Polysorb MP powder 25 g ➤ instructions for use

The skin reflects the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. It is sensitive to pathological processes in the digestive system, which manifest themselves as dermatoses. One of the most common manifestations is acne. Acne can appear sporadically under the influence of passing factors - poor diet, alcohol intake, infectious disease. Sometimes the rash is observed constantly, if we are talking about chronic long-term disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Intestinal microflora and acne is an issue that is being researched to this day, and several mechanisms of the skin response to gastrointestinal diseases are now known.

With acne, it is important not to mask the symptom with cosmetics, but to understand the causes. An integrated approach will help you quickly cope with cosmetic defects and improve your overall well-being.

How can it be used in cosmetology?

Polysorb is a drug containing silicon dioxide. This substance, when it enters the digestive tract, acts like a sponge, absorbing all kinds of contaminants. But silicon dioxide exhibits its activity not only inside the body, but also superficially - on the skin. It can really be used for cosmetic purposes, as this medicine has a lot of advantages:

  • It features an absolutely natural composition.
  • It cannot cause allergic reactions; it is prescribed even to young children.
  • Not only cleanses the skin, but also promotes its rejuvenation.
  • It is a soft preparation, it has a gentle effect on the skin (even compared to popular clay).
  • Helps stabilize the sebaceous glands, removes oily shine and adds matteness to the skin.

There are quite a few options for using Polysorb. In the treatment of various dermatological problems, the drug can be used for external application and internal administration. Thanks to this complex effect, the positive effect is achieved faster and is more pronounced.

Polysorb MP is available in powder form, so it is very convenient to use. For internal use, the medicine is diluted as a suspension, and for external use, it is mixed with plain water or various additional ingredients.

Description of the drug

"Polysorb" is a well-known drug, which is a silicon powder in the form of dioxide (colloid). The color is white and has no smell. Used to prepare a solution that is taken orally. Packaged in jars or bags.

The drug belongs to the category of oral enteric sorbents of a nonspecific group. The active ingredient is highly dispersed silicon dioxide - particle size no more than 0.09 mm. Acts as a sorption and detoxifying agent. Designed to remove pathogenic microorganisms, food allergens, alcohol and its metabolic products, medicinal components, and toxins. It also removes metabolic products, including lipids and urea.

The component is not absorbed through the intestinal walls and will not dissolve in water. Once inside, it begins to act from the first minutes. It is then excreted chemically unchanged.

Methods of application

Polysorb for the face against acne is used for both local and internal use.


Before using enterosorbent orally, you should consult a doctor who will help you choose the right dosage on an individual basis.

The sorbent should be used approximately an hour before meals to obtain the best therapeutic effect.

For allergic acne and chronic intoxication, which causes a rash, the course of treatment is 10-14 days. After 2 weeks you can resume taking it.


It is believed that the Polysorb acne mask is an effective remedy in the fight against acne. There is no scientific proof of this, since the drug does not have antiseptic properties. However, many users practice using this method and claim that it helps.

  • elimination of dead particles of the epidermis;
  • cleansing the skin of sebaceous plugs;
  • drying of inflamed elements.

In order to make a mask, you will need powder and water. The components are taken in such proportions to obtain the consistency of thick sour cream. The resulting mixture is distributed evenly onto the skin of the face and left to act for an average of a quarter of an hour.

In order for the mask to give maximum results, it is recommended to steam your face before applying it.

The product is used regularly for two months with a time interval between procedures of 2-3 days.

Whatever mask you use, be it a whitening composition for dry skin or a nourishing formula based on turmeric, be careful and do not neglect the fundamental rules of applying the preparations.

In the case of Polysorb, you will also be haunted by certain nuances, neglect of which can lead to undesirable effects, including complications of various dermatological diseases.

To avoid such an unpleasant situation, we recommend that you consider the following points:

  • Before using Polysorb powder as part of a particular formula, it is advisable to dissolve it in water until a thick paste forms.
  • Mandatory test. Before you try a sold product on your face, test it on your own wrist. Only those drugs that have not shown any negative effects during testing can be used in practice. If you notice a rash, irritation or acne on the treated area, you can safely conclude that the chosen formula is not suitable for your dermis.
  • Local application. When preparing formulations directly to combat acne, keep in mind that they are best applied pointwise, directly to the problem area. Since such compositions usually dry out the skin greatly, it is better not to apply them to the entire facial area.
  • The average time for using a mask with medicine is considered to be 10-15 minutes. Try not to let the composition dry out completely.
  • The polysorbent composition is removed with warm water, and then a moisturizer is applied to the treated surface.

