Black dots on the scrotum, photos, all causes and treatment

Over time, as the pathogenicity of virus strains increases, the number of blisters and warts increases.

The itching becomes stronger, and the rash grows in size and takes on a pronounced cauliflower appearance.

Sometimes condylomas also appear in the anus, which is why they are also called anogenital warts.

Rarely, but in some cases, the appearance of such nodules on the oral mucosa is possible.

There are also rare cases of localization of condylomas in men on the inner walls of the urethra.

Warts on the testicles may sometimes not cause significant discomfort to men.

However, the complications they can lead to are quite serious:

  • Inflammatory processes in affected tissues
  • Ulceration of condylomas, especially often occurring when they are injured
  • Phimosis or paraphimosis, developing as a result of chronic inflammation of the tissues of the penis

Warts on the testicles, a dermatovenerologist uses

When a man goes to the hospital about the appearance of warts on the testicles, a dermatovenerologist uses the following diagnostic methods:

  • Collecting a history of the disease (the fact of unprotected sexual intercourse in the patient 2-3 months ago will be of diagnostic value).

  • Visual examination of the external genitalia (presence of warty growths).
  • Laboratory research: the PCR method is used.

Along with identifying HPV, it is advisable to get tested for all STIs, since viral infections are often associated with bacterial ones.

Why do the dots appear?

Black dots on the male testicles and scrotum are a symptom that appears as a result of the following body conditions:

  • Excessive sweating and diaper rash. If you are overweight and wear tight underwear, the genitals often sweat, diaper rash appears, and excessive pigmentation forms.
  • Using incorrect shaving techniques. Shaving the intimate area dry, using low-quality razors - all this can lead to ingrown hairs, the formation of purulent pimples and black spots on the testicles that itch.
  • Poor hygiene. Neglect of water procedures and untimely change of underwear lead to the appearance of pigmentation on the intimate organs. Blood globules and dark spots appear on the testicles.
  • Wrong lifestyle. Excessive consumption of fast food, carbonated drinks, as well as smoking and alcohol often lead to the formation of blackheads and irritation.
  • Atheroma. Benign education.
  • Vitamin deficiency, causing dysfunction of internal organs.
  • Infections and bacteria. Infection occurs through sexual contact, using other people's things and poor lifestyle.

Blood spots on the testicles appear during puberty in a boy; this phenomenon is considered normal and does not require urgent medical intervention.


If the spot in the scrotum area on the testicle is itchy and constantly itches, then most likely we are talking about the following pathologies:

  • Stressful conditions;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Fungal skin infections;
  • Infections (eg herpes);
  • Lichen.

Diseases that lead to acne

White pimples on the balls of men deserve special attention. These are superficial or subcutaneous formations that sometimes do not cause much discomfort. Even in this case, it is necessary to find out why they appeared and begin treatment as quickly as possible. Most often, such elements indicate the development of systemic diseases, including infectious ones. Here are the main pathologies that cause the appearance of white pimples on the scrotum:

  • Inflammation of the follicles. When bacteria enter pores clogged with sebum, they begin to actively multiply, causing inflammation. This leads to the appearance of painful and bright formations. In this case, there is often only one red pimple on the scrotum, but profuse rashes are not excluded.
  • Pediculosis of pubic localization. Pubic lice activity is accompanied by severe itching. The man begins to scratch his skin, which leads to the formation of small wounds. Dirt and germs get into them, which causes a rash.
  • Syphilis. It is characterized by the formation of ulcers and rashes on the genitals. Their number, location and features of manifestation may vary. The disease is very dangerous, so if you suspect a problem, you should consult a doctor.
  • Candidiasis. In this case, opportunistic fungi become the cause of the disease. The disease begins with the appearance of a white coating on the surface of the penis, and over time it is joined by rashes on the testicles.
  • Herpes of the genital type. A viral disease in which the skin becomes covered with blisters containing transparent contents. After some time, the secretion becomes cloudy, gray or white. Various colds can provoke the disease or accelerate its development.
  • Human papillomavirus. Sometimes people mistake condylomas for acne. These elements become covered with keratinized cells, causing them to look like a rash.
  • Molluscum contagiosum. Another viral disease in which the skin of the scrotum becomes covered with pustules with transparent contents. After some time, the composition of the secretion begins to change. The man who squeezed out the formation will see a curdled mass.
  • Atheroma. Sometimes white pimples turn out to be a benign tumor. It is formed from adipose tissue and can grow to impressive sizes.
  • Wen (cyst). The result of a violation of the outflow of sebaceous secretions due to a blocked duct. This is a solid subcutaneous element that does not become inflamed and does not cause any discomfort other than aesthetic ones. They often go away on their own.

