Sugaring – all about the procedure, answers to popular questions

Sugaring – all about the procedure, answers to popular questions

Sugar hair removal, or sugaring, is one of the oldest methods of hair removal, which has been used by women since ancient times. And, despite the achievements of medicine and cosmetology, the increasingly frequent use of laser and electrical hair removal, sugaring has not lost its relevance today. The reason sugar hair removal is so popular is simple - it is an effective technique for removing unwanted hair even in delicate places, but at an affordable price.

What is sugar hair removal?

So, sugaring involves removing unnecessary hair on the skin of the face and body using sugar paste (caramel). A warm paste is applied by a cosmetologist to the problem area of ​​the skin, after which the hair along with the root is removed strictly in the direction of growth. Thanks to this, the risk of ingrown hairs is reduced to zero.

Pros and cons of sugaring

Sugaring of the bikini, armpits and other areas of the body has visible advantages over classic shaving or depilation. The advantages of sugar hair removal are:

  • During the procedure, there is no trauma to the skin, so the risk of wound infection is completely eliminated.
  • Sugar paste, which is used for sugaring the deep bikini, armpits, abdomen and other areas of the body, is made from natural ingredients, therefore in 99% of cases it is hypoallergenic. Therefore, it can be argued that after the sugar hair removal procedure, the risks of side effects are minimal. People with individual intolerance to lemon juice or sugar and its derivatives are at risk.
  • Sugaring the bikini area or other areas of the face and body is recognized as one of the most budget-friendly procedures, so anyone can afford sugar hair removal in a salon.
  • After removing unwanted hair using sugar paste, a prolonged effect is achieved - hair does not grow on the skin for 3 to 4 weeks, which depends on the individual characteristics of each person.
  • Sugaring is a universal procedure that is suitable for use on any part of the body. The cosmetologist selects sugar paste of the required density and consistency for a specific hair removal area.
  • The procedure of hair removal through sugar hair removal does not cause severe pain. If the pain threshold is low, a local anesthetic can be used, which reduces any discomfort during sugaring to zero. In addition, with frequent use of sugar hair removal, the pain of the procedure decreases and the duration of the effect increases.
  • To remove hair, a paste at a comfortable temperature is used (from 36 to 38° C), so skin burns are completely excluded.
  • After sugaring, the skin remains clean and smooth; if any residual sugar paste remains, it is very easy to wash it off with plain water.

If we talk about the disadvantages of sugar hair removal, they are minimal. In most cases, unsuccessful experiences with sugaring (severe pain, ingrown hairs, etc.) are associated with a low level of skill of the specialist or non-compliance with the technique of the procedure. Therefore, it is recommended to remove unwanted hair using sugar paste in specialized hair removal salons.

Incompatibility with cosmetic procedures

Many women try to complete all body care procedures in 1 day. But caramel hair removal requires a different approach:

  1. Sugaring should absolutely not be done after visiting a solarium. At least 24 hours must pass from the moment you are exposed to open ultraviolet rays before depilation begins. After getting rid of unwanted vegetation, it is also not recommended to sunbathe during the day.
  2. Depilation should not be performed after chemical peeling. Between these procedures, at least 1-2 weeks should pass (the period depends on how deep the skin was treated).
  3. Laser resurfacing of the dermis is also a contraindication to sugaring. After it, you cannot do wax and caramel depilation for a year. Sanding greatly thins the skin and serious injuries can occur when it is treated with paste.

What sugaring techniques are available?

Sugaring in Kaluga can be carried out using various techniques. Thus, cosmetologists use the following types of sugar hair removal:

  • Manual technique.
    The second name is the classic technique of sugar hair removal. To remove unwanted hair on the face and body, a paste of any consistency can be used, which is removed from the treated area of ​​skin by the hands of an hair removal specialist. The cosmetologist applies the paste to the skin strictly against hair growth, after which, with a sharp movement in the opposite direction (that is, in the direction of hair growth), he tears off the sugar caramel. To heat the paste, no special equipment is required - the sugar ball is warmed with your hands to body temperature.
  • Bandage technique.
    Sugar hair removal in its technique is similar to removing unwanted hair using wax. The paste is applied to the skin using a spatula, after which the cosmetologist removes it using strips or a bandage. In most cases, the technique is used only in cases where the client has a large surface area of ​​skin to treat or when the hair length is too long. The third case of using bandage technology is if it is necessary to remove excess vegetation in hard-to-reach places.
  • Manual technique using applications
    . This type of hair removal is used for clients suffering from excessive sweating or at high air temperatures. During the hair removal procedure, the cosmetologist uses high-density sugar paste, which is applied as an application to the skin and left for 2 minutes. Only after this the paste is removed along with the hairs strictly along the line of their growth.

How to save money on your purchase?