In cosmetology, the most common is the use of Polysorb for acne, blackheads and painful acne. This wonderful product will also be an excellent basis for preparing cleansing masks and scrubs. For problem skin, it can be diluted to a paste consistency and applied exclusively to acne.

It is equally effective for mature skin. Removing toxins and breakdown products promotes rapid cell renewal and oxygen saturation. A small amount of powder can be added to micellar makeup remover water to enhance the cleansing effect.

The price depends on the volume; you can buy it freely at any pharmacy. Cost 3 g. from 35 rub., 25 gr. from 200 rub., 50 gr. – from 350 rub. There are also analogues of the drug - lactofiltrum, enterosgel, polyphepan, neosmectin.

Does Polysorb help with acne: use and analogues of the drug

As you know, acne (in most cases) is just an obvious symptom of some kind of “internal problem”: the body, as it were, “turns on the red light” and shouts “Master, we have problems. If you don’t take immediate action, they can become much more serious and difficult to overcome.”

Therefore, external cosmetic treatment of acne is, as a rule, ineffective, and the ulcers, along with acne, return again and again, which regularly spoils a person’s appearance and nerves. To get rid of trouble forever, you need to look for and eliminate the root cause of the problem.

So, among the main reasons for the appearance of acne on the face are:

  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Slagging in the body (including due to poor nutrition and intestinal function, poor environment, poor lifestyle, etc.);
  • Stress (which in turn often causes hormonal imbalance);
  • Lack of proper facial skin care.

Accordingly, cleansing the body with the help of enterosorbents in the treatment of acne will be effective only as part of complex therapy, including normalization of hormonal levels, psychosomatics, diet and lifestyle.

Of course, if purulent rashes on the face appear as a result of improper skin care, then a polysorb mask (like any other cleansing procedure: for example, a clay mask, a homemade oatmeal scrub, or - in case of serious contamination - gas-liquid facial peeling) will be a fairly effective remedy fight acne.

However, if the cause of acne and other cosmetic defects is a hormonal imbalance, then Polysorb is unlikely to help against acne - a comprehensive examination and competent therapeutic therapy are needed here.

Polisorb's analogues

The very first enterosorbent known to mankind (though people had not yet come up with such a loud term) was natural clay, especially blue.

Our ancestors noticed the ability of clay to absorb all harmful substances back in ancient times: pure clay was diluted in water and drunk to cleanse the body, it was used as applications to treat many ailments, and girls preserved youth and beauty with the help of all kinds of homemade clay masks .

In Soviet times, another “penny” enterosorbent - activated carbon, which is still invariably present in every first aid kit, gained particular popularity. It has also become widespread in home cosmetology, making it possible to create a cheap analogue of the world-famous black face mask.

And in recent decades, “science has stepped forward”, and a number of new drugs with similar properties have appeared, including Enterosgel, Lactofiltrum, Polyphepan and many others.

Accordingly, the question arises: what is better for the body, and what is more effective against acne as part of home cosmetology.

The effectiveness of these products is due to their filtering ability, which depends on the “molecular sieve” of the active substance - a kind of “garbage bag” of the same “vacuum cleaner”. It is believed that the most “powerful” here is Enterosgel, which has the smallest “molecular sieve”; accordingly, it is able to retain and remove even radionuclides and viruses from the body.

However, within reasonable limits, any of the listed remedies can contribute to the comprehensive cleansing of the body, and, as a result, increase immunity and eliminate acne, acne and other skin problems.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that Polysorb helps cleanse the body and get rid of problem skin, in some cases it is harmful to health. It can harm people with individual intolerance to silicon dioxide, the main component of the drug. It can cause allergic reactions and intestinal disorders. Experts advise stopping taking the drug if at least one side effect is noticed.

