the “three pillars” - cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition. Any, even the most modern remedy against the signs of aging will be powerless if the skin is poorly cleansed. We are talking about both daily cleaning and peeling, the frequency of which is calculated depending on your age. The renewal cycle of young skin is approximately 28 days, and that of older skin is twice as long. The older a woman or man is, the more often it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of dirt and dead cells. A sufficient amount of moisture and regular nutrition smooth out the signs of age: there is no tightness, creases or wrinkles.

General recommendations will also help maintain youthful skin.

  • Walking in the fresh air cannot be replaced by any remedy; experts have calculated that no matter how you ventilate the room, the oxygen content in the air outside will be 20% higher.
  • Your skin feeds along with you, so before you eat another muffin instead of an apple, remember this.
  • General physical activity accelerates the delivery of necessary beneficial elements to the cells of the dermis; Walking at a brisk pace helps speed up your metabolism overall.
  • Alcohol contains an ethanol component, which steals collagen from your skin and disrupts the metabolism of vitamins C and E, but collagen in your dermis equals skin elasticity.
  • Shield your face from the sun: No matter how attractive golden skin color is, ultraviolet rays have many side effects - freckles, blemishes, dryness, redness.
  • Even the simplest facial massage once a week at home will significantly improve the quality of facial skin and muscle tone and make the face more elastic.
  • A good sleep, better than eight hours, restores the energy resources of not only the skin, but also the entire body.

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The most popular brands and manufacturers

Perhaps all major cosmetic companies offer creams for aging skin. And luxury brands, and brands specializing in pharmaceutical products, and mass market manufacturers. And in each segment there are several leaders whose products deserve special attention due to their good composition and high quality.

Luxury brands offering the best anti-wrinkle creams:

  • Guerlain;
  • Estee Lauder;
  • Lancôme
  • Clarins;
  • Helena Rubinstein;
  • Clinigue;
  • Dior.

There is no need to worry about the quality of the products of these companies. The cosmetics have a long-lasting effect and contain “unique” ingredients. Well, it costs many times more than mass-market goods. However, some users and experts are convinced that there is not much difference between them.

Popular brands offering pharmacy products:

  • Avene;
  • Lierac;
  • La-Roshe Posae;
  • Vichy.

Products from these manufacturers are also expensive, although somewhat cheaper than luxury cosmetics. The main feature of pharmacy anti-aging creams is a high concentration of active substances, which allows you to fight aging and qualitatively improve the condition of the skin.

There are good brands in the mass market:

  • L'Oreal;
  • "Green Mama";
  • Garnier;
  • Nivea;
  • Bielita Vitex;
  • Natura Siberica, etc.

You shouldn’t expect any special miracles from the products of these companies, but the skin care is still decent. And most importantly - affordable price.

In addition, experts advise taking a closer look at professional cosmetics. It is sold in beauty salons and specialized retail outlets. The most popular products are from brands such as NeoStrata, SesDerma, Skin Doctors, SkinCeuticals, Janssen, Cristina.

Smoothing serum with retinol Anew Clinical, Avon

At the time of publication of this material, the cost of the Avon serum was about 300 hryvnia, although, in our opinion, the composition and effect of its use could have cost much more. The serum gives the face instant smoothness, delicately renews the surface of the epidermis, works to smooth out wrinkles and lighten pigmentation - thanks to retinol, which, as they say, is the reason for everything.

The best anti-wrinkle cream - a review of popular products

Choosing “your” product is quite difficult. Many factors need to be taken into account, including age. After all, the needs of skin at 30 and 50 years old are different. Our rating includes only the best anti-wrinkle creams for young and mature women.

12th place. Green Mama Golden Root and Vitamin F

Inexpensive and high-quality product from a domestic manufacturer. Anti-wrinkle cream from the “Aleut” series has a natural composition, including a huge number of plant components. The main ingredient is golden root, which improves interstitial metabolism, increases skin tone, and activates detoxification processes. Vitamin F, in turn, promotes deep hydration, stimulating the growth and renewal of dermal cells.

