Face masks: from fresh and sauerkraut at home

Hello, my dear readers!

I really love taking care of my skin with simple home remedies and natural products.

In this post, I decided to collect information about cabbage face masks, rules and recipes for their use.

Yes! Don't be surprised, cabbage is a very good skin care product!!!

Read more about cabbage beauty secrets further in this post.

Benefits of cabbage for facial skin

Expert opinion

The value of cabbage for the skin lies in the unique composition of this plant. When fermented, the benefits are not lost, but even increase. It is important that this vegetable crop is almost always available at home, which allows you to prepare cosmetic masks on the move.

Composition and beneficial characteristics of cabbage:

  • Retinol (vitamin A). Thanks to its moisturizing, soothing, anti-inflammatory effect, it helps eliminate irritation and inflammation, whiten the skin, improve color, activate cellular renewal, increase elasticity, and smooth out wrinkles.
  • Folic acid (B9). Stimulates regeneration processes, helps eliminate acne, relieve inflammation.
  • Ascorbic acid (C). Being a natural antioxidant, it provides a rejuvenating, healing, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Vitamin K. Helps lighten pigmentation, accelerates regeneration, activates blood circulation, and relieves swelling.
  • Choline (B4). Reduces oily skin by regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Organic acids. Slow down the withering process and restore elasticity.
  • Potassium. Helps moisturize and eliminate flaking of the skin.

The effectiveness of cabbage as a dominant component in homemade cosmetic masks allows you to maintain any skin type in a fresh, toned state.

Application in cosmetology

Before preparing masks based on cabbage - sauerkraut or fresh - at home, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for their use:

  • The leaves are finely chopped and then kneaded in the palms until the juice appears.
  • The head of cabbage is selected to be elastic. Before chopping, remove a few surface leaves.
  • Sauerkraut is selected from varieties that have been salted without vinegar.
  • Additional components are selected only fresh.
  • It is advisable to test new types of masks. Rub a small amount over the surface of the skin behind the ear. After 20 minutes the reaction is checked. Itching and inflammation will serve as a warning that this type of mask is not suitable.
  • Before distributing the prepared mass, the face is thoroughly cleaned and, if possible, steamed.
  • The mask should be washed off with slightly warmed water without detergents. After half an hour, it is useful to apply a nourishing cream.

Expert opinion


In spring and summer, the interval between procedures is three days, and in autumn and winter it increases to a week.

Medicinal properties of cabbage juice

If you don’t go into chemical details, but simply describe the beneficial properties of cabbage juice, you can highlight the following points:

  • Removing excess from the body. Cabbage juice performs a regulatory function; it helps normalize the production of hormones in the body and stabilizes the functioning of the stomach. Improves metabolism. In addition to toxins and other harmful microorganisms, cabbage juice eliminates all excess liquid. If fluid does not drain from the stomach, this can lead to swelling of the internal organs.
  • Promotes faster healing of wounds and burns. Cabbage juice has another excellent property - it perfectly helps the body generate new epithelial cells. This leads to burns, wounds, abrasions and other damage to the skin layers healing faster. Some time ago, the vitamins contained in cabbage were even used in the production of ointments and creams against abrasions and burns.
  • Prevention of cancer. Yes, even despite the fact that the world has already advanced to a stage of development unimaginable for our ancestors, a complete cure for cancer and oncology has not been invented. There are only assumptions regarding what substances can help the body fight this disease. As a good preventive measure, you can use cabbage and freshly squeezed cabbage juice. Of course, this will not have a serious impact, especially if we are talking about a person who is already sick. But cabbage juice may well protect a healthy body from this disease. It is rich in vitamins, which fight the formation of cancer cells in the human body.
  • Improving the functioning of the excretory system. If you have problems with stool, then cabbage juice is an excellent cure for such an ailment. It normalizes the functioning of the excretory system and helps cope with constipation, diarrhea and other troubles.
  • Cough remedy. Cabbage and its juice in their pure form practically do not help with cough. But if you combine freshly squeezed cabbage juice with honey, this can be an excellent addition to the set of medicines for this disease. Plus, honey adds variety; in addition to helping with all types of coughs, it does an excellent job of eliminating flu and cold symptoms.

