How to use shea butter for the face against wrinkles: use in its pure form and the recipe for the most effective mask + reviews from women

Shea butter is obtained from the seeds of a tree of the same name, also called shea butter or vitellaria amazinga. The plant grows in Africa only in the wild. Shea butter has a consistency reminiscent of ghee and has a light nutty aroma. The product, prepared in the classical way, is used as food in the homeland of vitellaria. Shea butter is popular throughout the world as an effective cosmetic product. Shea butter is also used against wrinkles: for this purpose it is added to creams and masks created in factories and at home.

Beneficial features

Benefits for the skin:

  • nourished and hydrated;
  • protection;
  • stopping the influence of free radicals;
  • UV protection;
  • slowing down aging;
  • restoration of elasticity;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • softening;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • stimulation of regeneration;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

When used as a cosmetic product, you can achieve improved complexion, restoration of relief, smoothness and velvety.

Does it help with wrinkles on the face and around the eyes?

Essential, vegetable and cosmetic oils are very beneficial for the skin. Of course, you need to choose a product for cosmetic procedures based on your skin type, age, skin condition and many other facts.

Shea butter is a unique natural anti-aging agent that can be used to eliminate wrinkles.

Everyone knows that wrinkles are formed as a result of decreased elasticity. That is, when collagen synthesis slows down.

It activates the production of this substance, which is essential for skin elasticity, improves cellular metabolism and activates the process of cell and tissue renewal.

The result is that wrinkles are smoothed out naturally.


A big plus is that it can be safely used around the eyes, because this area of ​​the face is often covered with a fine network of wrinkles.

Active substances and principle of action

The properties of shea butter depend on how it is extracted..

It is obtained by cold pressing and also manually.

The composition is quite complex, about half the volume is fat, less than half is carbohydrates, and only 10% is protein:

  1. Unsaturated fatty acids nourish the skin, improve blood circulation, saturate cells with energy, and relieve inflammation.
  2. Caritesterols help protect tissues from harmful environmental factors, including ultraviolet radiation, stop the aging process, reduce the depth of wrinkles, and prevent skin aging.
  3. Latex – absorbs ultraviolet rays.
  4. Terpene alcohols – maintain the elasticity of the epidermis, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and neutralize free radicals.
  5. Vitamins A, E, D - participate in the life support of tissues and cells, affect regeneration.

Expert opinion

Dmitrieva Elena Yurievna

Gynecologist-endocrinologist, 40 years of experience

Shea butter is a very good skin care product. Dermatologists use it to treat various skin diseases, as it perfectly heals small wounds and has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antiseptic effect. Cosmetologists use the oil no less actively, adding it to creams and masks, anti-aging and protective cosmetics. Shea butter works great on scars and scars and relieves puffiness. This product has found its application in other branches of medicine - it is used to relieve pain from sprains, myositis and joint diseases.

Recommendations for use and possible contraindications

Shea butter is good for caring for dry, mature, aging skin. With age, the elasticity of the skin is lost, wrinkles form on it, its surface becomes dry, flaky, with visible vascular networks.

Important! Shea butter stimulates tissue regeneration, activates metabolic processes, and protects cells from the influence of negative factors. By moisturizing the skin, its turgor increases, normalizing collagen synthesis helps improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out and skin rejuvenation occurs.

Shea butter, when used regularly and properly combined with other cosmetics, can stop skin aging, and can even partially reverse the process. The rejuvenating effect is clearly noticeable if you use shea butter for wrinkles around the eyes . The skin in this area is delicate and thin and needs special care. The components of a natural remedy obtained from shea fruit help restore the natural balance in cells. The skin is saturated with moisture and nutrients, metabolic processes are activated in it - such processes lead to the elimination of small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes.

You need to start fighting wrinkles on the forehead as early as possible. It's best before they appear. Shea butter is one of the products that can help in the prevention and treatment of this cosmetic problem. The product should be applied with gentle massaging movements. At the same time, you need to use relaxation techniques, train yourself not to wrinkle your forehead, and periodically conduct sessions of relaxing facial muscles throughout the day.

