How to use curiosin gel against wrinkles: basic rules of use and reviews from cosmetologists

No woman wants to put up with the appearance of wrinkles. Fortunately, age-related skin changes are not a problem today. There are many ways to get rid of treacherous bumps. However, not every one of them will be available to everyone. But this is no reason to despair. In addition to expensive cosmetics and procedures, there are alternative pharmaceutical products. One of them is Curiosin gel. It may not solve all your age-related skin problems, but it is quite capable of fighting back the first expression lines. You can verify this by consulting the opinions of cosmetologists and reviews of those who have already tried the gel.

Use in combination with other means

It is possible to use Curiosin gel for the face in combination with other products, that is, include the gel in masks.


This is a very simple procedure, do it like this:

  • cleanse the skin with milk or another product that does not contain alcohol;
  • apply the gel to the skin, finger movements should be directed along the massage lines, using the fingertips, as if driving the product into the skin;
  • We massage until the gel is completely absorbed;
  • then apply a thick layer of moisturizer to your face;
  • After half an hour, you need to carefully remove the remnants of the mask using soft napkins.


This mask not only helps fight wrinkles, but saturates the skin with beneficial substances. To prepare the composition, you need to purchase an oil solution of vitamins A and E. As a rule, such solutions are sold in the form of gelatin capsules.

To prepare the composition, you need to open the gelatin capsule and mix its contents with a small amount of gel. Then you need to add a drop of citrus essential oil to the composition. You can take blood orange or lemon oil. The prepared composition is carefully applied to cleansed skin, performing patting movements. After half an hour, you should wipe your face with tonic.


This composition is also quite simple. To prepare, you will need any nourishing cream that you usually use. Mix a small amount of cream and gel and apply to the face. There is no need to remove this composition; it should be completely absorbed into the skin.

What results to expect (photos before and after use)

Regular use of Curiosin helps:

  • improving the appearance of the skin, restoring elasticity and firmness;
  • smoothing out wrinkles by moisturizing the skin;
  • enhancing the effect of other agents - due to the gentle removal of keratinized cells of the epidermis.

Effective home recipes

Curiosin gel can be combined with other beneficial substances. This product enhances the effect of finished cosmetics on the skin.

Moisturizing mask

This composition helps to avoid excessive dryness of the dermis and perfectly supplies it with moisture. To carry out the procedure, you should perform the following steps:

  1. Cleanse the skin with milk or another alcohol-free substance.
  2. Gently massage the gel into the skin.
  3. Perform massaging movements until the curiosin is completely absorbed.
  4. Treat your face with moisturizer.
  5. After half an hour, get rid of the remaining composition with a soft cloth.

Vitamin mask

The composition supplies the skin with vitamins and helps cope with natural age-related changes in the body. To get an effective mask, you need to take curiosin gel and vitamins A and E in capsules. You will also need citrus fruit essential oil.

You need to extract the contents from the capsules and combine them with the gel. When the product acquires a homogeneous consistency, add 1 drop of essential oil to the mixture - grapefruit, lemon, orange will do. The finished product can be applied to the face. To do this, you need to make patting movements with your fingertips. After half an hour, you can wash your face and cover your face with a tonic composition.

Nourishing mask

To improve skin nutrition, you should combine curiosin with a nourishing cream. These components must be taken in equal parts. Use the product as you would a regular cream. The substance is well absorbed into the skin structure, so it does not need to be washed off.

Honey emulsion

To obtain this nutritional composition, you need to mix 1 drop each of curiosin and apilac. The second product contains beekeeping products. The finished substance should be evenly distributed over the skin of the face.

Foam with green tea

To make it you need to take 1 drop of curiosin and 1 large spoon of green tea. To prepare this drink, you need to take 1 tablespoon of raw material per 100 ml of boiling water. Combine the cooled and strained product with curiosin. Apply the prepared substance generously to the face and neck.

Many also use this substance to improve the condition of the skin of the elbows and knees. Thanks to the miraculous foam, the dermis in these areas becomes noticeably softer.

Analogs of Curiosin gel

Today in pharmacies there is a large assortment of drugs, which, in fact, differ only in name and cost. The principles of their effect on the body often coincide. Although here it all depends on the purposes for which this or that means is used. Among the popular gel analogues are:


A drug for external use, the main component of which is azelaic acid. The product is not suitable for accelerating the healing of mechanical damage to the skin and accelerating regeneration. Its main task is to treat acne. And in this sense, the drug affects the body in exactly the same way as Curiosin. Azogel is used in its pure form twice a day, like the previous drug.

