The drug "Levomekol" for wrinkles: the principle of action of the drug and reviews from women

The appearance of wrinkles causes a woman a lot of trouble, because not everyone can afford expensive anti-aging cosmetics and visits to beauty salons.

It turns out that budget funds also exist, their effectiveness is confirmed by numerous reviews, and their use does not take much time.

For example, Levomekol ointment.

It can help in the fight against wrinkles, and its use has a minimum of side effects.

What kind of remedy is this?

Levomekol is a medicinal drug that has an antiseptic effect.

It is prescribed for the treatment of a large number of skin pathologies and is used to eliminate acne, comedones, inflammation, and also for the rapid healing of wounds.

However, this product has also found its application in cosmetology, in particular it is used to eliminate wrinkles.

Of course, you should not expect that the skin will completely smooth out and look like it did in youth, but it is still quite possible to achieve a significant improvement in its condition, the main thing is to use the ointment correctly.

How long does it take to achieve the effect?

Reviews from patients and comments from medical specialists confirm the rapid action of the drug Levomekol. Acne ointment:

  • Within a few minutes, eliminates swelling around the abscess;
  • Quickly relieves redness and makes formation less noticeable;
  • Within 24 hours, purulent exudate is brought to the surface;
  • Promotes wound healing without the formation of scars and cicatrices;
  • Reduces roughness of the dermis and acne spots.

If you have time to apply the ointment to the skin at the moment when the acne is just beginning to ripen, the inflammatory process will decrease in a short time, and the pimple will disappear without causing discomfort or pain, leaving no traces.

Active and beneficial substances and their principle of action

Main active ingredients:

  1. Levomycetin is an antibacterial agent that stops inflammatory and infectious processes in the skin.
  2. Methyluracil is an immunostimulant that accelerates regeneration processes and promotes rapid healing of skin lesions.
  3. Polyethyl oxide is the basis of an ointment that cleanses the damaged area of ​​skin from impurities, infections, bacteria and pus.

Levomekol is an ointment with a wide range of applications; it has a destructive effect on pathogenic microflora and does not lose its effectiveness for a long time.

Expert opinion

Shustova Olga Leonidovna

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

Today, many common medicinal ointments are used in cosmetology. They have been proven to cope well with age-related skin changes. Levomekol is among them. However, do not forget that pharmaceutical products can be harmful to the skin, so before using them you should carefully study the instructions for use and consult a specialist. The effectiveness of Levomekol ointment for skin rejuvenation has not been confirmed by clinical trials, however, cosmetologists and their patients leave positive reviews. The rejuvenating effect of using Levomekol ointment is associated with the acceleration of regeneration processes in the epidermis, that is, it renews itself faster, therefore, wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin looks younger. The product is very easy to use, and the results are immediate. After just a few uses, fine wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear. A full course of treatment will also help get rid of deeper wrinkles.

Treating acne - everything about acne treatment

Dermatologists practice a comprehensive approach to acne treatment. The therapeutic regimen is compiled individually for each patient. The doctor takes into account the results of laboratory tests, the stage of the pathology, and the degree of damage to the skin. The selected products for local application must meet the following requirements:

  • stop inflammation on the skin;
  • easy to be absorbed by facial skin;
  • clear clogged ducts;
  • combined with other drugs;
  • optimize the production of skin secretions;
  • normalize blood circulation in damaged tissues;
  • prevent active growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

When asked by patients whether it is possible to smear pimples with Levomekol ointment, dermatologists answer positively. The drug meets the requirements and effectively cleanses all layers of the epidermis from large blackheads and small pimples.
An external remedy is not prescribed only when the sebaceous glands are infected with fungi. In this case, another agent with combined antimycotic and antibacterial activity is needed.

Why do acne appear on the body?

The reasons for the formation of papules (pink nodules) and pustules (purulent pimples) on human skin are different.

Most often, acne is caused by an incorrect diet.

Rashes on the face and body appear with frequent consumption of foods high in fat and simple carbohydrates. Often, excluding them from the daily menu can quickly improve the condition of the skin. Pathological causes of acne formation include the following diseases:

  • dermatitis, especially occurring against the background of autoimmune pathologies;
  • gastritis of various etiologies, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis;
  • decreased functional activity of the endocrine glands - diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis.

The resulting hormonal imbalance leads to disruption of the regulation of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, during the premenstrual period, many women develop large pimples on the chin or wings of the nose. These rashes appear in people who are acutely experiencing stressful situations or are in a state of depression. Whether Levomekol ointment will help with acne of this origin depends on the complex treatment being carried out. In such cases, an external remedy is used as an addition to the main therapy with enzymes, eubiotics or antidepressants.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of ointment in the treatment of wrinkles:

  • the product has a comprehensive effect on the skin;
  • is highly effective against bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms;
  • significantly improves skin regeneration;
  • affects deep tissues;
  • quickly stops inflammation and relieves all its manifestations.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • the ointment contains an antibiotic;
  • the product cannot be used for a long time;
  • not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation;
  • may provoke allergic reactions;
  • possible side effects;
  • There are age restrictions.


The drug has analogues:

  • Structural (contain the same components in the same dosages): Netran (based on fludarabine), Levomethyl (contains chloramphenicol and methyluracil); Levosin (contains trimecaine, methyluracil, sulfadimethoxine, chloramphenicol); Fastin 1.
  • Non-structural (they have different ingredients, dosages, indications and contraindications).

Non-structural analogues:

  • Streptonitol (contains aminitrozole);
  • Salicylic-zinc paste;
  • Oflomelid;

  • Liniment Vishnevsky;

  • Ichthyol ointment;

  • Tetracycline ointment;

  • Metrogyl gel;

  • Erythromycin ointment.

