My review of the face lotion Propeller Turbo Active for acne with Cincidon - a good helper for problem skin

I think that those who have problem skin know the Propeller brand. This brand produces good skincare products specifically for problem skin. I like him. In particular, his clay-based masks. I have a whole series of care products for problem skin from Propeller. And in this review I will tell you more about it.

The face lotion from Propeller Turbo Active for acne with Cincidon itself attracted me with its name, namely: Cincidone. It became very interesting, so I decided to test its effect on my skin.

Components of the cindol suspension

According to the classification of drugs, cindol is classified as a dermatoprotector.
The basis is zinc oxide, which, when applied to the skin, has pronounced anti-inflammatory and drying effects. In addition to zinc oxide (12.5 g), the composition of the drug zindol for acne on the face includes the following ingredients:

  • 20 g glycerin;
  • 12.5 g of medical talc;
  • 20 g 70% ethyl alcohol;
  • 12.5 g starch;
  • up to 100 g of distilled water.


Tsindol against acne is used exclusively externally.

The drug is often called tindol, an acne talker. This is explained by the fact that zinc oxide is practically insoluble in liquid and is suspended. After a certain time, the drug separates, and the bottle must be shaken several times before use.

The suspension is produced in dark glass bottles - capacity 100 and 125 ml. Tsindol for acne, photo below.

The drug costs literally “pennies” - up to 100 rubles, which distinguishes it from its expensive analogues.

Acne lotion “PROPELLER”: simple and reliable

For skin familiar with such a problem as acne, “PROPELLER” was developed - a special anti-acne lotion. A product with cincidone is an effective and quick way to cleanse the skin. According to reviews from consumers who have already evaluated the product, it not only copes with visible “blackheads”, but also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Tsindol is indicated for such skin lesions as:

  • bedsores;
  • diathesis;
  • chickenpox;
  • sweat rashes;
  • dermatitis;
  • streptoderma;
  • pityriasis rosea;
  • simple herpes.

Thanks to the unique composition of the medicinal components of the suspension, the following effects are exerted on the body:

  • cleansing contaminated pores;
  • suppression and elimination of bacteria, microbes, works as an antiseptic;
  • disinfects fabrics;
  • healing of small skin wounds;
  • drying of the skin;
  • normalization of metabolism under the skin;
  • relief and elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • reduction and elimination of greasiness and oiliness of the skin;
  • narrowing of capillaries, vascular walls become thicker;
  • skin softening;
  • creating a kind of protective coating;
  • relieving pain, giving the skin tonic properties;
  • prevention of the formation of acne and pimples.

Tsindol disinfects the skin and this allows you to effectively prevent new skin rashes.

Instructions for use

Here are the general rules for using the suspension in case of pimples and acne:

  • the drug has a strictly external effect, it is strictly forbidden to take it internally;
  • a test should be performed on the skin (wrist), if there are no painful manifestations, then treatment can begin;
  • do not forget to shake the contents of the bottle until it has a uniform milky color;
  • the suspension is not rubbed into the skin;
  • Before use, you need to wash the affected areas of the skin with warm water, then carefully remove the moisture with a towel;
  • the suspension is applied to individual pimples with a hygienic stick or cotton swab;
  • the dried layer of suspension is removed with a soft cloth;
  • If the suspension gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with plenty of water.

Instructions for use for acne zindol recommend performing the procedure 3-5 times a day over a weekly course.

The applied layer of the drug dries out after 10-15 minutes and is then removed with a dry cloth.


In this case, the resulting deposit does not need to be washed off with water.

For problematic oily skin with a characteristic glow and rashes, you can make masks from a suspension. It is advisable to apply the cindol mask at night, as after the procedure a whitish coating remains on the face.

Why do acne appear?

Modern hygiene products, it would seem, should have long ago saved us from such an unpleasant phenomenon as acne. But the causes of the disease are not related to the frequency of washing, but to the functioning of the sebaceous glands. So, the main causes of acne are:

  • hereditary predisposition to acne;
  • the occurrence of various types of inflammation on the skin (for example, allergic reactions);
  • hormonal imbalance, which can occur, among other things, due to stress;
  • constant exposure to too hot and humid climates;
  • hyperseborrhea (too oily skin);
  • excess sebum produced by the skin.

In the latter case, the glands become clogged due to the mixing of sebum with dead cells. Next, bacteria begin to actively multiply, the skin becomes inflamed, and a pimple appears in this place.

Precautionary measures

  • People with individual immunity to the components of zindol are contraindicated for use.
  • Allergic reactions may occur in the form of skin itching, redness, and hyperemia.
  • Incorrect and excessive use of the drug can lead to skin dehydration, peeling, and increased sensitivity of the epithelial layer.
  • The drug is approved for use by pregnant and nursing mothers and infants.


Dermatologists speak positively about the drug cindol in the treatment of acne on the face. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and positive results are achieved in alleviating the patient’s condition. The price factor is also important. The medicine is affordable.

