Salicylic Acne Lotion: Alcohol-free lotion with salicylic acid

It is believed that acne (acne) is mainly affected by teenagers - during a difficult transition period, both boys and girls experience global hormonal changes in the entire body. Many adults also face the problem of acne. Moreover, it is not immediately possible to find out the causes of such a disease in them. It’s one thing if the disease is mild. It’s completely different when acne leaves scars, scars and blemishes. Getting rid of them is very difficult, sometimes almost impossible. That is why it is necessary to actively engage in treatment. An anti-acne lotion can help with this.

What are blackheads?

Blackheads (open comedones or blackheads) are a plug from a mixture of oxidized sebum, particles of dead skin cells, dust and remnants of decorative cosmetics. They arise against the background of increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the pores expand and are more susceptible to clogging.

According to epidemiological studies, open comedones are a problem that occurs in people of different age categories, and not just in adolescents in puberty. Mostly such rashes are localized in areas of excessive sebum production and the largest number of active sebaceous and sweat glands: forehead, nose, chin (in other words, in the T-zone).

The best remedies for blackheads on the nose and face

Properly selected comprehensive basic care will prevent the occurrence of blackheads. Let's look at which cosmetic care products are most effective in the fight against acne.

Gels and foams for washing against blackheads

Regular cleansing in the morning and evening is a key step in the beauty routine for oily and problematic skin. Cleansing should be aimed at removing excess sebum from the face. The formulas of the cleansers also contain sebum-regulating and mattifying components that reduce its production by the sebaceous ducts.

  • Effaclar Ultra range micellar water
    will help remove excess sebum, sweat and cosmetics without water: a special combination of micelles, thermal water, glycerin and zinc, which has antibacterial properties, provides oily skin with delicate cleansing and the necessary care.

Choose lightweight, non-comedogenic, alkaline-free gels and foams with a normal or acidic pH. Aggressive cleansing with alcohol-containing solutions or alkaline soap violates the skin's natural protective barrier - the hydrolipid film. As a result of this excessive degreasing, dehydrated skin reacts by increasing the synthesis of sebum in order to moisturize naturally.

  • Provide the dermis with gentle cleansing, use gels or foams for washing that do not contain alcohol or aggressive acids. foaming gel for oily, acne-prone skin
    will gently remove excess sebum and deeply cleanse pores . The gel does not dry out sensitive skin and gives it a feeling of cleanliness and freshness for a long time.

Clay masks for blackheads

The formulas of mineral masks based on clay and its derivatives have a pronounced absorbent effect, literally pull out the remaining sebum from the pores, normalize its synthesis, and mattify the skin well. Use these masks 1-2 times a week to deeply cleanse your face.

Effaclar Purifying Mattifying Mask

removes even invisible impurities thanks to two types of cleansing clay and thermal water with the antioxidant selenium, tightens pores, and moisturizes the skin.


Dead skin particles are part of the sebaceous plug, which is why it is so important to exfoliate the skin in a timely manner. Exfoliants (soft scrubs, peelings, gommages) remove the stratum corneum of cells, preventing clogging of pores. Formulas based on acids and enzymes are also suitable for exfoliating problem skin.

Effaclar Micro-Exfoliating Cleansing Gel

with acids (salicylic and lipohydroxy acid) removes the keratinized layer of cells without scrubbing particles, eliminates impurities, and prevents clogging of pores.

Lotions for blackheads

Another effective remedy for acne are lotions with a sebum-regulating effect, dissolving blackheads and narrowing pores. The lotion is applied to previously cleansed skin and prepares it for basic care, improving the absorption of its beneficial components by cells.

Effaclar pore tightening lotion will help remove residual cleanser and impurities, as well as reduce pore size.

. The ultra-soft formula of the product gently cares for the skin, smoothing and mattifying its surface. The lotion also prepares the epidermis for the application of the cream.

Stripes against blackheads

Strips that pull out sebaceous plugs from pores are a working way to quickly cleanse pores of impurities. Apply a special adhesive strip mask to cleansed skin, leave it for 15-20 minutes and carefully remove it like a band-aid. Then apply a clay mask or wipe the area with lotion for best results and tighten pores.

Creams against acne and blackheads

Corrective care (creams, serums) will help prevent not only the formation of blackheads, but also their transformation into pimples. The sebaceous plug creates a favorable airless environment for the proliferation of acne bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes or Malassezia), which contribute to the development of inflammatory elements. A cream for blackheads, in addition to matting and antimicrobial, should have moisturizing properties that prevent tissue dehydration. Let's take a closer look at effective remedies against blackheads.

How to use facial lotion?

The best effect is achieved with proper use of the lotion. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse your face of makeup and dirt.
  2. Moisten a cotton pad with lotion and wipe your face with smooth circular movements. When the disc dries, repeat the procedure.
  3. Carry out the procedure before applying tonic and cream.

The Maroshka online store offers professional facial lotions that can cope with any dermatological problems and deeply cleanse the skin. On the site you can also choose caring and decorative professional cosmetics. The store is open seven days a week, you can arrange delivery by courier in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other cities of Russia.