Only a doctor can tell you how to get rid of acne caused by one of the systemic diseases. The main thing is that the treatment is comprehensive and not limited to the use of local remedies.


Chemotherapy is one of the main methods of treatment for malignant testicular tumors. These tumors are highly sensitive to chemotherapy, and complete cure is possible even with a large spread of the tumor process. Chemotherapy is not used to treat benign testicular tumors.

Chemotherapy is usually given in cycles of 3 weeks. For malignant testicular tumors, it is very important to strictly observe the intervals between chemotherapy cycles.

The regimen and duration of treatment depend on the stage of the disease, prognosis group, treatment received previously, and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Possible diseases

In most cases, pigmentation on intimate organs does not indicate serious diseases, but sometimes it can cause complications if the pathology is not treated in a timely manner.

What could be black spots on the scrotum:

  1. Contact dermatitis. Pathology occurs when using underwear made of artificial synthetic fibers, wearing someone else's clothes and using detergents with aggressive chemical composition. Dermatitis can also occur with allergies to washing powders, lubricants and certain medications. Antiseptics, antibiotics and antimicrobials are used to treat pathology.
  2. Atheroma. One of the most common diseases with increased pigmentation in the scrotum area. Atheroma is a sebaceous gland filled with sebum. Blackheads occur as a result of clogged glands due to excessive sweating. At the initial stages of the disease, the number of pigmented dots may be small; as the disease progresses, pigmentation appears on the testicles, scrotum and penis. Most often, atheroma is not accompanied by additional symptoms in the early stages; in advanced cases, the points can thicken, swell and form a bulge above the skin. The pathology is treated by restoring a normal lifestyle, carefully monitoring personal hygiene and improving nutrition. If the atheroma begins to increase in size and can be felt during palpation, surgical intervention is necessary.
  3. Condylomas. Pigmentation on the testicles is a sign of emerging condylomas. If you look at a photo of the disease, you can see dark spots that have a dark brown tint and slightly protrude above the skin. As the disease progresses, the size of the formations increases, itching and swelling appear. Condylomas form not only on the testicles, but also on the head of the penis, anus, and inner thigh. Condylomas are formations that do not disappear on their own, but only progress in development, therefore, to eliminate complications in the future, you must consult a doctor. Otherwise, the growths will increase in size, swelling, pain, and discomfort when urinating will appear. To treat the pathology, medications, a laser, or a coagulator are used.
  4. Varicocele. A dangerous and rare disease that is accompanied by excessive pigmentation and bleeding. With this pathology, bubbles appear on the scrotum, testicles and head of the penis, which are filled with liquid; as time passes, the bubbles burst, forming ulcers. In the initial stages, the disease may not produce negative symptoms, but as it progresses, the patient’s condition worsens sharply, pain appears when walking and urinating, and discomfort in the genital area. Varicocele is a disease that requires immediate treatment, otherwise there is a risk of infertility.

In most cases, pigmentation is a symptom indicating mechanical damage to the intimate area. This happens when rubbing underwear, improper shaving or rough sexual intercourse.