Skinoren gel

Another drug based on azelaic acid. But its auxiliary components allow the product to be used to treat a wider range of skin pathologies. Thus, Skinoren is excellent in the fight against rosacea. This suggests that it contains substances that accelerate the regeneration of the skin. This means that the pharmacological action of Skinoren gel is practically no different from Curiosin.


This analogue of Kuriosin is somewhat different from previous options in consistency. The product is also based on azelaic acid, but is presented in the form of a cream. It has only white color, and is sold in a single version. From the name it is clear that the drug is primarily intended for the treatment of acne on the face and any other parts of the body. Its effectiveness is explained by its antibacterial effect. The cream destroys the habitat of harmful bacteria, eliminating excess secretion in the pores.

Aknestop cream

In this drug, the effect of azelaic acid is enhanced by glycerol and benzoic acid. This allows the product to actively fight not only single acne, but also more serious pathologies. For example, with acne. Moreover, Aknestop copes with this task no worse than Kuriozin. Of course, for this you need to use the drug only for its intended purpose and strictly follow all instructions.

Why are Kuriosin analogues needed?

Azelaic acid is an excellent substitute for hyaluronic acid. For people who are intolerant to this substance, the alternative is an excellent option.

Another case in which the patient pays attention to analogues is the price of Kuriosin. The average cost of a fifteen-gram tube is 600 rubles. With long-term treatment, the drug can significantly hit the pocket, so it is more profitable to use alternative hormonal ointments

With long-term treatment, the drug can significantly hit your pocket, so it is more profitable to use alternative hormonal ointments.

Medicinal properties

Hyaluronic acid and zinc compensate for the deficiency of these substances produced by the body, forming zinc hyaluronate. Thanks to these components, Kuriosin has a wide spectrum of action:

  • accelerates tissue healing;
  • fights various inflammatory processes;
  • has disinfecting and antiseptic properties;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • maintains the moisture content of the dermis at a normal level;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • accelerates metabolic processes, participates in cell renewal;
  • reduces the likelihood of disease recurrence.

The beneficial properties of the medicine make it possible not only to save a person from various diseases, but also to successfully use it for cosmetic purposes. It smooths out wrinkles, evens out color and gives the epidermis elasticity, smoothness and youth.


Today, pharmacies have a wide range of drugs, the difference between which comes down only to the name and cost. These are analogues in composition. There are also drugs with the same principle of action. However, their names and composition are different. These are analogues in terms of therapeutic effect.

"Kuriosin" gel has analogues in composition. In addition, there are substitutes that have the same properties and effects. I suggest you familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

Among the most popular analogues are:

  • "Regetsin";
  • "Azogel";
  • "Skinoren gel";
  • "Acne-derm."

The main active ingredient of the listed drugs, except for Regetsin, is azelaic acid. It perfectly replaces hyaluronic acid. This alternative is an ideal option for those who have an individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid.

What else could be the reason for choosing an analogue instead of Curiosin? From my point of view, this is the cost of the drug. A tube of gel with a volume of only 15 g costs about 600 rubles.

If treatment is delayed for several months, it can make a real hole in the budget. With a long course, it is more profitable to use analogues.


"Regetsin" is a gel whose active substance is hyaluronic acid. The main purpose is the prevention and treatment of acne. This Russian-made drug is widely used today not only for medical, but also for cosmetic purposes.

The gel has regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, its components have an antimicrobial effect and remove spots that appear on the skin during the healing process of acne marks.

By the way, “Regetsin” received positive reviews not only for its good results in the fight against acne. It also perfectly restores the skin after cosmetic laser corrections.


The main active ingredient of Azogel is azelaic acid. I would like to note right away that this medicine is not suitable for accelerated regeneration of the skin and its healing after any mechanical damage.

The main task of the gel is to combat acne of mild or moderate severity. The drug should be used in its pure form twice a day - in the morning and before bed. Apply only to problem areas. Approximately 2.5 cm (0.5 g) of Azogel is enough for the entire skin of the face.

Before using the drug, do not forget to wash your face with a cleansing cosmetic product. And then wash your hands.