TOP 5 effective remedies for blackheads La Roche-Posay

Features of acne lotion:

The “Propeller” cosmetic series lotion for acne has the following quality characteristics:

  • antimicrobial properties;
  • effective and rapid reduction of acne;
  • prevention of the appearance of new inflammations;
  • removing oily shine;
  • smoothing skin texture;
  • noticeable tonic effect.

The market offers therapeutic and prophylactic preparations “Propeller”, which allow you to easily cope with acne and its manifestations: enlarged pores and blackheads. Clinical trials and reviews from our consumers are the best confirmation.

What should be the composition of good anti-blackhead products?

  • Hydroacids (AHA acids, azelaic acid, LHA acid, salicylic acid, glycolic acid) promote gentle exfoliation of the stratum corneum of cells, breaking down the protein bonds between them, and gently cleanses the skin.
  • Hydrofixatives (hyaluronic acid, glycerin, La Roche-Posay Thermal Water) soften and moisturize the skin, prevent transepidermal loss of moisture from cells, and strengthen the hydrolipid barrier.
  • Amino acids (sebulis) reduce shine.
  • Absorbents (perlite, kaolin) absorb sebum and sweat, giving the skin matte and smoothness.
  • Zinc pidolate or zinc mattifies the skin and has antibacterial properties.
  • Niacinamide soothes skin.
  • Prokerad prevents the formation of stagnant spots.
  • Mannose extract normalizes the skin microbiome and restores its protective properties.
  • Antioxidants (vitamin C, E, carnosine) prevent oxidative stress by helping cells fight the negative effects of free radicals.
  • Piroctone olamine has an anti-inflammatory effect and cleanses pores.
  • Oils (squalane, shea butter, shea butter) restore the hydrolipidic barrier, nourish, soften the skin, and prevent the development of hyperkeratosis.

Salon treatments for blackheads

If the imperfections are non-inflammatory and there is no recurrence of acne, you can get rid of blackheads using popular cosmetic procedures. Properly selected corrective home care will prolong the temporary results of aesthetic manipulations.

Types of salon procedures for removing blackheads:

  • Ultrasonic, vacuum or mechanical (manual) cleaning of pores;
  • Dermabrasion (mechanical resurfacing) for deep exfoliation of the skin;
  • Cryotherapy (cryopeeling), acid peeling (based on glycolic, lactic, azelaic, salicylic acids or retinoids) for intensive renewal of the stratum corneum of the skin;
  • Laser resurfacing is a radical and most traumatic way to get rid of acne, as well as post-acne marks, by exposing the epidermis to a laser beam.
  • Disincrustation cleanses pores with a special solution that delivers electric current to the deep layers of the skin.

Folk remedies for blackheads: will they help?

Home remedies for blackheads are a common way to cleanse the skin of sebaceous plugs at home.

The following are often used in cleansing masks:

  • tea tree, which relieves inflammation and cleanses pores;
  • clay (white, blue, black) as an absorbent of sebum and other impurities that clog pores;
  • egg white, which has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • baking soda cleanses pores, relieves and dries inflammation.

These are not all the available components that are used to prepare cleaning products at home. But each of them in their pure form has a number of contraindications, as they can cause an allergic reaction and provoke new foci of inflammation. Experts in the field of dermatology do not recommend resorting to such a prescription, replacing them with professional care with clinically proven effectiveness.

IMPORTANT! Salicylic lotion is not recommended for use if:

  • individual intolerance to one or more components of the acne lotion;
  • active phase of dermatitis of any origin;
  • allergic skin reactions to vaccinations and medications;
  • exacerbation of herpetic infection;
  • deep damage to the epidermis (burns, wounds);
  • high skin sensitivity.

To make the use of medicinal cosmetics more convenient, PROPELLER produces salicylic acne lotion for different skin types.

Causes of blackheads on the face and preventive measures

  • Insufficient cleansing of facial skin
    is one of the key causes of imperfections. Twice a day, wash your face with foams or gels for oily problem skin or wipe your face with micellar water, which delicately removes remaining impurities from the skin and prevents clogging of pores.
  • Excessive exfoliation and squeaky cleansing
    is the other side of the coin. Aggressive formulas of alkali- or alcohol-based cleansers disrupt the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin and provoke dehydration. Choose gentle formulas with a normal or acidic pH.
  • Insufficient hydration
    disrupts the hydrobalance of cells and triggers increased sebum synthesis. Dryness also occurs as a result of over-cleaning, excess matting and exposure to negative external factors. Use corrective care with hydrofixatives at the base of the formula to maintain the water balance of cells.
  • Incorrect care
    also negatively affects the condition of the epidermis. For example, greasy, oily textures in dry skin products clog pores and can cause breakouts. Choose non-comedogenic formulas for oily, problem and combination skin.
  • An unbalanced diet
    is another cause of imperfections in oily problem skin. Fatty, sweet, salty, spicy foods increase the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Switch to a healthy diet enriched with fiber, vitamins and minerals that will help normalize your skin from the inside out.

Indications and contraindications for the use of salicylic lotion

Alcohol-free acne lotion is especially effective on teenage skin, but can also be used at an older age.

Indications for use:

  • excessively oily facial skin;
  • comedones and pimples;
  • uneven facial skin texture due to pimples, enlarged and inflamed pores;
  • manifestations of acne and its consequences (scars, scars);
  • small scratches (due to scratching), cosmetic defects of shallow penetration.
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