Anti-aging masks

If your facial skin has lost its elasticity and wrinkles have appeared on it, it is advisable to turn to varieties of masks with cabbage. Thanks to their diversity, it is possible to easily choose a suitable anti-aging recipe.

Examples of effective masks:

  1. Finely chop and lightly mash fresh cabbage leaves. Dial 1 tbsp. l. vitamin mass, pour in fresh green apple juice - 50 ml. While stirring, add honey - 1 tsp. and fresh yeast - ¼ tsp. The mass brought to homogeneity is left on the skin for 20 minutes.
  2. A peeled, sour, dense apple is turned into pulp using a fine grater. Combine, keeping the same proportions, with sauerkraut, finely chopped cabbage. This mask is washed off after 25 minutes.
  3. Measure out 25 g of sauerkraut. Chop it thoroughly, achieving a porridge-like consistency. Place together with the raw yolk in a deep plate. Grinding the mass with a wooden spatula, add olive oil with liquid honey - 10 ml each and vitamin E - 6 drops. After application to the skin, begin rinsing off after 15 minutes.
  4. Place finely chopped sauerkraut, cottage cheese with cream and apple juice - a dessert spoon each - into a cup. Knead thoroughly, rubbing the curd grains. Apply the mixture onto your face in a generous, even layer. Remove it first with cotton pads and then with water after 20 minutes.


Like any natural product, if used improperly, cabbage can cause harm to the skin.

  • Contraindications to its use are:
  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • serious skin diseases, in particular eczema, dermatitis, open wounds;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin.

Adverse reactions after using cabbage masks are extremely rare, but before applying them to the face, it is recommended to test for sensitivity and possible allergic reactions.

Whitening masks

Expert opinion


In cosmetology, cabbage is valued for its excellent lightening properties, which can effectively eliminate pigment marks and pronounced freckles. At the same time, the skin is evened out, tightened, and becomes refreshed.

Verified options:

  • To prepare the skin, dilute ½ tsp baking soda in 0.5 liters of hot (approximately 65˚C) water. Soak a cotton napkin with holes for the nose and eyes in the solution. Leave on face for 10 minutes. Then the gruel obtained from cabbage leaves ground in a blender is distributed for a quarter of an hour.
  • Lightly squeeze out excess liquid from sauerkraut - 2 tbsp. l. and chop it finely. While stirring, add the same volume of yogurt and lemon juice - 1 tsp. It is recommended to remove this lightening composition from the face after 10 minutes.

For children

Pediatricians do not recommend introducing fresh white cabbage into the diet of a child under 2 years of age. This is due to the unpreparedness of the children's intestines to digest fiber. Therefore, the vegetable is initially introduced into complementary foods in boiled form. It is hypoallergenic, low-calorie, rich in essential vitamins and minerals for the growth and development of the child, improves intestinal motility, and prevents constipation.

Fresh cabbage for older children is not only a healthy food product, but also an excellent stimulator of the correct chewing reflex. The crispy vegetable strengthens tooth enamel and protects against caries.

For oily skin

Cabbage masks can significantly reduce oily shine. The skin acquires a pleasant shade, becomes smoother and looks well-groomed throughout the day.

Suitable recipes:

  • Grind the shavings from the shredded head of cabbage with your palms. Squeeze the juice through folded gauze - 2 tbsp. l. Add oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l. Stir until the lumps disappear. The recommended exposure time for the composition on the face is 25 minutes.
  • Combine fresh grated vegetables: cabbage - 1 tbsp. l. and cucumber - 1 tsp. Protein is added to the mixture and kneaded. After application, hold the mask until the skin feels slightly tightened.
  • Fresh cabbage is finely chopped. You can use a grater. In 1 tbsp. l. add 1 tsp of cabbage pulp. table salt with small crystals. Lying down, spread onto the face and lightly rub the skin along the massage lines with your fingertips for three minutes. This scrub mask is washed off immediately after the massage.