Remember! Shea butter, produced classically or by cold pressing, is well tolerated, has virtually no side effects and rarely causes an allergic reaction. Much cheaper chemically produced oil is much less beneficial and can cause skin irritation and other problems. Therefore, when purchasing oil, you need to pay special attention to its quality.

should not be used or should be used with caution in the following situations:

  • increased sensitivity to the product,
  • allergic reaction to latex in the past,
  • intolerance to peanuts or other nuts,
  • pregnancy, childhood.

There have been no clinical trials of the use of shea butter by pregnant women or children. Although many consider the product safe and in practice use it to combat stretch marks in pregnant women, and often to care for the skin of babies, no one can give a 100% guarantee of the safety of shea butter in such situations.

If you are allergic to any nuts, you should do a test on the skin of your forearm before using shea butter.

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Advantages and disadvantages


  • absolutely natural remedy;
  • wide range of applications;
  • can be used at any age;
  • easy to apply and perfect as a base for a variety of masks;
  • can be used as an independent cosmetic product,
  • does not dry out;
  • when heated, it quickly becomes liquid;
  • does not require any special storage conditions;
  • minimum number of contraindications.

Opened shea butter can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6 months; sealed shea butter will not lose its beneficial properties for a year and a half.


  • cannot be used as a stand-alone product for oily skin;
  • may lead to undesirable consequences if the oil is used incorrectly;
  • cannot be used on an ongoing basis, only in courses;
  • after heating, the product must be used immediately, otherwise it will quickly harden;
  • may contribute to an allergic reaction in case of individual intolerance;
  • expensive.

How to choose

Which product is best to buy depends on many factors. The most common mistake when purchasing is following the advice of friends. The choice must be made independently, based on the individual characteristics of the person. How much a product costs is sometimes not important. Even a budget purchase can lead to a positive result. How to make sure you don’t regret the purchase? It is necessary to take seriously the selection criteria from leading cosmetologists. The list is small, but you shouldn’t ignore it:

  1. Aroma. It should not cause tension or irritation. Let it be neutral or acceptable to you.
  2. Allergy to certain components or individual intolerance. The purchased product does not need to be immediately applied to the most vulnerable areas, which include the eyes. It is necessary to first apply the substance to the elbow bend. Wait a few minutes. If unpleasant sensations do not appear, you can safely use the product to achieve your goal.
  3. Material for making the container. It is advisable to give preference to glass flasks. The composition in such containers is well stored, maintaining its original characteristics for a long time.
  4. Best before date. All experts say in unison that using expired products is strictly prohibited. Therefore, when purchasing a product, carefully study the information on the packaging.

Which company is better to purchase products depends on personal preferences. Here recommendations are not always appropriate. But the question of where to buy a product is not idle.

It is best to visit specialized retail outlets, get acquainted with the offered assortment, new products, communicate with a professional sales manager, get practical advice, and even use samples.

The second option is to order products online in an online store. For many, this method is more acceptable due to saving money and free time, but it is very risky. There is no guarantee that instead of an expensive composition from a leading global manufacturer, you will not receive a cheap Chinese counterfeit, which, at best, will not help achieve the desired effect, and at worst, will cause irreparable harm to the health or appearance of the user.

Basic application rules

Use on the faceThe first step is to wash your face well and cleanse your skin of impurities, then apply a mixture of mala and other ingredients to it with a cotton swab, paying special attention to problem areas.
Use around the eyesApply the oil or a product based on it under the eyes, hold for no more than 15 minutes, blot off the residue with a napkin, and wash with warm water.
ScrubsMix with other scrub ingredients, apply to facial skin and massage lightly for 3 minutes. Then rinse with water. It is recommended to avoid the area around the lips and eyes.
Frequency of useIt is advisable to use it a couple of times a week for 30 days, then be sure to take a break for 1-1.5 months.