Treatment of testicular cancer at the Yusupov Hospital is carried out according to European standards, which are based on the principles of evidence-based medicine. Doctors who treat patients suffering from malignant tumors of the testes have been trained in leading urological and oncological clinics in Europe. Complex treatment of malignant neoplasms of the male reproductive glands includes surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Surgeons remove the testicle along with the spermatic cord through an incision in the groin area under general anesthesia. This operation is called radical inguinal orchiectomy. During surgery, if indicated, nearby lymph nodes of the groin area and abdominal cavity are removed. Removing one testicle does not affect the erectile and reproductive function of a man. The second stage of the operation may be the installation of a testicular prosthesis.

Patients undergo a course of radiation therapy both before and after surgery. Seminomas are the most susceptible to radiation. When treating testicular cancer, X-rays are used in the lower abdomen to destroy cancer cells in the regional lymph nodes.

After radiation therapy of the reproductive system, male infertility may develop. If the patient plans to have children in the future, before treatment for testicular cancer begins, sperm is collected, which is subsequently frozen at ultra-low temperatures and stored in

Preventing the appearance of white pimples on the eggs in men

In order to avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon as the appearance of rashes on the skin of the testicles, you must carefully follow several important rules. You should definitely wear only comfortable, spacious underwear made of natural, “breathable” materials and categorically avoid tight panties. Under no circumstances should you wear underwear made of synthetic materials - it is best to give preference to soft, natural fabrics.

Very important attention should be paid to your intimate hygiene, making it a mandatory item in your daily routine. For this purpose, it is best to use special products intended for intimate hygiene.

Important! It is recommended to avoid using ordinary toilet soap when carrying out hygiene measures, since its composition has an aggressive effect on the delicate skin of the testicles. In some cases, the appearance of pimples on the scrotum may be associated with an allergic reaction to condoms or intimate lubricants.

In such cases, it is recommended to change your usual contraceptives to new ones that are marked “hypoallergenic”

In some cases, the appearance of acne on the scrotum may be associated with an allergic reaction to condoms or intimate lubricants. In such cases, it is recommended to change your usual contraceptives to new ones that are marked “hypoallergenic”.


All patients with a malignant testicular tumor should be carefully observed for a long time - up to 10-15 years after initial treatment, since, despite the treatment, there remains a risk of developing a relapse of the disease. The risk of tumor recurrence is highest within two years after initial treatment.

Follow-up includes medical history, examination, tumor markers, ultrasound of the scrotum with elastography, inguinoiliac areas, abdomen and retroperitoneum, and chest x-ray. The observation schedule depends on the stage of the disease. If relapse is detected, treatment options include chemotherapy and surgery.


According to statistics, in 80% of situations where black dots appear on the scrotum, these are benign formations and often do not require any therapeutic measures or surgical operations. However, there are other cases.

Below are the most common pathological conditions, the symptoms of which include the appearance of black spots on the testicles in men:

  • Fordyce granules, in other words called angiokeratoma. They are absolutely harmless and safe for the body. They are benign in nature; it is still unknown what the nature of the appearance of such granules is. However, one of the reasons that doctors cite is hormonal imbalance, blockage or malfunction of the sebaceous glands, as well as injury. In appearance, the granules resemble pimples, which are black, white or brown in color. On palpation, pain appears. Their surface is smooth, their size varies and ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 mm. Most often, such black dots on the testicles of a child appear during puberty. If you examine a certain number of men for the presence of Fordyce granules, then they can be detected in every 3 patients of reproductive age;
  • dermatitis. Another pathological condition of the body that does not cause much harm to health in the early stages of its development. With such a disease, you can find black dots on the little sac that itch. The reason for their appearance is the direct contact of the genitals with synthetic materials, for example, bed linen or underwear. Dermatitis may also appear due to a negative reaction to any component of cosmetic products for intimate hygiene or, for example, after changing the powder used to wash underwear or condoms. Additional symptoms in this case are severe burning, itching and redness of the skin in the area where the blackheads are located;
  • condylomas of the pointed variety. It is caused by the human papillomavirus. This virus has a large number of stamps with different levels of oncogenicity. The initial stage of condylomas is characterized by the appearance of very small formations, in some cases they are black in color. Such manifestations can be localized, including on the scrotum or even on the genital organ itself. Over time, blackheads protrude more and more above the surface of the skin and grow into tubercles or small papules on legs. Their color can be either black, brown or light gray. The presence of itching or other sensations is rare with this pathology;
  • mollusk of the contagious variety. The nature of the disease, as in the previous case, is viral. Localization in the mollusk occurs not only on the body, on the face, but also in the intimate area. At an early stage of development of the pathology, black dots appear on the scrotum. In some cases they are flesh-colored. Subsequently, such a rash turns into larger formations, which are characterized by a size of 1-3 mm. Inside, a thick, white liquid or grayish exudate appears. On palpation, the rashes do not cause pain, their surface is soft;
  • varicocele. It is a very unpleasant and dangerous disease. According to statistics, 20% of men experience this pathology. The initial stage of development of the pathology is characterized by the appearance of blood blisters on the testicles. For some time, the condition is not accompanied by any characteristic symptoms, after which pain and discomfort appear when walking. When the disease progresses to a more severe stage, veins begin to protrude on the scrotum and can be seen with the naked eye. If the pathology is not treated, there is a risk of infertility;
  • mechanical damage. One of the common reasons why black spots appear on the testicles in men. In some cases, you may encounter blood blisters on the testicles. A common cause of this phenomenon is sloppy shaving or rough sexual intercourse. In rare cases, there is a risk of injury during washing, for example, with a washcloth or while wearing tight underwear, especially for men with sensitive and thin skin.


Often the cause of Fordyce's angiokeratoma is unknown. Some research suggests that high blood pressure (hypertension) in the veins of the scrotum may play a role in the appearance of these dark spots.

Dark spots may also appear more frequently if you have ever experienced:

  • Haemorrhoids
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Chronic constipation

Fabry disease is the only known cause of angiokeratomas. Fortunately, this disease is extremely rare, affecting approximately 1 in every 40,000 to 60,000 people.

Fabry disease results from a mutation in the carboxyglutamic acid (GLA) gene. This gene is responsible for producing an enzyme that helps cells break down fat. With this disease, they are unable to break down a certain type of fat, which then accumulates throughout the body. Too much of this fat in the body can damage heart cells, kidneys and the nervous system.

There are two types of Fabry disease:

  • Type 1 (classic). Fat accumulates rapidly in the body from birth. Symptoms begin to appear in childhood or adolescence.
  • Type 2 (late onset). Fat builds up more slowly than in type 1. A person may not see any signs of the condition until they are in their 30s or even in their 70s.


The most common of all testicular tumors are germ cell tumors; they develop from germ cells. With the right tactics, these tumors can be completely cured, but an important condition is their timely detection and treatment in a specialized center.

Germ cell tumors (account for 95% of testicular tumors)

  • seminoma,
  • nonseminoma (embryonic carcinoma, yolk sac tumor, postpubertal teratoma).

Sex cord and stroma tumors (<5% of all testicular cancers)

  • Leydig cell tumor
  • Sertoli cell tumor
  • granulosa cell tumor.

Other tumors (the proportion of all cases of testicular tumors is not precisely determined)

  • hemangioma,
  • adenocarcinoma.

Etiology of the symptom

The most common cause of blackheads on male testicles is atheroma. This is most likely not a disease, but only a cosmetic defect, which is caused by dead particles of epithelium, dirt, and sebum getting into the pores.

As a result, blockage of the excretory ducts occurs, which causes the appearance of a photo-symptom - black dots.