The cream also contains extracts from sea buckthorn berries, hawthorn, chokeberry, buckwheat, gamamelis, wheat germ proteins, oil extracts of carrot seeds, borage, sea buckthorn, vitamins A and E. The complex of components saturates the skin with beneficial substances, protects it from harmful environmental factors , improve blood circulation in tissues, fight visible signs of aging.

Feedback from customers suggests that the cream is more of a preventive remedy and not a panacea for wrinkles. Yes, it moisturizes well and nourishes the skin with useful substances. But he is unable to cope with deep wrinkles and visible signs of aging on his face.


  • quality product;
  • many natural ingredients in the composition;
  • no synthetic fragrances;
  • availability;
  • low price;
  • light matting effect;
  • convenient packaging;
  • can be used both as a day and as a night cream.


  • contains parabens;
  • will not smooth out wrinkles;
  • a bit fat.

Cream Green Mama Vitamin F and cornflower 100 ml, 100 ml

11th place. Garnier Skin Naturals Anti-wrinkle protection 35+

Many 35-year-old women worry about how their skin ages. But they have the power to slow down this process a little, and for relatively little money. Anti-wrinkle cream from Garnier, thanks to the specially developed formula “Plant Cells of Youth + Polyphenols,” helps stimulate cell regeneration, moisturize the skin, and smooth out fine wrinkles.

The active components are vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties, green tea extract, which protects the skin from harmful environmental influences, caffeine, which retains moisture and restores the lipid elements of epidermal cells. Apple tree extract prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

The texture of the cream is pleasant and delicate. The aroma is subtle, unobtrusive. Absorbs quickly, there are no traces of stickiness. Users note the positive effect of using the cosmetic product, the absence of greasy shine after application. True, you can’t expect wrinkles to smooth out and a girlish glow to return either. In general, a good product for little money, but without the “wow” effect.


  • cheap;
  • good quality;
  • absence of harmful components in the composition;
  • nice smell;
  • pleasant consistency;
  • There is still a positive effect;
  • the face looks fresher and more well-groomed;
  • no greasy film.


  • wrinkles in place;
  • lack of dispenser;
  • small jar size.

Cream Garnier Anti-wrinkle protection 35+ night care, 50 ml

10th place. Laura Evalar anti-aging with peptides

A good anti-wrinkle face cream for 400 rubles? Do you think it's fantasy? No, really. At least, this is what the manufacturer claims, positioning its product as a revolutionary product. How real this is is difficult to say. One thing is known - the product contains a complex of peptides that prolongs the life of skin cells and enhances the production of collagen and elastin.

The composition is also additionally strengthened with hyaluron, plant estrogens of wild yam (hormonal action has not been proven, however), vitamins A and E, and panthenol. These components provide ideal conditions for peptides to work: they help moisturize the skin, protect against harmful environmental influences, and raise hormonal levels, which is very important for female beauty.

The manufacturer claims that Laura anti-wrinkle cream reduces the severity of wrinkles in just 4 weeks of use, allows you to tighten the oval of the face and change the structure of the skin for the better. The product can be used by both young girls and mature women. At 25 years old - as a preventive measure, at 50 - to combat wrinkles. But whether the product will help defeat your wrinkles is unknown. Need to try.


  • availability;
  • cheap;
  • good composition;
  • the presence of peptides in the composition;
  • moisturizes the skin well;
  • smooths out fine wrinkles;
  • nice smell;
  • improves complexion.


  • to see the effect, you need to use it for a long time;
  • greasy shine;
  • Additionally, it is recommended to use tablets (there are contraindications).

Evalar Laura Anti-aging face cream with peptides, 30 g

9th place. Skin Doctors Relaxaderm Advance

The ranking of the best anti-wrinkle creams would be incomplete without this product from the Australian brand. The description of the cosmetic product is promising: you can expect to smooth out any wrinkles and eliminate signs of aging of the skin in just a month. The cream also prevents the formation of new wrinkles and restores the elasticity and firmness of the epidermis.

