Bruises for no reason: why blood vessels burst on the body

Arsenyev Alexey Olegovich

Vascular surgeon, phlebologist, Ultrasound doctor

October 25, 2021

Of course, subcutaneous hemorrhage or bruising on the body can look unsightly and cause aesthetic discomfort. If this is an isolated situation, then, as a rule, there is nothing wrong with it. If the situation repeats: bruises occur in different places and, perhaps, complaints appear in other organs and systems (for example, pain in the heart, joints), then you should figure out why the vessels burst on the legs or body, as this may be a manifestation one of the more serious pathologies.

Causes of intradermal hemorrhages

  • Domestic injury

Living under time pressure, a person is constantly in a hurry to get somewhere and sometimes does not notice how in the course of his actions he receives some minor injuries or bruises. There is a direct cause-and-effect relationship in this: injury - damaged/burst vessels in the legs - bruise. There will be no injuries - there will be no hemorrhages.

  • Phlebeurysm

With this disease, moderate venous hypertension is created in the superficial venous system due to valve incompetence and the formation of blood stagnation in the veins. Along with this, there is already an overstretched, swollen vein (varix - from the Latin swelling), the wall of which becomes thinner (analogy: the more we inflate a balloon, the more likely it is to burst), at some point it cannot stand it and bursts. Therefore, if a vein is swollen in the temple, leg or body, then you need to contact a vascular surgeon/phlebologist. And together with the doctor, plan treatment - from simple lifestyle modification to surgery to remove large veins.

  • Non-physiological loads

A modern girl can walk or stand in high heels for 8–10 hours a day, which, in turn, leads to a significant weakening of the mechanisms of venous blood outflow and an increase in venous pressure, hypertension in the legs. This may contribute to the appearance of a bruise. The best solution in this situation is to give up heels or at least reduce the duration of wearing them, increase the volume of dynamic load, which also helps venous outflow.

  • Taking hormonal medications containing female sex hormones (including oral contraceptives)

The reason for prescribing hormonal drugs may be banal contraception, treatment of gynecological, dermatological or other group of diseases. These drugs contain female sex hormones, which, in addition to regulating the cycle and the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in women, also affect the vascular system: they provoke bruises on the legs, the vessels become brittle, their elasticity decreases, and the diameter of the veins increases. The decision to discontinue, replace the drug and treat increased vascular fragility is made only after an in-person examination of the patient and review of the medical history. In this case, therapy is carried out by gynecologists, vascular surgeons/phlebologists.

  • Condition after respiratory infections

Most viruses (influenza, parainfluenza, coronavirus infection, ARVI) are tropic to vascular structures, and after a person has had one of them, bruises may appear on the body that were not there before. In this situation, the body needs to be given time to recover; you can also include in your diet foods rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits, kiwi, rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currants, parsley, broccoli, sweet red peppers, sauerkraut, etc.), vitamin P ( citrus fruits, buckwheat, black currants, rose hips, raspberries, tomatoes, beets, red bell peppers, asparagus, plums, etc.). It is possible to take synthetic analogues of these drugs, but before doing so, you must see a doctor.

  • Vasculitis

A group of diseases that is accompanied by inflammation of the vascular wall, and sometimes by its increased permeability and fragility.

Vasculitis is divided into several types:

  • Primary is an independent process in the vascular system, and not a consequence of the pathology of other organs. The group of primary vasculitis, accompanied by the appearance of bruises, includes: Wegener's granulomatosis, Churg-Strauss syndrome, microscopic polyangiitis, Henoch-Schönlein purpura, hypersensitivity vasculitis, cryoglobulinemic vasculitis, Behçet's disease, vasculitis in rheumatic diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren), etc. In such cases, etiotropic therapy of the pathology, that is, treatment of the underlying cause, is carried out by a rheumatologist, and vascular surgeons/phlebologists, cardiologists, and dermatologists help treat the consequences of the disease.
  • Secondary - there is another disease (oncological or infectious origin), against the background of which hemorrhages appear on the skin. One example is vasculitis against the background of exacerbation of viral hepatitis. This also includes the previously mentioned respiratory infections. With effective treatment of the underlying disease, bruising on the body disappears.

Causes of stretch marks on the buttocks

The appearance of stretch marks is most often associated with physical activity. However, sometimes the buttocks also suffer from striae of endocrine origin. The causes of stretch marks may also lie in hereditary predisposition.

The main causes of stretch marks:

  • Stretch marks on the buttocks are possible due to a sharp loss of body weight: against the background of diet abuse and destabilization of the water-salt balance.
  • Stretch marks appear in the last weeks of pregnancy, when the formed fetus creates a significant load not only on the walls of the peritoneum, but also on the buttocks.
  • Stretch marks on the buttocks are not excluded during the postpartum period, when after the birth of the baby the buttocks become flabby.
  • Stretch marks also appear due to bodybuilding and steroid abuse. Under the influence of steroids, the buttocks are actively growing. They greatly increase in volume, which is why stretch marks appear.
  • Striae occur on the buttocks due to hormonal disorders, when treating stretch marks with traditional methods is impossible. If the buttocks suffer from stretch marks for this reason, it becomes necessary to consult an endocrinologist.