This gel is based on the same azelaic acid. However, thanks to the auxiliary components, Skinoren can be used to eliminate a number of dermatological problems.

For example, this drug has proven itself to be an effective means of combating rosacea. Thus, I can conclude that it contains substances that accelerate regeneration processes.

Results that can be achieved using Skinoren gel:

  • elimination of inflammation;
  • elimination of acne;
  • preventing the occurrence of pigmentation;
  • improving skin tone and mattifying.


This analogue of “Curiosin” has a slightly different consistency. The drug is available in the form of a white cream. The main active ingredient is the same azelaic acid.

Already from the name of the drug it is clear that its main purpose is to treat acne. The effectiveness of the cream is due to its antibacterial properties. The drug has a destructive effect on the habitat of harmful bacteria and eliminates excess secretion in the pores.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

According to reviews from cosmetologists, Curiosin can dry out the skin, especially if it is naturally dry, so be sure to use moisturizing and nourishing products.

Follow the rules for using the product; if there are contraindications, discard it and replace it with an analogue, otherwise peeling, redness, swelling, and in some cases more serious problems may appear.

To enhance the effect of the drug, cosmetologists advise:

  1. Apply moisturizing creams on a regular basis.
  2. Follow a diet; your diet should include a lot of fruits, berries and vegetables, cereals, lean meat, fish and dairy products.
  3. Avoid fatty, fried, pickled and spicy foods, avoid excessive consumption of alcohol, and do not smoke. Bad habits negatively affect not only health, but also a person’s appearance.
  4. You need to drink at least two liters of pure non-carbonated water per day.
  5. Spend more time in the fresh air, exercise, and lead an active lifestyle.

People who have already used the gel claim that it perfectly rejuvenates and evens out the color. But you need to apply it correctly and regularly - then the effect will be excellent.

Combined mask with Curiosin

A morning mask containing gel can be used to moisturize the skin, giving it elasticity and a healthy color.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • 0.5 tsp Curiosin gel;
  • vitamins A, B, E, C – 1 capsule each;
  • essential oil (lemon, bergamot, lavender, fir, cypress, rose) 2-3 drops.

You can use the gel in its pure form. It should be applied to the entire face in a thin layer and thicker in places where there are deep wrinkles. You can keep the mask on for 10 to 15 minutes, and then be sure to rinse it off with running warm water without soap or cleansers.

An evening mask with Curiosin is used for a deep effect on wrinkles. This mask should be kept on the face longer than the morning one.


  • Curiosin gel 0.5 tsp. for one application;
  • any base oil – 1 tsp.

It is necessary to apply the mixture to clean skin for 25 minutes, then remove the mask with a paper napkin (for dry and flaky skin) or wash it off without soap (for oily skin). But if there is increased sebum production after the procedure, the face can be treated with a refreshing tonic or mattifying cream.

Curiosin - instructions for use allows you to use the product in the fight against wrinkles

The most common is a mask containing:

  • face cream that has a moisturizing, nourishing, softening or protective effect - 1 tbsp;
  • vitamins: A, E or vitamin complex – 1 capsule each;
  • base oils: peach, burdock, olive or any other – 1 tsp;
  • essential oils: tea tree, rose, lavender, cedar, mint - 2-3 drops.

If your facial skin is very dry and needs additional strong hydration, you can add glycerin or petroleum jelly to the mask. All ingredients must be mixed in a small plastic or glass jar and stored at a temperature no higher than 15°.

The product must be applied to clean, steamed skin. You need to keep the mask on for at least 30-40 minutes, then wash thoroughly using a cleanser (since the mask contains a lot of fatty components). After washing off the mask, you can apply anti-aging cream to your face and massage your face with a special massager.

Is it effective for treating wrinkles?

The effectiveness of eliminating wrinkles is due to the content of hyaluronic acid in the gel. Moreover, there is more of it in the drug than in anti-aging cosmetics.

In the preparation, this substance is presented in the form of zinc hyalurate, and this combination has a positive effect on the rate of division of epidermal cells, in addition, the cells are saturated with moisture, and the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

Regular use of Curiosin really improves the condition of the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles, and increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

The gel is well absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes.

Curiosin does not contribute to photosensitivity, therefore, the course of treatment can be carried out in the summer.