Place an order for three absolutely any jars, and then during the process of placing it, our online store will give you an honest discount of 700 rubles! Make a repeat purchase (or find a friend who has already bought sugaring pastes in our online store) and you will receive an additional 10% discount on the purchase amount. Refuse “cash on delivery”, which increases the cost of the parcel and for the transfer of which the Russian Post takes a percentage. When paying online with a VISA or MasterCard bank card, you do not pay a single ruble in commission, and the total savings will be more than one hundred rubles! Find a joint purchasing organizer in your city and place an order with her. If she doesn’t make such purchases, offer to open one. If you like to write reviews on review sites (irecommend,, etc.) - write to us, and we will provide you with one jar of Elena Maaya depilatory caramel completely free of charge for an honest and unbiased review.

Types of sugar paste

For sugaring in Kaluga, hair removal salons use sugar paste of varying consistency. For each person, a different paste is selected depending on the type of hair and the place where excess hair is removed. Sugar paste comes in the following types:

  • Soft and elastic paste. Can be used on large surfaces, for example, arms, legs, stomach.
  • Sugar paste of medium consistency. Cosmetologists consider it universal, since it can be used on any part of the face and body.
  • The thick consistency paste is ideal for removing hair on the arms, legs, armpits, bikini area and even the upper lip.
  • High density paste. An ideal product for removing unwanted hair in areas of increased sensitivity - deep bikini, armpits and mustache.

Which paste will be used for a specific client is decided by the cosmetologist before the procedure, identifying the individual characteristics of the person, as well as based on personal professional experience.

Customer Reviews

The effectiveness of the procedure leaves no doubt, especially when using high-quality sugar pastes. Positive reviews about sugaring at the Idealist cosmetology clinic only confirm the high quality of such hair removal.

Simply a wonderful procedure! I tried it once in the armpit area, now I will always use it only. The effect lasts for a long time, it seems to me even longer than with wax. At the same time, I am very pleased with the price. I tried to do it at home, but the results are definitely better at the salon. So I advise you to contact professionals!

I tried many different hair removal methods until I found one that I liked in terms of cost and quality. Many people say that sugaring is very painful. But I tolerated it quite calmly in the bikini area. I think it depends on the pain threshold. In any case, as the cosmetologists promised me, I forgot about my hair altogether for several weeks.

I have been using sugaring for hair removal for a long time. The procedure, of course, causes discomfort, but it is tolerable. With my sensitive skin, I am very pleased with the lack of irritation after hair removal. Overall, the best option in terms of cost and results. I will continue to use sugaring in the future.

Sugar hair removal protocol

If you are going to sugar the deep bikini area or another area of ​​the face or body, then you need to prepare the skin for sugar hair removal. A day before hair removal, it is necessary to treat the skin with peeling or rub it with a hard grater.

Immediately before sugaring, creams, lotions, deodorants and other cosmetics should not be applied to the skin. The skin should be completely dry and clean. In the salon, the cosmetologist applies powder or talc to the treated area, which ensures a more reliable and dense grip of the hairs with sugar paste.

A ball of sugar caramel is evenly distributed over the skin, pressed tightly, and then quickly removed along with unnecessary hair along the hairline. One sugar ball can be used several times without reducing the adhesion effect.

Different beauty salons and hair removal studios set their own standards for what hair length should be for successful sugaring, so you should check this parameter with a cosmetologist. The average value is 5 mm.

Sugaring: is it painful to carry out the procedure for the first time?

Sugaring is considered a comfortable procedure because, unlike waxing, hairs are removed as they grow, which is much more tolerable than harsh pulling against growth. After the third visit to the cosmetologist’s office, the pain completely disappears.

This is a minimally painful procedure, but depilation is depilation. Hair pulling, especially in delicate areas, will not go completely unnoticed. The longer the hairs, the tougher the procedure will be. Therefore, the hair in the depilated area should be a minimum of 4 millimeters and a maximum of 8 millimeters. If natural flexibility allows, use scissors to trim the pubic and groin hairs, removing excess length. By doing this, you will make the master’s work easier and show respect.

Experts recommend making an appointment for sugaring of the deep bikini area between one o'clock in the afternoon and three o'clock. It is through this time portal that the body most easily tolerates pain.

If you are very afraid of depilation, 40-50 minutes before your visit to the salon, take an anesthetic tablet, for example, Nise.

Remember that during the menstrual cycle, sensitivity to the waxing procedure increases, which is why it may seem that everything is more painful than usual. Therefore, you should refuse and wait until the cycle completely stops. If there is an urgent need to perform deep bikini sugaring during an unfavorable period, then use pain-relieving creams and lotions. For example, local anesthetic Emla, any sprays and ointments containing lidocaine are suitable. Of course, the pain will not go away completely, but hair removal in sensitive areas will be noticeably easier.