Among the factors provoking the appearance of atheroma are the following:

  • increased sebum production;
  • increased sweat production during sports activities or wearing underwear made of synthetic material;
  • a sharp jump in the production of the hormone testosterone;
  • development of hormonal imbalance.

Gradually, the blackheads fill with sebum, become rounded, and can be easily felt with your fingers. The size of the neoplasms can vary and in some cases their diameter reaches 1 cm.

In adult men, skin growths can occur against the background of the concomitant development of pathologies such as psoriasis or seborrhea, diabetes mellitus, and other chronic diseases. For this reason, first of all, it is not the treatment of atheroma that is prescribed, but the diagnosis of the cause of the condition.

By the way the neoplasms look, you can indirectly determine their type. So, black spots or growths can be genital warts. Genital warts become dark and sometimes black as they grow. They rise above the level of the skin and can be single or multiple.

At the initial stage of development, condylomas have similarities with ordinary moles, which the man does not pay attention to. Over time, tumors grow, which affects sexual activity, causing some discomfort. In some cases, a burning sensation occurs around the growth.

Black dots are a symptom of molluscum contagiosum. In appearance, they are grain-sized growths that have a gray or black tint. The prognosis for this pathology is favorable. Among the causes of development are a decrease in the protective function of the body, insufficient content of vitamins and beneficial microelements in the diet, and chronic stress.

Another source of blackheads is varicocele. The disease is characterized by damage to the veins and capillaries, which causes the appearance of blood spots.

In addition, there are other symptoms:

  • aching pain in the testicles;
  • discomfort when walking, wearing compressive underwear;
  • the appearance of dark spots caused by enlarged blood vessels.

Varicocele has a gradual progression and is not accompanied by pronounced clinical manifestations at the initial stage of development. The risk of the disease is increased in men who suffer from disorders of the circulatory system (hemorrhoids, varicose veins, etc.).

In 80% of cases of blackheads, they indicate benign disorders that have a favorable prognosis.

Other possible causes of the symptom include:

  • Fordyce granules: develop due to hormonal imbalance, blockage of the sebaceous ducts, after mechanical trauma to the scrotum, are small in size, do not hurt, do not itch, are more often found during puberty;
  • contact dermatitis: occurs when wearing underwear made of synthetic material, using an allergenic cosmetic product, condom, washing powder, to which the body reacts with the appearance of a specific black rash (itching, hyperemia, burning also occurs);
  • mechanical trauma to the scrotum: blood spots occur after shaving, sexual intercourse, rubbing with a washcloth or squeezing underwear.

Among the least common sources of black rash is the development of a fungal disease: athlete's foot, etc.

Gradual development of varicocele

Damage to the veins occurs gradually, the clinical picture is constantly changing.

  1. Initially, there are no external signs of varicocele in men; it can be determined at the first stage only through palpation when the patient’s body is placed vertically.
  2. At the second stage, the size and consistency of the testicles remain the same, but the enlarged veins are clearly visible.
  3. At the third stage, the cluster-shaped dilatation of the veins is pronounced, the testicles become denser to the touch and decrease in size.

What do spots on the scrotum in men mean?

Normally, the color of the scrotum should be slightly darker than the main shade of the skin of the body. As a man ages, the skin of his scrotum darkens. Pigment spots on the pubic area and on the scrotum in a man can appear for various reasons. If we consider non-infectious factors, these can be various systemic diseases:

  • Disorder of the adrenal glands;
  • Malfunctions of the endocrine and hormonal systems;
  • Stressful situations and constant mental tension;
  • Malfunctions of the reproductive system;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the immune system.

In addition, the reasons for local changes in the color of the skin of the scrotum and the appearance of spots on the pubis or on the scrotum may be associated with the following reasons and factors:

  • Reducing the amount of melanin in the body;
  • Scars in the intimate area after injuries and operations;
  • Regular rubbing of underwear against the skin;
  • Reaction of chemicals on the skin in the groin and scrotum area.

