The drug Curacen in cosmetology: placental therapy with Curacen, indications and contraindications, injection effect



Duration of the procedure:

30-60 min.

Number of procedures:

4-6 times (once every two weeks)


7,800 rub. (2 ml)

Recovery period: 3-5 days

Drug: Curacen (Curasen)

Modern cosmetology has a huge number of means and methods aimed at preserving or restoring lost external attractiveness. In this article, we will look at one of the most popular, effective and safe methods of rejuvenation, namely, Placental rejuvenation Curacen.


CURACEN (Curasen) is an injectable drug widely used by cosmetologists to eliminate signs of premature aging. The composition is based on biocomponents: low molecular weight peptides, native hyaluronic acid, active centers of growth factors and amino acids, as well as micro- and macronutrients. Such a multicomponent composition is completely biocompatible with the human body, and all processes correspond to physiology at the cellular level. Speaking about placental therapy with CURACEN, it is important to note the fact that it is mainly used for facial rejuvenation, as it is able to demonstrate a pronounced and clinically significant result and successfully combats problems even with the manifestation of significant age-related defects and skin dehydration. The multicomponent composition and the use of exclusively natural ingredients have brought the drug to a leading position among all safe methods existing today. After a course of procedures in modern anti-age medicine, patients achieve truly impressive results due to the following actions:

  • deep hydration and nutrition of the skin from the inside, prevention of inflammatory processes;
  • increasing elasticity and firmness;
  • compaction and alignment, creation of an internal cellular framework;
  • smoothing out fine, moderate and deep wrinkles;
  • elimination of hyperpigmentation, as well as reducing the severity of dark circles in the lower eyelid area;
  • tightening in conditions of gravitational ptosis of soft tissues;
  • stimulation of the body’s own synthesis of new cells, as well as acceleration of metabolism;
  • assistance in restoring the dermis after aggressive cosmetic procedures or plastic surgery.

Another factor that is important in cosmetology is compatibility and compatibility with other methods of aesthetic medicine, including those associated with abrasive effects (plasmolifting, peeling, as well as other options for hardware or laser action). Accelerating the body's production of its own collagen, elastin and other components of the intercellular matrix helps reduce the time it takes to restore the skin resource in the presence of damage or aging. Thus, all negative changes slow down and the process of transformation begins.

Kurasen – placental mesotherapy from Japan

Not so long ago, the entire range of “beauty injections” consisted of only hyaluronic acid and biopolymers that were unsafe for health. Today, manufacturers are increasingly experimenting with multi-component products and regularly making very successful discoveries.

The drug Curacen is a hydrolyzed placenta extract intended for use in cosmetology and, in particular, in mesotherapy . It contains a complex complex of active substances, including amino acids and epidermal growth factors, which in theory should stimulate skin regeneration processes.

Does this composition actually work and what effect can you expect? Where do the raw materials for production come from? How many sessions are needed and how much will they cost? Are there any contraindications, are there any complications? studies all the details about the promising Asian drug:

↑ General information about the product

  • Kurasen is produced by the Japanese company Japan Bio Products Co., Ltd. (JBP), it has been present on the pharmaceutical market since 1954, and is currently focused on developing drugs and care products based on the placenta (it also owns the well-known Laennec) and promoting them in Asia and Europe.
  • Direct production is carried out by the Korean BCWorld Pharm C. This organization specializes in the production of generics - pharmacological compounds for which the patents have expired and the formula has become publicly available.
  • In Russia, the drug was registered in 2014 (registration No. RZN 2014/1838) as an intradermal implant, which fully complies with the recommended method of its use and the requirements of domestic legislation.
  • The official distributor in our country is RANA Medical Corporation LLC, which supplies almost all JBP products: from injectable drugs to cannulas for contouring and nanoneedles for mesotherapy. Also, the company owns two aesthetic medicine clinics in Moscow under its own brand “RHANA” and has partnerships with more than 160 clinics throughout Russia, which also offer anti-aging procedures using placental preparations.

↑ Composition and indications for use

According to the manufacturer, mesotherapy with Curacen can significantly improve the quality of the skin. With its help you can:

  • perform prevention and correction of the consequences of photo- and chronoaging;
  • remove hyperpigmentation;
  • restore normal levels of moisture;
  • improve the aesthetic effect of facial contouring;
  • prepare the skin for traumatic cosmetic procedures (laser, various types of peelings) and operations, as well as recover after them;
  • improve the results of complex therapy for a number of diseases, incl. acne, skin dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, alopecia.