The need for eyelid care

The area around the eyelids is quite sensitive. It is distinguished by its subtlety and transparency. There are no muscles, and therefore there is no protection from the negative influence of the external environment. It is the area around the eyelids that shows aging. Crow's feet appear. This indicates a decrease in the elasticity of the dermis. The reason for this condition lies in the following:

  1. Lack of regular nutrition. Youth is not a reason to neglect cosmetics. It is always necessary to take care of yourself, starting from the age of 20. This is the age when the first problems may appear. Constantly smiling leads to the appearance of noticeable depressions. Lack of sleep, excessive fatigue, stress, and constant grievances can cause morning puffiness. Defects can be eliminated with regular eyelid care. There is nothing complicated about it. It is enough to purchase high-quality care products and spend a few minutes on application.
  2. Neglect of healthy sleep. A person should sleep soundly for 9 hours. This time should be enough to restore the body after a hard day at work. A person must reboot, turn on protective mechanisms, cleanse tissues of toxic components. Lack of sleep leads to the appearance of circles under the eyes, puffiness, and bruising. This indicates the presence of a large number of toxins in the body.
  3. Poor nutrition. The epithelium requires a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. Their absence leads to fading and the appearance of wrinkles. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to introduce into the diet foods rich in vitamins E, A, and B. It is advisable that the vitamins be found in food and not in pharmaceutical preparations. You should be careful about maintaining water balance.
  4. Lack of physical activity, sedentary lifestyle. To avoid stagnation of blood in the vessels, it is necessary to perform physical exercises daily. Insufficient activity can lead to dizziness, swelling, and weakness. It is necessary to “drive the blood”, remove toxins and excess fluid from the body, and saturate the epithelium with oxygen.

Tips for women

Masks with shea butter should be prepared only immediately before use; prepared formulations cannot be stored..

Before preparing the mask, you need to melt it in a water bath. If you plan to use it in its pure form, you need to take a small piece of oil in your hands, wait for it to melt and then apply it to your face.

If you are making a one-component oil mask, you need to apply the product in a thick layer..

Before use, you can massage your face a little to improve blood circulation and ensure deeper absorption.

Features of using the product

Natural shea butter has a minimum number of contraindications. But this does not mean that the product is universal.

Shea butter is contraindicated if you are allergic to nuts. Therefore, before you decide to use a useful remedy, you should test for allergies. Apply a little product to the inside of the elbow. If there is no negative reaction within half an hour, use is permitted.

Shea butter should be used in its pure form and as part of home remedies, adhering to the following rules:

  • It is recommended to use the batter 1-2 times a week for a month. Next, a break of a month or a month and a half is required;
  • You should not stock up home remedies in large quantities for future use. It is much more efficient to prepare fresh mixtures for each application;
  • Apply the product only to cleansed skin;
  • Be sure to melt the shea butter before using. A water bath is ideal for this;
  • It is permissible to hold a piece of butter in your hand: the butter melts without additional effort;
  • It is forbidden to store shea butter in the sun and use the product after the expiration date;
  • If the skin feels discomfort after applying the prepared product, the recipe should be adjusted or replaced with another one.

If you have persistent skin problems, such as eczema, you should consult a specialist before using shea butter.

Table: features of using shea butter for oily and dry skin

NameOily skinDry skin
Differences in effects on different skin types
  • The product clogs pores;
  • Shea butter should not be applied in its pure form;
  • It is not recommended to use the product for a long time;
  • provokes irritation and inflammation of the skin;
  • it is possible to increase the fat content of the dermis.
  • Shea butter does not clog pores;
  • can be used in its pure form, as part of masks, homemade creams;
  • can be used for a month;
  • prevents drying of the skin, restores its healthy appearance.
As homemade creams, masksPrepare only according to recipes for oily skin.It is acceptable to use recipes for normal skin.

Mask recipes

There are many recipes. The most effective ones will be presented below.