Since numerous reviews about the use of anti-wrinkle gel say that a lasting effect can only be obtained with long-term and regular use, it must be said that long-term use of Curiosin is not addictive.

Expert opinion

Dmitrieva Elena Yurievna

Gynecologist-endocrinologist, 40 years of experience

To get a noticeable effect, the gel needs to be used for a long time, and it is better to carry out courses of treatment - 4 weeks of active use of the product, and then a break for a couple of months. This way Curiosin will work more effectively and will not dry out the skin. It must be said that not all cosmetologists speak equally positively about the use of this drug in relation to the treatment of wrinkles and age-related changes. Some consider it an excellent alternative to hyaluronic acid injections, while others believe that Curiosin is not intended to combat wrinkles, and it is unwise to use it for this purpose.

How to properly use anti-wrinkle gel

Recommendations for use of the drug:

  1. The main indication for the use of Curiosin is acne and acne. Dermatologists and cosmetologists advise people suffering from such an enemy to apply the gel to damaged areas of the skin in the morning and evening. The instructions for the drug do not say anything about the gel’s fight against wrinkles and signs of premature aging. Therefore, it is advisable to assume that you need to act in the same way: apply a thin layer of the gel to previously cleansed skin twice a day.
  2. The gel is colorless and odorless, which makes it easier to use and makes the product more accessible. In addition, the medicine does not react with any cosmetic product. Thanks to this circumstance, there is no need to change and re-select care cosmetics. But experts recommend saturating the skin with moisture after using the anti-wrinkle gel; for this you will need to use a moisturizer. It can be anything, the one that was used before will do, but it is better to give preference to creams with vitamins A and E in the composition.
  3. Since, as stated above, Curiosin does not enter into chemical reactions with cosmetics, you can simplify the procedure for using the drug by immediately mixing it with a moisturizer. In this case, subsequent moisturizing of the skin will not be required.
  4. The gel can be applied to the entire face or only to problem areas, for example, use Curiosin only for the skin around the eyes and lips. Also, Kuriosin is suitable for use only in the neck or décolleté area. In general, applying the gel pointwise is a very advisable measure to prevent dryness and damage to healthy areas of the skin.

Unlike popular anti-wrinkle cosmetics, Kuriosin does not clog pores. After all, clogged pores can cause serious problems and provoke the appearance of acne and inflammation. And since Curiosin was initially aimed specifically at combating acne and acne, in this regard the gel is absolutely safe and simply cannot provoke skin damage of this kind.

Methods of using the product

There are many ways to use Curiosin, but only a few are popular among women in pursuit of beauty and youthful skin.

  • Cocktail mask. To prepare the mixture, you need to mix any moisturizer with Curiosin in a 1:1 ratio. Then the resulting mass is applied to problem areas of the skin. No rinsing required.
  • Mask for the face. A thin layer of gel is applied to cleansed facial skin and massaging movements; a moisturizing cream should be applied on top of it with a thicker layer. Leave the mask on for 25–30 minutes. For those with dry skin, it is better to remove the remaining mask with a cotton pad or dry cloth. For women with normal skin type, to remove the remnants of the mask, it will be enough to wash with warm water.
  • Gel based cream. You need to transfer the gel to a convenient container. You can use an empty jar of any cream, the main thing is that the volume of the selected container is sufficient. Next, add a few drops of vitamins A and E to Curiosin. Capsules with liquid vitamins can be purchased at any pharmacy. Then add a few drops of orange essential oil to the mixture. Orange oil saturates the skin with moisture, but it can be replaced with any other oil, for example, lemon or bergamot oil. The only thing is that you first need to study the properties of a particular oil so as not to dry out or burn the skin. For example, tea tree oil is unlikely to be suitable for such a cream. This product can be prepared before each use in microdoses: add one drop of vitamin A, E and the selected essential oil to a pea of ​​gel. After applying the resulting composition to problem areas, massage the skin with light patting movements and “drive” the cream into it for 5 minutes. The skin after such a mixture will be firm, elastic and fresh.

Side effects

Side effects that may rarely occur include:

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Dryness and flaking.

Indications for use:

According to the instructions, there is only one indication - treatment of acne.

We have read many reviews on the Internet, and we can say with confidence that they are unreliable. No competent, self-respecting cosmetologist will prescribe Kuriozin in this case, and the reasons are described above.