The key active component in Curasen is the hydrolyzate of the human placenta. It is obtained from ideally healthy donors, after which it is subjected to additional processing to eliminate excess impurities and ensure maximum sterility. The finished extract contains several valuable elements in high concentration:

  • 11 growth factors that stimulate cell activity, including fibroblasts;
  • 18 amino acids;
  • about a hundred enzymes, incl. antioxidant protection factors;
  • 40 minerals, incl. zinc, sulfur, cobalt, phosphorus necessary for the skin;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E.

Acting in combination, these biologically active substances:

  • stimulate the proliferation of fibroblasts;
  • enhance the synthesis of collagen and glycosaminoglycans (the latter are responsible for the hydration and elasticity of our skin);
  • have a beneficial effect on microcirculation in the dermis;
  • restore the barrier properties of the epidermis;
  • reduce water loss from the skin;
  • strengthen local immunity;
  • normalize melanin synthesis;
  • provide antioxidant protection.

↑ Is this effect scientifically substantiated?

In our country, 2 studies were conducted on the effect of Curasen on the skin of the face and hands. Representatives of the RHANA corporation took part in both - however, they worked together with other independent doctors and scientists (including doctors of science and professors), so we have some confidence in the results.

The experiments involved women aged 40-50 years, who underwent courses lasting from 4 to 10 procedures with subsequent recording of changes. According to the results obtained, the drug is capable of:

  • reduce the severity of pigmentation;
  • deeply moisturize the epidermis;
  • level the microrelief;
  • increase skin density by an average of 23.41%;
  • reduce the severity of wrinkles by ~29.2%;
  • reduce the number of dilated pores and vessels by ~37.2%.

In addition, the compatibility of Curacen with contouring was studied separately. The patients underwent 5 mesotherapy sessions, after which injections of ialuronic acid gels were given into the nasolabial folds. According to the protocols, this scheme provided a more durable result and less post-procedure swelling than the control group, which received only fillers.

Photo 1 – before and after using the drug as part of complex acne treatment:

Photo 2 – results of correction of age spots and general improvement of skin quality:

↑ How the procedure is performed

Mesotherapy using Curasen is not fundamentally different from injections using other drugs:

  • The first step is a face-to-face consultation with a specialist, identifying indications and possible contraindications.
  • Next, the skin is cleansed, an antiseptic and anesthesia are applied (usually Emla cream).
  • In the presence of the patient, the ampoule with the drug is removed from the box, the compliance of the name and expiration date is checked - JBP guarantees the effectiveness of its products for 3 years from the date of issue.
  • The cosmetologist begins the intradermal administration of Curasen - using the technique of superficial or deep papules, or linear. Depending on the treatment area and the tasks at hand, from 1 to 3 ampoules are used - this is 2-6 ml of the drug.
  • Upon completion, the injection area is re-treated with an antiseptic, the patient is given recommendations on the regime and facial care in the first days after the manipulation.

On average, a session takes about an hour, another 30 minutes are needed for the anesthetic cream to take effect. A standard course includes from 4 to 10 procedures performed at intervals of 1 week.

  • Mesolifting is a lift without surgery. Amino acids, DMAE, placenta extracts
  • Geroprotectors: fighting aging from the inside

The first results can be seen already by the 3-4th session, after which the effect continues to increase due to the increasing activation of fibroblasts - the positive dynamics persist for up to 1 month after completion of the course. As for frequency, cosmetologists recommend performing mesotherapy 1-3 times a year, depending on the condition of the skin and its reaction to the procedures already performed.

↑ Contraindications, complications, side effects

The use of Curasen is excluded if:

  • skin cancer;
  • the presence of infected wounds, open ulcers and burns on the treated surface;
  • epilepsy;
  • implanted cardiac pacemaker.

In addition, the injection mesotherapy procedure itself also has a number of contraindications, including:

  • diabetes;
  • systemic collagenoses;
  • pregnancy, regardless of duration;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • acute infectious diseases (ARVI, herpes, etc.);
  • age under 18 years;
  • mental disorders in which the patient is not able to adequately assess his actions and their consequences.

The main known side effects of Curasen are associated with skin injuries during injections: small bruises, swelling and redness of the face immediately after the procedure, as well as the appearance of characteristic papules on the skin. In addition, we cannot exclude other possible complications caused by doctor errors when administering the drug - this could be infection, blockage of blood vessels, etc. (for more details, see the article about possible problems after contouring). But cases of allergies were not described by either cosmetologists or their patients in the reviews - we can assume that the product is quite safe even for people with hypersensitivity. Those who are still worried about this issue can be advised to do a skin test before the procedure.