For wrinkles

  • Description . Suitable for aging skin, smoothes out wrinkles well and prevents the appearance of new ones.
  • Cooking . You will need shea butter - 3 g, quail eggs - 2 pcs, fermented milk cheese - 17 g. Grind the cheese mixture with the eggs and add the butter.
  • Usage. Apply a thick layer to the face, hold the mask for 20 minutes, remove any residue with a damp sponge.
  • Result . Replenishing the lack of organic polysaturated acids in the skin, resulting in smoothing of wrinkles and rejuvenation of the face.

For dry skin

  • Description . To restore fluid balance and saturate it with vitamins and minerals.
  • Cooking . You will need shea butter - 4 g, ripe apricots - 2 pcs, oregano essential oil - 2 drops. Remove the pit from the apricot fruit and mash until smooth. Add oils.
  • Usage . Apply to a clean face, leave for 30 minutes, rinse with water and grape seed oil.
  • Result . Well-hydrated, smooth, tightened skin.

For oily skin

  • Description . Cleansing and rejuvenating mask.
  • Cooking . You will need shea butter - 12 drops, yeast - 12 g. Dissolve yeast in black tea, add oil.
  • Usage . Steam your face, apply the composition, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Result . Normalization of the sebaceous glands, relief of inflammatory processes, reduction of the depth of wrinkles.

Cream recipes

Shea butter definitely helps get rid of wrinkles. But how to make a good cream?


  • Description . Suitable for dry skin.
  • Cooking . You will need shea butter - 2 teaspoons, almond extract - 4 tbsp. spoons, lavender ether – 2 drops, chamomile oil infusion – 3 drops. Melt in a water bath, mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Usage . Apply the cream at night.
  • Result . Well-hydrated skin, tender and soft.

With a lifting effect

  • Description . Suitable for aging skin.
  • Cooking . You will need 2 ml each of shea butter, macadamia avocado and jojoba extract, rosemary ether – 2 drops, rose ether – 2 drops. Dissolve shea butter in a water bath and mix with other oils.
  • Usage . Apply the cream to the face and décolleté every evening.
  • Result . Returning firmness and elasticity to the skin.

Nutritious cream

  • Description . Recommended for tired aging skin.
  • Cooking . You will need shea butter - 1 tbsp, banana, natural honey - 1 tsp. Mash the banana, melt the shea butter in a water bath, add honey and banana puree.
  • Usage . Apply to face in the evening, after 15 minutes remove any remaining residue with a damp sponge.
  • Result . Renewed, fresh skin, good rejuvenation effect.

For deep nutrition and hydration

  • Description . Suitable for sagging, wrinkled skin.
  • Cooking . You will need a little shea butter - 1 tbsp, almond and peach seed oil - 1 tsp each. Melt shea butter in a water bath and mix with other oils.
  • Usage. Use as a night cream. Can be used under the eyes.
  • Result . Restoring skin elasticity, tightening the oval of the face, fighting wrinkles.

Using shea butter at home

Shea butter will help solve dermal problems even in advanced cosmetic cases.

Balms for dry lips

The oil is the basis of a balm for severely cracked and chapped lips. To prepare a regenerating agent, you do not need many ingredients:

  • 3 tsp. shea butter;
  • 1 tsp. wax;
  • 4 tsp. sweet almond ether;
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E;
  • 0.5 tsp. honey.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt shea butter and wax in a water bath and add sweet almond ether.
  2. The mass is mixed with a vitamin E capsule, honey is added to the mixture. Mix everything until smooth.
  3. The balm is transferred to an opaque container, closed and left until completely hardened. Before use, leave in the refrigerator for several hours.
  4. Apply to lips daily, in the evenings and during the day.

Based on essential oils, an emollient for sensitive lips. The results are noticeable after the first applications.


  • 0.5 tsp. wax;
  • 0.5 tsp. shea butter;
  • 1-2 drops each of mint, lemon balm and cinnamon esters;
  • 1/3 tsp. honey.

Essential oils are used to make homemade cosmetics

Mode of application:

  1. Melt wax and shea butter in a water bath.
  2. Honey and esters of mint and lemon balm are poured into the mixture, and a drop of cinnamon oil is added. Mix thoroughly.