“Polysorb” is not recommended for use by children under one year of age, people with individual intolerance or intestinal diseases, gastric ulcers and colitis. Experts emphasize that Polysorb does not affect the course of pregnancy, and therefore its use for cosmetic purposes is not prohibited.

Polysorb: features and properties

Any enterosorbents are able to bind all toxic elements that have entered the stomach and intestines and remove them out, cleansing the internal cavities of the body. This is very helpful with poisoning and intoxication (for example, with alcohol or chemicals), with infectious diseases (the load on the liver is reduced), severe forms of allergies (the severity of symptoms, swelling, and skin condition improves).

But very often enterosorbents are also used to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. In the first days of poisoning, enterosorbents such as Polysorb will be simply irreplaceable; they are prescribed even to children.

Benefits of using it on your face

Polysorb is effective not only for internal complete cleansing of the body, but also for standard skin care using homemade cosmetics prepared on the basis of this medicine. This component has a lot of advantages, but among them are the main positive properties of the substance that affect the skin:

  • the use of polysorb for oral administration and as a cosmetic ingredient can be combined for greater productivity and noticeable effect, because healthy skin also depends on the health of the entire digestive tract;
  • polysorb actively fights not only impurities that get on the skin, but also neutralizes those bacteria that can cause inflammation on the face;
  • this substance does not cause allergies, it is ideal for teenagers, it is not prohibited during pregnancy or even feeding a baby;
  • the shape of the polysobr allows you to easily mix it with any other ingredients, getting a practical and easy-to-use mask;
  • polysorb is much more active than the popular activated carbon and its similar ineffective analogues;
  • the gentleness of the effect of polysorb differs even from a black clay face mask, which, in comparison with this substance, is an extremely harsh product for the skin of the face;
  • polysorb allows you not only to cleanse, but also to rejuvenate the skin, ridding it of those accumulated substances that cause premature aging and emphasize existing wrinkles;
  • thanks to polysorb, the natural immunity of the skin is increased; it “learns” to cope with impurities on its own and prevent the appearance of even small pimples.

Watch the video: mask with polysorb

Treatment methods

If acne is only a consequence of dysfunction of the digestive system, the doctor will prescribe therapy for the underlying disease. Both specific drugs and symptomatic therapy may be required. For chronic constipation, a specialist will prescribe laxatives.

A therapeutic diet is required. It is important to adhere to a healthy diet, limiting intake of foods rich in carbohydrates and fats, as well as dairy products. Studies show that in functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract associated with dysbiosis, probiotics and prebiotics demonstrate quite high effectiveness. They allow you to restore the normal balance of microflora after intestinal cleansing measures.

In some cases, colon hydrotherapy may be recommended in a clinic setting. This is intestinal lavage using a stream of physiological fluid. There are two ways to carry out the procedure: underwater rinsing, irrigation according to the Lensky method. As a result, it is possible to remove toxic substances, stagnant feces and improve overall well-being.

Underwater washing involves the use of a special apparatus. The procedure is carried out in a bath. Water heated to 37 °C is gradually supplied to the intestines. Feces are removed using a special suction device. Complete cleansing of the body requires several sessions.

Irrigation according to Lensky involves inserting a probe into the anus. The other end of the tube is located in a vessel with irrigating liquid. Water flows out through a special tube. The procedure takes about half an hour, it is recommended to repeat it after 2 days.

It is important to remember that both home cleansing (enemas, laxatives) and procedures in the clinic must be agreed upon with the attending physician. Such measures are necessary for patients suffering from constipation and other disorders. However, they also have contraindications.

Mask recipes

To achieve the desired effect from a particular drug, you must trust exclusively those formulas that have already proven themselves among a multimillion-dollar audience of consumers. Next, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the recipes aimed at combating a number of the most unpleasant problems that thousands of people face every day.

Anti-wrinkle with whitening effect

This formula is aimed at actively combating sagging and pigmentation. It provides elasticity to problem areas, stabilizing metabolism and blood circulation in them. To create the product, you will need to combine polysorb powder with 1 tsp. chilled sour cream and add 1 banana, mashed into a paste.

Next, add 3 drops of essential oil and mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Apply the composition to your face for 15-20 minutes and then remove its remnants with a cotton pad. The procedure must be repeated at least 2 times a week.