↑ How much does Kurasen cost?

Prices in Moscow (RUB):
Minimum4,600 rub. (clinic “A la Eva”)
Maximum11,000 rub. (City Resort Clinic)
* all prices listed are synchronized with the price list database and are current as of the current date.

↑ Conclusions

  • The manufacturer Curacen specializes in placental products for cosmetology and has extensive experience in the pharmaceutical market. The reputation of the official Russian distributor is also impeccable at the moment.
  • The product has a small scientific research base with positive results and good reviews from medical practitioners.
  • The cost of the procedures is consistent with the quality and promised results. In addition, unlike other popular multi-component injection gels, such as Mesoeye C71 (Mesoeye), there is no overpayment “for innovation”.
  • We consider this drug to be an excellent option in terms of price/quality ratio. We recommend trying it both for those who already do mesotherapy regularly and for those who are just preparing for their first acquaintance with this amazing procedure.

Composition of the drug CURACEN (Curasen)

CURACEN (Curasen) is a formula of many important components that complement each other and trigger regenerative and metabolic processes. Quick and long-term results after a course of procedures are possible through a combination of such components as:

  • Hyaluronic acid as a moisturizing factor. It attracts water and accumulates around cells, helping to restore water balance.
  • Acetyl tetrapeptide-5 has anti-edematous and drainage effects.
  • Copper tripeptide-1 is effective in healing wounds and improving skin tone.
  • Hexapeptide-11 is a herbal Botox that has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Palmitoyl tripeptide-5, designed to restore collagen levels.
  • Tetrapeptide-7, used to prevent the production of chemical messengers that cause acute inflammation in the patient's body.
  • Acetyl tetrapeptide-2 stimulates skin remodeling and has a beneficial effect on hair follicles.
  • Growth factors of vascular endothelium and keratinocytes.
  • Palmitoyl tripeptide-3/5 is able to mimic the effects of extracellular matrix protein and acts locally.
  • A complex of essential amino acids to prevent the negative effects of free radicals.
  • Basic, acidic fibroblast growth factors.

Kurasen, as an innovative biological product, is capable of acting in several directions at once, combining the effects of different drugs. And if in mesotherapy the products used work to a greater extent due to the vitamin complex, and in biorevitalization - due to hyaluronic acid, then Curacen combines all the best qualities of two popular procedures.

Anti-age drugs

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Laennec – solution for injection

Bb Laboratories – Serum “Arcanum”

Premium set “Ideal facial skin. Healthy tone"


The drug "Melsmon" is a highly effective concentrate of biologically active substances obtained from the villous-chorionic part of the human placenta. According to Japanese experts, the components of Melsmon are more crushed and more thoroughly purified from protein impurities. Therefore, unlike Laennec, it is absorbed faster and better by the body, causes allergic reactions less often, and allows for a more pronounced rejuvenation effect. "Melsmon" is focused mainly on the restoration and rejuvenation of skin structures. It creates ideal conditions for regenerative processes and prevention of aging. In addition, this drug is responsible for normalizing hormonal levels in women - it can delay menopause by 15 years and alleviate its symptoms.

The drug is administered at acupuncture points. “Melsmon” acts as a biological activator that triggers the work of the body’s hidden reserves; it is a kind of tuning fork that tunes the body to rejuvenation. A course of treatment with Melsmon improves the condition of the skin, stimulating the production of new collagen-elastin fibers, improving its color and protective capabilities. "Melsmon" increases the effectiveness of all aesthetic procedures.


The drug was developed by Japan Bio Products Co., Ltd. (JBP Co., Ltd.) in Japan, which created and produces Laennec. The main advantage of the concern is the presence of its own research institute. It undergoes a system of strict control and fully complies with the highest international GMP standards, which, in turn, guarantees the highest degree of environmental and technological purification. Thanks to the stated characteristics, JBP Co. Ltd was able to take a leading position in the global market in the production of placental products.

Efficiency and safety

Not all raw materials are suitable for the manufacture of placental preparations. Mandatory conditions are a natural, safe birth on time, the complete absence of any diseases or pathologies in both the mother and the child. Placenta donors are absolutely healthy and are monitored by a doctor throughout the pregnancy, and after childbirth they are under close medical supervision for several years. By the way! Only a Japanese woman who has not left the country for the last 15 years can become a donor. The raw materials used to create the drug undergo multi-stage testing and purification at the molecular level, so placenta-based drugs are absolutely safe.