When applying the suspension, albumin protein forms salts that actively resist inflammatory processes. Tsinadol has the property of denaturation, i.e. it reduces fluid secretions, relieves irritation and inflammation of the skin.

Proteins form a protective layer on the human body, which allows you to reliably block the access of infection to the source of inflammation. Under such a barrier, the source of infection is successfully eliminated.

This article is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for details!

Rating TOP 7 best face lotions

Below is a list of the most popular brands from this product category:

Pure line Cornflower

This toner lotion is designed for normal to combination skin. While toning, it does not dry out the epidermis. Active natural ingredients soothe, moisturize and give freshness. As a result, the skin looks healthy and matte. Tonic perfectly prepares the face for the application of other care products and enhances their effect.

Contains cornflower extract. It tones, increases elasticity, has a regenerating effect, and prevents the formation of wrinkles. In cosmetology, the inflorescences themselves are often used to combat skin imperfections and inflammation, since the chicorine and cituarine they contain have pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Yarrow extract is known for its cleansing and antimicrobial properties, while aloe vera leaf juice soothes, relieves redness and irritation, and moisturizes and creates a protective barrier on the skin.

Country of origin: Russia.

Skin typecombined, normal
Effecttoning, cleansing, moisturizing, color improvement
Compoundcastor oil, aloe vera extract, chamomile extract
Does not containalcohol
  • cleanses;
  • does not dry;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • nice texture.
  • does not tone.

The tonic does its job perfectly. Doesn't sting, doesn't dry out, cleanses the skin well. It's inexpensive. Despite the fact that it is written that it is for normal skin, it was also suitable for my dry skin. I liked the aroma and had no allergies. Don't expect much toning or mattifying. A good product for its price category.

Clean & Clear for sensitive skin

This deep cleansing facial lotion is designed specifically for sensitive skin. It has a gentle formula and effectively removes dirt and oils that cannot be washed off with water and soap, leaving behind a feeling of freshness and cleanliness.

Peppermint included in the composition tones the skin. Thanks to the content of castor oil, it reduces inflammation, has a softening effect, and also helps prevent the appearance of acne. Smooth and clear skin that radiates health and beauty awaits you. The product is designed primarily for combination skin.

Brand country: USA.

Skin typeoily, sensitive
Effecttoning, cleansing, tightening pores
Compoundglycerin, alcohol, salicylic acid
Does not contain
  • deeply cleanses pores;
  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • does not dry;
  • non-sticky texture.
  • strong fragrance.

The lotion is great for oily skin. I recommend using it at the end of the day, it perfectly removes impurities and oiliness, and tightens pores. After use, there is a short-term oily feeling on the face. Doesn't tighten the skin, keeps acne away. I've been using it for about three months, my skin is noticeably fresher and acne no longer appears. I will continue to buy. Of the minuses: a strong smell of alcohol and unpleasant sensations in the eyes if you wipe close to them. But that doesn't bother me.

Stopproblem Salicylic lotion for combination skin

This product is ideal for combination skin care. The lotion will cleanse and bring great benefits to your skin. It is based on natural extracts and does not contain alcohol, cleanses the skin well, prevents the appearance of acne, exfoliates dead cells, tightens pores, and helps regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Hypoallergenic lotion effectively restores skin balance and reduces the risk of rashes. After washing, it is enough to wipe your face and neck with this product using a cotton pad. Repeat this simple procedure morning and evening, and you will be reliably protected from acne, your skin will become healthy, soft and look beautiful.

Country of origin: Russia.

Skin typecombined, problematic
Effectexfoliation, toning, restoration, cleansing, tightening pores
Compoundsalicylic acid
Does not containalcohol
  • affordable price;
  • evens out skin tone;
  • reduces pimples;
  • does not contain alcohol.
  • not detected.

Excellent product, it's the only thing that helps. The skin becomes smooth and clean. Used economically. Evens out the overall complexion and reduces breakouts. I buy the one for combination skin. Pimples stopped appearing. The face is overall better. The main thing is to choose one for your skin type.

Propeller Turbo Active Acne Lotion with Cincidone

This lotion was created specifically for problem skin prone to acne. The lotion cleanses well thanks to the effective Zincidon Anti Acne 24 complex included in its composition, which acts almost instantly.

The action of the lotion is aimed at regulating the fat balance in skin cells. It not only perfectly cleanses the face, but also helps to cope with harmful bacteria, quickly destroying them. It can also help reduce acne and prevent its further appearance on the skin. Anti-acne lotion does an excellent job of removing oily shine and visibly refreshes the face, making the skin texture more even.

Brand country: Russia.

Skin typeoily, acne, sensitive, problematic
Effectcleansing, drying out inflammation
Compoundzinc, vitamin E, cincidone ANTI ACNE 24, panthenol, allantoin
Does not contain
  • reasonable price;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • reduces rashes;
  • does not dry out the skin.
  • not detected.

The only product that suited my skin. Doesn't dry out, got rid of acne. Well and gently cleanses the skin of impurities. The result is noticeable quite quickly. But it is more suitable for oily types, since with regular use it can begin to dry out the skin.