Do not use moisturizing lotions on the day of sugaring. This will prevent the paste from sticking to the skin, which means you will need to apply the paste several times to pull out unwanted hairs, which will cause additional pain.

Do not drink coffee or alcohol before waxing the deep bikini area, because this will only increase the sensitivity of skin receptors.

Features of sugar hair removal in various areas

Of course, cosmetologists follow the same protocol when sugaring. However, there are also unique features that must be taken into account when removing unwanted vegetation in a specific area.


Hair removal specialists use sugar paste to correct the upper lip, chin, cheeks or eyebrow shape. Repeated hair removal on delicate facial skin is impossible, so if missing hairs remain, the cosmetologist pulls them out with tweezers. Thanks to this, irritation is avoided.

If it is necessary to remove excess vegetation in the area of ​​the upper lip, then the optimal consistency of the sugar paste is soft or semi-liquid. On the cheeks and chin it is better to use a paste of medium hardness, since the hairs in these areas are stiff. You can use both manual and bandage techniques.


Eyebrow correction is a very complex and delicate procedure. This is due to the fact that the skin on the eyelids is thin, so overstretching of the epidermis can lead to the appearance of early wrinkles. Removing excess hair in this area using sugar paste should only be trusted to professionals.

Sugaring bikini

The peculiarities of removing unnecessary vegetation in the bikini area are due to the fact that this area has quite hard hair and texture. Therefore, cosmetologists during sugaring prefer to use hard sugar paste, classical or manual hair removal techniques with applications.

If the length of the hair does not exceed 3 mm, then the hair removal specialist can resort to the bandage technique. However, you should remember that the paste is very easy to overheat, which can lead to burns to the skin of the bikini area. The sugar hair removal procedure should be performed once every 30-45 days.

Arms and legs

To remove hair on the arms and legs, you can use both manual and bandage hair removal techniques. The only difficulty with sugaring in these areas is the need to process a large area. During the procedure, it is recommended to use a medium-density paste, which is due to the different thickness of hairs in these areas.


This area is recognized as one of the most difficult when performing sugar hair removal. This is due to the relief of the area, increased sweating and the fact that hair grows in different directions here. Professional hair removal salons use the classic technique of sugaring with hard paste.

Benefits of sugar depilation

Why do many women, with a huge variety of types of depilation and hair removal, choose sugaring?

  • As mentioned above, the procedure is quite simple. It can be done at home without the help of a professional. This means that you can save a decent amount of money.
  • Consumables are inexpensive. You can even make your own pasta. But frankly speaking, it is better not to waste time, effort and patience - sometimes the result is unpredictable. Ready-made pastes are available to everyone. In addition, manufacturers have created pastes for different hair types - choose the one that suits you.
  • The pastes contain only natural ingredients, which reduces the risk of allergies.
  • With proper technique there is no risk of injury or burns.
  • After the procedure, there is no need to wipe off the remaining paste with special means. Sugar paste is easily washed off the skin with plain water.
  • With regular sugaring, the hairs become thinner and lighter. Over time, you will have to resort to the procedure less and less often.

Contraindications for sugar hair removal

The range of contraindications before sugaring is comparable to the restrictions before waxing. In particular, sugaring with sugar paste cannot be carried out in the following cases:

  • irritation, inflammation or mechanical damage to the skin (wounds, sores, etc.);
  • the presence of endocrine diseases, in particular thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, etc.;
  • chronic or mental illness;
  • papillomas, warts or skin nevi in ​​the area where unnecessary hairs are removed;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Before the sugar hair removal procedure, you must consult with a specialist to identify any contraindications to sugaring.

What to do when preparing for the procedure

To make deep bikini depilation as easy as possible, you need to follow a few simple recommendations. A day or two before visiting the salon, you need to treat the groin area with a soft scrub. Scrubbing will help exfoliate the top layer of dead epithelium and remove ingrown hairs. A few days before your appointment with a specialist, you should avoid solariums or tanning in the sun. The effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin can lead to peeling or irritation after sugaring. For several days (and especially on the day of the procedure), the intimate area should not be treated with any cosmetics. The master will do all the necessary processing before depilation begins.

No special preparations for the procedure are required. The most important thing is a positive attitude towards taking care of the beauty of your body.

Are there possible side effects after the procedure for removing unwanted hair?

The risks of developing side effects and complications after sugaring are minimal. However, despite this, after sugar hair removal, areas of irritation may form on the skin. To relieve discomfort, the skin should be treated with Panthenol. If a rash appears, the epidermis should be treated 3 times a day with a Chlorhexidine solution. Also, to relieve inflammation, you can resort to chamomile and calendula compresses, which are applied to the sore spot.

In situations where furunculosis (purulent pimples) develops after sugar hair removal, the inflamed area should be treated every -3 hours with salicylic or boric acid. Medicines should be applied pointwise.