For acne and blackheads

The effective formula will demonstrate its effectiveness after the first use. The composition has a positive effect on the normalization of the sebaceous glands, relieves redness, dries out acne, cleanses the surface of the dermis of blackheads and prevents the spread of infection.

Preparation involves mixing 10 g of polysorb with 5 g of zinc ointment until a uniform consistency is formed. It is advisable that it is not very thick. If you are unable to achieve a viscosity like sour cream, dilute the composition with thermal water.

The last stage of production will be adding 2 drops of tea tree essential oil. Apply the product only after steaming, in a thin layer directly along the massage lines. You can use it no more than 3-5 times a month. It all depends on how much rash you have on your face. Each procedure should take no more than 15-18 minutes.

In this video you will find detailed instructions on how to make an anti-acne mask at home.

Refreshing from polysorb

The presented formula is designed to restore elasticity and freshness to your appearance. Thanks to the stable use of the complex, you can remove swelling from the tired dermis, return normal color, and also restore its softness and velvety. To create such a useful composition, mix 2 tbsp in one container. l. cottage cheese, 1 tsp. cocoa butter, 1 tsp. aloe juice and 1 tbsp. l. medical powder. It is advisable to pass the cottage cheese through a sieve.

Next, all that remains is to thoroughly mix the existing mass and apply it directly to problem areas. Next, place a damp towel over your face and lie on your back. You need to spend 15 to 20 minutes in this position. Next, remove the remaining composition with a damp sponge. The formula is used no more than 3-5 times a month.

For inflammation and acne

A formula that has a strong calming effect and fights acne. The composition has a particularly positive effect on oily skin. It regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and rids the surface of the dermis of toxins and waste, allowing it to be more intensely saturated with oxygen. Systematic use of the formula will allow you to forget about unhealthy complexion and large pores. Preparation involves mixing 1 tsp. polysorb with 1 tsp. yeast.

The resulting composition must be diluted slightly with water until a not very thick consistency is formed. The last step in creating the product is to add 3 drops of cypress essential oil

It is also important to remember the fact that this composition is applied only after you have thoroughly cleansed and steamed your facial skin. Apply the drug for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with warm water

Lifting mask made of polysorb

An effective formula designed to make skin elastic at home. With its help, you will not only increase the tone of the skin, but also significantly increase elasticity, tightening the contours of your face. In addition, systematic use of the drug activates elastin synthesis and significantly accelerates metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Preparation involves grinding 5 g of kelp in a coffee grinder. Next, you fill them with warm water and let them stand for 5-10 minutes. After this, 5 g of polysorb powder and 10 g of shea butter are added to the composition. The entire composition is thoroughly mixed and applied in a thin layer to the steamed skin. The duration of the procedure should take no more than 15-20 minutes. Next, the remaining product is removed with a damp sponge.

Mask recipes

To achieve the desired effect from a particular drug, you must trust exclusively those formulas that have already proven themselves among a multimillion-dollar audience of consumers. Next, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the recipes aimed at combating a number of the most unpleasant problems that thousands of people face every day.

Anti-wrinkle with whitening effect

This formula is aimed at actively combating sagging and pigmentation. It provides elasticity to problem areas, stabilizing metabolism and blood circulation in them. To create the product, you will need to combine polysorb powder with 1 tsp. chilled sour cream and add 1 banana, mashed into a paste.

Next, add 3 drops of essential oil and mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Apply the composition to your face for 15-20 minutes and then remove its remnants with a cotton pad. The procedure must be repeated at least 2 times a week.

For acne and blackheads

The effective formula will demonstrate its effectiveness after the first use. The composition has a positive effect on the normalization of the sebaceous glands, relieves redness, dries out acne, cleanses the surface of the dermis of blackheads and prevents the spread of infection.

Preparation involves mixing 10 g of polysorb with 5 g of zinc ointment until a uniform consistency is formed. It is advisable that it is not very thick. If you are unable to achieve a viscosity like sour cream, dilute the composition with thermal water.

The last stage of production will be adding 2 drops of tea tree essential oil. Apply the product only after steaming, in a thin layer directly along the massage lines. You can use it no more than 3-5 times a month. It all depends on how much rash you have on your face. Each procedure should take no more than 15-18 minutes.

