Why the wen on the back is inflamed: ways to eliminate pain

A person lives for himself, lives, does not complain about his health, goes in for sports and does not know that trouble is approaching, which can develop into trouble. And in the most real way. And it all starts with the fact that one day he either manages to feel the lump on his back, or one of his close people notices it. Some people will react to this news quite calmly; just think, a small bump has popped up. It doesn’t hurt and doesn’t bother you at all, and it’s invisible under clothes.

The more cautious public still goes to see a surgeon, who will make a diagnosis and initially reassure that the lipoma is just a wen, and not a malignant tumor, as one might think. But he will add that it still won’t hurt to keep an eye on the lipoma, and it’s even better to remove it, since it can quickly grow, become inflamed and fester. And, most importantly, any neoplasm may well become a malignant tumor. As for lipoma, its sad future in this regard is degeneration into liposarcoma.

Where does this lipoma come from?

No one would dare to announce the exact version of the origin of the subcutaneous wen, so it all comes down to factors such as:

1. Metabolic disorder with blockage of sebaceous ducts; 2. Wrong lifestyle; 3. Dietary disorders; 4. Mechanical stress on the back, irritating the skin (loaders' disease); 5. Heredity, when the disease is transmitted by genes from some previous generation; 6. Weak immune defense of the body; 7. Even smoking and the like.

Priority in the causes of lipoma is still given to heredity.


The classification of lipoma is as follows:

1) Nodular lipoma - when the fat tissue is enclosed in a dense capsule;

2) Diffuse lipoma - when the wen has no visible outline;

3) Fibrolipoma - if connective and fatty tissues are present inside the lipoma;

4) Angio lipoma - when the wen is penetrated by capillary connections;

5) Myolipoma - at the moment when the process of internal connection of fat with muscle fibers occurs inside the wen;

In addition to the above, wen can be divided depending on the volume and chamber quantity.


It is not very easy to make sure that a tumor on the back or neck is a lipoma. Palpation and visual examination are clearly not enough here. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, they resort to ultrasound, x-ray examination and computed tomography. A special place is occupied by histological examination of the removed lipoma to exclude a malignant neoplasm.

Diagnosis methodPurpose of the survey
Inspection and palpation (feeling with fingers) examinationAttention is paid to the shape and appearance of the wen, the degree of density
Ultrasound (ultrasound examination)Gives an idea of ​​tissue prevalence and growth rate
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and CT (Computed Tomography)This study is carried out when the wen is located in life-threatening parts of the body
Blood and fat cell analysisDetermination of malignancy before surgery
Histological analysisDetermination of malignancy and metastases after tumor removal

Is it possible to get rid of formations at home?

The wen on the back is soft to the touch and easily presses into the body. In most cases, the formation does not pose a danger to the body, does not affect nearby internal organs, and develops in the subcutaneous layers.

A formation on the back most often appears in the lumbar region; increased growth of subcutaneous tissue is observed in this area. At the initial stages of formation, the wen is no more than a centimeter in diameter, round in shape, does not differ in color and is painless. With an increase in total body weight, the formation may grow to a size that makes it difficult to lead a normal lifestyle. As it grows, inflammatory processes may begin, accompanied by suppuration, causing pain and discomfort when pressed.

Due to the ability to quickly grow and become inflamed, experts advise removing growths using modern methods.

Another point of view is held by the populists, who believe that with the help of conservative therapy based on the use of traditional medicine at home, one can do without a scalpel. Using effective unconventional recipes, you can remove a dense wen on your back at home if it is small and white, without signs of inflammation.

Lipoma treatment

After diagnosing a lipoma, the doctor is faced with a dilemma whether to treat or observe. And if treated, then how, conservatively with medications or surgery. Small tumors that do not interfere with the patient can be left under observation. However, the tumor can cause pain and discomfort. Moreover, it increases in size and discharge appears from it, the skin above it becomes hot, and the tumor itself is dense. Although it is believed that drug therapy is not as effective as surgical treatment, in some cases it is resorted to. Then antibiotics (Ceftriaxone, Lincomycin), antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin), and the anti-inflammatory drug Dimexide, used topically, come into play. Various anti-inflammatory ointments and symptomatic therapy are used.