What is the reason for such loud promises? The product contains 2 “miraculous” ingredients that complement each other and enhance the final result. Dermatox-63 is a new generation peptide complex that reduces the appearance of fine and deep wrinkles due to its relaxing effect. Hyaluronic acid, in turn, effectively retains moisture in the skin tissue, thereby increasing its elasticity and firmness.

Is this Australian product really the best anti-wrinkle cream? It's difficult to say, since reviews of the product are extremely contradictory. Some users note a noticeable improvement in their skin condition, while others say that such big words are just a marketing ploy and simple promises. But, in any case, this product deserves to be in our review.


  • high quality;
  • innovative formula;
  • the ability to fight even deep wrinkles;
  • good hydration;
  • pleasant texture;
  • very convenient dispenser;
  • economical consumption.


  • too loud promises;
  • does not really cope with deep wrinkles;
  • very expensive.

Skin Doctors Relaxaderm Advance Anti-wrinkle face cream, 30 ml

8th place. L'Oreal Paris Revitalift day filler

An innovative cream from one of the leaders in the cosmetic market. At least, this is the innovation promised by the manufacturer. What is it? The active formula includes high concentrations of hyaluron, which smoothes wrinkles, improves skin elasticity and stimulates cell renewal. Regular use of the product allows you to achieve a pronounced effect - smooth and tightened skin.

It also contains other useful components. An extract from rye grains that increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin. A caffeine product that accelerates regeneration processes and reduces swelling in tissues. An extract from galangal leaves (galangal, Siamese ginger), which increases skin tone, protects it from harmful environmental factors, and lightens pigmentation.

Reviews about the product are contradictory. Many people note the fact that small wrinkles are indeed smoothed out, but only for a while. And then everything returns to normal. This effect is apparently due to the presence of silicones in the composition. The complexion also becomes a little lighter and smoother. Otherwise, you shouldn’t expect miracles from mass-market products.


  • useful components in the composition;
  • really smooths out wrinkles (albeit for a while);
  • the face looks fresher and more rested;
  • good hydration;
  • beautiful packaging;
  • nice smell;
  • nice texture.


  • may roll off;
  • does not smooth out wrinkles;
  • a little oily for summer;
  • expensive for the mass market.

Cream L'Oreal Paris Revitalift filler [ha] day, 50 ml

7th place. Avene Ystheal

A company from France offers a good anti-wrinkle cream with retinol compounds. The main active component helps to activate the synthesis of collagen, lipid cell membranes, and skin regeneration. Squalane is a hydrocarbon that, upon contact with the skin, prevents moisture loss, increases the elasticity of the dermis, and accelerates regeneration processes. Triglycerides, also included in the composition, saturate the dermis with fatty acids, which means they increase its elasticity.

The cosmetic product has a gentle effect on dry and sensitive skin, helps smooth out the first wrinkles, and prevents a decrease in skin tone. In general, it is suitable for women over 30 years of age and is more of a preventive anti-aging cream. Can be used day and night, however, it does not protect against ultraviolet radiation, so you will additionally need sunscreen.

Reviews about the product are contradictory. Someone praises the French anti-aging cream, noting the smoothness of the skin and good hydration. Others note that the use of the product does not have any positive effect. True, both of them praise the pharmaceutical drug for its hypoallergenicity and high quality.


  • high quality;
  • pharmaceutical product;
  • good skin hydration;
  • healthy shine of the dermis;
  • complexion improves;
  • mild product with retinoids;
  • no noticeable odor;
  • convenient dispenser.


  • thick texture;
  • oily sheen on the skin;
  • no pronounced effect;
  • expensive.

Avene Ysteal face cream, 30 ml

6th place. Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme reme + Light Global Anti-Aging Cell Power Creme Oil-Free

Most experts are confident that a working anti-wrinkle cream containing high-quality and effective ingredients cannot be cheap. And a striking example of this is a product from a luxury brand, the cost of which reaches 8 thousand (!) rubles. At the same time, the creators of this miracle cream advise its use starting from the age of 25. To “freeze” wrinkles and stop the natural aging process of the skin.