The product is effective for cracked lips and chapped lips.

Nourishing balm acts more gently. It is good for slightly injured lip dermis.


  • 1–2 coffee spoons of shea butter;
  • 1 coffee spoon of jojoba ether;
  • 2 drops of lemon ether;
  • 8 g rose water.

Mode of application:

  1. Melt shea butter in a water bath and add jojoba ether.
  2. Pour a couple of drops of lemon ether and rose water into the mixture.
  3. Stir the ingredients until cool.

The composition can be poured into a tube made of light-proof material. Apply the balm to the skin of the lips daily.

Jojoba oil is ideal for the face, as it contains beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin, nourishing, softening and moisturizing it.

Products for the skin around the eyes

The natural product will protect the delicate skin of the eyelids from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, smooth it out, reducing facial wrinkles.


  • 1 tsp. shea butter;
  • 10 g butter;
  • 1 sprig of parsley.

Mode of application:

  1. Melt the shea butter.
  2. Chop parsley and mix with shea butter.
  3. Add softened butter to the resulting mass.
  4. The mass is applied to the area around the eyes and left for half an hour.
  5. Wash off with usual products.

Use 1-2 times a week.

To increase the elasticity of the dermis in the area around the eyes, prepare a homemade mask with shea butter and potatoes.


  • 15 ml shea butter;
  • 1 tbsp. l. grated raw potatoes;
  • 1 coffee spoon of milk;
  • 20 g flour.

Cooking method:

  1. Melted shea butter is mixed with grated raw potatoes.
  2. Milk is added to the mixture.
  3. Mix gently and carefully add flour.
  4. The mixture is spread on the area around the eyes. Leave for 15–20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

The product can be used every day.

Smoothing mask to tone and nourish the face

For a toning, smoothing mask, shea butter is used as a base.


  • 1 tbsp. l. shea butter;
  • 1 tsp. jojoba oils;
  • 0.5 tsp. lemon juice.

Mode of application:

  1. Mix melted shea butter with jojoba oil. Add lemon juice to the mixture.
  2. The mixture is carefully applied around the eyes and left for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash off with warm water.

You can use this mask once a week.

Anti-wrinkle recipes

Sometimes advertised creams and serums do not cope with wrinkles that appear. A home remedy based on shea butter will come to the rescue.


  • zest of 1 lemon;
  • 1.5 coffee spoons of shea butter;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 7 ml rosehip ether.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind dry lemon zest into powder.
  2. Melt shea butter and mix with powder.
  3. Egg yolk is added to the mixture.
  4. All components are mixed, avoiding the formation of lumps.
  5. Add rosehip ether.
  6. Apply the product to cleansed facial skin in a thin layer for half an hour. Wash off with warm water.

The mask should be used regularly, every evening. The course lasts 2 weeks, then you need to take a break.

To prevent the appearance of new wrinkles and smooth out existing shallow ones, prepare an oil-lemon mixture.


  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 2 tsp. lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp. l. shea butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. avocado oils.

Mode of application:

  1. Mix the yolk with lemon juice.
  2. Without haste, pour melted shea butter in a thin stream, then add the same amount of avocado oil.
  3. Everything is mixed.

The mask is applied to cleansed skin for half an hour twice a week.

Avocado oil has a rejuvenating effect

Care for oily skin

There are no special contraindications for using shea butter as part of masks for oily skin.


  • 1 tsp. shea butter;
  • 1 tsp. white clay powder;
  • 4 tbsp. l. boiled water;
  • 1 drop of tea tree ether.

Mode of application:

  1. Mix shea butter and white powdered clay.
  2. Add boiled water and mix.
  3. Pour in a drop of tea tree ether and knead until it reaches the consistency of sour cream.
  4. Apply to the face and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  5. The mask should be used 1-2 times a week for a month.

The result is matte skin without greasy shine. The face is moisturized and the pores are not clogged.