Natura Siberica Natural&Organic

This tonic lotion is made with Sophora japonica, lemon balm and wheat proteins. It gently cleanses, moisturizes, restores the natural moisture balance and texture of the skin, giving it freshness, softness and a healthy glow.

Sophora japonica extract contains up to 30% vitamin P, thanks to which the lotion helps strengthen the skin, accelerates regeneration processes, and regulates lipid balance. Melissa evens out and soothes the skin. Wheat proteins help restore the structure of the epidermis, saturate it with nutrients, making it more tender and velvety. The product is suitable for daily use. Does not contain silicones, parabens and mineral oils.

Brand country: Russia.

Skin typeoily, combination
Effecttoning, mattifying, cleansing, moisturizing
Compoundwheat proteins, Japanese sophora, lemon balm
Does not containsulfates, parabens
  • cleans well;
  • does not dry the skin;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • affordable price.
  • no dispenser.

Do not treat the skin of the upper and lower eyelids with alcohol-containing products.

I have normal skin, the lotion suited me. The smell, texture and feel are good, but it doesn't remove dirt from the face very well. The consistency of the product is such that it is more suitable for dry and normal skin rather than oily skin. I wouldn’t recommend it to girls with sensitive skin either, it can cause rashes. There is no dispenser, it is inconvenient to take out the product.

Holy Land Azulene

Here is a light moisturizing lotion for sensitive and irritated skin prone to dryness. The main active ingredient is azulene, a substance obtained from chamomile. Thanks to it, the lotion has an intense moisturizing effect. Azulene also eliminates inflammation and cracks in the skin, softens it, and prevents dryness and dehydration. Helps retain moisture in skin tissues, thereby maintaining the required level of hydration for a long time.

The lotion perfectly soothes irritated, dry skin, eliminates redness and itching, promotes the healing of microdamages on the skin, and enhances regeneration processes. Promotes renewal and softening of the skin, making it smooth and velvety. It is an excellent way to complete peels and cleanses that can injure the skin. Helps smooth out and eliminate superficial wrinkles. Doesn't irritate. Suitable for daily use on any skin type.

Brand country: Israel.

Skin typefor all types
Effecttoning, cleansing, moisturizing, relieving inflammation
Does not containsulfates, alcohol
  • does not dry the skin;
  • suitable for the area around the eyes;
  • removes inflammation well;
  • Removes makeup residue well.
  • not detected.

I love this toner, for me it is the best of everything I have tried. It smells amazing and your skin feels great after using it. No stickiness. Almost odorless, easily moisturizes, does not tighten the face, soothes inflammation, does not contain alcohol fragrances. Anything with azulene always works well.


Hyaluronic tonic from Librederm effectively removes the remnants of cleansers from the skin surface and restores the acidity of the skin, disturbed after washing. Well moisturizes and rejuvenates, gives a feeling of freshness, cleanliness and comfort, prepares the skin for further care (subsequent products are better absorbed and work more effectively).

A few words about the active components of the product. Hyaluronic acid deeply and permanently moisturizes the skin, smoothes the microrelief, and improves intercellular metabolism. White water lily extract soothes irritation and inflammation, tightens and brightens the skin, and neutralizes free radicals. Urea eliminates the feeling of tightness, protects the epidermis from dehydration, and facilitates the penetration of active ingredients from basic skin care cosmetics into the deeper layers of the skin. The lotion does not contain dyes or parabens.

Also, the tonic is odorless and colorless. It does not create a filmy feeling on the face; after use, the skin is non-sticky to the touch. Country of origin: Russia.

Skin typefor all types
Effecttoning, cleansing, moisturizing
Compoundhyaluronic acid, urea
Does not contain
  • without smell;
  • economical consumption;
  • not sticky;
  • beautiful packaging.
  • Dries the skin a lot.

It dries the skin terribly, as if it contains bleach. The smell is more like a medicinal one. Something like hydrogen peroxide. Not so disgusting, but very far from pleasant. I don't want to apply this product to my face. I would prefer some kind of fragrance. After application there is a feeling of tightness. I didn't notice any visual improvement. If you apply some kind of moisturizer afterwards, it will be tolerable, but I don’t recommend it.


Among the lotions you can find:

  • cleansing and toning - they may contain water, plant extracts, alcohol (though not always);
  • moisturizing and nourishing - the formula of such products may consist of water and moisturizing components (glycerin, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts);
  • calming;
  • brightening and evening out tone;
  • restorative;
  • exfoliating - usually lotions of this class contain AHA and BHA acids (glycolic, lactic, salicylic and others), they are aimed at renewing skin cells. And lotions with glycolic and lactic acid perfectly moisturize the skin.

Those with oily and combination skin are recommended to use moisturizing lotions. They may contain aloe vera extract, which not only helps the skin retain moisture, but also has a soothing and softening effect.

By the way, girls with oily skin should not be afraid of oils in moisturizing lotions. Their formula is designed in such a way that the oils they contain effectively provide hydration, but do not weigh down the texture of the lotion itself and do not increase the oiliness of the skin.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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