Expert opinion


To get rid of pimples, which most often appear on oily skin, chop two juicy leaves very finely and grind them a little. Squeeze the juice from a quarter of a lemon and pour into the cabbage pulp. Add hydrogen peroxide with viburnum juice - 1 tsp each. The mixture, mixed until smooth, is kept on problem areas of the skin for no longer than seven minutes. Perform twice a week.


The skin's reaction to the action of the mask is individual. We invite you to read several reviews of women who use brine as a cosmetic product.

Angelica, 48 years old: “I’ve been using cabbage masks for 13 years. The result is simply excellent! Nobody gives more than 40 years, although I have never been to a cosmetologist. I really love the mask with honey and olive oil. The skin is velvet."

Marina, 35 years old: “I don’t know why everyone praises these cabbage masks. After reading reviews on the Internet, I decided to rejuvenate myself. Apart from red rashes, I didn’t notice any other effect. And I made the mask before the celebration.”

Veronica, 26 years old: “I started using sauerkraut masks to combat freckles. In the summer it's just a misfortune. But don't send me masks. I discovered pickle juice for myself. Cabbage brine contains a lot of ascorbic acid and rutin, which produces a peeling effect for pennies. There are significantly fewer freckles, and the complexion is more even. I also noticed that rosacea became less noticeable.”

This is interesting:

Very tasty and simple sauerkraut according to my grandmother’s recipe.

Simple but delicious red cabbage recipes.

Cauliflower for the winter: simple recipes.

Sauerkraut brine mask

Effective masks are prepared using brine that has a beneficial effect on the skin, combined with sauerkraut without vinegar.

  • To improve the condition of oily skin, measure out cabbage brine - 2 tbsp. l. Use a wooden spatula to grind fresh protein into it. Continuing stirring, add wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l. The mass is distributed evenly. Wash it off after 30 minutes.
  • To make a nourishing mask suitable for any skin, add 1 tsp olive oil to a tablespoon of brine. Add the yolk and grind thoroughly until smooth. This product is washed off a quarter of an hour after application.
  • In order to restore elasticity to aging skin, add a heaped tablespoon of rich, dense sour cream to 50 ml of brine. While rubbing the mixture with a wooden spatula, add the yolk. Leave for 20 minutes.
  • To obtain a fast-acting anti-aging mask, pour liquid honey, olive oil and brine into a cup in a ratio of 1:2:10. Soak a gauze pad in the resulting liquid, spread it over the face and lie quietly for 15 minutes. Wash with warm water.

Tips from cosmetologists

It is believed that a mask made from cabbage alone, without other ingredients, is more beneficial for normal skin. It can have a moisturizing, normalizing and whitening effect on the face. The temperature of the mask should be warm. During application it will cool down to room temperature. One of the purposes of the composition is to narrow the pores, so too high a temperature is not needed.

Under the influence of frost in winter, the epidermis dries out. He definitely needs a moisturizing and nourishing mask, so in winter, oils are included in the composition. In summer, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, age spots appear on mature skin. Add kefir to enhance the whitening effect. Rejuvenation of aging skin becomes necessary after 30 years.

Rejuvenation means restoring the elasticity of the skin, eliminating capillary stars, and improving metabolic processes. This mask includes cottage cheese, egg, olive oil. Age masks are applied to warm skin. Also note that the condition of unkempt skin cannot improve in one go. You will need to carry out a set of procedures lasting up to 1 month.

Important! The cabbage used in the mask may contain only carrots and salt. It should not contain vinegar, pepper, or other spices. This may cause skin irritation.

Finding the perfect combination of mask components is somewhat similar to alchemists searching for the philosopher's stone. Pay attention to how this or that composition affected your skin, and choose the one whose result seems most acceptable to you. Remember that the reaction of the skin is individual, and what suits one may not suit another.

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