Moisturizing for dry skin

The shea butter in the mask will restore the water balance of dry dermis, returning smoothness and well-groomed skin. To prepare a toning mask you need:

  1. Mix the yolk with 1 tsp. olive oil and 0.5 tsp. orange zest.
  2. Melt 1 tsp. shea butter, add to mixture.
  3. Apply to cleansed face and leave for 20 minutes. Use once a week.

Dry dermis needs nutrition. To prepare a useful mask you should:

  1. Mash a third of a banana.
  2. Add 1 s. l. melted shea butter and 1 tsp. honey.
  3. After mixing the ingredients until smooth, apply the mixture to the skin. Leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.
  5. The product should be used once a week.

Egg yolk has nutritional properties due to its high content of vitamins and amino acids

Nourishing cream mask

A moisturizing and nourishing homemade cream mask suitable for both dry and normal skin. Cooking method:

  1. Add to 1 tsp. melted shea butter a drop of any ether.
  2. The components are mixed and kept on the face for a third of an hour.

The best oils for preparing homemade cosmetics are verbena, palmarosa, neroli, jasmine, geranium and almond. They increase the tone of aging skin and refresh the dermis.

Rejuvenating mask

Shea butter, when added with additional components, enhances its anti-aging properties. To prepare a rejuvenating product:

  1. Mix 1 tsp. shatavari herbs 2 tsp. silver clay.
  2. Add 1 coffee spoon of melted shea butter to the mixture.
  3. Bring the mixture to the consistency of sour cream with boiled water.
  4. Apply to face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave for half an hour.
  5. Rinse off with warm water.

Shawari grass is an analogue of female hormones. It is not necessary to use this component, but with it the mask gains maximum effectiveness.

Mask with lifting effect

A tightening product with an effect is prepared from a mixture of oils:

  1. Combine 50 g of shea butter in one container, add to it 3 g of coconut oil, 2 g of argan ether, 5 g of sea buckthorn oil and 2 g of almond ether.
  2. The mass is placed in a water bath and melted. Remove from heat and leave to cool. You can put it in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes.
  3. Add 30 drops of vitamin E to the mixture.
  4. Beat for 10 minutes with a mixer until creamy.
  5. Apply for half an hour three times a week, rinse with warm water.

To accurately measure the required amount of ingredients, use a kitchen scale.

Video: how to prepare lifting and rejuvenating products with shea butter

Homemade recipes for problem skin

Cosmetic problems can be solved not only with the help of professional products. You can cleanse your skin of rashes and give it a fresh and well-groomed look yourself.

Getting rid of acne

Systematic use of the product will clear the skin of acne and prevent the appearance of new ones. Mode of application:

  1. Mix 5 g of melted shea butter with the same amount of honey in advance.
  2. Add 5 drops of salicylic acid and 9 drops of cashew oil.
  3. Stir until smooth.
  4. The mask is applied to the face before going to bed for half an hour.
  5. Remove the composition with warm water and apply a nourishing cream to the face.

Do not apply anti-acne product to the skin around the eyes.

Nutritional composition

Problem skin needs nutrition. To prepare the nutritional composition:

  1. Mix 2 tsp. shea butter and macadamia butter.
  2. Add 1 drop of avocado and jojoba esters to the mass.
  3. The mixture is heated in a water bath.
  4. Add 2 drops of rosewood and rosemary esters to the mixture that has cooled to room temperature.

Smoothing out fine wrinkles

To even out the skin texture, you can prepare a mask. For this:

  1. Mix 1 coffee spoon of yolk and olive oil.
  2. Add 1 coffee spoon of melted shea butter.
  3. The mass is applied to cleansed skin and left for 20 minutes.

Apply twice a week.

Restoring elasticity of sensitive skin

An oil-yolk mask will help refresh and give elasticity to sensitive skin:

  1. Grind dried lemon zest in a coffee grinder.
  2. Mix it with the yolk and leave for a third of an hour.
  3. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. melted shea butter and walnut oil.
  4. Apply to a cleansed face, leave for a quarter of an hour and rinse off.