In Japan, their production is controlled at the state level by the Japanese Medical Department. In this country there is even a special state program for placental health.

The wide spectrum of action of Laennec is due to its composition! Thanks to this composition, Laennec has not only a cosmetic, but also a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

CURACEN: indications for use and effect of Curacen injection in cosmetology

The drug is recommended for a fairly wide range of aesthetic skin defects, as well as for additional treatment for various dermatological diseases, even such serious and complex conditions as psoriasis, eczema, acne, etc.

Among the most common factors for procedures are:

  • the need to restore tissue elasticity and eliminate sagging;
  • prevention of signs of aging by phototype;
  • pale skin, dull and unhealthy tone;
  • elimination of scar tissue, traces of acne and post-acne;
  • the presence of bags and dark circles in the eye area;
  • the appearance of wrinkles of varying severity;
  • as rehabilitation after aggressive techniques in aesthetic cosmetology, as well as plastic surgery;
  • slowing down and preventing aging;
  • restoring water balance, getting rid of dryness and flaking;
  • hair loss, alopecia.

Application recommended by the course. It is administered dermally or hypodermally. In one session, as a rule, 1-2 ampoules are used, depending on the clinical picture and injection area. For complete skin therapy, it is recommended to perform 3 to 5 procedures with an interval of 7-10 days. When treating the scalp, more sessions will be required - at least 10 with the same interval.

The result becomes noticeable almost immediately: due to deep nutrition and saturation with moisture, the dermis takes on a rejuvenated, fresh and rested appearance. The cellular matrix and framework are strengthened, and the density of the skin increases significantly. Wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out, and the appearance of new imperfections is prevented and the skin tone is evened out. All metabolic processes are restored, saturation with important components for the proper functioning and renewal of the skin occurs.

Post-procedure care

For a quick recovery, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not touch the injection sites,
  • do not wash your face for 3 hours after the procedure,
  • treat your face with Chlorhexidine after the procedure 3 hours later and apply Traumeel ointment,
  • do not drink alcohol for 5-7 days,
  • Limit heavy physical activity for a week, do not visit baths, saunas, swimming pools for 2 weeks,
  • For 7-10 days it is not recommended to expose the skin to intense heat (sunbathing, visiting a solarium, etc.).

On the day of the procedure, the cosmetologist will tell you in detail about further care and give recommendations.

Types of drug

The release form of CURACEN (Kurasen) is ampoules containing 2 ml of solution. They are packaged in red packaging in a set of 5 pieces. It is also worth noting that for each patient the number of procedures and the volume of the substance administered are determined by the cosmetologist on an individual basis. The decision depends both on the current condition of the skin and the chosen technique: Curacen is used both for biorevitalization and mesotherapy.

Please note that the blue packages offered under the guise of CURACEN are not certified and cannot be used legally by cosmetologists in the Russian Federation. All dosages and methods proposed for use with the drug were developed by doctors for the drug in red packaging and specifically taking into account its composition.

Description of the procedure

The use of Curasen for mesotherapy involves administering the drug by injection. During your first visit to a cosmetologist, he will assess the current condition of the skin and identify all areas of the face or body that need correction. By the way, contraindications for the use of Curasen are minimal, so in most cases it can become the drug of choice. It is important to understand and accurately understand the risks that may arise during healing, and therefore psychologically prepare for the upcoming stage.

Please note that before starting aesthetic correction, the doctor fills out a patient card or an injection passport, where he must accurately indicate the name, volume used, as well as the areas to be corrected. The patient has the right to demand verification of the expiration date, the availability of product certificates, and the opening of the ampoule is carried out immediately before the start of manipulation. All actions can only be carried out by persons with specialized professional training, namely cosmetologists, dermatologists, plastic surgeons; estheticians with secondary medical education should not perform complex manipulations.

Aesthetic injection correction is performed in strict accordance with established rules. Let's consider the algorithm of actions using the example of a description of how to properly inject CURACEN (Curasen):

  • thorough cleansing of all skin using antiseptic rules;
  • drying and further treatment with an antiseptic solution;
  • further, depending on the wishes of the patient, it is possible to apply a cream with a local anesthetic effect. When using nanoneedles with ultrathin walls, preliminary anesthesia is not required;
  • administering injections in accordance with current defects and recommended techniques;
  • secondary treatment with an antiseptic to eliminate the risk of infection;
  • applying a restorative or soothing cream.

The duration of the procedure itself takes no more than 20 minutes, excluding the time of application of the anesthetic cream, and immediately after completion, the doctor and the patient determine the date of the next visit, strictly following the recommendations given for the post-procedure period.