Methods of use pure and in creams

  • Application in its pure form: the gel can only be used to treat areas that need correction. As a rule, wrinkles first appear around the eyes, on the cheeks (nasolabial folds), on the forehead - it is from these areas that rejuvenation should begin. Application to the entire face is advisable for aging, sagging skin that needs active toning.
  • Adding to basic cosmetics: this option is suitable for those who do not want to give up their usual care, but want to make it more effective. The mixture of cream and “Curiosin” should not be stored; it is better to take portioned doses: add 1 part of gel to 3 parts of cream, mix them and apply to the face.
  • Application in the form of a cream: add 1 drop of vitamins A and E and 2 drops of orange essential oil to a small amount of gel (the size of a pea). The mixture should be carefully distributed over the face; additional application of a moisturizer or nourishing cream is not required.

Basic rules of use

To use Curiosin as safely and effectively as possible, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Before applying the gel, be sure to cleanse your face with tonic, milk or a special mask. It is recommended to apply the gel not to the entire face, but only to problem areas. Use the gel morning and evening
  2. Rejuvenation procedures are best carried out in courses - alternate 30 days of use with 60 days of break,
  3. When applying the gel for the first time, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of gel to the back of the wrist or elbow. Then you need to wait 15 minutes, and if there is no negative reaction, then you can use the gel on your face,
  4. Cosmetologists recommend not applying cold gel to your face; it is better to warm it a little in your hands.

When applying the gel to the area around the eyes, it is recommended:

  1. Dilute the gel with moisturizing cream or glycerin in a ratio of 1:3 for use during the daytime, and in a ratio of 1:1 for application at night. A rich cream fights age and expression wrinkles better.
  2. Apply the product around the eyes using light movements with your fingertips, without stretching the skin,
  3. If the gel gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes, you need to urgently rinse them with running water.

Changes in body coverings with age

Young skin in normal condition is evenly permeated with a “network” of collagen and elastin fibers, ensuring its strength and elasticity. With wounds, scratches, internal ruptures of the dermis and age-related changes, the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the matrix is ​​disrupted. When such changes occur, skin creases - wrinkles - appear.

Another main reason for the appearance of age spots, lines and folds is the influence of unfavorable working conditions and bad habits. For example, prolonged exposure to the sun, which is caused by production needs or a love of beach holidays, leads to photoaging. As a result of the combined influence of various factors, the integument of the body becomes thinner.

The topical medicine Curiosin may be useful in reducing signs of aging. Reviews: the gel helps against wrinkles when applied regularly to the face, smoothes out wrinkles (shallow ones). In addition, the drug lightens age spots, dries out acne and relieves inflammation.

Opinion of dermatologists

Doctors have mixed opinions about the benefits of the gel for getting rid of age-related changes in the face. One group claims it cannot bring visible improvement. The active substance in the product is completely insufficient to successfully eliminate age-related changes. You will have to use it for a long time, which may result in negative side effects - irritation, dryness, redness and tightness.

Negative reviews arise due to an allergic reaction to the drug. To prevent serious manifestations of allergies, testing should be carried out before use.

They claim that Curiosin is better used as a medicine for rashes and acne, and for rejuvenation, purchase products that contain more hyaluronic acid and have no side effects.

Another part of cosmetologists believes that this is an excellent method of getting rid of various age-related changes:

It has almost the same effect as expensive injections of hyaluronic acid or Botox; it also rejuvenates, smoothing out wrinkles and evening out color.

Combines well with all cosmetic facial care products without causing a negative skin reaction. Enhances the effect of anti-aging creams.

There are no antibiotics or hormonal substances in the composition, no side effects were observed, the skin is not pigmented. All this deserves the most favorable reviews.

Rejuvenation program for mature skin

This program is designed for women over 45 years old. Course duration – 1 month.

  • First day: in the morning a mask of Curiosin with the addition of vitamins A and E, in the evening - a similar mask, but only with vitamin E;
  • Second day: in the morning a mask with vitamins A and E, in the evening a mask of Panthenol, and then Curiosin with vitamin E.
  • From the third day the program is repeated.

Curiosin can only be applied to mature skin with the addition of oils. The optimal solution is to use oil solutions of vitamins. If for some reason you do not want to use vitamins, then add any base oil, for example, almond oil. It is not recommended to apply pure Curiosin, as it dries the skin, and instead of a rejuvenating effect, you can get a couple of new wrinkles.