The product should be used three times a week. In a month - a six-week break.

Improved complexion

To achieve the effect of inner radiance, prepare a mask from a mixture of esters:

  1. To 1 tbsp. l. melted shea butter add 1 tsp. ether tamanu.
  2. Add a couple of drops of ylang-ylang, lemon and geranium esters to the mixture.

You can use the mask daily.

Using the product in its pure form

The product works great even without additives. The batter melts easily when applied to the skin. Therefore, the product is applied to dry areas of the dermis of the face, on the lips.

The oil is used as a remedy for rashes and skin diseases. Apply it at night, rubbing it lightly into problem areas without pressure.

The product is also recommended as protection from sun rays. It is important to apply shea butter half an hour before going out into the sun. Excess is blotted with a napkin.

Using shea butter in its pure form: results of application - video

Homemade creams

Homemade creams contain whipped butter.

For hydration

Shea butter has a lifting effect and makes the dermis velvety and smooth. Preparing moisturizer:

  1. Melt 5 coffee spoons of shea butter with 3 similar spoons of wax.
  2. The ingredients are mixed. Add a coffee spoon of orange juice and vegetable oil to them.
  3. Add four drops of sandalwood ether.

The cream is applied to clean skin twice or thrice a week.

For sun protection

A home remedy can prevent photoaging. Cooking method:

  1. Melt 2.5 tbsp. l. Shea Butter.
  2. Pour 5 tbsp into it in a stream. l. avocado oils.
  3. Melt 2.5 coffee spoons of wax. Stir.
  4. Add 3 coffee spoons of zinc oxide and a vitamin E capsule.

Apply the mixture half an hour before going out into the sun.

For sensitive skin

The dermis with an aggravated reaction to negative external influences is made less susceptible by products with shea butter. To prepare the cream:

  1. Melt 2 tsp. shea butter Add 4 coffee spoons of almond oil to the mixture.
  2. Stirring constantly, remove and leave to cool.
  3. Add 3 drops of chamomile ether, 2 drops of lavender ether.

Apply twice or thrice a week.

For very dry skin

An ultra-moisturizing cream is suitable for dry skin. To prepare it:

  1. Melt 3 coffee spoons of wax with 5 identical spoons of shea butter.
  2. Pour 2.5 tablespoons of cinnamon tincture and 1 coffee spoon of orange juice into the mixture.
  3. Add 1 coffee spoon of avocado oil.
  4. Pour in 4 drops of sandalwood ether.
  5. Apply to cleansed skin three times a week.

A home remedy that will perfectly moisturize the dermis:

  1. Melt 120 g of shea butter.
  2. Add 0.5 tsp. jojoba oils.
  3. The mixture is supplemented with 0.5 tsp. apricot kernel etherol.
  4. Add 3 drops of carrot seed ether and 6 drops of rosehip ether.
  5. Beat everything with a mixer for 5 minutes until the cream has a homogeneous consistency.
  6. Use as needed.

How to make moisturizer with shea butter - video

Anti-aging cream

For a homemade anti-aging remedy you will need a mixture of oils:

  1. Melt 200 g shea butter, 50 g coconut oil, 20 g cocoa butter. Bring to a liquid state and leave to cool to room temperature.
  2. Add 5 drops of patchouli and rosemary ether and 10 drops of lavender ether to the mixture.
  3. Beat the mass with a mixer or blender for 10 minutes and transfer it to a cream jar.
  4. Store in a cool, dark place.

You should use homemade anti-aging cream daily.

Recipe for the most effective mask

  • Description . Suitable for removing dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Cooking . You will need shea butter - 1 tbsp, grated raw potatoes - 1 tbsp, milk - 2 tsp, wheat flour - 2 tsp. Mix potatoes with milk, add remaining ingredients.
  • Usage . Apply the mask around the eyes for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • Result . Smoothing crow's feet, removing dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.

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