In this video you will find detailed instructions on how to make an anti-acne mask at home.


Refreshing from polysorb

The presented formula is designed to restore elasticity and freshness to your appearance. Thanks to the stable use of the complex, you can remove swelling from the tired dermis, return normal color, and also restore its softness and velvety. To create such a useful composition, mix 2 tbsp in one container. l. cottage cheese, 1 tsp. cocoa butter, 1 tsp. aloe juice and 1 tbsp. l. medical powder. It is advisable to pass the cottage cheese through a sieve.

Next, all that remains is to thoroughly mix the existing mass and apply it directly to problem areas. Next, place a damp towel over your face and lie on your back. You need to spend 15 to 20 minutes in this position. Next, remove the remaining composition with a damp sponge. The formula is used no more than 3-5 times a month.

For inflammation and acne

A formula that has a strong calming effect and fights acne. The composition has a particularly positive effect on oily skin. It regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and rids the surface of the dermis of toxins and waste, allowing it to be more intensely saturated with oxygen. Systematic use of the formula will allow you to forget about unhealthy complexion and large pores. Preparation involves mixing 1 tsp. polysorb with 1 tsp. yeast.

The resulting composition must be diluted slightly with water until a not very thick consistency is formed. The last step in creating the product is to add 3 drops of cypress essential oil

It is also important to remember the fact that this composition is applied only after you have thoroughly cleansed and steamed your facial skin. Apply the drug for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with warm water

Lifting mask made of polysorb

An effective formula designed to make skin elastic at home. With its help, you will not only increase the tone of the skin, but also significantly increase elasticity, tightening the contours of your face. In addition, systematic use of the drug activates elastin synthesis and significantly accelerates metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Preparation involves grinding 5 g of kelp in a coffee grinder. Next, you fill them with warm water and let them stand for 5-10 minutes. After this, 5 g of polysorb powder and 10 g of shea butter are added to the composition. The entire composition is thoroughly mixed and applied in a thin layer to the steamed skin. The duration of the procedure should take no more than 15-20 minutes. Next, the remaining product is removed with a damp sponge.

Homemade mask recipes

Using Polysorb at home, you can prepare the following types of face masks that improve your condition.

Cleansing classic mask

  1. To prepare it, you need to dilute a small amount of the drug to a paste with mineral water. Using a special cosmetic brush, apply to problem areas of the face, allow to dry slightly and rinse off.
  2. Mix 1 tbsp. polysorb with 1 tsp. blue cosmetic clay and 1 tsp. ground sage flowers. Dilute to a thick paste with mineral water. Apply to face along massage lines, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth.

Cleansing masks can effectively get rid of peeling, dead skin particles, and blackheads. Regular use allows you to saturate the skin with oxygen, improve regenerative and metabolic processes, and even out your complexion.

For pimples and acne

  1. To combat acne and inflammation, add 1-2 drops of tea tree essential oil to the paste made from Polysorb and mineral water.
  2. For severe rashes, you can add 5 grams of zinc ointment.
  3. Add 1 tsp to the sorbent paste. live yeast and 3 drops of cypress (juniper) essential oil.

The product must be applied locally, only to obvious inflammation and pimples, avoiding the area around the eyes and the nasolabial triangle. Leave for no longer than 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. After the mask, you can apply a medicinal cream with a drying effect to improve the effect of the mask.

What to do if your skin is problematic

For oily, porous skin, you can apply the mask to the entire face. This will dry the skin, remove oily shine, improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminate inflammation, and draw out impurities and toxins from the pores. Regular implementation of the procedure allows you to forget about enlarged pores, comedones, pimples, and unhealthy complexion.

For wrinkles

To prepare a face mask from Polysorb for expression wrinkles, you need 1 tbsp. dilute the powder to a thick sour cream with warm natural milk (can be replaced with heavy cream, yogurt, sour cream, Greek yogurt) and add 2 drops of lavender essential oil (can be replaced with mint, flaxseed, almond, petitgrain oil).

After a course of 5–8 procedures, the skin is noticeably tightened, rejuvenated, small expression wrinkles and “crow’s feet” are smoothed out, and the face looks noticeably refreshed and moisturized.