Comparative characteristics with analogues of the product

There are many pharmaceutical drugs approved by cosmetologists that can replace effective anti-aging cosmetics. But despite the similar composition, different drugs perform different functions, so you need to be careful in choosing the right product.

Table: comparative characteristics of Curiosin with other pharmaceutical products

Name Cost, rubles Texture Possibility of use for eyelid skin Reaction to UV rays Curiosin gel 450–600 (15 g) Light, transparent. Not recommended for use in pure form

Can be applied to thin eyelid skin in combination with a nourishing cream. Absent. Relief ointment 350–400 (28.4 g) Thick, greasy with an unpleasant odor. Careful application is allowed, avoiding contact of the product with the mucous membrane. Absent. Retinoic ointment 250 (10 g) Thick, yellow in color. Forbidden. Sensitive to UV rays. Therefore, it is not recommended to use in the summer. Blefarogel 2 240 (15 ml) Light, transparent. Recommended for delicate skin around the eyes, but avoid contact with the cornea. Absent.

Why is the product not suitable for all women?

When reading reviews about the use of Kuriosin, you will notice that they are quite contradictory. What is this connected with? The fact is that, like any other drug, Curiosin is not suitable for everyone.

For example, many women note dry skin after using this product.

This can be explained as follows: hyaluronic acid, despite retaining moisture in the skin, in dry climates does not react with liquid in the environment, and begins to draw moisture from the deep layers of the skin.

The same thing happens in winter, when the indoor air is dry due to heating.

In addition, the substances that make up the drug can cause an allergic reaction, so it should be used with caution.

Curiosin gel was developed for a completely different purpose, and if it is used for the treatment of wrinkles, that is, not for its intended purpose, it is necessary to carefully monitor the skin reaction, especially for women with dry skin types.

Pros of using this tool

The following advantages of using this tool can be noted:

  • the drug is safe, it has virtually no contraindications and extremely rarely causes unwanted side effects;
  • The result of application can be noticed almost after the first application. The skin acquires a fresher color, becomes softer, and after several procedures you will notice that small wrinkles have been smoothed out;
  • The product is odorless and does not cause discomfort when applied. Sometimes during the first procedures a slight burning sensation appears, but it quickly passes.
  • this gel does not cause increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, so it can be used regardless of the season;
  • the composition of the drug is not addictive, so it can be used for a long time;
  • the drug can be used in combination with other cosmetic care products;
  • The gel can be used to apply to the entire face or to treat only problem areas. The product can be applied to the skin around the eyes;
  • the product has a light texture, it is easily absorbed and does not stain clothes;

Comparison of effectiveness with halurion injections and retinoic ointment

Hyaluronic injections, of course, lead to an immediate effect that lasts for a year, and Curiosin gel for getting rid of wrinkles should be used regularly and for a long time.


But injection is always accompanied by injury to the skin, which is excluded with topical application of Curiosin.

Retinoic ointment works well against acne and age-related and expression wrinkles, but it has a wide list of contraindications, while Curiosina has practically none.

Curiosin anti-wrinkle gel: features of use

In an effort to prolong your youth, you spend significant money buying cream from well-known cosmetic brands. But friends assure that products that can be found in pharmacies often give no worse effect. Find out whether Curiosin, an anti-wrinkle gel originally used to fight acne, will really help you beat age.

What ensures the result

The formula actually contains substances necessary for the skin:

  1. Hyaluronic acid is part of fillers that fight wrinkles on the face. Unlike salicylic or glycolic, which have an exfoliating effect, it gives elasticity to the skin. The substance is part of the group of polysaccharides that are necessary for connective tissues, because if there is a lack of it, they lose their elasticity and sag. In addition, hyaluronic acid is needed for long-term hydration of the deep layers of the skin, as it promotes water retention. True, it will not be a panacea for age-related changes: external use will only eliminate small wrinkles. For a lasting effect, you will need to inject hyaluronic acid subcutaneously, because otherwise its large molecules will not penetrate further than the epidermis.
  2. Zinc is second only to iron in importance for the body. It was used for beauty procedures back in Ancient China, when beauties rubbed their faces with crushed pearls (the substance is part of it). Now zinc is present in the formulas of creams and serums, as it accelerates regeneration processes. It also prevents the formation of free radicals - molecules that destroy the cell membrane. Zinc stops inflammation and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, preventing breakouts.