Cheaper, more effective and accessible analogues are Netran, Levomethyl, Levosin. Levosin has low cost and high efficiency (it contains strong antibacterial components).

Composition of the product

The main component of the ointment is a combination of chloramphenicol and methyluracil - the first has an antibacterial effect and stops the inflammatory process, and the second stimulates regeneration processes and actively heals injured tissue.

Excipients are polytyl oxides - PEO-1500 and PEO-400.

They are needed to strengthen the main active components. The drug is available in the form of a thick white ointment, packaged in an aluminum tube weighing 40 g.

On order at the pharmacy you can buy large bottles of ointment, weighing 100 and 1000 g.

Indications for use

Levomekol ointment has a complex effect on the skin, this is due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

The product is used for disinfection and rapid healing of wounds of varying complexity, purulent inflammation, traumatic injuries, and sutures after operations.

The ointment is used for:

  • eliminate inflammation;
  • cleansing problem areas from purulent masses;
  • skin regeneration;
  • relieving swelling.

In cosmetology, Levomekol is used for:

  • skin rejuvenation;
  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • even out complexion;
  • relief of redness and irritation;
  • treatment of deep acne.

Voskopran with Levomekol

Voskopran is a wound-healing dressing impregnated with Levomekol ointment. Both of these tools effectively complement each other.

At the stage of an open wound, Voskopran does not stick to the site of the lesion, which makes it easier to change dressings, and at the stage of the beginning of healing, it adheres tightly to the skin, which provides protection from pathogenic microorganisms; at the end of healing, Voskopran easily moves away from the place where the wound was.

Indications for use of Voskopran with Levomekol:

  • purulent wound surfaces;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • bedsores;
  • diaper rash;
  • thermal, chemical, and other burns of 1st – 3rd degree;
  • frostbite;
  • purulent and inflammatory skin lesions.

Basic rules of use

To get the most positive effect from the ointment, you must follow the following rules::

  1. When using Levomekol, you should not use similar creams and ointments in parallel. Despite the fact that no cases of drug overdose have been recorded, it is still better to take precautions,
  2. It is necessary to avoid getting the ointment on the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, etc. If this does happen, you should immediately rinse them with running water.
  3. Levomekol is not suitable for dry skin types - the ointment can increase drying and lead to the formation of new wrinkles.
  4. Long-term use of ointment for the treatment of wrinkles is not recommended. It is better to use Levomekol in courses with breaks.
  5. The active ingredients of the ointment do not penetrate the systemic bloodstream, however, during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, it is not advisable to use this product. Before use in these cases, you should consult your doctor.

Levomekol for lips

Some people use Levomekol ointment to treat herpes on the lips. But it is worth remembering that in this case, the use of the drug will be ineffective, since Levomekol has an antiseptic (antibacterial) rather than antiviral effect, and is not effective in the fight against herpes viruses.

However, at the stage of wound healing after a blister breaks, Levomekol ointment can speed up the process of tissue regeneration. But when applying the ointment to the lips, you should be careful to avoid getting it on the mucous membranes and swallowing it, since the ointment is intended exclusively for external use.

Instructions for use

The rules for using the ointment depend on the purpose of use. In particular, for the treatment of wrinkles, the ointment is applied to previously cleansed skin in a thin layer 1-2 times a day .

The course of such therapy is 7-10 days. Repeated reconciliation is possible only after a month. If you neglect this rule, you can get the opposite effect - dehydrated, dry, wrinkled skin.


Levomekol contains an antibiotic, so during use the local immune defense is inhibited.

In addition to using the ointment in its pure form, it can be added to ready-made creams, and can also be used as a base for various masks.

Adding to ready-made creams

SubsequenceDescription of the cooking process
Step onePrepare a clean, small container where the finished product will be stored.
Step twoSqueeze out a small amount of ointment from the tube - 1-2 cm.
Step threeAdd the same amount of care cream (preferably nourishing or moisturizing) to the ointment.
Step fourMix the cream and ointment thoroughly with a clean cosmetic spatula.
Step fiveThe product is ready for use; it should be applied to the face 1-2 times a day, depending on the rules for using the skin care cream. If the cream is oily, it is better to use the product at night so that the facial skin does not shine.

Real user reviews


I squeezed out a purulent pimple, after which the area began to hurt a lot. I applied a bandage with Levomekol at night. In the morning, the product pulled out the remaining pus. I applied it for a couple more nights, after which the wound began to heal.


Previously, cold acne popped up all the time. She was saved only by Levomekol. The drug helped, but after a while the rashes appeared again. I contacted a dermatologist. He prescribed me a course of antibiotics and immunostimulants. After this, the acne became significantly smaller and the need for using an antibiotic disappeared on its own.

Side effects

Side effects are extremely rare . Allergies may occur, manifested in the form of rash, itching and irritation. Such a reaction is possible if there is an individual intolerance to the components of the ointment.

To ensure that there is no allergy to the active ingredients of Levomekol, a test must be performed before the first use..

Apply a small amount of ointment to the back of the wrist or the inner crease of the elbow. Wait a few hours, if no negative reaction occurs, the ointment can be safely used for its intended purpose.


Like any other medicine, the ointment has its contraindications for use.

They consist of the following medical restrictions:

  • allergic reaction and individual intolerance to the active substance of the drug;
  • too dry and dehydrated skin, which requires constant moisturizing with creams and other cosmetic products;
  • the period of breastfeeding, or the state of pregnancy (in the latter case, the drug can be used if there is an emergency);
  • acute or chronic form of psoriasis.

In fact, this is an exhaustive list of contraindications for the use of ointment to achieve cosmetological, therapeutic and rejuvenating effects on facial skin.

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