With lifting effect

This mask allows you to increase the tone and elasticity of the epidermis, tighten and strengthen the oval of the face, activate metabolic processes, and the production of keratin and elastin.

Add warm water to 5 grams of ground kelp and let it brew for 10 minutes. Then add 1 tbsp to the resulting mixture. polysorb and 2 tbsp. shea butter, stir everything carefully. Distribute the resulting mixture onto cleansed facial skin in an even thin layer and leave for 5 minutes. Remove the remaining mixture with a cotton pad, wipe your face with a cotton swab soaked in a decoction of sage, calendula and green tea.

If you do the procedure 2 times a week for 1 month, you can significantly tighten the contour and give elasticity to the oval of the face.


For severe pigmentation and uneven complexion, it is recommended to use a mask of 1 tsp. sorbent, 1 tsp. fat sour cream, pulp of 1 ripe banana, 3 drops of patchouli essential oil. Apply the mixture in a thick layer to the face along massage lines, avoiding contact with the eyes and nasolabial triangle. Leave on for 15 minutes, remove any residue with gentle movements and wash with warm water. This mask can be done twice a week.

A course of 10 procedures has a pronounced whitening and detoxing effect. Metabolic processes in the skin are accelerated and blood circulation improves.

Polysorb: effectiveness against acne

If polysorb is prescribed for prophylaxis, and not as an emergency treatment, it is taken in smaller quantities, but for a longer period of time. So, in such cases, many have noticed that after a course of use, the condition of the skin significantly improves, it clears, pimples and blackheads disappear, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the skin acquires a uniform shade, looks smoother and healthier.

All this happens because the body is cleansed from the inside, and this cannot but affect our skin.

Initially, polysorb was not intended for external use, but, as it turned out, it can also be used as face masks and other procedures.

Why is polysorb against acne effective for external use? The fact is that the main active ingredient, which acts as a sorbent in the intestines and stomach, is silicon. It acts on the skin as follows:

  • local immunity increases;
  • the protective barrier increases;
  • prevents bacteria from penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin;
  • skin tone and elasticity improves;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • and, of course, Polysorb allows you to very effectively get rid of inflammatory processes, acne, and pimples.

How does Polysorb in a mask work on the skin?

Polysorb is an active drug that is often used inside the body to completely cleanse it. At the same time, recently one can notice the active popularization of the product in the manufacture of various masks for cleansing the skin. Moreover, we can safely say that the product has found its niche in cosmetology.

The main effects of the drug on the dermis include:

  • Targeted effect on immunity. Systematic application of masks will allow you to significantly increase the skin's resistance to a wide variety of external irritants. The immune system receives a kind of barrier from any external negative influences.
  • Increased tone. A responsibly selected formula nourishes the structure of the dermis, which leads to an overall increase in its tone. As a result, the skin acquires a healthy and rich color.

  • Rejuvenation. Silicon has an excellent effect on wrinkles. It smoothes them out and stimulates problem areas to restore elasticity.
  • Getting rid of ailments. The correct composition helps neutralize pimples and acne. After just a couple of sessions, you will get rid of not only unpleasant bulges, but also directly from foci of inflammation.

The most effective masks

Every woman knows a huge number of folk beauty recipes. Cleansing, rejuvenating and restoring masks are very popular. For example, a face mask made from polysorb has a wide spectrum of action. With its help, you can get rid of blackheads and rejuvenate a little, especially if you take the medicine internally to enhance the effect. How to do? Just add water and make it gel. It all depends on what result you want to get. If necessary, add other ingredients to the polysorb face mask. The recipe for such a mask is not officially written anywhere; it is passed on only by inheritance and from person to person.

How to make a face mask from polysorb? There are several types of preparation of such a mask, depending on the desired purpose. The simplest and most used is done with warm water.

Any polysorb mask is effective, although there are not many recipes yet. If you add sour cream, yogurt or warmed milk, the skin will be perfectly tightened, wrinkles and age spots will disappear. You can add tea tree oil and onion, chopped in a blender, to the polysorb. Then the skin will become incredible, the pores will be cleared of heavy impurities, pimples will dry out, acne will go away and inflammation will decrease. Perhaps they will soon come up with some more recipes for masks based on Polysorb for various purposes. To create a unique and effective mask from unusual ingredients, you first need to do research and test for some time to get certain results.