The gel was originally used to treat acne, and its use to combat wrinkles remains secondary. Not all cosmetologists approve of the application of products developed for other purposes, so monitor your body’s reactions.

Its author, an ordinary 55-year-old woman, described in detail how she managed to almost instantly get rid of deep wrinkles and bags under her eyes, without makeup, Botox and other well-known rejuvenation methods.


What properties does the drug have: statements from supporters

If you decide to use a product that was not originally intended to combat wrinkles, you may notice changes over time:

  • improving the appearance of the skin, returning elasticity;
  • disappearance of wrinkles, which is ensured by moisturizing the skin;
  • enhancing the effectiveness of other means, because the drug gently removes the layer of keratinized cells;
  • eliminating dryness, which gives a rejuvenating result.

The advantages include the following:

  1. The drug does not contain aggressive components, so it can be used without fear. Doctors only recommend taking breaks between courses: after 1 month. Application pause will be six months.
  2. After the procedures, you will not have a feeling of greasy face. The gel will not leave stains if it accidentally gets on clothes and will not disturb the smell, since the formula does not contain fragrances. Thanks to its light texture, the product does not clog pores.
  3. Unlike many drugs, Curiosin does not increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. Soon after application, you can even head to the beach.
  4. An affordable price will save you from unnecessary expenses.

Read: Superficial peeling: everything you wanted to know about the procedure

Thanks to these advantages, women use Curiosin to combat age-related changes.

The gel has a delicate texture, which makes it pleasant to use.

Features of the composition

Curiosin gel contains substances important for the skin. These include the following:

  1. Hyaluronic acid is part of fillers that help cope with wrinkles on the face. The substance has exfoliating properties and increases the elasticity of the dermis. The element belongs to the polysaccharides necessary for connective tissues. With a deficiency of the substance, they become less elastic and sag. In addition, hyaluronic acid qualitatively moisturizes the deep layers of the epithelium, as it ensures fluid retention. However, you should not count on a pronounced effect. The substance successfully copes with only small wrinkles. For more stable results, hyaluronic acid should be injected subcutaneously.
  2. Zinc is considered an effective anti-aging agent. The substance is present in many cosmetic products - creams and serums. With the help of this element, it is possible to significantly activate the processes of epithelial regeneration. In addition, the substance prevents the formation of free radicals. These molecules provoke the destruction of cell membranes. Zinc helps stop inflammatory processes and restores the functions of the sebaceous glands. Thanks to this, it successfully copes with rashes.

Other components of the gel include the following:

  • potassium sorbate – stimulates cell division and regeneration;
  • sodium hydroxide – responsible for regulating acidity parameters;
  • carbomer – forms persistent hydrogen bonds, thereby maintaining constant hydration of the epithelium.

Curiosin was originally created to treat acne. The use of anti-wrinkle products is still controversial to this day. Not all doctors approve of the use of a substance to stop age-related processes in the epithelium. In any case, you need to monitor your reactions.

Summing up

As a cosmetologist, I want to officially declare: no matter how much you use pharmaceutical preparations at home to rejuvenate your face, it is impossible to achieve the same result as with professional products. Simply because the compositions of the latter are very complex, they are specially created in high-tech laboratories and have a deep complex effect on the skin.

In addition, most medications, and Curiosin among them, should be used in short courses. And during this time it is impossible to achieve significant and lasting changes in the condition of the skin. Therefore, the result, according to customer reviews, is short-lived. This product really does a great job of removing acne. But, if you compare the photos before and after a course of using it, you will not see the lifting effect. It is better to buy a good anti-aging cream for this, the price of which is slightly higher. But get a long-lasting and predictable result.

If after reading this article you still have questions or doubts about the effectiveness and capabilities of the Curiosin gel, write in the comments. I will be happy to provide you with additional information and try to provide detailed answers.


Therapeutic ointment is prescribed:

  • for keloid, atrophic and hypertrophic scars;
  • for the treatment of scars after boils, moles and acne;
  • to restore deformed areas of skin after burns;
  • in the complex treatment of ankylosis and contractures of articular structures;
  • with Dupuytren's contracture;
  • to eliminate and prevent the appearance of traumatic skin defects.
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