The “key” to youthful and elastic skin is the special RevitaKey™ technology with moringa extract. It is a tropical evergreen tree that has been valued for centuries for its exceptional benefits to the body. The plant extract contains several important chemical compounds: potassium, calcium, vitamins, amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. This component greatly enhances the cream’s ability to stimulate the skin to synthesize collagen and elastin.

The product also contains peptides, extracts from bamboo, sunflower, barley grains, cucumber, and narcissus. Together, these ingredients tighten the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles, and increase the firmness, density and elasticity of the skin. The face looks radiant, healthy and well-groomed.


  • highest quality;
  • unique formula;
  • a huge number of useful components in the composition;
  • the skin is elastic;
  • no greasy shine;
  • nourishes and moisturizes well;
  • nice smell;
  • fine wrinkles are less noticeable.


  • dense consistency;
  • very expensive;
  • no dispenser.

Estee Lauder cream

5th place. CORA against swelling and wrinkles with Shea butter

Strong anti-aging drugs can negatively affect the condition of hypersensitive eyelid skin. And wrinkles in this area need to be dealt with somehow... A domestic company has released a cream-gel specifically designed to moisturize the dermis around the eyes, get rid of puffiness and dark circles. The product takes good care of the skin, restores its freshness and elasticity.

Many customers are attracted by the natural composition of the product. Little shea, wheat proteins, and vitamin complex are antioxidants and provide skin protection. Caffeine, cornflower extract, and parsley extract increase the tone of the dermis, drain it, and fight dark circles. Olive oil and ginseng root saturate the skin with moisture and numerous beneficial substances.

The consistency of the product is delicate, more gel than cream. It is very easy to apply due to its good absorption and absence of greasy residue. The result is also pleasing: a lifting effect and smoothing of small wrinkles are noticeable. And all this for a very affordable price. And, as you know, if there is no difference, then why pay more.


  • lifting effect;
  • easy application;
  • pleasant consistency;
  • natural composition;
  • good hydration;
  • convenient dispenser;
  • no grease or stickiness;
  • acceptable price.


  • the result is very modest;
  • sold only in pharmacies.

Kora Cream-gel for eyelids with shea butter against swelling and wrinkles Natural Beauty, 30 ml

4th place. Vichy Neovadiol Compensating Complex 45-60 years

A popular product from the famous French brand, which produces a whole line of pharmaceutical products based on thermal water. This particular cream is intended for women aged 45 years and older. Due to objective reasons (hormonal changes, menopause), women's skin during this period needs more careful and serious care to ensure high-quality nutrition, hydration, increased elasticity and restoration of the cell regeneration mechanism.

The active formula contains four components at once. Proxylan is responsible for the synthesis of its own collagen, resulting in the restoration of the dermis and epidermis and the reduction of wrinkles. Hepes and hydrovanse help accelerate the restoration of skin cells and reduce pigmentation. Hyaluronic acid is known for its high moisturizing properties.

The manufacturer promises skin restoration, wrinkle smoothing, and the appearance of a clear oval face. True, for this you need to combine a day cream with a night cream, as well as with a serum. A complex of several products will cost an impressive amount. However, some women are not afraid of this, and reviews of the pharmacy product are mostly positive.


  • pharmaceutical product;
  • high quality;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • no harmful components;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • wrinkles are really less pronounced;
  • the skin becomes denser;
  • good consistency;
  • there is a result.


  • expensive;
  • no dispenser;
  • You really need comprehensive care (plus serum and day/night cream).

Vichy Neovadiol day cream for normal skin, 50 ml

3rd place. Shiseido Benefiance Wrinkle Smoothing Day Cream

Wrinkle smoothing cream from a luxury brand. Created specifically for aging facial skin, specifically for day care. The product forms an invisible film on the surface that allows air to pass through, but repels various contaminants and aggressive particles. The special formula ensures self-healing of the skin, and, as the manufacturer promises, the process continues even after the product is abandoned.