Do you need sugaring in Kaluga at an affordable cost? Sign up for our laser cosmetology and hair removal center “Velvet”. Our cosmetologists carry out the procedure for removing unnecessary hairs only with professional sugar pastes, individually selecting the consistency for each patient.

If you have any questions about the cosmetic procedure, make an appointment at our beauty salon. We are confident that with us sugar hair removal will be of the highest standard.

What materials are used

Sugar paste depilatory products are produced by many manufacturers. Conventionally, they can be divided into three types: soft pastes, medium and dense. The choice of product depends on the degree of hardness required to remove hair. Soft pastes are suitable for soft hair, and medium pastes for hair of medium hardness. The thickest and coarsest hair is removed using a thick sugar mass.

The basis of the sugaring composition is very simple. It contains sugar, water and citric acid. Some manufacturers add other components:

  1. Plant extracts. They help moisturize the skin and protect it from irritation.
  2. Oils. It is advisable that they be present in a paste intended for treating sensitive skin. Products with essential oils of chamomile or eucalyptus soften the skin and can prevent irritation.

In addition to components that improve the composition of the sugar mass, some manufacturers may add additives that are not the most beneficial to the recipe. These could be chemical flavors or abrasive particles, which can provoke an allergic reaction to the paste. Before purchasing and using a cosmetic product, you should carefully study its composition.

The salons offer certified products of good quality. However, it is still worth asking the specialist about the composition of the product that will be used to depilate the intimate area.

What will help reduce pain

Sugaring is considered a fairly gentle method of depilation, but pain is still present. They manifest themselves differently in all clients, depending on individual sensitivity.

For those who are afraid to carry out the procedure without anesthesia, the use of local anesthetics can be recommended. These include:

  1. Lidocaine.
  2. Prilocaine.
  3. Cream "Emla".
  4. Gel Light dep.

The first two drugs are applied directly to the skin in the procedure area. These medications have contraindications and side effects.

Emla anesthetic cream is used for superficial anesthesia. It contains lidocaine and prilocaine. The duration of application of the cream to the treated area of ​​skin should be 1-2 hours. After removing the bandage, the duration of anesthesia is two hours.

The active component of Light dep gel is anestoderm. It quite effectively relieves pain and reduces discomfort from painful cosmetic procedures.

Benign neoplasms

There are many places where you can get sugaring in St. Petersburg. However, it is important to choose trusted professionals who know how to handle benign tumors. We are talking about the presence of moles, warts or papillomas. This restriction is not considered a direct ban, since the use of sugar or wax during work is permissible. However, it is important to avoid areas where neoplasms are located.

Is sugaring harmful - erroneous opinions

There are 10 most common misconceptions about the sugaring procedure. Namely:

  1. Is sugaring harmful to health? No, this is one of the safest procedures with proper aftercare.
  2. Expensive. On average, the cost of this procedure is 500-600 rubles from specialists at home. A little more expensive - in beauty salons.
  3. About how uncomfortable this procedure is in terms of pain. The first time sugaring can cause pain, because the skin is not used to it and the hair is still coarse. But if this procedure is performed in a timely manner, the pain will be less. In the future, it will no longer cause severe bruising.
  4. Sugaring is dangerous for the intimate area. No, on the contrary, it brings more benefits to the bikini area. If you carry out the procedure regularly, then there are only more advantages.
  5. Causes constant long-term irritation. Only with improper care.
  6. The appearance of acne. Only when wearing synthetic underwear.
  7. Skin tears. Only with the inability and little experience of the master himself.
  8. Burns. Only with incorrectly heated pasta. Again, due to the master's mistake.
  9. Pigmentation. It won’t happen if you don’t visit the bathhouse or sauna in the first days.
  10. The appearance of folliculitis. There is a small chance of this happening in case of improper skin care after the procedure.

Is sugaring harmful to health? It’s possible. But only in those rare cases when it is done by an “underground” master. Troubles will also arise if care measures are completely ignored. Otherwise, for those who care about their beauty, sugaring is useful.

How to eliminate possible irritation

In some cases, the procedure may have negative consequences in the form of allergic reactions, dry and itchy skin, and pustular inflammation. They may occur for the following reasons:

  1. incorrect technique for applying or removing the caramel composition;
  2. use of insufficiently heated mass;
  3. lack of skin treatment with disinfectants and softening creams.

What to do if such a nuisance happens? The problem can be eliminated within 3-5 days using antiseptics: gels, ointments, solutions.

You can treat with healing ointments such as Levomekol or Sintomycin. For skin injuries, herbal infusions based on chamomile or sage help. The active substances of these herbs have a calming effect on the skin. Infusions are used in the form of lotions on irritated areas of the skin.

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