Many anti-aging home recipes contain ingredients and medicines from the pharmacy. They work better and show good results. A mask with polysorb is no exception; it noticeably smooths out wrinkles and brightens the face in general. With its help, it is very easy to get rid of blackheads and forget about enlarged pores, which only aggravate the situation and emphasize a woman’s age.

But do not forget that anti-wrinkle care should only be comprehensive! Anti-aging creams, serums, fluids, etc. will help get rid of wrinkles. If you take care of your face correctly, using a set of products and procedures, then you will not look your age. To do this, you must not forget about step-by-step cleansing and facial care. And before applying any masks, you simply need to steam your face so that all the components penetrate more deeply and act as intended. In the morning and evening, be sure to wash your face with an age-appropriate product. Ask why 2 times? The answer is obvious - during night sleep, the sebaceous and sweat glands work intensively, plus night creams

We sleep on the pillow with both our face and hair... Natural pollution occurs, so in the morning it is very important to wash off all this dirt that is not visible to our eyes. And in the evening, accordingly, it is necessary to wash off all the day’s dirt along with cosmetics.

A clean face also has a better effect on facial skin care products, especially anti-aging ones.

Anti acne

Polysorb is an excellent remedy for pimples and acne. If you make the right mask, you will clear your face of acne and other inflammatory processes. To do this, it is recommended to add a little sugar, onion and tea tree oil to a regular polysorb mask. After 2 months of a daily procedure of 20 minutes, the skin will become clean, velvety and sufficiently moisturized, you will forget about acne and other facial skin imperfections.

You can learn more about polysorb masks from the video:


Diagnostic features

Before you start taking colon cleansing medications, it is important to understand the causes of acne. If you feel discomfort and notice problems with digestion, it is advisable to visit a therapist or gastroenterologist. Treatment of the underlying disease can significantly improve the condition of the skin.

Diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract condition is carried out using different methods:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • gastroscopy;
  • probing and microscopic examination of bile;
  • colonoscopy;
  • laboratory tests: microflora studies, coprogram, general blood tests, urine tests, etc.

Based on the examination, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and develops a treatment plan.

Rules of application

Whatever mask you use, be it a whitening composition for dry skin or a nourishing formula based on turmeric, be careful and do not neglect the fundamental rules of applying the preparations. In the case of Polysorb, you will also be haunted by certain nuances, neglect of which can lead to undesirable effects, including complications of various dermatological diseases.

To avoid such an unpleasant situation, we recommend that you consider the following points:

  • Before using Polysorb powder as part of a particular formula, it is advisable to dissolve it in water until a thick paste forms.
  • Mandatory test. Before you try a sold product on your face, test it on your own wrist. Only those drugs that have not shown any negative effects during testing can be used in practice. If you notice a rash, irritation or acne on the treated area, you can safely conclude that the chosen formula is not suitable for your dermis.
  • Local application. When preparing formulations directly to combat acne, keep in mind that they are best applied pointwise, directly to the problem area. Since such compositions usually dry out the skin greatly, it is better not to apply them to the entire facial area.

  • The average time for using a mask with medicine is considered to be 10-15 minutes. Try not to let the composition dry out completely.
  • The polysorbent composition is removed with warm water, and then a moisturizer is applied to the treated surface.


Products with polysorb, like sour cream face masks, have their own contraindications, but there are not so many of them. Basically, these contraindications are based on the harm caused by additional ingredients used in the process of creating the formula. For example, when using honey in your product, make sure that you are not allergic to it.

It is also possible that discomfort may occur if the individual is personally intolerant to the drug. To rule out this problem, visit a cosmetologist or your family doctor for a professional examination and testing.

Indications for use

"Polysorb" is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • chronic or acute intoxication - both in adults and children;
  • intestinal infection, including foodborne;
  • diarrhea not associated with infection;
  • dysbacteriosis (as an additional remedy);
  • allergies due to food intake and/or medications;
  • diseases accompanied by the release of pus and severe intoxication;
  • poisoning;
  • increased bilirubin content.
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