The composition contains plant components that are actively used in cosmetics and medicine of the East. This is turmeric, Japanese date extract, soap nut, which are antioxidants and inhibitors of the aging process. The Kombu-Bounce system stimulates the formation of hyaluron. An extract from green tea leaves has a calming effect and tones the skin well.

The consistency is light, silky, literally melts on the skin. A big plus is SPF 25, that is, there is little protection from ultraviolet radiation, which accelerates the aging of the dermis. The floral aroma with notes of orange and green leaves is also pleasing. This scent additionally relaxes, improves mood, and provides pleasant freshness and cleanliness. In general, the manufacturers have provided for all the nuances.


  • good nutrition;
  • excellent hydration;
  • incredible aroma;
  • cool texture;
  • visual smoothing of wrinkles;
  • gives elasticity to the skin;
  • a large number of natural ingredients in the composition;
  • Works well with foundation.


  • very expensive;
  • the effect lasts only with regular use.

Shiseido Benefiance Wrinkle Smoothing Day Cream SPF 23

2nd place. Clinique Repairwear Laser Focus Wrinkle Correcting Eye

The best cream for wrinkles around the eyes, according to many cosmetologists, is from a famous American brand. Among the benefits of the product is the activation of collagen synthesis, which smoothes out wrinkles. According to information on the manufacturer's official website, regular use of the cream can reduce the number and severity of deep folds around the eyes. At the same time, the skin becomes hydrated, more elastic, fresh and as if after a long rest.

The active component is micrococcus lysate. This is a special enzyme related to probiotics and isolated from beneficial microflora. It is integrated into the internal complex of the skin and provides protection against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Other beneficial ingredients include squalane, extracts of red algae, sigezbekia orientalis, seaweed, barley, cucumber, rosemary, etc.

The texture of the cream is light, absorbs well and moisturizes the skin. The composition is anti-allergenic, does not have synthetic fragrances, and has been tested by ophthalmologists. Can be used under makeup. The manufacturer recommends using the product in combination with an intensive regenerating serum. But then the cost of care will simply skyrocket, since the prices of this brand are very, very high.


  • high quality;
  • unique formula;
  • absolutely safe product;
  • helps cope with wrinkles;
  • no fragrance;
  • can be used daily;
  • perfectly moisturizes the skin;
  • brightens dark circles under the eyes;
  • nice texture.


  • expensive;
  • I would like more effect (especially for that kind of money).

Clinique Repairwear Laser Focus Wrinkle Correcting Eye Cream 15 ml, 15 ml

1st place. Clarins Multi-Active Jour

If you are looking for an anti-wrinkle cream for up to 30 years, then pay attention to the product from. The active formula containing natural plant extracts and hydroacids is specially designed to combat the first age-related changes in the skin. The composition contains extracts of mallow, persimmon, European olive, myrothamnus, warthog, red algae, etc.

All these ingredients in combination promote cellular renewal, strengthen the epidermis, and enhance the regenerative functions of the skin. They also fill voids in the skin tissue, thereby smoothing out fine wrinkles and providing a tightening effect. As a result, facial contours become clearer, and the skin itself looks fresh, tightened and rested.

The product is well absorbed and does not leave greasy residue. Can be used before applying foundation. It has a protective factor of SPF 20, that is, it prevents the occurrence of pigmentation on the skin. The composition does not contain harmful parabens or artificial fragrances. Suitable for any skin type. Available in a 50 ml glass jar.


  • high quality;
  • many useful components in the composition;
  • there is sun protection;
  • no parabens or intense fragrances;
  • moisturizes well;
  • the skin literally glows;
  • economical consumption;
  • does not leave a greasy sheen;
  • improves skin condition.


  • expensive;
  • film effect on the face;
  • jar without dispenser.