Let's sum it up

The main causes of bruising and increased fragility of blood vessels are listed above, but not all of them. There are quite a few of them, and treatment tactics in each specific case can differ radically. Moreover, completely different specialists can treat pathology: vascular surgeons/phlebologists, dermatologists, rheumatologists, infectious disease specialists. It is impossible to give any general recommendations without seeing the patient and without knowing the entire clinical picture. From a relatively harmless, which can have an effect, and in most cases does not harm, we can recommend eating more foods rich in vitamin C, vitamins P, or taking their synthetic analogues. But even here, allergic reactions to these drugs and food are possible, and there are also restrictions for certain groups of patients (for example, pregnant women).

We quickly and effectively treat “labor” calluses on…. buttocks

Everyone in their life, sooner or later, faces such a problem as calluses. They appear on the toes after wearing tight shoes, on the hands - from heavy physical exertion or intense “writing”. But few people know that there are so-called gluteal calluses, which appear in the form of dark, rough, often rough spots located in the area of ​​the ischium. Well, have you found out your problem? Then let's fight ugly dark calluses on the butt together!

What are gluteal calluses and what causes them?

Calluses on the buttocks are not that uncommon. They are two symmetrical dark brown or dark pink spots located simultaneously on both buttocks. Typically, the skin in these areas is rougher, rougher, and darker. They do not cause any pain, discomfort, do not itch or itch. Their only drawback is aesthetics, or rather the lack thereof, because it’s a shame to show such a “calloused” butt, especially to go to the beach with it, go to the sauna, etc.

The main cause of calluses on the butt is constant friction of the skin against any hard, uncomfortable objects, such as a chair. If you constantly sit on a wooden or plastic hard seat, then, unfortunately, you can practically avoid the appearance of calluses.

why “labor” calluses on the butt , now it’s time to start removing/treating them. To get rid of dark spots on your butt, you just need to follow three simple rules. But we must remember that the effectiveness of such recipes will be high only if the necessary procedures are carried out regularly.

You can remove oily shine from your face using homemade, natural rice powder.

Treating calluses on the buttocks at home

We should not forget that, at their core, calluses on the butt are just rough, thick and dry skin that very actively needs hydration and nutrition. This is what the course of treatment for calluses will be based on.

To remove gluteal calluses , it is recommended to perform the following procedures:

  1. Peeling. Every time you take a shower, perform a procedure such as skin exfoliation. Using some coffee grounds mixed with honey, massage the steamed area with rough skin for a few minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
  1. Massage. This is one of the most important points for combating calluses. After a bath or shower, moisten your hands with any vegetable oil and massage the skin in the callus area for several minutes. Repeat the massage every other day for two weeks, then do it for preventive purposes - 1-2 times a week.
  1. Nutrition. After the procedures, lubricate the areas with a rich, nourishing cream. The cream can be replaced with olive oil.

It is recommended to lubricate dark areas of the skin daily, at night, with a rich, nourishing or moisturizing cream. And so that after treatment, you don’t have to deal with the problem of calluses on your butt again, just change the hard chair to a softer one, or put a pad under your wonderful heel.

A simple, effective hot coffee wrap will help you get rid of cellulite.

Causes of stretch marks on the butt

The causes of stretch marks on the butt are given below.:

  • Sudden weight loss or weight gain. The appearance of stretch marks on the butt in this case is associated with a decrease in skin elasticity.
  • Pregnancy, which is accompanied by changes in hormonal levels, as well as weight gain, which leads to the appearance of stretch marks not only on the butt, but also on the chest, abdomen, and thighs.
  • Changes in hormonal levels - this factor also leads to the appearance of stretch marks. Due to the action of certain hormones, the skin can lose its elasticity.
  • Poor nutrition also affects the appearance of stretch marks on the butt. In addition, lack of diet, consumption of carbonated drinks, alcohol can also easily provoke the appearance of stretch marks on the butt.

About stretch marks on the butt

Stretch marks on the butt are a fairly common occurrence. Stretch marks on the butt bring a lot of discomfort to both young girls and adult women.
After all, a woman at any age wants to remain beautiful and attractive, to have elastic and healthy skin. Stretch marks on the butt also have another name - “striae” . By their origin, stretch marks are small tears in the skin that, due to a lack of collagen and elastin, are unable to heal without leaving a trace. Stretch marks on the butt (as well as on other areas of the skin) appear as thin, uneven lines on the skin, initially red, purple, and then white.

Stretch marks can vary in length and width and are noticeable to a greater or lesser extent. In addition, stretch marks on the butt can be single or multiple. Of course, this cosmetic defect makes women feel complex and embarrassed, especially in the summer, when it’s time for the beach season and open swimsuits. That is why stretch marks on the butt require immediate treatment . After completing the necessary course of treatment from highly qualified specialists, women completely forget about stretch marks and enjoy the health and beauty of their skin.

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