After the procedure, experts recommend adhering to certain rules that guarantee the best results. Recommendations can be obtained at an appointment with a doctor on an individual basis.


The main component of the drug "Curasen" is human placenta with low molecular weight peptides. It has a positive effect on the human dermis and promotes active tissue regeneration. In this regard, “Kurasen” is aimed at eliminating and correcting imperfections of the face or body.

As a result of procedures based on this drug, blood circulation is increased, the process of regeneration of skin cells and metabolic processes is accelerated, and skin respiration is normalized. In addition, the appearance and complexion improve, wrinkles are smoothed out, the facial contour is strengthened, and a general rejuvenation effect is observed. Curacen can also be used on the scalp to restore and support hair growth by stimulating hair follicles. Features of application

With the drug "Kurasen" facial mesotherapy helps improve blood circulation, metabolic processes, accelerate cell recovery, and normalize skin respiration.

Photos before and after

Many patients who have tried all the advantages of innovative placental therapy are ready to share their results. They note the following changes after using the drug:

  • CURACEN (Curasen) eliminates pigmentation;
  • increases elasticity, tones;
  • corrects gravitational age-related ptosis, smoothes wrinkles and pronounced creases;
  • enriches with vitamins;
  • accelerates rehabilitation after peelings, hardware and laser procedures, as well as preparation for aggressive effects;
  • is a means of preventing negative changes at the initial stages;
  • relieves irritation.

To prove effectiveness, it is necessary to compare photos before and after the course.

1 day

a week later

Day 8

In 2 weeks


The post-injection period is always difficult and during the first day redness may be observed, which quickly passes. The key to recovery is strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations, including:

  • use of professional soft foams for cleansing and daily hygiene;
  • preventing the risk of exposure to UV rays and the sun, applying sunscreen with the highest SPF factor;
  • temporary exclusion of alcoholic beverages from the menu, as well as refusal of intense sports activities for several days;
  • It is not recommended to visit the bathhouse, sauna or solarium for 7 days;
  • if necessary, and also in agreement with the doctor, the use of antihistamines is allowed.

The duration of the effect lasts on average from 12 to 18 months, but this interval may increase or decrease depending on the individual characteristics of the body and lifestyle and quality skin care after the course of therapy.

Precautionary measures

The manufacturer claims absolute safety and fully confirms this with multiple quality certificates. However, like any other drug, temporary side effects may still appear after Curasen:

  • redness;
  • swelling.

As a rule, all phenomena resolve on their own and do not require additional intervention. In case of allergies or inflammation, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

In cosmetology, the list of contraindications for CURACEN is minimal and is reduced to the list relevant for the injection procedure.

Super thin injection needles Nanoneedle

Kurasen dermal biocorrector

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 30G

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 33G

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 34G


The Curacen placental rejuvenation procedure cannot be used if there is a history of somatic diseases, malignant and benign neoplasms. It is also not recommended for use if you are allergic to the components of the drug, and of course during pregnancy and lactation.

Medical ]SkinLazerMed[/anchor] invites you to undergo the Kurasen placental rejuvenation procedure in St. Petersburg. On the day of the procedure, a consultation with a doctor is completely FREE. We carry out the procedure at the most affordable prices in St. Petersburg.

Advantages and disadvantages

The drug is intended to solve a wide range of cosmetic problems, however, before planning the procedure, it is recommended to consult with a cosmetologist.

  • universal method suitable for various aesthetic defects
  • applies to all age groups
  • fast recovery
  • cumulative effect
  • availability
  • dependence of effectiveness on individual characteristics

Comparison with other drugs

CURACEN (Curasen) is widely used in the field of cosmetology for injections to rejuvenate and improve skin health at the cellular level. It is based on a complex formula consisting of a complex of peptides, growth factors, as well as important amino acids and native hyaluronic acid. It combines all the best characteristics of meso-cocktails, bioreparants and biorevitalizants. The main difference is the natural origin of all components; Kurasen does not contain a single artificially synthesized component. There are no analogues on the modern cosmetology market.

Let's sum it up

Summarizing all the information provided, we can conclude that CURACEN will help get rid of many aesthetic skin defects of varying severity. At the same time, it not only improves appearance, but also provides a healing effect at the cellular level, increasing the immune status of the skin, allowing you to maintain youth and beautiful appearance for many years. The pharmaceutical approach to product production and the strictest Japanese quality control allowed us to achieve a truly unique and working formula.

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