Clarins Multi-Active Day Cream for all skin types SPF 20, 50 ml

Comparison table

Product nameActive componentsAge groupVolumeManufacturer country
SeaCare Anti-Aging DayPeptide complexFrom 35 to 50+50 mlIsrael
Riche Cosmetics Creme PreventNatural oils of wheat, grapes, sea buckthornFor mature skin50 mlRussia
Librederm MezoluxBrown algae extractFrom 35 years old30, 50 mlRussia
Lierac Premium Soyeuse Anti Age AbsoluePremium Cellular Complex, black flower extractsFrom 35 to 45 years50 mlFrance
Lancome Rénergie Multi-LiftRARE oligopeptides, adenosine, flax oil40+50 mlFrance
Licoberon Vitamin AgeLan ControlGlycolan, vitamins A and E30+50, 100 mlRussia
L'Oreal Paris RevitaliftHyaluronic acid, 3% proxylane35+50 mlGermany
Veda Vedica Age GuardNatural oils, black grape extract and green tea30+50 mlIndia
Biomatrix Q10 Anti-AgeCombination Q10, vitamin E, Shea butterFrom 3050 mlFrance
Time reversing intensiveRetinol XP Complex35+50 mlFrance

Useful tips

To choose the best anti-wrinkle cream, you must pay attention to the labels on the tube. They are made for a reason. Manufacturers indicate age markings: 25+, 30+, 45+, etc. It is also worth considering the type of skin. Products suitable for dry dermis are contraindicated for oily dermis. And vice versa.

Cosmetics work if used regularly. A systematic approach is also important when using a whole line of products from one manufacturer. This includes day and evening anti-wrinkle creams, anti-aging serum, masks, tonics for every skin type.

It should also be remembered that folds in the skin are not the only sign of impending, let’s say, maturity. Age-related changes include pigmentation, impaired turgor of the dermis, a “swimming” oval of the face, lowering of the sacs in the cheekbone area, delineation of the nasolabial folds, “dropping” of the corners of the mouth and eyes.

This means that the fight against fading must be comprehensive (massage, cosmetic procedures, etc.). Of course, anti-wrinkle cream is also included here. But he alone is not able to restore youth to the face or at least stop aging. But as an auxiliary product for the care of aging skin, it is quite suitable.

When do you need a cream with an anti-age effect?

No matter how much you would like it, the skin of the face, like the whole body, cannot maintain its youth forever. On average, after 25 years, metabolic processes in cells slow down and gradual withering begins. Signs of facial aging:

  • loss of skin tone;
  • the appearance of wrinkles;
  • sagging (ptosis) of the eyelids and lower third of the face;
  • lack of moisture;
  • thinning of the skin;
  • the appearance of pigment spots;
  • dull tone.

When exactly these symptoms appear depends on many factors:

  • genetics;
  • Lifestyle;
  • place of residence;
  • features of work;
  • health status.

On average, they begin to appear after the age of 30, but bad habits, lack of sleep and health problems can significantly speed up the process.

Serum Vegetal Rides & Lifting, Yves Rocher

The full cost of the product is about 800 hryvnia, but the brand often organizes promotions during which you can buy bestsellers for 50% cheaper. If you get to one of them, be sure to take Serum Vegetal Rides & Lifting. This is a light and invisible corset for the face, putting it on gives it elasticity and lifting. As an experiment, try applying the serum to only one half of your face and just look in the mirror - see what we mean?!

Based on materials from

Tags: anti-aging care, anti-aging products, anti-aging creams

How to slow down the aging process

Aging skin requires close attention and proper care. With age, the relief disappears, the skin becomes flabby. Effective treatments to slow down the aging process:

  • Use anti-aging products morning and evening every day.
  • Keep your body hydrated.
  • Wash only with purified water.
  • When going out in the sun, use products with SPF.

Aging skin is very sensitive to environmental influences.

It is not advisable to use anti-aging products before the age of 25. Creams are selected for each area separately:

  • Cheeks require massage with oils.
  • Nasolabial folds do not tolerate collagen and fatty products. Requires moisturizing and massage.
  • The area around the eyes is the most delicate area of ​​the face. Do not apply fatty creams containing collagen to it. It is recommended to use moisturizers or serums.
  • The décolleté area and neck require hydration and sun protection.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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