1. The appearance of pain at the site of the tumor; 2. Possibility of injury – carrying heavy objects on the back, tight clothing; 3. Inflammatory phenomena with the appearance of blood and pus; 4. Rapid increase in size; 5. Change in skin color over the wen; 6. Pressure on neighboring organs; 7. Suspicion of degeneration of the wen into a malignant neoplasm.

Operation techniques

The doctor has three methods to rid the patient of lipoma: classical, laser and liposuction.

Classic version

If the volume of the operation is small, the intervention is performed under local anesthesia, otherwise - under general anesthesia. A small incision is made with a scalpel, and the wen is removed with a clamp. At the same time, they try to remove it along with the capsule. If the latter fails, a new formation of lipoma and a relapse are likely. The wound is then covered with stitches and a sterile dressing. If the formation was too large, drainage is left in the wound for several days.

Laser surgery

It is performed under local anesthesia. The skin of the wen is cut with a laser beam. No pain. There is no bleeding, since simultaneous “sealing” of the vessels occurs. The lipoma is removed again using a clamp or tweezers. With a small incision, there are no stitches, just a sterile bandage. After waiting 30 minutes, the patient leaves the hospital. The wound heals without scars.


This intervention option involves evacuating the contents of the wen using suction or a syringe through a wide-diameter puncture needle. After this manipulation, there remains a high risk of tumor recurrence.

What to do with inflammation and pain of lipoma

In the case of a painful tumor on the back, therapy begins with eliminating and relieving the inflammatory process. Until the symptoms are relieved, the lump cannot be operated on. Treatment is difficult, especially in cases with large formations. If the wen on the back of the spine becomes inflamed, immediately seek help from a surgeon. The doctor will conduct a study and develop treatment tactics.

Treatment with pharmaceutical preparations

To eliminate signs of inflammation and discomfort, absorbable and disinfecting ointments are rubbed into the back. The following drugs are highly effective:

  • Ichthyol ointment. The composition includes natural ingredients that can quickly reduce the diameter of a lipoma, relieve inflammation and carry out antiseptic treatment. The product softens the dermis and allows the active components to quickly penetrate the fat cells inside the capsule. Apply a thick layer under the bandage. The course of application lasts 1-2 weeks.
  • Vishnevsky ointment. It has a specific pungent odor due to the presence of birch tar in the composition. Quickly suppresses bacterial infections, increases local blood circulation, which promotes better penetration of the drug into the tumor. Draws out purulent contents. After application to the back, the skin may turn red, which indicates the beginning of the healing process. Used as a compress. The duration of therapy depends on the size of the formation. The minimum period is 3-4 days.
  • Vitaon. The drug is made on the basis of plant extracts. It has an analgesic and healing effect, restores water-fat metabolism of skin cells. To speed up recovery, it is recommended to treat your back twice a day.
  • Star. To make the balm, oils of eucalyptus, camphor, cloves, and mint are used. It has a disinfecting effect, the internal contents of the wen are absorbed, and reduces inflammation.

Hydrogen peroxide and Furacilin are used as antiseptic lotions.

The drugs are distributed through the pharmacy. Available without a prescription. Should be used according to the instructions after consultation with your doctor.

Eliminating pain

If a wen on your back hurts, you need to take action. With a strong inflammatory, purulent process, a local and general increase in temperature, malaise, and headache are observed. Eliminate symptoms Nurofen, Paracetamol, Panadol.

Self-prescription of medications can lead to serious complications.

You can relieve pain and inflammation at home using traditional methods:

No. 1 Grind a few cloves of garlic using a grater. Spread the resulting mixture over a piece of gauze, apply it to the sore spot on the back, and cover with a bandage. Repeat compresses 2 times a day. The plant has an antibacterial effect and quickly eliminates discomfort.

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No. 2 Prepare a strong decoction of celandine. Moisten the gauze and apply it to the wen with the inflammatory process. The bandage should be changed 2 times: in the morning and in the evening until the redness goes away.

No. 3 Bake a medium-sized onion in the oven until soft, then grate and mix with crushed laundry soap in equal proportions. Apply the mixture to your back and secure with a sterile bandage. Repeat the manipulations three times a day.

Do not use alternative medicine methods without consulting your doctor. Self-treatment of inflammation can cause a breakthrough of purulent contents into the body, which creates a risk of developing necrosis.