Red spots on the scrotum

Depending on the shade of the spots on the scrotum, the doctor identifies the pathology. Additional diagnostic methods include skin scraping, urethral smear, and general blood and urine tests. So, a red spot on the scrotum or pubic area may be a consequence of the following pathologies:

  • Angiokeratoma. The pathology is characterized by the appearance on the skin of bright vascular purple or red marks with a smooth, almost glossy surface. Most often, this phenomenon is typical for fair-skinned men. Moreover, the marks will be brighter the older the person becomes. In some cases, a similar red spot may appear on the pubis or on the head of the penis.
  • Fungal skin lesions. In this case, the spots are most often localized in the inguinal folds, only slightly affecting the skin of the scrotum. This clinical picture is characteristic of epidermopathy.

White spots on the scrotum

A white spot on the scrotum, one or more, may be a consequence of the following pathologies:

  • Vitiligo. This type of pathology occurs due to a disruption in the production of melanocytes - special cells responsible for skin pigment. As a result, small or large white spots with a smooth surface may be observed on a man’s body (including in the intimate area). This phenomenon does not pose a danger to the body, but it is still worth seeing a doctor to confirm the diagnosis.
  • Pityriasis alba. One of the pathological skin lesions. In most cases it is localized on the hands or face. But marks may also appear in the groin.
  • Cyst. When small cysts form, small white spots may appear on the skin of the scrotum. They do not itch and do not bother the man in any way. But if the mark grows, it is better to see a doctor.
  • Ingrown hairs. As a result of ingrown hair after shaving, the skin in this place can also change its shade to a paler one, which is regarded as a stain.
  • Zhiroviki. They can also form on the skin of the scrotum, although very rarely. Often a man may be frightened by these formations, but they do not pose a threat to a person.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases. Most often it is the herpes virus. The pathology requires urgent treatment, since in a chronic course it can periodically worsen.
  • HPV is human papillomavirus. It is also transmitted sexually. As a result, a person may develop white spots on the skin, in the center of which condylomas or papillomas form.

Pink spots on the scrotum

If we are talking about the formation of pink spots on the pubic area in men or on the scrotum, then most likely this is the result of the following pathologies:

  • Diaper rash. As a result of prolonged wet mechanical action on the skin, for example, friction of clothing or skin folds, pink spots form. They are more likely to itch and bother you. They can progress without proper treatment. Even secondary infection is possible.
  • Heat rash. It is often also called prickly heat. The rash may be localized, which suggests spots. Sufficient hygienic care and constant maintenance of the skin of the scrotum in dryness can get rid of this problem.
  • Eczema. A skin pathology that can develop in men of any age as a reaction to external stimuli or stress.
  • Allergy. This is the most common factor that leads to the formation of pink marks. Allergies can occur to water and detergents, to latex and synthetic underwear, to lubricants and medications, to food, and even to severe stress. You can get rid of such phenomena with the help of antihistamines.

Tumor of the epididymis

Tumors of the epididymis are rare cancers. The disease occurs and progresses in young men under the age of 35. For a long time, the disease may be asymptomatic. The Yusupov Hospital has created all the conditions for the treatment of patients suffering from epididymal cancer;

  • Comfortable living conditions in the wards;
  • Early diagnosis of the disease using equipment from leading global manufacturers;
  • Use of the latest antitumor drugs and radiation therapy techniques for cancer therapy;
  • Attentive attitude of the staff.

The exact cause of epididymal cancer has not been established. Scientists suggest that the tumor process develops under the influence of the following provoking factors:

  • Compounded heredity;
  • Chronic diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Cryptorchidism;
  • Bad habits;
  • Radiation radiation;
  • Injuries and microtraumas of the male gonads.

Most epididymal neoplasms develop from germ cells and are called germ cell tumors. They are divided into 2 main types: seminoma and non-seminoma tumors. These neoplasms have different characteristics and differ in their ability to spread and the treatment methods used.

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