Seeing a doctor

In official medicine there are no other methods of treatment other than removing the inflamed formation. Back surgery is performed using different techniques. The main goal is to extract the fat capsule. After the procedure, the internal contents of the lipoma are examined for cytology to exclude oncological pathology.

Doctors have the following removal options for inflammation:

  • Surgical. Using a scalpel, an incision is made and the capsule is removed. The wound is cleaned and stitches are applied. Rehabilitation lasts 10-14 days.
  • Laser. A modern technique that allows you to avoid pain, blood and complications, thanks to a targeted effect on the desired area of ​​the back.
  • Radio wave method. The doctor performs the operation using a radioknife, which destroys pathological tissue. The capsule is removed and the skin is sealed. After surgery there are no scars left.
  • Puncture-aspiration method. It involves minimally invasive lipoma removal by pumping out the fatty contents through a thick needle. Suitable for exposed areas of the body. The downside is a high risk of relapse of the disease, since the capsule remains.

After the tumor is removed, the patient is prescribed medications. If an inflammatory process is observed, antibiotics must be prescribed.

Consequences of lipoma removal surgery

Complications after removal of a wen are extremely rare. And yet they happen. For example, bleeding. This is least common if the tumor was removed with a scalpel. After removal of large lipomas, the cavity remaining in their place can be filled with serous fluid and a small amount of blood. Hyperthermia for several days accompanied by the appearance of edema at the intervention site. Then you should visit a doctor, as inflammation may occur. You should consult a doctor if the wound begins to fester, which may be due to infection. You should also be wary of loss of sensitivity at the site of the former tumor.

Nothing like this will happen if the operation is performed by an experienced surgeon, and the patient does not skimp on the recommendations prescribed to him.

Author: Ekaterina Solovyova

Please note that the information presented on the site is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended for self-diagnosis and self-medication. The selection and prescription of medications, treatment methods, as well as monitoring their use can only be carried out by the attending physician. Be sure to consult a specialist.

Why does a wen form?

Why the wen forms has not yet been reliably established. According to statistics, lipomas are most often found in women aged 30–50 years. It is believed that the main reason for the formation is blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands and a violation of lipid metabolism.

Risk factors leading to the development of neoplasms are:

  • unbalanced diet. Consuming mostly “empty” foods that do not contain enough fiber, vitamins and antioxidants;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • constant mechanical irritation. This explains the higher incidence of wen in loaders compared to representatives of other professions;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Is it possible to heat it?

Dermatologists and cosmetologists strongly do not recommend heating lipomas, especially if there is a suspicion of inflammation of such tumors. Heat can indeed eliminate pain, however, it also activates the inflammatory process and promotes the accumulation of purulent mass. Warming up can be one of the reasons for the spontaneous rupture of a lipoma.

In the absence of inflammation, heat probably won't cause any harm, but it won't do any good either. For those who want to get rid of lipoma, it is better not to self-medicate, but to seek medical help from specialists.

Prevention of lipomas and relapses after removal

It has been proven that the risk of lipomas is noticeably lower if a person adheres to the following rules:

  • balanced diet. It is advisable to eat less sweets and moderate fatty foods. The food should have enough fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and proteins. Avoid fast food, mayonnaise, carbonated drinks and packaged juices;
  • regular physical activity without excessive physical activity;
  • maintaining skin hygiene;
  • timely treatment of any emerging pathology of internal organs.

A lipoma on the back (fat) is a benign tumor that rarely causes adverse consequences. However, if any neoplasm is detected, you should consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis and decide on the need for treatment.

Causes of pathology

A lipoma is a benign formation that is round and soft to the touch and filled with fat. For several years, the tumor may be present in one of the parts of the spinal column without any signs.

If a lipoma, formed, for example, in the thoracic spine, begins to grow rapidly, the patient faces not only a fracture of the vertebral body, but also a fracture. As the wen enlarges, painful discomfort is felt.

The thoracic and lumbar segments are often affected. Lipoma of the sacral region is found in rare cases.

The appearance of a wen and its increase is provoked by:

  • age-related changes;
  • excessive stress on the spine;
  • insufficient oxygen supply to the tissues of the vertebrae;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • an increase in estrogen levels in the blood;
  • changes in climatic conditions;
  • back injuries that cause vascular cavities to appear;
  • increased blood pressure.
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